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幼儿安全小知识简短? 安全知识简短?英文双语对照


幼儿安全小知识简短? 安全知识简短?英文双语对照





























  12、让孩子们记住救助电话:“110 .119 .120”






 - 居家用电、防火安全:切勿超负荷用电;及时切断电器电源;禁止电动车违规充电;避免儿童接触插座。

- 交通出行安全:

- 安全带=生命带:驾乘人员正确使用安全带,可以将交通事故伤亡风险降低40%以上。

- 注意车距:如遇车行缓慢,请耐心等待,依次排队通行,不要随意变更车道,或在车流中穿梭抢行。

- 防止疲劳驾驶:假期自驾出游,请合理安排休息时间,连续驾驶不超过4小时,驻车休息不少于20分钟。

- 禁止酒驾:为了自身和他人的安全幸福,切记“喝酒不开车,开车不喝酒”。

- 拒绝做“低头族”:使用手机会分散驾驶人的注意力,尤其是边驾驶边玩手机,极易酿成车祸。
















































Is infant safety little knowledge brief?

Little knowledge of nursery school safety 1

1. Children do not play with fire play report, understanding plays with fire playing report is very dangerous.

2. On the windowsill balcony that asks a child not to climb a building, such meetings drop easily those who go down.

3. Ask children not to want a pin, pushpin, paper clip, pignut, small plastic bead to wait put into and other places of auditive, nose square. Fall so easily tracheal, cause asphyxial.

4. The kitchen is insecure place to the child, crock of burner, hot pot, boiled water, knife and fork is dangerous. The child cannot play in the kitchen.

5. Ask a child not to play polybag. Once cover,can cause on the head asphyxial. Because the child is below the situation with urgent situation, won't go up from the beginning get off polybag, if bag mouth taut more dangerous.

6. You do not play in driveway edge or angle.

7. Cannot go alone comfort station, by the bus, see a movie substandard gives an activity.

8. Do not tell stranger the address in the home, telephone number.

9. When stranger forces to take away you, cry to help and run away at once greatly.

10. Do not go devious by the empty house of empty buy and quiet shadow.

11. Cannot accept the gift of stranger.

12. Do not promise stranger. Request.

13. Cannot enter the home of others alone.

14. Meeting the animal such as the dog is breakneck, do not cause a dog to notice to yours, do not see it, leave slowly, do not run.

Little knowledge of nursery school safety 2

1, go up when nursery school, should receive by parents send

2, phone of the full name that lets the child remember the address in the home and father and mother, connection, be ready for any eventuality.

3, on the ' journey that parents begins to want to tell to the child is going to school and classes are over from now, do not be in stranger of driveway or the local have fun that have risk, disaccord speaks, want to abide by traffic regulation, cross a driveway to want zebra crossing, red light stops, green light goes.

4, do not take little thing to head nursery school, lest create risk. Be like: Button, brooch, toothpick.

5, do not talk with stranger, do not accept the thing that others gives casually.

6, when walking, want to look at ahead not to gaze around.

7, fluctuation stair little hand is helping handle up to lean right go, do not retreat do not pull, do not jump step.

8, nib, scissors is not taken when study to the child, lest stab.

9, not unconscious head sleeps when siesta, not outside bed of smell of gangmaster, hand

10, when outdoors activity or large toy, do not push not crowded, when taking appliance, do not contend for do not grab, assure safety.

11, do not run to bump in disorder in mobile room chaos, into lavatory when do not push not crowded, prevent to slip.

12, let children remember deliverance telephone call: "110.119.120 "

Is safe knowledge brief?

Do not open an umbrella by bike, not get off one's hands cycles, do not take a person by bike, do not ride " ill " car, do not drive express train or bus, do not grab with motor vehicle, rough travel cycles, do not cycle in soup.

Safe knowledge (safety uses phone) : Power source, floodlight, have risk, do not want to touch, small switch, leave gently close, if the hand is damp, do not feel.

Is new year's day safe is knowledge brief?

During new year's day, enjoy happy period of leave while, also want to note safe problem. Offer a part to bring all-knowing knowledge for you:

 - report of house housekeeping money, fire prevention is safe: Do not excess load uses phone; Cut off electric equipment power source in time; Prohibit electric car is violated compasses charge; Avoid children to contact socket.

- traffic gives a security:

- life zone of safety belt = : Drive use safety belt correctly by personnel, can reduce risk of traffic accident casualties 40% above.

- notice the car is apart from: If meet a car travel is slow, await patiently please, ordinal queue up to pass through, do not change lane at will, or move back and forth in wagon flow grab row.

- prevent exhaustion to drive: Holiday drives go on a journey oneself, ask reasonable arrangement breathing space, drive not to exceed 4 hours continuously, be stationed in a car to rest not less than 20 minutes.

- prohibit wine drives: For the safe happiness of oneself and other, be sure to keep in mind " drink not to drive, drive not to drink " .

- reject to do " lower one's head a group of things with common features " : Use hand opportunity drives dispersedly the person's attention, especially the edge drives the edge plays a mobile phone, lead to traffic accident extremely easily.

