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入门数码相机选购? 数码相机如何选购?英文双语对照


入门数码相机选购? 数码相机如何选购?英文双语对照



1. 了解自己的需求:首先要考虑您的需求,您是想要一台轻便、易于携带的相机,还是需要更多的功能和更高的画质。

2. 了解相机的类型:数码相机有很多种类型,例如紧凑型、单反型、桥接型等。每一种类型都有自己的特点和优缺点,您需要根据自己的需求选择最适合自己的类型。

3. 了解相机的传感器:相机的传感器是影响画质的关键因素之一。一般来说,大型传感器可以提供更好的画质和更好的低光性能。

4. 了解相机的镜头:镜头也是影响画质的重要因素之一。不同的镜头可以提供不同的焦距和光圈,您需要根据自己的需求选择最合适的镜头。

5. 了解相机的功能:相机的功能也是非常重要的考虑因素。例如,自动对焦、曝光补偿、白平衡、ISO等功能都会影响您的摄影体验。

6. 了解相机的品牌和价格:不同品牌的相机有着不同的特点和优势,价格也有所差异。您需要根据自己的预算和需求选择最合适的品牌和价格。







3.如果你是一个摄影老手,想要相机画质有进一步提升,建议选择索尼或者尼康的次旗舰机型比如索尼A7r4,尼康Z7 D850,这类机型RAW原始格式拍摄其像素,宽容度,画质,细节保留更加丰富,满足你对画质的挑剔。 你的拍摄题材如果更偏向于抓拍那么最好选择各个品牌的顶级产品,索尼A9 尼康D5 佳能1Dx2 这类机型在你抓拍时对焦性能和连拍性能一定能让你满意。






7.本着一个观点 “只买对的,不买贵的” 就好。 当然土豪除外。









(1)用手感比较锁的重量,越重的说明锁芯使用材料越厚实,耐磨损。反之,则材料单薄,易损坏。 (2)看锁具的表面光洁度,是否细腻光滑,无斑点。 (3)反复启开,看锁芯弹簧

的灵敏程度。(4)尽量购买品牌知名度高的锁具,保证质量,经久耐用。   另外,请注意买来的新锁中有一个不起眼的金属开锁片,千万不要小看它。如果遇上钥匙丢失或锁具故障,用开锁片可以轻易将锁具拆下,进行更换。可将开锁片拆下无钥匙的一端,取下把手,再抽出带钥匙的另一端,装上新锁,不会损坏其它部位
































四, 看档位是否多样



1、首先必须到正规琴行或正规生产企业的销售门市购买。 而且要选择规模较大、产品质量和服务质量较好的知名企业的产品。注意:产品标识应完整、齐全。有商标及规格型号、说明书、合格证、检验员、出厂日期、保修卡,以及生产企业名称、地址等。 (尽量购买本地产品,不仅可避免因气侯差异对钢琴造成的影响,而且价格相对便宜,产品的售后服务也较便利。)

2、钢琴音色很重要。首先中音区要好,要连贯一致; 次低音区音色要纯正、洪亮,有穿透性,震撼力强,有钟鸣的效果;两端的音是考核钢琴的设计水平,设计水平越高,两端的音色越好。

3、一架精美的钢琴,不仅有演奏的功能,而且放于室内还有较强的装饰性。所以,挑选钢琴时,还应留意产品的外观质量如何。比如,您可察看一下琴壳的油漆是否光滑、平整、明亮,色泽是否均匀,以及钢琴板面有无开裂及划痕等。 键盘平整、缝隙均匀,琴键负荷不可太重,以免造成小孩手指的损伤。













One, choose and buy of introductory number camera?

If you are the photography lover of an introduction level, it is the proposal of camera of number of a few choose and buys below:

1.Understand oneself requirement: Want to consider your demand above all, you are to want a light, watch for a chance that carries easily, still need more functions and faster picture to pledge.

2.Know the kind of camera: Digital camera has a lot of kinds of kinds, for example compact model, sheet is turned over model, the bridge is received model etc. Type of avery kind of has his characteristic and actor drawback, you need to choose to suit your type most according to your demand.

3.Understand the sensor of camera: The sensor of camera is one of crucial factors with influence qualitative picture. Generally speaking, large sensor can offer better picture to be mixed character better low smooth performance.

