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搭配技巧四:色彩搭配深入分析 服装的色彩搭配分为两大类,一类是对比色搭配,另外一类则是协调色搭配。


1、强烈色配合:指两个相隔较远的颜色相配,如:黄色与紫色,红色与青绿色,这种配色比较强烈。日常生活中,我们常看到的是黑、白、灰与其他颜色的搭配。黑、白、灰为无色系,所以,无论它们与哪种颜色搭配,都不会出现大的问题。一般来说,如果同一个色与白色搭配时,会显得明亮;与黑色搭配时就显得昏暗。  因此在进行服饰色彩搭配时应先衡量一下,你是为了突出哪个部分的衣饰。不要把沉着色彩,例如:深褐色、深紫色与黑色搭配,这样会和黑色呈现“抢色”的后果,令整套服装没有重点,而且服装的整体表现也会显得很沉重、昏暗无色。黑色与黄色是最亮眼的搭配,红色和黑色的搭配,非常之隆重,但是却不失韵味的哦!








Skill of clad color collocation one, tie-in: Master the usage with mass-tone, auxiliary color, lubricious ornament

Mass-tone is the color with most area of colour of the whole body that occupy refus, occupy the 60% above of systemic area. It is to serve as suit, dust coat, coat, trousers, skirt to wait normally. Auxiliary color is the color that matchs with mass-tone, occupy systemic area 40% the left and right sides. They are odd normally jacket, coat, shirt, vest. Adorn kind of 5%-15% that occupies systemic area only commonly. Normally with filar towel, shoe, bag, act the role of article etc, to the picture dragon chooses the action of essence of life since the meeting.

Tie-in skill 2: Natural look ties tie-in way

Warm color is fastened besides yellow, orange, tangerine, all color that are an impression with yellow are warm color department. Warm color department can give a person luxuriant, mature, young impression commonly, and those who suit to match with the hue having variety of these warm color fundamental key is achromatic color is, besides white, black, had better use the color of camel's hair, brown, coffee color.   

Cool color fastens the 7 color that are a bottom with blue is cool color. With cool color fundamental key collocation does not have color harmoniously, had better choose black, grey, color, avoid to fasten collocation with the color of camel's hair, coffee.   

Tie-in skill 3: Administrative levels ground applies colorific gradual change to match

Choose a kind of color only, use collocation of different light and shade, give support of the people the humorous, metrical feeling that has arrangement. Different color, identical and tonal collocation, give person and the aesthetic feeling of humorous likewise.

Tie-in skill 4: Main lubricious match colors, dissolve tie-in worry easily.

It is not difficult that concolorous dress collocation rises, it is OK to should find the harmonious color that can match to it only, but the clothes that has variety, often be the difficulty of an outfit. It is very easy also that nevertheless you should master the following only.   

Without color, black, white, ash is everlasting tie-in quality, no matter much more complex colour is combined, they can dissolve is entered among them. When the sheet that chooses collocation is tasted, be in already in some colour combination, choice among them either color regards the dress that matchs to it as color, give person whole, harmonious impression. Same sheet of a design and color is tasted, what the different colour in tasting sheet of choice design and color with its tie-in sheet combines is tie-in, not only harmonious, beautiful, still can change the mood is experienced.   

Tie-in skill 4: The colour collocation cent that colour collocation analyses dress deep is two kinds big, one kind is tie-in to colorimetric, additionally one kind is harmonious lubricious collocation.

Is tie-in to colorimetric cent: ? ?

1, strong quality cooperates: The color that shows two be apart are further is suitable, be like: Yellow and purple, red and viridescence are lubricious, this kind of match colors is sharper. In daily life, what we often see is black, the collocation of white, ash and other facial expression. Black, white, ash is colorless department, so, no matter they and which kinds of color is tie-in, won't appear big question. Generally speaking, if same when color and a white are tie-in, can appear bright appear dim when; and black are tie-in. Because this is in,the Ying Xianheng when undertaking dress colour matchs is measured, you are to highlight the garment of which part to act the role of. Do not want an ad cool-headed shade, for example: Puce, modena and black are tie-in, such meetings and black appear " grab color " sequential, dress of your a complete set of does not have a key, and the integral expression of dress also can appear very heavy, dim and colorless. Black and yellow are the collocation of the brightest look, the collocation of red and black, special grand, but do not lose lasting appeal however oh!

2, complementary color cooperates: Those who point to two opposite color cooperate, be like: Red with green, blueness and orange, black with wait in vain, complementary color can form bright contrast suitably, can get better result sometimes. Black and white collocation is forever classical.   

Skill of dress color collocation: Strong quality cooperates, akin color is tie-in, it is specific introduction below:   

1, strong quality cooperates

The color that strong quality cooperates to show two be apart are further is suitable, be like: Yellow and purple, red and viridescence are lubricious, this kind of match colors is sharper. In daily life, what we often see is black, the collocation of white, ash and other facial expression. Black, white, ash is colorless department, so, no matter they and which kinds of color is tie-in, won't appear big question. Generally speaking, if same when color and a white are tie-in, can appear bright appear dim when; and black are tie-in. Because this is in,the Ying Xianheng when undertaking dress colour matchs is measured, you are to highlight the garment of which part to act the role of.   

2, akin color is tie-in

Akin color is tie-in, this is a kind of the the handiest, basiccest match colors method. Akin color is to point to a series of hue identical or close, what differ by the shade depth that lightness changes and arises is tonal. Akin lubricious collocation can obtain dignified, calm, sedate result, apply to the mature female of temperamental grace. But when must noticing akin color is tie-in, the lightness difference between color and color wants proper, differ too small, what be close to too is tonal and easy mutual and promiscuous, lack administrative levels sense; Differ too big, contrast is too sharp tonal cut apart easily whole. When akin color is tie-in best deep, medium, shallow 3 administrative levels change, little appear drabber at the collocation of 3 administrative levels, and administrative levels produces trival, rambling result much more easily too. If ruddy tone gets akin lubricious collocation, but You Mei marvellous is red makings skirt, camel red woollen sweater, claret leather shoes, pomegranate red dangler and weak makeup composition.

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