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旅游业的发展现状? 今年旅游业发展现状和前景?英文双语对照


旅游业的发展现状? 今年旅游业发展现状和前景?英文双语对照









1. 泰国旅游业发展现状是积极向好的。2. 这是因为泰国拥有丰富的自然景观和文化遗产,吸引了大量的游客。此外,泰国政府也积极推动旅游业的发展,提供了便利的签证政策和优质的旅游服务。3. 在未来,可以进一步提升泰国旅游业的发展。首先,可以加强旅游基础设施建设,提升旅游景点的接待能力。其次,可以加强旅游宣传,提高泰国旅游的知名度和美誉度。此外,还可以加强旅游产业的培训和人才引进,提高服务质量。最后,可以加强与其他国家的旅游合作,开展多样化的旅游产品和线路,吸引更多的游客。


海南旅游业总体是三亚火爆, 海南岛的东线旅游景点比西线旅游景点火爆,中线旅游景点萧条,并且海南的旅游景点自然风光靓丽,旅游景点的开发力度以及人文景点太少。


1. 旅游业的现状是蓬勃发展的,同时也面临一些挑战。

2. 旅游业的现状之所以蓬勃发展,是因为人们对旅游的需求不断增加,旅游产品和服务的质量也不断提高,同时旅游目的地的多样性也吸引了更多的游客。


3. 在未来,旅游业的前景是光明的。













作为国家重大科技基础设施项目,为保证“中国天眼”的望远镜正常运行,5公里核心区内有近万名群众需要搬迁,去新建的安置点开始新生活。那为何还要建设景区搞旅游开发呢? 20多年前拍摄的007系列电影《黄金眼》里,有这样的场景:邦德和“邦女郎”从巨大的“天锅”边缘滑向锅底,取景的“天锅”正是位于波多黎各岛山谷里的美国阿雷西博射电望远镜。自那以后,去波多黎各拜访阿雷西博射电望远镜的游客络绎不绝。 而对慕名来到“中国天眼”的游客来说,从百米高的观景台上俯瞰全球最大的射电望远镜,可以直观地领略“中国创造”的最新成就。 不过,科学家们并不希望太多游客参观这一设备,以防影响科研工作。对此,平塘县相关的旅游开发项目书中明确指出,射电望远镜首先是世界级科研设备,只有在充分保障科研功能的前提下才能开发旅游。 国家天文台射电天文研究部副主任、FAST工程办公室主任张蜀新说,“中国天眼”的选址条件极为苛刻,能落户贫困的喀斯特山区是一种缘分。只要管控得力,游客并不会带来电磁波干扰,科研人员也是乐于见到科普旅游拉动地方经济发展,带动群众脱贫致富的。 感觉可以试一下。




Does the hair of tourism develop form?

Short-term in can be provincial only the development of travel. Believe before long home swims nevertheless should meet what open in the round, and the market share that home swims can promote considerably, because suffer effect of international epidemic situation, the epidemic situation that the west makes multilateral home fails complete control accuses, this is caused leave the country tourism tardy all up of go back to work. But people rises tourism the happiness of standard of living is yearning one of, its growth momentum also is quite swift and violent, it follows us present life is linked together cheek by jowl, after believing to end in epidemic situation so, tourism is met extremely fast those who rebound.

Does tourism develop the current situation and prospect this year?

Hello, tourism got inside global limits 2021 the influence of new coronal epidemic situation, the development of tourism got very big challenge. Nevertheless, as epidemic situation get control and popular vaccinally gradually, tourism anabiosises gradually.

A few countries and area had begun to open border stage by stage, relax travel limitation, and rolled out a few favourable policy, in order to attract a tourist. For example, thailand, Maldives, enlighten do obeisance to and other places to had begun to be opened to international tourist, also rolled out a few favourable measure at the same time, for example expenses of travel of free visa, derate.

In addition, raise the addition with travel demand as the consumption level of people, tourism also will restore stage by stage. In the meantime, digitlize the development of technology and online travel platform, also be tourism anabiosis offerred more opportunities.

As a whole, although epidemic situation brought very big impact to tourism, but restore of have an inoculation and travel market stage by stage as global vaccine, tourism will continue to develop and welcome better prospect.

Does Thailand tourism develop current situation analysis and proposal?

1.Existing state of affairs of Thailand tourism development is active to good. 2. Because Thailand has rich natural landscape and culture bequest,this is, attracted many tourist. In addition, thailand government promotes the development of tourism actively also, provided easy visa policy and excellent travel service. 3. In future, can promote Thailand the development of tourism further. Above all, can strengthen tourism infrastructure construction, promote the reception of travel tourist attraction capability. Next, can strengthen travel conduct propaganda, those who raise Thailand travel is famous spend and beautiful praise degree. In addition, return what can strengthen travel industry to groom introduce with the talent, improve service quality. Finally, can strengthen the travel with other country to cooperate, develop the travel product of diversification and line, attract more tourists.

