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增城美食推荐? 增城露营野炊地点推荐?英文双语对照


增城美食推荐? 增城露营野炊地点推荐?英文双语对照


古法水寨烧鸡  采用增城当地的荔枝木原火烘烤,外表呈金黄色的烧鸡皮脆肉爽,香甜的滋味让人欲罢不能。竹筒蒸肉丸  采用走地土猪肉为原料,经由大厨手工打制而成,粒粒弹牙爽口。河虾仔蒸坑螺   螺肉爽滑弹牙,虾仔鲜香清甜,新鲜的荷叶飘出淡淡的荷叶清香。粉葛片蒸排骨  用白水寨高山流水浇灌的派潭水晶粉葛,健康无污染,具有清肝明目,消脂健脾的作用,配合当地的客家土猪排骨,味道鲜美,最适合忙碌的都市上班一族。脆皮炸荔枝  增城是荔枝之乡,每年6、7月间,蝉鸣荔熟,白水寨景区餐厅的大厨用新鲜爽甜的荔枝炮制出这道佳肴,使得荔枝肉在香脆的表皮包裹下,仍能保留充足的果汁。甘竹苦笋焖花腩  甘竹苦笋是增城当地一种天然的野生食材,入口甘香爽脆,配合上肥美的花腩肉一起细火慢焖,味道互相补充,令人食指大动。客家煲淋土猪肉  采用当地饲养的土猪为食材,用上汤细火慢熬,逐步将上汤的精华融入土猪肉,让它的味道更加甘香,口感更加绵软。雀肉酿荔枝采用每年当造的新鲜荔枝作为外皮,然后再把捕获的野生雀肉一一镶嵌在去核的荔枝肉当中,味道甜酸可口,令人爱不释手。



正果镇的蒙花布村,号称世外桃源,村外有大片的沙滩适合露营。到芒草萌发的季节,整个村子就像缠了一条美丽的布带,蒙花布村也因此得名。  蒙花布村有许多古建筑,附近有湖心岛景区,景区内的橄榄树林等等都是看点。  
















1. 广州增城蹦极公园:位于增城区永宁街道,是广州地区最大的蹦极公园之一。公园内设有多个不同高度和难度的蹦极塔,适合各种不同程度的玩家挑战。

2. 广州增城天鹿山蹦极:位于增城区荔城街道,是广州地区最早的蹦极基地之一。塔高约50米,可以俯瞰整个增城城区,是体验蹦极的好去处。

3. 广州增城白水寨蹦极:位于增城区中新镇白水寨景区内,是一个集蹦极、攀岩、漂流等多种项目于一体的综合性户外运动基地。蹦极塔高度约为60米,可以体验到极致的高空刺激。

4. 广州增城南华山蹦极:位于增城区永宁街道南华山景区内,是一个集蹦极、滑草、攀岩等多种项目于一体的综合性户外运动基地。蹦极塔高度约为50米,是一个适合初学者和中级玩家的蹦极场地。






















增城区市桥镇的增城公园是观赏荷花的最佳地点。1. 增城公园建于清朝,占地面积广阔,波光粼粼的湖面上种植着各种各样的荷花,数量众多,品种丰富,是品味荷花美景的不二之选。2. 增城公园不仅荷花种类齐全,而且环境十分优美,公园内的建筑和设施也非常完善,游客们在欣赏荷花的同时,还可以品尝当地美食,体验本地文化。


