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三亚旅游景点排名前十的有:大小洞天、三亚南山文化旅游区、亚龙湾、天涯海角 、亚龙湾蝴蝶谷 、蜈支洲岛、鹿回头山顶公园、珠江南田温泉、凤凰岭海誓山盟景区、崖州古越文化旅游区。





亚龙湾蝴蝶谷 :亚龙湾蝴蝶谷是国家4A级旅游景区,是中国第一个设施完善的自然与人工巧妙结合的蝴蝶文化公园,傍海依山自然形成。位于亚龙湾小龙潭湖后部,两面环山,中间谷底贯穿一条溪流。蝴蝶谷占地面积1.5公顷,谷内小桥流水,景色怡人,生长着成千上万只蝴蝶。







3 inferior of before travel tourist attraction ranks 10 have: Size hole day, 3 Yanashanwen changes travel area, inferior Long Wan, the remotest corners of the earth, inferior cereal of Long Wan butterfly, Wu raises continent island, deer to turn round mountain of Na Tian hot spring of summit park, Pearl River, phoenix swears by the moon and the stars in the skies to love forever scene.

Size hole day: 3 inferior size hole day is located in 3 inferior city western south hill the foot of a mountain, it is China most resort of travel of Taoist school culture. Be in harmony collected Shi Jing and scene of seascape, hill, hole scene here, can see " seamount marvellous spectacle " , " celestial being is sufficient " , " small hole day " etc rub cliff carved stone, still distributinging a lot of individual plant " not old pine " , in road " father looks at the sea " , " Zhen Muhai of ancient bronze mirror " etc natural strange stone image is clear, it is a country area of first scene of 5A stage travel.

3 Yanashanwen turns travel area: Area of hill culture travel is our country south area of scene of culture of famous religion and blessing birthday, fill the blank that Hainan history culture travels, can look around here world-famous " the avalokitesvara on Na Shanhai " , also can admire beautiful scenery of hill sea nature. Here hill makes an appointment with 500 meters high, gigantic turtle of be similar in shape, numerous Buddha given name is gotten the better of, be here to be able to experience Buddhist culture not only, also can appreciate returns to nature this true fun.

Inferior Long Wan: It is most tourist comes 3 inferior go to one of ground surely, annual grows Xia Modong, sunny, the winter can hibernate, heat of Xia Ke disappear. The seawater here is azure and clear, visibility is high, sandiness whiteness is like jade, seawater year C of ° of average temperature 22-25.1, all the year round can swim.

The remotest corners of the earth: The remotest corners of the earth is located in 3 inferior the bay is carried on the west, because quarter have " skyline " and " cape " two megalith and famed, skyline stone and sea hornstone are 3 inferior one of mark sex landscape, symbolic move is restful with lucky, what they also are regarded as love all the time is indicative. There still are a lot of configurations on this beach the rock of each different, on a lot of rock quarter have the word that Gu Jin celebrity keeps.

Inferior cereal of dragon bay butterfly: Inferior cereal of dragon bay butterfly is area of scene of travel of national 4A stage, the butterfly culture park that is the nature with the first perfect establishment of Chinese and artificial artful clever union, draw near Hai Yishan is formed naturally. Be located in inferior lake of pool of dragon bay small dragon is hind, hill of two sides annulus, intermediate cereal bottom is perforative a brook. Butterfly cereal covers an area of a face to accumulate 1.5 hectare, inside cereal little bridge running water, scenery happy person, growing by tens of thousands butterfly.

Wu raises continent island: Wu raises continent island is our country's popular phreatic water resort. Here scenery is very good, there are a lot of intertropical plants on the island. This Caspian water visibility is high, underwater world is gorgeous, china protects the most in good condition zoology cay. In the meantime, here or the good place that have the activity on the water such as the parachute on boat of motorboat, banana, water. The tourist attraction lover on the island the bridge, Guan Langting, a covered corridor or walk that watch the sea, still have Mom the history such as Zu Miao is vestigial.

The deer turns round summit park: Here 3 annulus sea, scene charming and gentle, it is the commanding elevation that views and admire sunrise sunset, ascend Shanghai to unplug 275 meters summit but full see 3 inferior scene of the city zone and coastal beautiful scenery. The deer inside the park turns round sculpture is 3 inferior the city carve of city, 3 inferior be called accordingly " Lu Cheng " . The deer turns round main tourist attraction includes beauty spot song and dance of love culture garden, deer park, the Li nationality, downwind stage, deer turns round booth of garden of sculpture, summit, north watchs scene stage to wait.

The Tian Wenquan austral Pearl River: The Tian Wenquan austral Pearl River is 3 inferior famous degree of highest hot spring area, it is located in 3 inferior inside farm of the cropland austral bay of Chinese flowering crabapple, belong to microtherm tepid mine water, mineralization is spent very tall, to human body a variety of diseases have special auxiliary curative effect. Draw near according to hill here water, hot spring distributings in natural coco Lin Zhong, the environment is first-rate.

Phoenix mountain swears by the moon and the stars in the skies to love forever scene area: It is beauty spot of travel of national 4A stage, wait for composition of main mountain peak by phoenix mountain, conch mountain, meeting mountain, altitude of the highest peak in a mountain range makes an appointment with 394 meters, it is exclusive and OK see completely 3 inferior Lin Wan of the East China Sea of bay, size, Yu, inferior Long Wan and 360 ° are bird's eye 3 inferior the optimal position of whole city panorama.

Cliff city Gu Yuewen turns travel area: "Cliff city Gu Yuewen turns travel area " the ground of inhabit a region that is goosefoot seedling brethren from of old, it is the Hainan mainland that has distinguishing feature most area of scene of goosefoot seedling amorous feelings. This scene area covers an area of a face to accumulate 138 mus, group hill encircle, greenery dancing of movie of shady, coco, scenery is pretty.

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