4.Understand the scene of camera: Camera lens also is one of main factors with influence qualitative picture. Different camera lens can offer different focal length and aperture, you need to choose the most appropriate camera lens according to his demand.

5.Understand the function of camera: The function of camera also is very main consideration factor. For example, the function such as automatic compensation of pair of anxious, exposure, white balance, ISO can affect your photography to experience.

6.Know the brand of camera and value: The camera of different brand is having different characteristic and advantage, the price also somewhat difference. You need to select the rightest brand and price according to his budget and demand.

Anyhow, want the digital camera that the choose and buy suits him, need understands his requirement seriously, the knowledge of the respect such as the kind that knows watch for a chance, sensor, camera lens, function, brand and price, make the rightest choice.

2, digital camera how choose and buy?

Camera of number of choose and buy uses a purpose to choose according to oneself above all.

For example,

1. is life of viatic on-the-spot report is illuminated only it is better to replace a mobile phone to consider the effect, product of small only elementary course covers proposal choice old brand machine, airframe is deft the picture is qualitative exceedingly good, exterior vogue, sexual price is compared tall.

If 2. is photography of begin to learn, preparation learns concerned photography respect to suggest to choose each deep sheet of the end in big plant turns over a product, for example beautiful can D7500 of 90D Ni Kang, sheet turns over camera this some function can experience entirely, airframe size, hold accuse, function, the price also fits a new hand quite, those who play is thorough change function of machine of high level camera lens still is used quite.

3. if you are veteran of a photography, want camera picture to have farther promotion character, the proposal chooses Suo Ni or second admiral type of Ni Kang for instance Suo Ni A7r4, ni Kang Z7 D850, primitive form of RAW of this kind of type films its resemble element, latitude, the picture is qualitative, detail reservation is more rich, those who satisfy you to pledge to the picture is captious. Your film subject matter if more deflection takes the top class product that had better select each brands so at catching, beautiful of D5 of Ni Kang of Suo Ni A9 can this kind of type is in 1Dx2 you are caught when patting, mix to anxious function pat function to be able to make you satisfactory certainly repeatedly.

4. if you are a Great Master, the purpose is to take commercial work, artistic creation, the proposal chooses the Ha Su with more expensive price, fly think of wait for a machine.

5. suggests to install the word individual that force Lai card is very pretty good still, airframe restores ancient ways beautiful, informal charge of edition of a set limit to is in hundred thousands of, outfit force edge tool.

6. choice camera considers you to whether be opposite even a certain brand more Zhong Yi, buy each oneself those who like also is very important.

What oneself use now is which brand product, change new him machine old equipment whether use, general choice is compared with the brand appropriate.

Sometimes we consider circle even, him friend is playing the machine of what brand, a lot of parts are OK and current after if buy,be the same as a brand.

7. acts on a viewpoint " buy only right, do not buy expensive " good. Of course local tyrant except.

Above is pure belong to individual viewpoint, if have incorrect forgive requesting an audience, point out correct in time.

3, does family expenses suck pump choose and buy oneself?

Water pump theory is the biggest suck Cheng for 9, 8 meters but actually best centrifugal water pump is sucked Cheng is controlled 6 meters namely. The height of general third floor controls general and centrifugal water pump in 9 meters basically cannot be used. Suggest you choose force plunger water pump (namely piston pump) , the suction of this kind of pump the use requirement that Cheng satisfies you higher, more easily. But no matter use which kind of water pump,be to ask to opening pump to want before water will is full of inside water pump and conduit. More troublesome when use. Suggest you can be in first floor or 3 buildings install centrifugal water pump (conduit pump) pressure boost.

4, how screen of family expenses of choose and buy?

Family expenses screen can be put in the position such as the porch that take the door, sitting room commonly, have effect of geomantic, adornment commonly. Screen of double-faced embroidery of embroidery of handiwork of embroider of one contain another name for Kaifeng, design is more, the jade orchid that has Qing He of landscape of annual and peony of riches and honour, superabundant, air, quietly elegant, nobleness.

