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武汉旅游最好线路? 武汉旅游专列有哪些线路?英文双语对照


武汉旅游最好线路? 武汉旅游专列有哪些线路?英文双语对照




















1. 武汉市:作为湖北省省会,武汉有许多著名景点,如黄鹤楼、东湖、武汉长江大桥等。您可以在这里停留一两天,欣赏城市的风景和历史文化。

2. 长沙:从武汉出发,您可以前往湖南省首府长沙。长沙有许多著名景点,如岳麓山、橘子洲头、湖南省博物馆等。您可以在这里品尝地道的湖南菜,并体验当地的文化氛围。

3. 张家界:从长沙出发,您可以前往张家界市。张家界以其壮丽的自然风景而闻名,包括张家界国家森林公园、天门山、黄龙洞等。您可以在这里进行徒步旅行、观赏奇峰异石,并欣赏美丽的风景。

4. 凤凰古城:从张家界出发,您可以前往凤凰古城。凤凰古城是中国历史文化名城之一,保留了大量明清时期的建筑和风貌。您可以在这里漫步古街、品味湘西特色美食,并感受浓厚的历史氛围。

5. 岳阳:从凤凰古城出发,您可以前往岳阳市。岳阳有著名的岳阳楼和洞庭湖,您可以登楼远眺洞庭湖的美景,还可以品尝当地的湖鲜美食。









Day 1: 出发地-边城






Day 2: 边城-德夯苗寨





Day 3: 边城-武汉













1166路 新荣村-祁家湾 首末班:06:00-21:00 途经站点 1.新荣村 2.后湖大道路十大家村 3.汉铁高中 4.百步亭花园 5.城市广场 6.同安花园3号线 7.新春村 8.世纪花园 9.绿色新都 10.市民之家3号线 11.日月山水 12.卓尔总部 13.阳光城 14.巨龙大道中城时代 15.下集 16.名流 17.巨龙大道叶店 18.川龙大道叶店 19.川龙大道人民医院盘龙院区 20.川龙大道腾龙大道口 21.川龙大道未来海岸 22.川龙大道桥咀 23.川龙大道红寨西村 24.川龙大道红寨东村 25.横店考场 26.川龙大道周大福工业园 27.川龙大道陈榨湾 28.前川考场 29.川龙大道冶金 30.川龙大道编组站 31.川龙大道三三零 32.川龙大道弓长湾 33.川龙大道上付湾 34.西寺大道辛店 35.大郭湾 36.彭家寨 37.大常湾 38.上胡塯 39.张家岗 40.祁家湾客运站 41.祁家湾 1166路 祁家湾-新荣村 首末班:06:00-21:00 途经站点 1.祁家湾 2.祁家湾客运站 3.张家岗 4.上胡塯 5.大常湾 6.彭家寨 7.大郭湾 8.西寺大道辛店 9.川龙大道上付湾 10.川龙大道弓长湾 11.川龙大道三三零 12.川龙大道编组站 13.川龙大道冶金 14.前川考场 15.川龙大道陈榨湾 16.川龙大道周大福工业园 17.横店考场 18.川龙大道红寨东村 19.川龙大道红寨西村 20.川龙大道桥咀 21.川龙大道未来海岸 22.川龙大道腾龙大道口 23.川龙大道人民医院盘龙院区 24.川龙大道叶店 25.巨龙大道叶店 26.名流 27.下集 28.巨龙大道中城时代 29.阳光城 30.卓尔总部 31.日月山水 32.市民之家3号线 33.绿色新都 34.世纪花园 35.新春村 36.同安花园3号线 37.城市广场 38.百步亭花园 39.汉铁高中 40.后湖大道路十大家村 41.新荣村


Is Wuhan travel first-class circuit?

It is the commendation of circuitry of travel of a few Wuhan below:

Circuitry of travel of 1. Dong Husheng condition: Visit east stage of building of yellow crane of lake scene, famous tourist attraction, seven-stringed Chinese zither, Dong Huguang cereal.

