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1/7 分步阅读



  右脚向前一步,这步并非直线前进,而是略微向左方开步 ——慢

  左脚沿着右脚前进方向,贴在右脚旁边向前进一步,这一步也不是直线前进的,而是左脚略微斜向右方前进 ——快

  右脚沿着左脚前进,在经过左脚旁再向前移动时,右脚应向右上方微微斜出,此时左右两脚已成一前一后,有如走路一样,而且身体方向已略转向右 ——快



  左脚后退一步,这一步是直线后退,与男伴舞步略有不同 ——慢

  右脚沿左脚后退路线在左脚右方后退,当经过左脚位置后,右脚就应略向左移,以配合男伴这一步的舞步 ——快

  左脚后退一步,沿着右脚右方后退,与右脚位置成一直线,此时身体已与开步时的方向有所改变,即已略向左转 ——快

  右脚后退一步,后退时沿着左脚边缘作曲线形后退 ——慢




  左脚开出第一步时,左脚是向左上方斜出的,这一步也可以先直出一步,再作左转,当转身时总是脚掌贴地转向左方 ——慢

  当左脚在用脚掌移转方向时,整个身体也同时移转。在左脚贴地移转时,右脚要同时在左脚之后横过,再向右转,到达合适地点时,右脚与左脚是并列的,但并列时间异常短促 ——快

  在右脚到达合适地点后,右脚掌仍应贴地而转,同时,左脚已移到右脚之后,成为一前一后的步行状态 ——快

  跟着右脚,沿左脚右方后退,这一步在开始时,由于步势上的关系应略作曲线形转动,直到经过左脚之后,才作直线后退 ——慢

  在第四步中,右脚到达合适地点时,仍用脚掌贴地将整个身体向右移转。在移转时,左脚同时在右脚之前横过,到达右脚左上方。此时,左右两脚又成步行状态,左脚在前,右前在后 ——快