5, how lock of family expenses of choose and buy?


the choice should notice the following at 3 o'clock:

(1) the weight that locks up quite with feel, heavier demonstrative key cylinder uses data thicker, wear-resisting caustic. Conversely, criterion bill of material is thin, easy attaint. (2) the face that sees lock is bright and clean degree, smooth, without stain. (3) open repeatedly, see key cylinder spring

acute degree. (4) buy a brand as far as possible famous degree of tall lock, assure quality, wear well. Additional, there is an ordinary metal to open a lock in noticing the new lock that buys please piece, must not look down upon it. If meet the key,be lost or lock breakdown, use a lock piece can dismantle lock easily below, undertake changing. But will open a lock piece tear open next one aspect of the matter that do not have the key, get off handle, take out the other one aspect of the matter that takes the key again, mount is locked up newly, won't damage other place

6, how oven of family expenses of choose and buy?

Spread out all

How can be choice family oven just chosen appropriate? Does need notice what is nodded?

Appropriate the demand drop that sees an individual, buy domestic oven to need watchful place, want union of this 2 respects to rise only the consideration is good. As to recommend, of my family expenses is CASDON

One, oven capacity

The size is too small the bake requirement that cannot satisfy big family, the oven of small size causes food appearance easily by sear, the oven with too small size is general cannot the food that bake be heated expands.

2, heat mode

Heat mode is more, can the food of bake is more, to the family with bake high demand, can get satisfaction more. For instance all-around wind is baked, next two-way broil are baked on, sirocco is baked circularly, defrost and rotate grill wind is baked etc.

3, charge lukewarm means

Measure oven to the Xiaorong of hundreds of money, it is to accuse independently lukewarm, but its drawback is very big also, mix to oven of table high capacity embedded oven, charging lukewarm means is fluctuation canal is united accuse lukewarm. Very much high grade oven is spent to make housing lukewarm more saturated, it is to heat up and down system, back barbecue metal and back convection fan are comprised.

4, medicinal powder hot system

Medicinal powder the life that heats up a system to involve a machine, ambry is the safety of life property even, it is the key that must consult so, major oven is before buy comes loose hot, air cooling enters housing from bottom, next from coping eduction, form a closed circuit, filter effectively cloudy air, new gas of eduction clean defecate.

6, lumen material is qualitative

Said in front, of pure oven inside bravery material is the bravery inside high-end enamel commonly character, its hard usage, anti-corrosive, high temperature, the surface is close together and slick, absolve clean trouble.

7, door plank material is qualitative

Table oven is 2 glass door plank commonly, embedded oven is 3 toughened glass, OK and effective block breaks prediction of a person's luck in a given year of quantity of heat, raise heat energy to use efficiency, energy-saving province report, adiabatic effect is distinct.

8, clear

Lumen clears difficult easy degree, concern character with lumen material, as sealed as oven also degree is concerned, oven is material of enamel armor plate pledges commonly, oven a crack between a door and its frame is sealed dismountable word, can clear wholesome blind angle.

9, face plate intelligence is touched accuse

Operate face plate legibly simply, bake dish bird also can play turn; Intelligent open wisdom bake new era, one key can let you do refuse large kitchen.

8, province report

Energy-saving frequency modulation, save the time cost on cooking, also can save report to save cost.

7, skill of choose and buy of family expenses humidifier?

The choose and buy of respecting humidifier, that but cannot smooth the discretion by the price, will judge appropriate. The circumstance such as the volume that still needs pair of humidifier, applicable area has an all-around understanding and just go than be opposite. Or once be bought improper, exchange a purchase is quite troublesome also.

One, know the size of working volume

The size of volume, commonly by decibel the value is measured. If decibel cost is very high, the noise that makes clear this humidifier is more serious. Conversely, the noise when explaining humidifier is working is very little.

Our common humidifier, their decibel value substantially is in 40 to 70 between. So, everybody is when actual choose and buy, should choose decibel to be worth as far as possible low, such even if are add in night wet use, affect oneself and home person not easily also rest.

2, notice applicable area

When humidifier of choose and buy, still should know the applicable area that understands it. Picture a few store water measures the humidifier under 250ml, if put its in the space bigger advocate lie, how long of that have more than is needed, have to bother us to add water afresh. Accordingly, when humidifier of choose and buy, should specially notices this, otherwise, add water often to also hold out take time arduous.