 In addition, still need to notice prevent frostbite, prevent drown, assembly activity is safe, production manages mobile safety, light air safety, safety of silvan prairie fire prevention.

Is safe knowledge content brief?

Safe knowledge is to point to a series of knowledge about tutelar body, belongings and information safety. These knowledge include but not guard against theft of be confined to, prevent grab, fire prevention, explosion proof, prevent the injury, knowledge that prevents safety of safety of ill, network, food to wait for a respect. In modern society, safe consciousness and safe knowledge are crucial to everybody, because they can help us prevent contingency and criminality, the life that protects us, belongings and privacy do not suffer encroach. Accordingly, everybody should learn seriously and abide by safe knowledge, in blending in its daily life.

Is safe online knowledge brief?

Safe online knowledge is to point to the skill that protects individual information and equipment security when use Internet. Above all, ensure use strong code, change a code regularly.

Next, do not click unidentified link at will or download doubtful accessory, in order to prevent baleful software infection. Additional, replace operating system and applied process regularly, with repair safety flaw. In addition, use firewall and equipment of safe software protection are avoided suffer network attack.

Finally, discretion uses communal Wi-Fi, avoid to input sensitive information below insecure network environment. Through abiding by these safe online knowledge, can protect individual privacy and equipment security to the greastest extent.

Is food safety little knowledge brief 10?

1. watchs the news that pack

2. sees the surface, smell odour: Cannot acid of edible putrefaction, grease is defeated, mildew changes, unripe bug, mix the food that has a foreign body

3. color too Guo Liangli does not eat

4. does not buy the food that handles without card faker, do not buy do not have brand or do not have production date, without production unit, wait for label half-baked food without the expiration period

What 5. expiration period grows too is little eat

6. turns over what grow naturally not to eat

The food of 7. small mill eats less

8. price under normal level do not eat

The food of 9. certain bulk eats less

10. immerses the law cleans clean fruit vegetables

Is mathematical little knowledge brief?

1, the smallest natural be 0.

(1) the west studies number theory thinks, the smallest natural be " 0 " , because " 0 " express not just, below a lot of circumstances it still expresses to exist, e.g. temperature when, 0 ℃ are value of a dividing line, in addition, "0 " still can express start to wait. "0 " still can express start to wait..

2, the smallest one digit is 1

There is a regulation in notation: Of a number the most exalted cannot be 0. Why to want such regulations? Because be like,do not have such regulation, 0 it is one digit, can reach the smallest two digit are from this 00, the smallest 3 digit are 000, such conclusion is incorrect apparently.

Spend the New Year is little knowledge brief?

The Spring Festival is by the beginning of the year sacred evolve and come, people takes the place of in ancient times on with a year after agronomic end, in new one year germinant the beginning of the year holds sacred activity, sign up for the favor of ancestor of thearchy of heaven and earth of hold a memorial ceremony for, invocatory good year.

What archaic folk's first the beginning of the year points to is all previous of the Heavenly Stems and Earthly Branches the Beginning of Spring in 24 solar term. In the history development evolves in as a result of calendar fluctuant, new Year thes beginning of the year to be adjusted somewhat on date namely.

Convert gradually after revolution of laborious the last of the twelve Earthly Branches a way of counting the years of the Gregorian calendar, it is discriminative the traditional Chinese calendar and the Gregorian calendar later two New Year in view of all previous of the Heavenly Stems and Earthly Branches the Beginning of Spring in 24 solar term, just be in the around of New Year of the traditional Chinese calendar,

The Spring Festival is not the festival of the Han nationality already, a lot of minority cross the Spring Festival, but they have themselves to pass a law particularly.

56 nations had been in almost now the Spring Festival, but many culture elements that blended in this nation again, abounded the culture connotation of the Spring Festival further

Is flood prevention little knowledge brief?

1. closes good door window, prevent water to enter indoor.

2. moves the valuable in the home more altitude.

3. does not swim in the flood or row.

4. avoids to walk in the flood.

5. is not close to river or laky brim easily.

6. notices atmosphere is forecasted, adopt in time be on guard measure.

If 7. treats the cataract, appeal in time to local government.

8. decreases as far as possible go out, happen accidentally in case.

Ban poisonous little knowledge brief?

1. drugs is harm mankind's healthy material, include opium kind, cocaine kind, hempen kind, ice is poisonous kind etc.

The harm of 2. drugs not just bureau be confined to is healthy, still can cause mental health problem, cause criminality even.

The sex becoming addiction of 3. drugs is very strong, once become addiction, very difficult give up, need undertakes poison of long-term Buddhist monastic discipline is treated.

4. bears the responsibility that poison is a government not only, also be the responsibility of everybody. Everybody should be taken an active part in the conduct propaganda that prohibit toxin and be on guard the job.

5. family education is the important segment that prevents teenage drug taking, the parent should give the child accurate drugs knowledge, help them establish true viewpoint of value and philosophy.

6. should strengthen the conduct propaganda that prohibit toxin socially, the executive strength of aggrandizement law laws and regulations, hit drugs crime activity, ensure social safety and stability.

7. bans poisonous job to need the joint efforts of whole society, only everybody is participated in, the society that just can let us is more good with safety.