Beach of river of 2. Chinese mouth is noctivagant circuit: Scene of beach of river of big bridge of noctivagant the Yangtse River, Wuhan, experience Wuhan dim light of night.

Lou Wen of 3. yellow crane turns historic site line: Visit garden of stage of yellow crane building, seven-stringed Chinese zither, look up to wait for culture historic site, understand the historical culture of Wuhan.

4. Wuhan the brigade of 3 towns: Visit the famous tourist attraction that Chinese mouth, Han Yang, Wu Changsan presses down, experience the urban scene of Wuhan in the round.

The brigade of campus of university of the science and technology in 5. China: Visit the campus scene of university of Hua Zhongke ability, the development that understands higher education appears shape and academic atmosphere.

Above circuitry offers reference only, the choice of travel tourist attraction still needs to decide according to the individual's interest and demand.

What line does Wuhan travel special train have?

Wuhan takes G9361 second train from Chinese mouth station " Shen Nong Jia of · of fierce iron travel date " set out, this is Wuhan railroad branch drives the special train of first times of travel that give this year, also be the tall iron special train with not much in recent years amount to, the desire that be away for the summer holidays lies fallow in order to satisfy toward Shen Nong Jia before masses. The popular travel area such as Shen Nong Jia is vast all the time get market reception, because this opens a Gao Tie,travel special train is the lifting that complies with tendency of the market. This journey in all 3 days, fierce iron brigade is taken will guide a tourist admire beautiful scenery, taste cate, those who enjoy natural scene is leisurely and comfortable. According to introducing, when special train of travel of this times of tall iron is used arrive at Shen Nong Jia 11 minutes 2 hours, save 5 many hours than taking bus car before. Wuhan railroad department says, will drive the travel special train that uses toward assist this world, favour before travel in succession in summer vacation time.

Is circuitry of travel of Spring Festival Wuhan recommended?

The first day, can go to Jiang Hanlu shopping mall, big bridge of the Yangtse River, the Yangtse River 2 bridges, beach of Chinese mouth river there ramble.

The following day, can go to Wuhan university rambling, very beautiful really, go next east the lake plays, wudayidong lake and build, leave so east the lake is very close. Wuhan was repaired newly east lake green line, first phase and 2 period whole journey about a hundred kilometer, if day thaw rides a really right choice, share bicycle after all so convenient, during crossing the Spring Festival very cold say.

East scenery of garden of plum of hill the operatic circle is ground inside lake green line very beautiful, suit domestic go on a journey.

The 3rd day, can go alley of the Ministry of Revenue in feudal China takes a place fastfood, hot nevertheless dry side does not suggest to eat inside, expensive not delicious still, the heat with the small downstair community that you looked for to discharge a lot of people does noodle shop, absolutely and delicious substantial.

It is cheap that in alley of the Ministry of Revenue in feudal China Laoshang encircles doorway of the department there to still can clean out a dot good money, next Chuhe Chinese market can ramble, compare there lofty on, shopping mall of smooth perhaps cereal, the place that rambles there is many, consumption is moderate, one day does not ramble.

The 4th day, can go putting in blessing of yuan of pray of temple burn joss sticks 's charge, of and so on of marine perhaps zoo, more literary perhaps model canna forest, or road junction of trade group street shops of and so on. Do not suggest to fizzle out crane building, lived N year native expresses to be passed countless times downstairs from Huang He, never had gone up.

Does Wuhan travel to Hunan optimal circuitry?

Wuhan has a lot of different circuit choices to Hunan travel, it is a common optimal line below:

1.Wuhan city: Visit provincial capital as Hubei, wuhan has a lot of famous tourist attractions, if fizzle out crane building, east big bridge of the Yangtse River of lake, Wuhan. You can stay 9 days here, enjoy urban scenery and historical culture.

2.Changsha: Set out from Wuhan, you can head for Changsha of Hunan Province metropolis. Changsha has a lot of famous tourist attractions, wait like museum of head of hill of high mountain the foot of mountain, orange continent, Hunan Province. You can sample here pure Hunan dish, experience culture atmosphere of place.