古法水寨烧鸡  采用增城当地的荔枝木原火烘烤,外表呈金黄色的烧鸡皮脆肉爽,香甜的滋味让人欲罢不能。竹筒蒸肉丸  采用走地土猪肉为原料,经由大厨手工打制而成,粒粒弹牙爽口。河虾仔蒸坑螺   螺肉爽滑弹牙,虾仔鲜香清甜,新鲜的荷叶飘出淡淡的荷叶清香。粉葛片蒸排骨  用白水寨高山流水浇灌的派潭水晶粉葛,健康无污染,具有清肝明目,消脂健脾的作用,配合当地的客家土猪排骨,味道鲜美,最适合忙碌的都市上班一族。脆皮炸荔枝  增城是荔枝之乡,每年6、7月间,蝉鸣荔熟,白水寨景区餐厅的大厨用新鲜爽甜的荔枝炮制出这道佳肴,使得荔枝肉在香脆的表皮包裹下,仍能保留充足的果汁。甘竹苦笋焖花腩  甘竹苦笋是增城当地一种天然的野生食材,入口甘香爽脆,配合上肥美的花腩肉一起细火慢焖,味道互相补充,令人食指大动。客家煲淋土猪肉  采用当地饲养的土猪为食材,用上汤细火慢熬,逐步将上汤的精华融入土猪肉,让它的味道更加甘香,口感更加绵软。雀肉酿荔枝采用每年当造的新鲜荔枝作为外皮,然后再把捕获的野生雀肉一一镶嵌在去核的荔枝肉当中,味道甜酸可口,令人爱不释手。


One, is the cate that add a city recommended?

The litchi wood former internal heat that carbonado of stockaded village of water of ancient magic art uses the place that add a city is roast, the bright of carbonado skin fragile flesh of the outside yellow that show gold, sweet flavor lets a person cannot help doing sth. Bolus of flesh of bamboo slip evaporate uses ground aardvark flesh to be raw material, forge of handiwork of by large kitchen and into, bead bead plays a tooth tastily. Bright of flesh of snail of   of snail of hole of evaporate of river shrimp young is slippery play a tooth, shrimp young Xian Xiangqing is sweet, the lotus leaf faint scent with new lotus leaf light trail. The arrowroot of pink of the crystal that send a pool that chop of evaporate of powdery Ge Pian irrigates with running water of high mountain of white water stockaded village, healthy free from contamination, have clear liver bright eye, disappear fat be good at lienal action, cooperate chop of the Hakkas aardvark, flavour is delicious, the city that fits business most goes to work gens. Crackling blast litchi adds the rural area that the city is litchi, annual 6, between July, cicada cries Li is ripe, the large kitchen of dining-room of area of scene of white water camp gives this cate with the litchi n/med the process of preparing Chinese medicine with new sweet feel well, make litchi flesh is in sweet below fragile cuticular wrap up, still can withhold enough fruit juice. Gan Zhu suffers from bamboo shoot stew to spend Nan Gan Zhu to suffer from bamboo shoot is the place that add a city a kind natural feral feed capable person, entrance pleasant sweet bright is fragile, cooperate to go up the beautiful Nan flesh of fat slow stew of a fine fire, flavour complements each other, forefinger making a person is moved greatly. The aardvark that the Hakkas Bao drenchs aardvark flesh uses place to raise is feed capable person, use Shang Xihuo to be boiled slow, will go up stage by stage the pork of be buried of elite be in harmony of soup, the flavour that lets it more Gan Xiang, mouthfeel more soft. The fresh litchi that wine litchi uses sparrow flesh to should be built every year serves as cortical, enchase captured feral sparrow flesh in one by one again next go among litchi flesh of the nucleus, smell is sweet acid is goluptious, your person fondles admiringly.

2, add a city to camp is picnic place recommended?

Add a city to cheat cotton print village

The village of unconscious cotton print that pressing down if really, so-called a haven of peace, the beach that there are big outside the village suits to camp. To the season of awn careless bud, whole village resembled pestering a beautiful cloth belt, village of unconscious cotton print also gets a name accordingly. Village of unconscious cotton print has a lot of ancient buildings, there is area of scene of lake heart island around, the Chinese olive woods inside scene area is a hotspot etc.   

Camping ground type: Lakefront + countryside

Camping ground address: Guangzhou adds a city to be being pressed down if really

Draw a line oneself: From Bai Hu north of village edge S119 goes 10 kilometers, x261 turns to arrive namely after be being pressed down if really too.

3, is An Anmei fed recommend a site?