  当左脚移到合适地点后,右脚就向前进一步,直线式地前进 ——快

  左脚再向前一步。这一步是连接前后两个舞步的 ——慢


  右脚后退一步,到达合适地点时,用脚跟着地,脚掌离地而转方向 ——慢

  在右脚用脚跟移转时,左脚也应同时移转,与在移转时的右脚拍合,拍合的时间极短 ——快

  左脚向右脚拍合的一瞬间,右脚又立刻向前进一步,直线式的开步 ——快

  左脚再向前进一步,到达合适地点时,用脚掌移转 ——慢

  右脚横过左脚后方移动,当与移动中的左脚成平等时停止 ——快

  左脚在右脚之后横过,后退一步,同时右脚也顺势移转 ——快





  右脚向前伸出一步,同时用脚掌贴地而转 ——慢

  左脚自右脚之后横过。事实上当右脚用脚掌贴地移转时,左脚已尼同时在移转,到达合适地点后,左右两脚是处在平行并列的状态 ——快

  在左脚转动时,右脚顺势向后退一步,到达合适地点后,与左脚形成与步行相仿的状态,左脚在前,右脚在后 ——快

  左脚贴在右脚边向后退一步,直线式的后退 ——慢

  右脚后退一步。这时左脚应该用脚掌贴地转身,同时,右脚横过左脚之前再向右方移出少许,两脚是平行的确 ——慢

  左脚略向右脚边沿靠合,再向前作一曲线形伸出一步 ——慢


  左脚向后退一步,同时作转身,这一步用脚跟转,不是用脚掌贴地转 ——慢

  当左脚用脚跟转时,右脚也应同时随着整个身体移转,之后左右两脚处在合并情形 ——快

  左脚向前进一步,直线式前进 ——快

  右脚向前一步,经过左脚旁前进,到合适地点时,用脚掌贴地移转,,同时左脚也应移动配合 ——慢

  左脚自右脚之后横过,再向前进 ——慢





  左脚向前进一大步,用脚掌贴地而转 ——慢

  右脚从左脚之后横过,到达合适地点 ——快

  左脚从右脚之前经过,再横出一步,与右脚平行 ——快

  右脚经过左脚旁向前出一步 ——慢


  右脚后退一步 ——慢

  左脚横过右脚之前到达右脚之旁 ——快

  右脚向前进一步 ——快

  左脚向后退一步 ——慢




  左脚向后退一步,这种急激转身却是先后退一步才作急激转身。这一步通常是作弧形后退,以配合第二步的转身 ——慢

  右脚横过左脚之前,同时左脚用脚跟移转配合这一动作 ——快

  左脚横出一步,横出时,右脚要同时移动配合 ——快


  左脚后退,从右脚旁边经过,完成时,左右两脚适成八字形 ——快

  右脚移向左上方一步 ——快

  左脚向前出一步 ——慢


  右脚向前一步,到达合适地点时,再用脚掌贴地移转 ——慢

  左脚在右脚之后横过,再作一弧形线横出一步 ——快

  右脚后退一步,假如有困难,可将右脚略向后移之后再向前 ——快

  左脚再向前进一步,这一步左脚移动时,是作斜形横出的 ——慢

  右脚向前一步,作斜形横出,在左脚之后横过而到达合适地点 ——快

  左脚向后退一步,必须沿着右脚旁边后退 ——快

  右脚几乎呈直线式的后退 ——慢




  左脚前进一步,同时用脚掌贴地而转 ——慢

  右脚横过左脚之后,作一弧形曲线与左脚并行,当右脚移动时,左脚应该仍在用脚掌移转中 ——快

  右脚到达合适地点后,左脚立刻顺着右脚边缘向后退一步 ——快

  右脚再向后退一步 ——慢

  左脚向后退一步。有两种退法,一是作弧形后退,另一是直线式的后退 ——快

  右脚向后移退一步,移动情形与第五步左脚后退时的一样,只是左右脚不同而已 ——快

  左脚后退一步 ——慢

  上一步的后退,在终了之时,应作180度的转向,先用脚掌贴地移转,再用脚跟移转,同时,右脚配合横在左脚之前经过,与移转中的左脚配合 ——慢

  左脚向前出一步 ——慢


  右脚向后退一步,到达合适地点后用脚跟移转 ——慢

  左脚横过右脚之前,配合右脚用脚跟移转的姿势。这两步完成时,左右两脚是合在一起的,但只一瞬间 ——快

  右脚向前出一步 ——快

  左脚向前出一步 ——慢

  右脚作一弧形线前进一步 ——快

  左脚再前进一步 ——快

  右脚向前伸出一步,用脚掌移转,同时左脚横过右脚后方 ——慢

  左脚横过右脚之后时,在右脚的右前方开出半步 ——慢

  右脚后退一步 ——慢




  左脚向前一步 ——慢

  右脚向前提出一步 ——快

  左脚后退一步 ——快

  右脚后退一步 ——慢

  第四步右脚向后退一步后,由左脚开步,左脚并不前后移动,仅是在同一地点略向右方移动半步就算一步 ——快

  左脚横移半步之后,右脚需直出一步 ——快

  左脚在第六步直出后,应用脚掌贴地移转,同时左脚出顺势移转后退 ——快


  左脚又顺着右脚的左方后退一步,右脚应该用脚掌移动来造就转身,否则将无法开步移转 ——快

  右脚前进一步 ——快

  左脚前进一步 ——快


  右脚后退一步 ——慢

  左脚后退一步,同时右脚用脚跟移转配合左脚到达合适地点 ——快

  右脚向前一步 ——快

  左脚超越右脚向前一步 ——慢

  右脚横平半步 ——快

  左脚向后退到右脚之左,然后转方向前进 ——快

  右脚沿左脚右方出一步 ——快

  左脚又向前一步 ——快

  右脚自左脚后方上前,横出半步,与左脚成平行状 ——快

  左脚后退一步 ——快

  右脚后退一步 ——慢


1/7 divides a pace to read

Feather pace

Man steps

Right leg is forward one pace, this pace is not linear advancement, however appreciably towards the left just opens a pace -- slow

Left foot advances along right leg direction, stick by right leg to go ahead one pace, this one pace also is not linear advancement, however left foot appreciably is inclined just advance right -- fast

Right leg advances along left foot, when again forward beside course left foot shift, right leg should right upper part slightly inclined piece, right now or so bipod already was become one before one hind, be like like walking, and body direction already changed direction slightly right -- fast

Left foot advances along right leg, sticking right leg Zun Fang to advance, after course right leg is right, left foot right upper part is inclined piece -- slow

Woman steps

Left foot is regressive one pace, this one pace is linear and regressive, with male partner steps differs somewhat -- slow

Right leg is in along line of the leeway after left foot left foot is right and regressive, after passing left foot position, right leg answer summary towards the left moves, in order to cooperate male partner the steps of this one pace -- fast

