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水粉画怎么画? 水粉画调色水粉画调色?英文双语对照


水粉画怎么画? 水粉画调色水粉画调色?英文双语对照













1 调色


2 水的使用


3 白色的使用



衔接 水粉画由于颜色干得较快、干湿变化显著,又加之用水,颜色会在画面上流动,渗化和容易产生水渍,因此熟练地掌握好衔接技巧,对于画好水粉画关系很大。水粉画的衔接主要可以分为湿接、干接和压接这三种方法。


  一般采用三段式,即黑白灰,分为三笔作画。  第一笔色是重色(明度上的黑,深色的),是物体的固有色暗部色彩,  第二笔色是物体的补色或邻近色(明度上的灰),比如黄色苹果放在蓝色布上,苹果在蓝色布上的投影就是 布的颜色+补色+苹果的颜色。  第三笔色就是画面的色调倾向色(明度上的白,浅色的)。这是一般的处理手段。  实践作画中视情况而定,比较画画是变化多端的,还是多练习,多感悟。




颜色重时最好不要在水里蘸,那样画面会很湿,没有质感..最好是加白,颜色就会变浅.蓝天和大海都属于蓝色系,有的地方不好区分.蓝天那一部分用钴蓝加一点深红或大红,那种蓝色就会变成蓝紫色,再适当的加些白..有的地方用钴蓝加白,颜色会较浅可适当加一点柠黄,看上去比较柔和,这一部分适用与较浅的位置,白可以多加些再加柠黄,别加太多,要不画面就会显的粉气适当就行.不然颜色会脏而且会发绿.蓝天和海的交界处颜色重些 大海的颜色,最好是偏些绿,蓝绿的那种 画水粉不用太写实,颜色要漂亮,要有层次.......如果你是学画画的你应该明白,如果不是我想你肯定画不成的,水粉配色不懂就更画不出来了......如果想学建议你从最基础的素描开始























先备好一桶清水以备洗毛笔一小瓶准备调色 的清水 ;

一支毛笔蘸出颜料在色盘后要洗干净后才能 蘸别的颜料;


红+黄=红橙(红多黄少,俗称桔红) 橙色(等量混合,俗称桔黄);

黄+蓝=黄绿(黄多蓝少)草绿 绿色(等量混合)中绿 蓝绿(蓝多黄少)深绿;

蓝+红=红紫(红多蓝少) 紫色(等量混合) 蓝紫(蓝多红少) 原色适当相混: 二间色适当相混: 红灰色:红多,黄、蓝少 黄灰:橙加黄 黄灰色:黄多,红、蓝少 蓝灰:绿加紫 蓝灰色:蓝多,红、黄少 红灰:橙加紫;


熟褐色 = 柠檬黄 + 纯黑色 + 玫瑰红;

粉玫瑰红 = 纯白色 + 玫瑰红;

朱 红 色 = 柠檬黄 + 玫瑰红;

暗 红 色 = 玫瑰红 + 纯黑色;

紫 红 色 = 纯紫色 + 玫瑰红;

褚 石 红 = 玫瑰红 + 柠檬黄 + 纯黑色;

粉 蓝 色 = 纯白色 + 天蓝色;

蓝 绿 色 = 草绿色 + 天蓝色;

浅 灰 蓝 = 天蓝色 + 纯黑色 + 纯紫色;

粉 绿 色 = 纯白色 + 草绿色;

黄 绿 色 = 柠檬黄 + 草绿色;

墨 绿 色 = 草绿色 + 纯黑色;

粉 紫 色 = 纯白色 + 纯紫色;

啡 色 = 玫瑰红 + 纯黑色;

粉柠檬黄 = 柠檬黄 + 纯白色;

藤 黄 色 = 柠檬黄 + 玫瑰红 桔 黄 色 = 柠檬黄 + 玫瑰红;

土 黄 色 = 柠檬黄 + 纯黑色 + 玫瑰红。


One, how is gouache drawn?

Picture gouache needs to pay attention to composition of a picture, tonal, color, bulk, model.

1, choose good composition of a picture. Cent of total composition of a picture is horizontal composition of a picture, perpendicular composition of a picture two kinds.

2, master randy attune. Tonal the color of the expression that is whole, changes in temperature, agree degree. Those who emphasize want to have on color lean to some kind of color, actually can every kinds of color adds the sort of color in modulation process or its close is lubricious; Changes in temperature is cool color on whole namely or warm color, but we are general every kinds of object can be in dark ministry and changes in temperature of bright department performance, should notice to because,do not want on whole so individual affected overall situation; Agree degree, we know to a few color are put on another kind of color very ugly, must prevent this kind of concern, use the color of downy photograph be in harmony as far as possible.

3, color wants advanced. Go with above of 3 kinds of color as far as possible the advanced color with good-looking v.