3, whether to contain bright beautiful floodlight

If humidifier carries the sentence of lighting system oneself, we will be very easy when night key-press is operated. If do not have this function, that everybody switch of adjusting control humidifier or archives when, appear very disadvantageous. So, if price respect still calculates reasonable, proposal everybody chooses to contain the sort of humidifier of floodlight.

4, watch grade diversiform

Apply single rate for long to add wet, may let everybody feel not quite comfortable. In view of this, everybody chooses archives as far as possible when choose that one much humidifier. The much archives on market humidifier has commonly: Two archives, 3 archives, 4 archives a few kinds, everybody should consider 4 file above all when the choose and buy or of 3 archives. Such we can according to the body actual condition, will be adjusted neatly increase wet rate.

8, how piano of family expenses of choose and buy?

1, the sale retail sales that must go to normal musical instrument above all or produces a business normally is bought. And should choose dimensions the product of quality of bigger, product and the famous business with serve quality better. Attention: The product marks should complete, all ready. Have brand and norms model, manual, certificate of approval, inspector, date of production, guarantee card, and manufacturing company name, letterhead. (buy this locality product as far as possible, can avoid the effect that causes to piano because of enraging Hou difference not only, and the price is relatively cheap, the after service of the product is more convenience also. )

2, piano is tonal very important. Above all in phonic division is close friends, want area of second bass of coherent and consistent; tinnily sterling, sonorous, have penetrability, shock force is powerful, have Zhong Ming's effect; The sound of two end is the design level that checks piano, design level is higher, of two end had jumped over tinnily.

3, an elegant piano, have performed function not only, and put at indoor still have stronger adornment sex. So, when choosing piano, still answer the exterior quality of advertent product how. For instance, the paint that you can look carefully at musical instrument carapace is bright, colour and lustre is even, and piano board face has wait without craze and nick. Clavier level off, aperture is even, key bear cannot too heavy, lest cause the loss of child finger.

4, piano is the durable consumer goods with opposite higher price, but no matter be inferior piano or high grade piano, when just leaving factory, mix to acoustic quality from appearance feel won't have apparent difference (to the non-professional) , but in one, there can be apparent difference after two years, serious conference appears key is out of shape, become loose, spiccato and difficult; Acoustic quality, feel becomes poor; Spare parts of the aircraft that strike chord becomes loose, murmur appears ceaselessly; Tuning peg becomes loose, need often diapason; The phenomenon such as phonic board craze.

9, does family expenses make oxygen machine how choose and buy?

How to select the engine that make oxygen?

Make oxygen chroma, to this, home has specific provision, medical the oxygen chroma that the element screens the equipment that make oxygen should achieve 90% above, of a few old brands medical class 5L makes oxygen machine can be stabilized for oxygen 93% ± 3, this is planted even if accord with a country medical of the standard.

2. uses body sense, for instance, does the noise when the accident that make oxygen goes have after all how old? Can you affect Morpheus to wait? The control of decibel of travel of the accident that make oxygen of a few big shop signs is between 40-50, this limits is of relatively light tone. If be Morpheus quality not quite nice person is OK and originally first consider this.

3. identifies accurate brand, the parameter that tags no matter how, admit it is very important to allow the 3 cards syncretic, brand that has own productivity, only the brand licence of the product, product registers licence of card, production to agree, the character of the product just has safeguard more. In addition, the machine that make oxygen regards medical treatment as machinery, after we should consider its carry out for certain, the maintenance after perfect carry out, maintain the service can solve a lot of trouble back at home.

10, method of choose and buy of crock of family expenses bath?

1, the size choice of bath crock should affirm according to the dimension of bathhouse.

2, the bath crock of identical bulk size, its deepness, width, length has one variable to differ, other variable is not identical also, at the same time trash exit also can be installed different. Choose the bath crock that depth of water nods for example, the azimuth that trash exports wants relatively a few taller.

3, buy bosseyed the bath crock of edge having skirt, buy must notice to enter the water the azimuth of mouth, metope and the direction by the side of skirt are consistent, avoid to buy wrong product.

4, if want to add shower shower nozzle on bath crock, bath crock should choose as far as possible a bit a bit wider, the bath crock part below shower azimuth wants evenness, and should slip through preventing processing.

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