Left foot is regressive one pace, along right leg right and regressive, become with right leg position all the time line, right now the body already was changed somewhat with the direction when opening a pace, namely already summary towards the left turns -- fast

Right leg is regressive one pace, curvilinear form is made back down along left foot brim when backing down -- slow


Left-hand rotation

Man steps

When left foot opens a the first pace, left foot is upper part of towards the left inclined go out, this one pace also can give one condition continuously first, make left-hand rotation again, always should be sole sticks the ground to turn to Zun Fang when face about -- slow

When left foot is using sole jib way, whole body also at the same time jib. When left foot sticks ground jib, right leg should be at the same time after left foot across, again right-handed, when reaching suitably point, right leg and left foot are paratactic, but paratactic time is unusually short -- fast

After right leg reachs proper place, right sole still should stick the ground and turn, in the meantime, left foot already moved after right leg, become one before one after on foot condition -- fast

Follow right leg, edge left foot is right and regressive, this one pace is in in the begining, the relation that goes up as a result of stage outward appearance should make curvilinear form turn slightly, till the course after left foot, just make back down point-blank -- slow

In the 4th pace, when right leg reachs suitably point, still stick the ground with sole will whole body right jib. When jib, left foot is at the same time before right leg across, reach right leg wrong upper part. Right now, or so bipod is become again on foot condition, left foot is advanced, right before after -- fast

After left foot moves to be nodded suitably, right leg goes ahead one pace, straight formula ground is ongoing -- fast

Left foot is again forward one pace. This one pace is join around of two steps -- slow

Woman steps

Right leg is regressive one pace, when reaching suitably point, with calcaneal touchdown, sole leaves the ground and turn direction -- slow

When right leg uses calcaneal jib, left foot also answer at the same time jib, pat with the right leg when jib close, take the time that agree extremely short -- fast

Left foot right the foot is patted those who close is flashy, right leg goes ahead immediately again one pace, a pace of straight formula -- fast

Left foot goes ahead again one pace, when reaching suitably point, with sole jib -- slow

Right leg is across left foot is rear and mobile, stop when with shift medium left foot becomes equality -- fast

Left foot is across after right leg, regressive one pace, at the same time right leg also jib of take advantage of an opportunity -- fast

Right leg recedes one pace, this one pace is the pace of the end, it is the first pace that another steps leaves a pace -- slow


Right-hand rotation

Man steps

Right leg reachs one stage ahead, stick the ground with sole at the same time and turn -- slow

Left foot from right leg later across. When sticking ground jib with sole when right leg in fact, left foot already the Buddhist nun is in at the same time jib, after reaching suitably point, or so bipod is the condition that stands side by side at parallel -- fast

When left foot is rotational, right leg take advantage of an opportunity recedes one pace, after reaching suitably point, form with left foot with on foot the condition of similar, left foot is advanced, right leg is in hind -- fast

Left foot is stuck in right leg edge to recede one pace, of straight formula regressive -- slow

Right leg is regressive one pace. At this moment left foot should stick ground face about with sole, in the meantime, right leg just moves right again before left foot athwart an a few, bipod is parallel really -- slow

Left foot slightly right crural edge relies on to close, make one curve form reach one stage ahead again -- slow

Woman steps

Left foot recedes one pace, make face about at the same time, this one situation turns with calcaneal, not be to use sole to stick the ground to turn -- slow

When left foot turns with calcaneal, right leg also answer at the same time as whole body jib, or so bipod lies later amalgamative case -- fast

Left foot goes ahead one pace, straight formula is ongoing -- fast

Right leg is forward one pace, through the advancement other left foot, arrive when proper place, stick ground jib with sole, , at the same time left foot also should move cooperate -- slow

Left foot from right leg later across, go ahead again -- slow

Although part,control bipod right now, but standing parallelly, right leg is passed on the side of left foot oneself, the woman recedes one pace -- slow


Left-hand rotation is labyrinthian pace

Man steps

Left foot goes ahead one stride, stick the ground with sole and turn -- slow

Right leg from left foot later across, reach proper place -- fast

Left foot from pass before right leg, again horizontal give one condition, as parallel as right leg -- fast

One condition gives ahead by left foot of right leg course -- slow

Woman steps

Right leg is regressive one pace -- slow

Left foot arrives at right leg before right leg athwart by -- fast

Right leg goes ahead one pace -- fast

Left foot recedes one pace -- slow


Stimulate face about urgently

Man steps

Left foot recedes one pace, this kind stimulating face about urgently is to retreat one pace to just be made early or late however stimulate face about urgently. This one pace is to make arc back down normally, in order to cooperate the face about of the 2nd pace -- slow