1. considers prefectural beans to work

The name considers prefectural cowhide to the beans works or consider beans of cowhide of prefectural the five spices to work, it is Sichuan the province is wide the local characteristic that brings city is fastfood. Considering prefectural beans to work is make by classics of high grade soja oar, boil, caky, compress make, put flavoring boiler to be stewed repeatedly next dry. Food is delicate tastily, slip tender exquisite, faint scent is goluptious, the aftertaste is boundless.

2. 3 Ba Shang

It is Sichuan province the characteristic that mouth of edge of county of the wide Wu Sheng that bring city presses down is fastfood. This dish is beef products, wait with arrogant mouth, tail for raw material, tie-in ten flavour Chinese traditional medicine, slow fire cook over a slow fire stews 6 hours of above. 3 Ba Shang lubricious delicacy are delicious, faint scent is delightful, get the better of people by broad fierce love.

3. on the west board fermented soya beans

Original name " board bridge fermented soya beans " , it is Sichuan saves county of the wide Yue Chi that bring city on the west the special local product of board countryside. This tasting it is raw material with high grade soja, employ the capable person of more than 10 kinds of Chinese traditional medicine such as skin of anise, anise, cinnamonic, orange, via immersing, boil, evaporate is boiled, air is basked in, ferment wait for a tradition to craft wine is made and be become, colour and lustre is black yellow, texture is soft hard, salt is delicate and appropriate, fragrance is full-bodied, can make dressing, also but alone edible, love by people.

4. Deng Zuxiang is hot duck

It is Sichuan the province is wide the characteristic that brings city is fastfood. Deng Zuxiang hot duck is handpick the classy sheldrake that Home An Annong puts in a suitable place to breed, use local tradition to craft and contemporary processing technique refine and be become. Bloat first, hind again bittern, roast. The product shows golden color or Gong Zong scene, its flesh is qualitative dry, sweet, thin, oil is sweet 4 excessive, the entrance is pure sweet, aftertaste continous is long.

5. walnut is spent namely walnut style, call walnut button again, macrobian dish, asparagus. It is to use feral and fresh, qualitative tender, take out needs a flower, colour and lustre shows the walnut flower tender bine of natural green to make raw material, be machined meticulously and become, fallow or the face is dark black, reductive hind show green or gray. Restore its natural configuration and composition of lubricious, sweet, flavour and nutrition. The dry walnut that buys commonly is beautiful, after into boiled water small fire dip boils 30 minutes, Ying Xianfang uses warm water full, take out next abluent reserve. Can cold and dressed with sause, fry feed.

4, does Guangzhou add a city to skip is polar dot recommended?

Guangzhou adds a city to a few skip polar dot can recommend:

1.Guangzhou adds a city to skip extremely park: Be located in add the city zone to always could there be street, it is Guangzhou area is the largest skip extremely one of parks. Many different height and difficulty set inside the park skip extremely tower, suit the player challenge of all sorts of different level.

2.Guangzhou adds hill of city weather deer to skip extremely: Be located in add city of Li of the city zone street, it is Guangzhou zone is the earliest skip extremely one of base. The tower makes an appointment with 50 meters high, can look down at the whole the city zone that add a city, it is the experience skips extremely good place.

3.Guangzhou adds stockaded village of town white water to skip extremely: Be located in new garrison post is white in adding the city zone inside area of water camp scene, it is a collect skips extremely, a variety of projects such as Pan Yan, float the base of omnibus outdoors movement at an organic whole. Skip extremely tower height is 60 meters about, the headroom that can experience acme is exciting.

4.Guangzhou adds the Mount Hua austral the city to skip extremely: Be located in add the city zone to always could there be street south inside area of Mount Hua scene, it is a collect skips extremely, a variety of projects such as slippery grass, Pan Yan the base of omnibus outdoors movement at an organic whole. Skip extremely tower height is 50 meters about, it is one suits abecedarian and intermediate player skip extremely field.

As a whole, guangzhou adds a city to many skip polar dot can choose, every place has its distinctive characteristic and advantage. Proposal choice skips normally extremely the orgnaization has an experience, ensure safe.

5, old name of the cate that add a city?