4, bulk. Every object has his volume, master good proportion, it is the requirement in sketch, there also is the demand of this respect in colour, we should accomplish so the understanding in sketch is used in colour.

5, model. The body of every object in colour needs to use a heart to model, behave object configuration and effect impact, this understands the thing in construction slowly with respect to need, the eye of the compose that use solution goes scale of look upon article.

2, mix colors of gouache of gouache mix colors?

Of pomegranate and firedrake fruit tonal about the same.

compared with the apple, these two kinds of fruits, when mix colors, add color of loess or lemon less to fizzle out. This is warm color department, belong to bright color. Rosy little not, white is not added much, the water chalk that controls with 8, in color box, dip in a bit go down, go up in palette immediately and leave. Color is unfavorable key is too real, mediate a little below, but chromatically.

3, how does gouache draw simple gouache fundamental skill?

Draw the step of gouache

1 mix colors

Allocating colour is to build the base that concerns in correct observation and the color that understand an object. Allocate what color cannot isolate to see, move, draw. And should consider whole lubricious harmonic colour to concern, go deciding each color from inside whole. Gouache writes colour of add lustre to to join not easily, on the foundation that also should concern greatly in clear colorific, a few greatly the color of color piece tries to try tone, get ready again upgrade picture.

The use of 2 water

Although,the use of water is in in gouache not as good as in aquarelle important in that way, but also cannot ignore. Water, basically have effect of attenuant, intermediary. Mix colors, with small change of pen and lubricious layer, have affinity with the use of water. Generally speaking, use water to be able to make the picture has fluent, moist, simple and honest effect appropriately. Use water too much to be able to reduce chroma, cause water be soiled, stain and water lubricious deposit. And the inadequacy that use water can make color sere again, stick thick, be hard to use a pen. Use water normally with can glibly uses a pen, cover the impression is advisable. Drawing place of shadow, empty and far, general but appropriately multi-purpose water, in order to enhance its Xu Yuanhe transparent feeling.

The use of 3 white

The use of the white when gouache mix colors and canvas are similar, use want than general color much. The main effect that calls white is to enhance colorific lightness, reduce colorific purity, when in the picture vicinity, fact is in and be in high solely, call white more, those who conduce to body model, make its bright, strong and outstanding. About the use of mix colors, water and white, still need and do wet, thickness to combine processing union to rise with pen and whole picture colorific consideration, want to set out from the need that behaves different object, accomplish have change and unite.

Because the pen of all sorts of types can use gouache, because the skill using a pen of this gouache is unusually rich. And be be in draw lessons from canvas. In the process of traditional Chinese painting and watercolour paintbrush law, try to develop ceaselessly. The common calligraphy or drawing in gouache. "Smooth calligraphy or drawing " -- handwriting concealments. Draw complexion layer level off; "Medicinal powder division " -- handwriting is shown, but change of lubricious layer thickness is not marked; "Deep division " -- lubricious layer is complex jackknife, coloring alternate with of thicker, thickness; "Stipple law " -- the space of benefit consumed color, become aware first mixture principle, with concentrated small brush stroke in Chinese painting and calligraphy (lubricious dot) shape image.

Join gouache gets faster, dry wet change as a result of color doing remarkable, together with uses water, color can flow on the picture, ooze is changed and produce water be soiled easily, because this has mastered adroitly,join skill, concern of good to the picture gouache is very big. Of gouache join to basically can be divided for wet receive, dry receive and crimp these 3 kinds of methods.

4, how is gouache drawn umbriferous?

Use 3 paragraphs of formula commonly, namely black and white ash, cent makes a picture for 3. brushstroke color is heavy color (on lightness black, brunet) , the colour of solid coloured dark ministry that is an object, the complementary color that the 2nd color is an object or adjacent color (the ash on lightness) , for instance maize apple is put on blue cloth, apple what go up in blue cloth is umbriferous the color that is cloth + complementary color + malic color. The tonal tendency that the 3rd color is a picture is lubricious (on lightness white, of light color) . This is common processing method. The condition is inspected in carrying out a picture and decide, comparing a picture to draw is metabolic multiterminal, still practice more, comprehend more.

5, how is gouache cherry drawn?

Cherry, grape, the thing that this kind small and much color unifies the jujube needs simple picture to give concern of light and shade only, namely tonal relation goes, go up in 9 of foremost face it is OK to add tall light the gray scale that notes belongings put oneself in another's position even among them concerns, the relation between each cherry, do not draw all cherry into lane of a color those who come out, look for a difference

6, how should be gouache drawn?