Right leg is across before left foot, at the same time left foot coordinates this one action with calcaneal jib -- fast

Left foot horizontal stroke gives one condition, when the horizontal stroke goes out, right leg should move at the same time cooperate -- fast

Right leg backs down again athwart by left foot one pace, zun Jiao is right now advanced, right leg is in hind, be like on foot attitude -- slow

Left foot is regressive, pass from the side right leg, when finishing, comfortable splay of or so bipod -- fast

Wrong upper part of right leg tend one pace -- fast

Left foot gives one condition ahead -- slow

Woman steps

Right leg is forward one pace, when reaching suitably point, reoccupy sole sticks ground jib -- slow

Left foot is across after right leg, make horizontal stroke of one arc line give one condition again -- fast

Right leg is regressive one pace, if have difficulty, after can moving right leg backward slightly again forward -- fast

Left foot goes ahead again one pace, when left foot of this one pace is mobile, it is to make what inclined form horizontal stroke goes out -- slow

Right leg is forward one pace, make inclined form horizontal stroke go out, across after left foot and reach proper place -- fast

Left foot recedes one pace, must along back down on the side of right leg -- fast

What right leg shows linear pattern almost is regressive -- slow


Undee right-hand rotation

Man steps

Before left foot farther, stick the ground with sole at the same time and turn -- slow

Right leg is across after left foot, make one arc curve and left foot run paralell, when right leg is mobile, left foot still is using sole jib in -- fast

After right leg reachs suitably point, left foot recedes down right leg brim immediately one pace -- fast

Right leg recedes again one pace -- slow

Left foot recedes one pace. Two kinds remove a standard, it is to make arc back down, another be straight formula is regressive -- fast

Right leg moves backward remove one condition, when mobile case and left foot of the 5th pace are regressive same, just control a foot to differ just -- fast

Left foot is regressive one pace -- slow

Of on one pace regressive, in cease when, should make 180 degrees change direction, stick ground jib with sole first, reoccupy calcaneal jib, in the meantime, right leg cooperates a horizontal stroke to be passed before left foot, with jib medium left foot cooperates -- slow

Left foot gives one condition ahead -- slow

Woman steps

Right leg recedes one pace, calcaneal jib is used after reaching suitably point -- slow

Left foot is across before right leg, cooperate right leg to use the gesture of calcaneal jib. When this two paces are finished, or so bipod closes together, but only flashy -- fast

Right leg gives one condition ahead -- fast

Left foot gives one condition ahead -- slow

Before right leg makes one arc line farther -- fast

Left foot is again ongoing one pace -- fast

Right leg reachs one stage ahead, with sole jib, left foot is across at the same time right leg is rear -- slow

Left foot is across after right leg when, a half pace leaves in the west the front of right leg -- slow

Right leg is regressive one pace -- slow


Knit a pace

Man steps

Left foot is forward one pace -- slow

Right leg offers one condition ahead -- fast

Left foot is regressive one pace -- fast

Right leg is regressive one pace -- slow

Right leg of the 4th pace recedes after one pace, open a pace by left foot, left foot not around is mobile, it is only just move right slightly in same place half pace calculates one pace -- fast

Left foot sideslip after half pace, right leg needs to give one condition continuously -- fast

Left foot goes out continuously in the 6th pace hind, applied sole sticks ground jib, at the same time left foot gives jib of take advantage of an opportunity to back down -- fast

Right leg backs down again one pace, when retreating, answer down left foot right -- fast

Left foot backs down down the Zun Fang of right leg again one pace, right leg should bring up face about with sole shift, will not open pace jib otherwise -- fast

Before right leg farther -- fast

Before left foot farther -- fast

Woman steps

Right leg is regressive one pace -- slow

Left foot is regressive one pace, at the same time right leg cooperates left foot to reach proper place with calcaneal jib -- fast

Right leg is forward one pace -- fast

Left foot surmounts right leg forward one pace -- slow

Right leg horizontal stroke makes the same score half pace -- fast

Left foot recedes to right leg left, turn to just go ahead next -- fast

Left leg of right leg edge is right give one condition -- fast

Left foot forward one pace -- fast

Right leg from left foot rear before going up, the horizontal stroke gives half condition, become parallel state with left foot -- fast

Left foot is regressive one pace -- fast

Right leg is regressive one pace -- slow