3.Home Zhang group: Set out from Changsha, you can head for city of Home Zhang group. Home Zhang group is famed with its magnificent natural sight, include hole of hill of door of park of forest of state of Home Zhang group, day, Huang Long to wait. You can undertake hiking here, view and admire stone of strange peak different, admire beautiful scenery.

4.Phoenix ancient city: Set out from Home Zhang group, you can head for phoenix ancient city. Phoenix ancient city is one of famous cities of Chinese history culture, preserved the building zephyr appearance of period of a large number of bright Qing Dynasty. You can stroll here ancient street, savour cate of West Hunan characteristic, experience grumous historical atmosphere.

5.Yue Yang: From phoenix Gu Cheng sets out, you can head for Yue Yang city. Yue Yang has well-known Yue Yang building and lake of hole front courtyard, you can ascend the beautiful scenery of lake of front courtyard of building overlook hole, still can sample lake bright cate of place.

Above is a relatively classical Wuhan to Hunan travel circuitry, specific journey can undertake adjustment according to your time and interest. Notice to inquire local weather and tourist attraction open a case ahead of schedule please, so that arrange the route better.

Does Wuhan travel to Xi'an circuit?

1 course is recommended

Arrive from Wuhan the distance of Xi'an is further, the proposal chooses the vehicle such as plane, Gao Tie or car. Among them, the plane is quick way, but the price is higher; Gao Tieze is more comfortable choice, but need is booked ahead of schedule; The car is the pattern that compares economic material benefit, but need expends longer time. Specific line is as follows

(1) the plane takes an airliner to arrive from airport of Wuhan the Milky way International Airport of Xi'an Xian Yang, need 2 hours about.

(2) Chinese station takes tall Tie Congwu Gao Tie stands to Xi'an north, require 4-5 hour about.

(3) the car takes long-distance car to arrive from center of Wuhan passenger transport Xi'an passenger station, need 12 hours about.

Does Wuhan travel to border town circuit strategy?

Day 1: Ground setting out - border town

Set out from Wuhan in the morning, take Gao Tie to go to auspicious head, car Cheng makes an appointment with 4 hours or so.

After arriving at auspicious head, can ramble in the urban district, sample local cate, head for border town next (tea cave is pressed down) .

After reaching border town, can choose to take yacht to visit, admire cross-strait beautiful scenery.

Visit memorial hall of piece of incident bosomy a peak, understand historical event.

Lodge in border town in the evening.

Day 2: Border town - stockaded village of heart tamper seedling

After breakfast, head for stockaded village of heart tamper seedling, car Cheng makes an appointment with 1 hour or so.

In heart tamper Miao Zhai is visited, enjoy Miao Zu culture, sample local characteristic cate.

Return border town afternoon, visit border town museum.

Lodge in border town in the evening.

Day 3: Border town - Wuhan

After breakfast, take a car to auspicious head, from auspicious head return Cheng of car of Wuhan Gao Tie about 4 hours to be controlled partly.

What does Wuhan have to arrangement of Changsha travel circuitry?

Wuhan is driven oneself to Changsha swim to suit quite actually the golden week or holiday goes out on the weekend row, wuhan arrives Changsha whole journey 345.1 kilometers, time of drive a vehicle needs 5 hours 18 minutes, do not need many time to be on journey, the ass that suits Wuhan quite is friendly people on the weekend or go on a journey of small golden week. Wuhan city

Beg what Guangxi goes to Wuhan to be driven oneself swim travel circuitry?

If set out to go along high speed from Nanning, on the way main tourist attraction includes Guilin (of Guangxi did not introduce) , Heng Yang (Na Yueheng hill) , Xiangtan (chairman former residence) , Changsha (Yue Lu academy of classical learning, Yue Lu hill, orange continent, Hunan Province rich) , . 5 days of time are not much, proposal at least Changsha stops one day, the tourist attraction of other way can be arranged appropriately, also can be in Wuhan to play well to Wuhan hind.

How to book travel circuitry? How to book travel circuitry?

       ① decides your destination.