Had better not dip in in water when color is heavy, in that way the picture will be very wet, without simple sense. . Had better be to add white, color can become shallow. Blue sky and sea belong to blue department, some places are bad and divisional. Blue sky uses cobaltic Lajia partly then scarlet or bright red, the sort of blue can turn La Zi into color, again proper add some white. . Some places use cobaltic La Jiabai, color will be lighter can add a bit lemon to fizzle out appropriately, look downier, this one part is applicable with more shallow position, can add more in vain some add lemon to fizzle out again, do not add too much, the powdery spirit that otherwise picture can show goes appropriately. Otherwise color is met dirty and meeting hair is green. The boundary color of blue sky and sea weighs the color of some of sea, had better be to slant some green, the sort of picture soaked noodles made from beans or sweet potatoes of La Lu need not too realistically, color wants beautiful, want to have arrangement. . . . . . . If you are of picture learning a picture,you should understand, if I do not think you are sure the picture won'ts do, match colors of soaked noodles made from beans or sweet potatoes does not understand more the picture did not come out. . . . . . If want to learn a proposal you from most fundamental sketch begins

7, how does gouache draw the cloud?

Need uses dye of soaked noodles made from beans or sweet potatoes, pen to brush, paper of soaked noodles made from beans or sweet potatoes and clear water. Particular operation is shown as follows:

1, make drawing paper with water wet, let water be absorbed a little, when the surface is damp still but no longer luster, draw easier palm controls the process so.

2, use Naples yellow, a few big district are drawn on paper, use the position of affirmatory cloud.

3, dip in more as far as possible with paintbrush blue extraction cobalt is painty, draw the coping of the cloud, remember using an use smooth side

4, the sky that continues to draw blue, a few distant cloud mix the underside of fixed position cloud horizontal.

5, the drawing paper of cloud part still is wet, be moment adds a few shades. Will cobaltic blue and cadmium red mix together, draw a few gently.

8, how to draw gouache?

A bit more meticulous word, had painted composition of a picture with pencil first, next dark ministry of the shadow on whole, begin from dark ministry,

Can use the most commonly used Pu Lan cough up. Adding consolidate coloured slowly, with environmental color, slowly thorough, again Xiang Liang ministry is excessive.

I am very long also very long drew · to breathe out without the picture breathe out · to see this problem, recalled suddenly.

Like to be about to hold to. . . .

Hope you draw better more. Cheer.

9, how to draw gouache?

Prepare data: Mix colors dish, soaked noodles made from beans or sweet potatoes, paintbrush, paper, pencil.

1, give the general outline of fruit of bottle He Ping with plumbic strokes first, draw have a common boundary of light and shade again next line, umbriferous with setting.

2, mediate with water soaked noodles made from beans or sweet potatoes is painty, the shop gives bottle and monochromatic manuscript of the apple.

3, the great quality that spreads a bottle, apple and setting quickly piece.

4, adjust bottle and malic hue, shape the form and structure of bottle and apple.

5, thorough depict bottle and apple, the picture gives bottle and malic detail, tonal should be abounded and unite.

6, behave object detail further, next whole adjusts picture result, make a picture unified in big tonal in, rich and harmonious.

10, how is gouache used?

Had had a pail of clear water washs brush with equipment first the clear water of mix colors of one pyxis preparation;

A brush dips in give dye to be in lubricious dish hind other dye just can dip in after wanting to be washed clean;

How to allocate color to express:

Blood orange of red + yellow = (red much Huang Shao, common says orange is red) orange (wait for a quantity to mix, common calls orange yellow) ;

Olivine of yellow + blue = (Huang Duola is little) grass green green (wait for a quantity to mix) in green La Lu (blue much Huang Shao) deep green;

Gong Zi of blue + red = (red much bluer little) purple (wait for a quantity to mix) La Zi (La Duogong is little) unbleached and proper interblend: 2 lubricious proper interblend: Red gray: Red much, yellow, La Shaohuang is grey: Orange adds yellow yellow gray: Huang Duo, red, La Shaola is grey: Gray of green Jia Zila: Blue much, red, Huang Shaogong is grey: Orange is added violet;

Little red + fizzle out less + much whiter = is incarnadine;

Lemon of ripe Brown = is yellow + pure black + rosy;

Pink is rosy = pure white + rosy;

Vermeil = lemon is yellow + rosy;

Wine = is rosy + pure black;

Amaranth = pure purple + rosy;

Zhu Shigong = is rosy + lemon is yellow + pure black;

Pure white of powdery blue = + sky-blue;

Glaucous = grass green + sky-blue;

Shallow grey blue = is sky-blue + pure black + pure purple;

Pure white of powdery green = + grass green;

Olive = lemon is yellow + grass green;

Grass green of = of Chinese ink green + pure black;

Pure white of powdery purple = + pure purple;

Fei lubricious = is rosy + pure black;

Lemon of powdery lemon yellow = is yellow + pure white;

Lemon of cany yellow = is yellow + lemon of = of rosy orange yellow is yellow + rosy;

Lemon of earthy yellow = is yellow + pure black + rosy.

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