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It’s not hard to understand why some collectors are fixated on Coca-Cola memorabilia. For over a century, the company has produced numerous banners, posters, signs, cans, and other products, some of which now fetch a premium on the secondary market. 不难理解为什么有些收藏者热衷于可口可乐的纪念品。一个多世纪以来,该公司生产了大量的横幅、海报、标语、罐头和其他产品,其中一些现在在二级市场上获得了很高的溢价。 One glass bottle in particular is currently commanding a price that might raise eyebrows: If estimates for an upcoming auction are met, it could sell for well over $100,000. 其中有一个玻璃瓶目前的售价可能会让人吃惊:如果即将到来的拍卖能够达到预期,它的售价可能会远超10万美元。 The bottle, offered by Morphy Auctions, features the curvaceous shape familiar to Coca-Cola fans, with a tapered neck and bottom. It’s said to be one of the prototypes the company toyed with back in 1915, when they were in search of a distinctive shape for their glass containers. (Aluminum cans weren’t introduced until 1960.) 这款由Morphy Auctions公司推出的可乐瓶,有着可口可乐粉丝所熟悉的曲线美外形,瓶颈和瓶底呈锥形。据说这是该公司在1915年设计的原型之一,当时他们正在为他们的玻璃容器寻找一种独特的形状。(铝罐直到1960年才问世。) The bottle, which differed from the straight tube-shaped product issued by bottlers, was an attempt to make Coca-Cola stand out among copycats and was designed so it could be recognized even if it was broken. 这款瓶子与装瓶商生产的直筒式产品不同,它的设计初衷是让可口可乐在模仿者中脱颖而出,即使是坏了也能被认出来。

Why is this bottle so revered? In addition to being a “missing link” of sorts in the evolution of the curved bottle, which was finalized and released in 1917, it was also supposed to have been destroyed, as all the other test bottles were. Discovered in the personal effects of a former Coca-Cola employee, it appears to be the only surviving intact prototype, making it highly desirable among collectors. 为什么这款瓶子如此受人尊敬?首先,对于1917年发行的那款曲线瓶来说,它是造型进化过程中的一个“缺失的环节”;然后,它本该像其他所有的测试瓶一样被销毁。人们是在可口可乐公司前雇员的私人物品中发现它的,似乎是唯一保存完好的原型,因此收藏家们趋之若鹜。 A prototype of an earlier design sold for $240,000 in 2011. Bidding on this bottle is currently at $90,000 and will almost certainly increase when the auction goes live. 2011年,一款早期设计的原型以24万美元的价格售出。目前这个瓶子的售价为9万美元,几乎可以肯定,在现场拍卖会上,价格还会上涨。