One, Tao Tao is resided, found Yu Wanqing. This is the famous cafeteria of old name of a China. Its adornment style is very elegant, offer a lot of special cate and fastfood, attracted numerous customer. Swan of fresh fruit Durian is crisp, fair bolus of beef of dried tangerine or orange peel of dumpling of Huang Bao of mainstream powdered milk, shrimp, mangosteen is very good eat. The inn of 10 big early tea that they are unripe enthusiasm grand, be in domestic and international very famous.

2, lotus sweet building, river source dining-room is one is in Guangzhou wide welcome luxurious in dining room of food of high-grade another name for Guangdong Province. Decorate very luxurious, the service is very considerate. Dish is done very well, attracted a lot of foreign country tourists. Lotus sweet edifice is an old and famous cate dining-room of Guangzhou. Decorate already classic simple, maintained the tradition with Chinese dinkum south to build a style. Made snack is very delicate and delicate. Thailand Durian is crisp with gold fork sesame seed cake is indispensable fastfood.

3, He Yuan wineshop, river source dining-room is one is in Guangzhou wide welcome luxurious in dining room of food of high-grade another name for Guangdong Province. Decorate very luxurious, the service is very considerate. Dish is done very well, attracted a lot of foreign country tourists.

4, another name for Guangdong Province closes on the west, guangdong closing on the west is the dining room of food of characteristic another name for Guangdong Province of Guangzhou old name. It is decorating costly atmosphere. You can take course of authentic traditional another name for Guangdong Province here. Triumphal shrimp dumpling is to come here to sample the essential thing of the deadbeat of cate.

5, abundant scene a small room, yu Jingxuan is located in road of north of Guangzhou the Milky way. This is a very special early tea inn. The environment here is first-rate, adornment is very luxurious, and very introduce quietly all sorts of delicate and fastfood, this is the good place that a friend meets and samples.

6, Great Harmony wineshop, great Harmony dining-room is the famous dining-room of Chinese old name. It is in Guangzhou very popular. Mug-up is very delicate, still can hear classic Guangdong opera. It has the taste of very thick old Guangzhou. It is one of shops of 10 big early tea. The course that must choose here is porket of golden qualitative flay and crisp chicken.

7, Guangzhou dining-room is the breakfast dining room with a long history, offer a lot of classical characteristic mug-up and course of delicate another name for Guangdong Province. This price affords, and get the favour of a lot of Guangzhou citizens.

8, wineshop tying a brook, involving Western-style food office is China's biggest garden dining room, have characteristic of full-bodied Changjiang Delta gardens and delicate cooked food. Special recommend porket of skin of sweet chicken of Pan Xisun king, garden, sesame seed, make your aftertaste boundless.

9, boreal center wineshop, boreal center wineshop decorates classicism, have grumous historical flavor. Go in, have the rockery with elegant adornment and running water. Delicate food includes the red rice banger with delicious flavour. It is one of shops of 10 big early tea, a lot of deadbeat are attracted by it.

10, dot heart, dot heart it is a kind of new-style early tea. Traditional cate is more delicate after innovation. Special recommend Ming Shiman and steamed dumpling of the ovary and digestive glands of the crab and famous shrimp dumpling king.

6, rank of street of the cate that add a city?

Stew of yam of extensive aid fingered citron, bubble of beans of old yellow city, before Qi city burns goose to discharge 3

7, add a city what to cate there is?

Had gone adding a city to know, add a city to leave Guangzhou urban district very far, city leaving benefit is very close. The geographical environment that says to add a city so is brought about add a city of the cate of this place and Guangzhou urban district a bit different. The likelihood with the famousest cate that adds a city is carbonado. The carbonado that adds a city basically is to use litchi wood to burn come out, burn the carbonado that come out to have a special litchi taste so, sweet. Outside and golden carbonado skin fragile flesh is juicily. This is a cate that the tourist friend that distance comes over takes surely. Still have even if add the river shrimp of the city, river shrimp is fried together with leek commonly sweet, this delicate it is a food that everybody can like accept almost, special go with wine. Farmhouse dish arrives to be chosen surely. Still having is landscape wine bean curd, this also is a when nod surely in farmhouse dish. The mouth of tender Hua Shuang with the special bean curd of pool of the clique that add a city, because of the reason of geographical environment, draw near according to hill water, making the mouthfeel of the Hakkas bean curd that come is different, price material benefit. The cate that adds a city actually still has a lot of a lot of, for instance total cattle banquet, wax gourd banquet is waited a moment, did not say one by one here. Friends have the cate that place must try if the opportunity goes adding a city, believe you can like.

