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民俗文化节是什么? 首届长春民俗文化节?英文双语对照


民俗文化节是什么? 首届长春民俗文化节?英文双语对照








  每年吸引百万游客,被称“华北第一古庙会”  据《大伾山志》记载,浚县庙会的历史最早可以溯源到大伾山石佛雕刻的后赵时期,据今有1600多年历史。  浚县庙会始于每年的正月初一,结束于二月初二,每年的庙会有三个高潮,初一、初九、十五十六。初一有“登高祈福”、“散百病”习俗;初九传说是玉皇大帝的生日,有民间社火表演、祭祀老天爷的习俗;十五十六是元宵节。从初一到十五,庙会一波接一波,逐渐达到高潮。  浚县庙会规模大,至今保持着明清特色,每年吸引周边5省40多个市县300万游客,高峰期每天客流量50万人,被称为“华北第一古庙会”。  160余个非物质文化遗产亮相浚县  在(鹤壁)民俗文化节上,山东的绢花、山西的绒绣、河北的大名草编、开封的木版年画、濮阳的麦秆画、淮阳的泥泥狗、浚县的泥咕咕和根雕等160余个项目将在浚县亮相,参加中原非物质文化遗产展演。  据介绍,展演将按照参展种类分为“别样墨香、传统技艺、绝活绝技”3个单元,其中,“别样墨香”单元展演的项目包括泥猴张书画、刘畅书画、葫芦画、麦秆画、刀书、木版年画、梅花字等;“传统技艺”单元展演的项目有糖葫芦、糖人、江米人、面人、泥玩、陶艺、根雕、柳编等;“绝活绝技”展演的项目包括汴绣、绒绣、绢艺、皮影、变脸人、布老虎等。  “饸饹面”、“豆腐脑“等民间小吃应有尽有  第五届中国(鹤壁)民俗文化节还将举办中原春节灯会,呈现火树银花不夜天的胜景;举办中原美食文化节和商贸一条街活动,集中展示中原地区优秀民俗文化、名优风味小吃、旅游商品、土特产品、民间工艺品等。  此外,令人垂涎欲滴的民间小吃堪称中国(鹤壁)民俗文化节的“绝活”,无论是香气扑鼻的饸饹面、质白细嫩的豆腐脑、香焦酥脆的吴记花生米,还是醇香利口的梨膏糖以及王记铺牛肉、角场营元宵,都是流传上百年历史的传统名吃


















One, what is folk-custom Cultural Festival?

To commemorate some is great the day perhaps commemorates the ancients that makes significant contribution for people, and circulate those who come down is consuetudinary.

2, Cultural Festival of first Changchun folk-custom?

Recently, first folk-custom Cultural Festival is in the Changchun City Ba Shu mirrors alley to kick off formally. The volume of antediluvian trade block that this handles 110 thousand square metre takes, drink, play, happy, buy, admire at an organic whole, attract numerous tourist " play card " sightseeing.

3, what does folk-custom Cultural Festival have to pay attention to?

Dragon boat festival eats a zhongzi. The first month of the lunar year 15 eat Yuanxiao. August 15 eat moon cake. Feburary flesh of 2 head taking a pig.

4, what does Cultural Festival of folk-custom of Chinese crane wall have?