Hainan tourism current situation?

Hainan tourism is total be 3 inferior hot, of Hainan island east line travel tourist attraction is compared ignition of line travel scene explodes on the west, tourist attraction of central line travel is flat, and the scene of nature of travel tourist attraction of Hainan is beautiful beautiful, the development strength of travel tourist attraction and humanitarian tourist attraction are too little.

The current situation that tourism of our country home develops how?

1.The current situation of tourism develops flourishingly, also face a few challenges at the same time.

2.The current situation of tourism develops flourishingly, because the demand to travel increases people ceaselessly,be, the quality of travel product and service also rises ceaselessly, the diversity that destination travels in the meantime also attracted more tourists.

However, tourism also faces a few challenges, resource of environmental protection problem, travel is for instance excessive development.

3.In future, the foreground of tourism is bright.

As people living standard increase the change with recreational idea, travel demand will continue to grow.

In the meantime, tourism also will face more good luck and challenge, the application that digitlizes a technology for instance, can develop continuously etc.

Accordingly, tourism needs ceaseless innovation and promotion, in order to get used to market demand and protective environment.

Philippine tourism current situation?

Philippine tourism is one of economic pillar with this the most important country, occupy the 10% above of gross domestic product, created many obtain employment opportunity for this country. However, as a result of the influence of COVID-19 epidemic situation, philippine tourism got be hit badly 2020, tourist amount acute is decreased, travel income falls considerably.

Current, philippine government is adopting measure to restore tourism, include to roll out activity of travel sales promotion, strengthen sanitation and safety precaution, offer finance support to wait. In addition, philippine government still plans to opened international travel market stage by stage 2021, with promoting tourism anabiosis.

The reason that Chinese contemporary tourism grows?

Travel spending, especially domestic travel spending, it is the prime cause that travel develops, also be the primary source that enlarges capacity of travel obtain employment.

Tourism is a complex omnibus industry, the full service that in offerring tourist journey course, wants and product. The working sort that the diversification of tourism decided to it can offer is various: Have fundamental servive routine already, also have advanced servive routine; Have general business job already, also have job of of all kinds management; Have mental job already, also have manual job. These jobs can attract the worker of disparate arrangement of ideas, solve the obtain employment problem of a large number of labour force.

The condition that tourism of Chinese weather eye develops?

Karst landforms development, travel resource value is high.

Does Chinese weather eye develop the condition of tourism?

Regard a country as project of infrastructure of great science and technology, to assure " Chinese weather eye " binoculars moves normally, 5 kilometers have nearly 10 thousand masses to need to remove inside core area, go building find a place for the dot begins new life. Why does that build scene area to do travel to develop even? The 20 007 series movieses that film before New Year more " gold eye " in, have such setting: Bond and " country young woman " from tremendous " day boiler " the brim slips to boiler bottom, of find a view " day boiler " be located in the American A Lei in valley of Puerto Rico island just about Xi Bo radio telescope. Since then, go the tourist in an endless stream that Puerto Rico visits radio telescope of A Lei Xibo. And arrive to Mu Minglai " Chinese weather eye " for the tourist, look down at from 100 meters high view scene table the radio telescope with the greatest whole world, appreciate OK and intuitionisticly " China is created " newest achievement. Nevertheless, scientists do not hope too much tourist visits this one facility, affect scientific research work in case. To this, in developing item book, the travel related smooth pond county is made clear point out, radio telescope is equipment of world-class scientific research above all, issue ability to develop tourism in the premise that ensures scientific research function adequately only. Zhang Shu of director of office of project of vice director of department of research of astronomy of national observatory radio, FAST says newly, "Chinese weather eye " optional location condition is very slashing, can the karst of settle poverty is a mountainous area it is a kind of lot. Want a canal to accuse only capable, the tourist can not bring electromagnetic wave to disturb, the researcher also is to be happy to see popular science travel is pulled move local economy progress, drive masses to take off deficient to become rich. The feeling can try.

Is the development of tourism of Chinese hot spring characteristic?

Hot spring travel is tourist experience hot spring water personally through kissing, a kind of gotten feeling, of a kind of spirit, of physiology, the enjoyment of physical ability, it is the sublimate of heart, body, fetch. So hot spring travel belongs to experience travel. The theme that tourist comprehends in experiencing hot spring process is culture of hot spring bath. The nucleus that says hot spring travels so is culture of culture of hot spring bath, preserve one's health, recreational culture, go vacationing culture.