8, add a city optimal admire the beauty of flowers place?

Nowadays, be located in Li lake green line on the west side, sang Huazheng opens the case of area of about 6000 square metre eagerly, the lake that it is Li added a beautiful beautiful scenery line.

Big Bu surrounds beautiful sea winter jasmine of nearly 100 mus of flowers blossoms, full garden is adorned brilliantly by the flower of colour profusion colorful, continuous into piece oily cauliflower breaks up along with wind emerge, sea of chrysanthemum of 10 thousand birthday is just as a golden spoondrift, bouquets of flowers and piles of silks-rich multicolored decoration of all sorts of small wild flower, colourful

Pressing down the whangee hole valley of village of west lake beach if really, the chrysanthemum wind-bell wood of about 500 mus of 30 thousand individual plant is brilliant blossom, full hill chrysanthemum, too many beautiful things, just like a flowery canvas.

9, is the lotus that add a city nodded optimally?

The park adding a city that adds garrison post of bridge of city of the city zone is the optimal place that views and admire lotus. 1. The park that add a city builds Yu Qingchao, cover an area of an area capacious, wave light is cultivating various lotus on clear lake face, the amount is numerous, variety is rich, be savour lotus beautiful scenery not two anthology. 2. The park that add a city not only lotus sort is all ready, and the environment is very beautiful, the building inside the park and establishment are very perfect also, while tourists are admiring lotus, still can sample local cate, experience this locality culture.

10, what does the cate that adds a city have?

The litchi wood former internal heat that carbonado of stockaded village of water of ancient magic art uses the place that add a city is roast, the bright of carbonado skin fragile flesh of the outside yellow that show gold, sweet flavor lets a person cannot help doing sth. Bolus of flesh of bamboo slip evaporate uses ground aardvark flesh to be raw material, forge of handiwork of by large kitchen and into, bead bead plays a tooth tastily. Bright of flesh of snail of   of snail of hole of evaporate of river shrimp young is slippery play a tooth, shrimp young Xian Xiangqing is sweet, the lotus leaf faint scent with new lotus leaf light trail. The arrowroot of pink of the crystal that send a pool that chop of evaporate of powdery Ge Pian irrigates with running water of high mountain of white water stockaded village, healthy free from contamination, have clear liver bright eye, disappear fat be good at lienal action, cooperate chop of the Hakkas aardvark, flavour is delicious, the city that fits business most goes to work gens. Crackling blast litchi adds the rural area that the city is litchi, annual 6, between July, cicada cries Li is ripe, the large kitchen of dining-room of area of scene of white water camp gives this cate with the litchi n/med the process of preparing Chinese medicine with new sweet feel well, make litchi flesh is in sweet below fragile cuticular wrap up, still can withhold enough fruit juice. Gan Zhu suffers from bamboo shoot stew to spend Nan Gan Zhu to suffer from bamboo shoot is the place that add a city a kind natural feral feed capable person, entrance pleasant sweet bright is fragile, cooperate to go up the beautiful Nan flesh of fat slow stew of a fine fire, flavour complements each other, forefinger making a person is moved greatly. The aardvark that the Hakkas Bao drenchs aardvark flesh uses place to raise is feed capable person, use Shang Xihuo to be boiled slow, will go up stage by stage the pork of be buried of elite be in harmony of soup, the flavour that lets it more Gan Xiang, mouthfeel more soft. The fresh litchi that wine litchi uses sparrow flesh to should be built every year serves as cortical, enchase captured feral sparrow flesh in one by one again next go among litchi flesh of the nucleus, smell is sweet acid is goluptious, your person fondles admiringly.

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