The way of go on a journey that ② decides you is to join a group to still be driven oneself.

③ collects relevant data, the travel resource that knows destination beforehand distributings, scene characteristic, geography and climate, consuetudinary reach humanitarian etc.

If ④ joins a group, circuit can'ts help. Drive oneself only, just can fix your line according to pre-construction, swim to decide circuit formerly by annulus as far as possible, such, can swim more place, and do not go or go less duplicate a sequence.

Dress of ⑤ equipment complete go on a tour, medicaments, change tire tool to wait, had better be person of the same trade agreement companion at the same time, do not want a thousand li to walk along Chan Qi as far as possible.

Is Wuhan public transportation 1166 circuitry?

1166 Xin Rongcun - Qi Jiawan head end class: 06:00-21:0Site of 0 by way of 1. Xin Rongcun 2. Hind lake highway road 10 everybody village 3. In Han Tiegao 4. Garden of 100 paces booth 5. Urban square 6. Tongan garden 3 lines 7. Village of the 10 or 20 days following Lunar New Year's Day 8. Century garden 9. Green is new 10. A 3 mark lines of the citizen 11. Life landscape 12. Eminent Er headquarters 13. Sunshine city 14. Times of the city in megalosaurus highway 15. Next collect 16. Distinguished personages 17. Inn of megalosaurus highway leaf 18. Inn of leaf of plain dragon highway 19. Area of courtyard of Pan Long of hospital of people of plain dragon highway 20. Plain dragon highway vacates dragon highway mouth 21. Coast of future of plain dragon highway 22. Chew of bridge of plain dragon highway 23. Red stockaded village of plain dragon highway on the west village 24. Red stockaded village of plain dragon highway east village 25. Hengdian examination room 26. Garden of industry of great good fortune of week of plain dragon highway 27. Plain dragon highway old extract a bay 28. Before plain examination room 29. Metallurgy of plain dragon highway 30. Organizing into groups of plain dragon highway stands 31. Plain dragon highway 330 32. Bend of plain dragon highway grows a bay 33. The Fu Wan on plain dragon highway 34. On the west inn of temple highway laborious 35. Big Guo Wan 36. Peng Jiazhai 37. Big constant bay 38. Go up introduced from the northern and western nationalities or from abroad 39. Home Zhang hillock 40. Passenger station of bay of a surname home 41. Bay of Qi Jiawan 1166 Home Lu Qi - Xin Rongcun head end class: 06:00-21:0Site of 0 by way of 1. Qi Jiawan 2. Passenger station of bay of a surname home 3. Home Zhang hillock 4. Go up introduced from the northern and western nationalities or from abroad 5. Big constant bay 6. Peng Jiazhai 7. Big Guo Wan 8. On the west inn of temple highway laborious 9. The Fu Wan on plain dragon highway 10. Bend of plain dragon highway grows a bay 11. Plain dragon highway 330 12. Organizing into groups of plain dragon highway stands 13. Metallurgy of plain dragon highway 14. Before plain examination room 15. Plain dragon highway old extract a bay 16. Garden of industry of great good fortune of week of plain dragon highway 17. Hengdian examination room 18. Red stockaded village of plain dragon highway east village 19. Red stockaded village of plain dragon highway on the west village 20. Chew of bridge of plain dragon highway 21. Coast of future of plain dragon highway 22. Plain dragon highway vacates dragon highway mouth 23. Area of courtyard of Pan Long of hospital of people of plain dragon highway 24. Inn of leaf of plain dragon highway 25. Inn of megalosaurus highway leaf 26. Distinguished personages 27. Next collect 28. Times of the city in megalosaurus highway 29. Sunshine city 30. Eminent Er headquarters 31. Life landscape 32. A 3 mark lines of the citizen 33. Green is new 34. Century garden 35. Village of the 10 or 20 days following Lunar New Year's Day 36. Tongan garden 3 lines 37. Urban square 38. Garden of 100 paces booth 39. In Han Tiegao 40. Hind lake highway road 10 everybody village 41. Xin Rongcun

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