Attract 1 million tourists every year, be weighed " China north the first ancient temple fair "   is occupied " annals of big hill " account, the history of dredge county temple fair can trace to the source the earliest period of the Zhao after carven of big Shan Shifo, according to having 1600 old histories today. Dredge county temple fair only then at the beginning of annual the first month of the lunar year one, end at the beginning of Feburary 2, annual temple fair has 3 climaxes, first one, first 9, 66. Have first " uprise pray blessing " , " medicinal powder 100 disease " consuetudinary; 9 fokelore are the birthday of The Jade Emperor first, those who have performance of civilian company fire, sacred God is consuetudinary; 66 it is the festival of lanterns. From arrive first 15, temple fair receives, reach a climax gradually. Scale of dredge county temple fair is large, retaining trait of bright Qing Dynasty up to now, attract periphery every year 5 provinces county of 40 many city 3 million tourist, fastigium everyday passenger flow measures 500 thousand person, be called " China north the first ancient temple fair " . Bequest of more than 160 immaterial culture appears on dredge county to be in (crane wall) on folk-custom Cultural Festival, the name grass of the floss for embroidery of the silk flower of Shandong, Shanxi, Heibei is made up, the slimy cluck of county of the slimy mud dog of this world of the wheat stalk picture of unsealed wood-block New Year picture, Pu Yang, the Huaihe River, dredge clucks and more than 160 project such as root carve will appear in dredge county, attend Central Plains immaterial culture bequest is exhibited act. According to introducing, exhibit act will according to ginseng exhibit phyletic cent to be " absolutely another Mo Xiang, traditional craft, lively consummate skill " 3 unit, among them, "Another Chinese ink are sweet " unit exhibits the project that act to include slimy clever boy word of book of picture of Zhang Shu picture, Liu Chang painting and calligraphy, calabash, wheat stalk picture, knife, wood-block New Year picture, wintersweet; "Traditional craft " unit exhibits the project that act to person of person of sugarcoated haws on a stick, candy, polished glutinous rice, face person, mud plays, carve of Tao Yi, root, willow is made up etc; "Absolutely lively consummate skill " exhibit the project that act to include tiger of person of embroider of another name for Kaifeng, floss for embroidery, thin silk art, Pi Ying, suddenly turn hostile, cloth to wait. " Zuo Zuo face " , " jellied bean curd " wait for civilian fastfood have everything that one expects to find the 5th China (crane wall) folk-custom Cultural Festival still will run lantern show of Central Plains Spring Festival, present fiery trees and silver flowers not the wonderful scenery of nocturnal day; Conduct Cultural Festival of Central Plains cate and trade activity of a market, area of the place in be being revealed centrally is outstanding commodity of fastfood, travel, local speciality tastes gust of actor of folk-custom culture, name, civilian handicraft. In addition, the civilian fastfood can of lick one's chaps making a person weighs China (crane wall) of folk-custom Cultural Festival " absolutely vivid " , no matter be the Wuji pignut of the Zuo Zuo face with tangy aroma, qualitative white delicate jellied bean curd, sweet anxious crisp, the pear syrup candy of opening of mellow still popular interest and Wang Ji spread Yuanxiao of battalion of field of beef, horn, it is to circulate the traditional name of on hundred years history eats

5, does opening ceremony of Cultural Festival of the folk-custom that carry midday make a speech?

Thank everybody to attend to carry midday folk-custom Cultural Festival this.

6, congratulate of begin of joint performance of dance of square of folk-custom Cultural Festival?

Have a kind of dance, can 10 thousand people with dance, the air that those who wave is health closes: We are in this happy get-together!

7, bridge column is go on a journey of Cultural Festival of bead light folk-custom ordinal?

Amuse oneself order

Memorial archway street - open yuan of temple - extensive aid building - ancient city wall - bank river a covered corridor or walk - extensive aid bridge - Han Wen fair ancestral temple, according to order ordinal visit on foot. The most lively place is supermarket of big profit hair - people square. Show of lamplight of one river two sides also does not miss the extensive aid bridge in the evening

8, what folk-custom Cultural Festival did Guangxi still have in July 2023?

Dividing Long Jie 2023 was on July 7.

Dividing Long Jie is to circulate the civilian festival at each district of north and south. Hereat is rainy, fokelore is dragon go apart to each district pluvial day. Besides the Han nationality, it also is the traditional festival of Mao Na a group of things with common features, She nationality.

9, when does Cultural Festival of folk-custom of first the 10 or 20 days following Lunar New Year's Day begin lotus lake?

Lotus lake Cultural Festival of folk-custom of first the 10 or 20 days following Lunar New Year's Day will begin on January 27, by a definite date 10 days. At the appointed time, will element of numerous and classical China tradition culture gathers together here, include festive lantern of lion of dance dragon dance, originality to reveal, classical music is performed, civilian handicraft is tasted be on sale the activity that waits rich and colorful a moment. This the activity aims to promote China tradition culture, extend folk-custom culture, attract more tourist to come round to experience the glamour of traditional culture, the tourism that is lotus lake and culture enterprise develop the vitality with new infuse. Lotus of new developed area of past lotus lake is street before everybody is OK square of culture of folk-custom of section of the market attends, experience the glamour of Chinese traditional culture together.

10, does Cultural Festival of folk-custom of 2021 Beijing west hill sponsor an unit?

Cultural Festival of folk-custom of 2021 west hills by Fang Shan area appoint culture of propagandist department, area and tourism bureau are sponsorred, town of week mouth inn, south cellar countryside, historian battalion countryside, 10 cross a town to undertake.

Cultural Festival of this folk-custom of second west hill was used " advocate field of 3 assembly room, branch " mode is begun. Among them, advocate assembly room choosing presses down village of yellow hill inn in week mouth inn, other 3 branch field is set in respectively south area of scene of 100 luck cereal mixes cellar countryside, historian battalion countryside 10 cross beauty spot.

During the Cultural Festival is held, just meet traditional festival the Mid-autumn Festival, to build the festal atmosphere with grumous mid-autumn festival, current Cultural Festival was blended in in content a large number of culture of literary program show, folk-custom experiences elemental characteristic mid-autumn activity, show traditional capital to the tourist on the west special local product of the dorp characteristic of the area, area.
