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②所有饲喂料都可在工作台里的道具选择制作;扩展资料:;《创造与魔法》是一款自由沙盒探索冒险游戏。游戏中可以改造环境,自由建造房屋、城池、城邦,同时还能探险,交友、副本、换装的高自由生存手游。;《创造与魔法》是一款待定义的游戏 ,你之所想即为所见,如果你是一位生存游戏爱好者,它将给你最丰富的游戏体验,如果你是一位rpg爱好者,你同样也可在这片天地体验到惊险与刺激,而不变的,则是你所得的每一份资源或锻造的每一件冒险装备,都需通过自己的努力去获得。我们欢迎每一位玩家共同来创造此方世界。
























幼鲭鲨资质负重:20-25kg速度:正常速度7500 - 8200/冲刺速度15000 - 16400







2、机关兔会协助主人攻击敌人,而被满月照耀的范围内,你会有攻击力、防御力跟额外吸血的加成 。使用不死药可以让琼娥化身战宠



生物名称 :绅士骆驼

极限速度 :7100+












使用50个旧日之低语孵化梦呓之卵,就可以获得章鱼骑宠- 库露娜旧日之歌。













2、机关兔会协助主人攻击敌人,而被满月照耀的范围内,你会有攻击力、防御力跟额外吸血的加成 。使用不死药可以让琼娥化身战宠
























One, " creation and blackart " pet encyclopedia?

Creation and blackart feed encyclopedia: ; Attention: ;

All ① raise are fed makings need 5 common feed material to make 1;

All ② raise are fed makings can choose to make in the prop in workbench; Patulous data: ; " creation and blackart " it is game of venture of exploration of a free sandbox. The environment can be transformed in game, freedom builds building, city, city-state, return at the same time can expeditionary, the tall freedom that delivers friendly, carbon, transhipment of through cargo lives the hand swims. ; " creation and blackart " the game that is one xenial definition, your place wants to see for place namely, if you are,one lives game lover, it will give you the richest game experience, if you are a Rpg lover, you also can experience alarmingly dangerous and stimulation in this heaven and earth likewise, and changeless, each resource that is your earning or each forginging adventure equip, need to be obtained through oneself effort. We welcome each players to create this world jointly.

2, creation and encyclopedia of blackart weapon aptitude?

The weapon finished product that makes in creation and blackart game besides the average charge that takes oneself, still have harm of 4 kinds of attribute. It is respectively: Ancient biology harm, diabolical harm, skeleton harm, ancient battlefield is harmed

With made of baked clay Lei Yajian and Gong Wei exemple, its add attribute harm has: 3-5 of harm of biology of skeleton harm 3-6, ancient battlefield, diabolical harm 3-5, ancient biology harms 4-7

So in game, these a few kinds of harm have effect to what an eccentric person respectively, the bud that just contacts this game for the help is new people clear up these, had a test designedly (Ps: The attribute harm of version has diabolical harm to have effect only previously)

Test weapon is common made of baked clay Lei Yajian, all did not add evil spirit, common harm a weapon without attribute, other property harms each one

① devil is harmed

Devil harms all pair of night at 0 o'clock - in the morning 6.3 between those who appear is impish have effect

Check following ↓

Can see apparent harm raises the weapon that has evil injury property somewhat

② skeleton is harmed

The skeleton harms a biology to all sorts of guardianship treasure chest (chest of treasure of condition of crystal, obsidian, north) , box of the Shi Bao that add evil spirit (Jin Bao box) effective fruit

Check following ↓

③ ancient battlefield is harmed

Ancient battlefield harm has the effect to ancient battlefield skeleton only

Still can use ancient battlefield to add demon stone to raise this kind of harm

④ ancient biology is harmed

Ancient harm has the effect to world Boss only

Check following ↓

Note: Remote antiquity harms pair of elite kind an eccentric person does not have harm addition, if the Dragon King of tiger king, wolf king, venom is waited a moment

Sword kind each attribute harm should be diabolical harm most be very popular, brush demon brilliant after all very practical, and bend kind if, besides ancient harm other do not have what good. The need when young associate chooses attribute to harm notices this is nodded.

3, creation and encyclopedia of blackart shark aptitude?

Aptitude of dark violet shark is: Load 19000-20400 of 9400-10200 of 35-40, speed, sprint.

Dark violet shark basically distributings the deep-sea area of the sea in heavy Mian, the player can find it directly, feed of dark violet shark is by antic fish + Jin Long fish + infrequent flesh is made and become, need 100 packets.

Aptitude of young mackerel shark loads: 20-25kg speed: 15000 - 16400 of speed of sprint of regular rate 7500 - 8200/

The speed on water of aptitude of grey mackerel shark: The sprint on 8500-9200 water: 17000-18400 loads: 25-30kg

4, how do creation and blackart pet promote aptitude?

Powdery darling bear can take rank rock with passing. Will change basic aptitude, through the promotion of grade the mechanism seems to also can promote, the swiftest method trades namely city. Go buying powdery darling bear to take rank rock.

5, creation and aptitude of pet of blackart goddess in the moon?

Life of aptitude of goddess in the moon is highest 4.5 attack aptitude 1.8 defence aptitude 1.1

1, Zhan Chongqiong E: Belong to assist kind of battle to bestow favor on, she has two technical ability, it is call mechanism hare and call round respectively full moon is beamed and master

2, mechanism hare can assist host to atttack the enemy, and inside the limits that is shined by full moon, you can have assault force, defense force to follow additional the addition that sucks blood. Use not dead medicine to be able to let fine jade E reincarnate battle is bestowed favor on

3, sit ride E fining jade: When you fly, belt of elder sister of E fining jade can put you on her moon. Lock of use the palace of the moon can let fine jade E becomes sit ride

6, creation and aptitude of blackart adventure pet?

Biology name: Gent camel

Ultimate rate: 7100+

The limit loads: 45+

Above is the aptitude of gent camel

7, create as highest as blackart octopus pet aptitude?

Aptitude limits

Initiative life: 58-68

Life aptitude: 3.400-4.250

Initiative attack: 5

Initiative demon attacks: 10-16

Demon studies intelligence: 1.750-1.950

Head for the bourse of Chun Rihai bank. In material of an eccentric person one column, the egg that buys balderdash perhaps is sinking the sea of Mian is attacked kill octopus Boss to also can drop.

The murmur ceremony box of former days is bought in the store, the murmur that odds opens a former days perhaps is sinking the sea of Mian attacks the pupil that abyss drops after killing octopus Boss, also can open the murmur that gives former days.

Use the egg of the murmur hatch balderdash of 50 former days, can obtain octopus to ride bestow favor on - the song that the library shows graceful former days.

8, creation and blackart? Is dragon pet highest aptitude?

Aptitude of bone dragon pet (highest) : 3.8-2.3

Speed (the fastest) : 8500

Flight speed (the fastest) : 15000

Sit ride load (highest) : 50

Skill of dragon of boreal condition bone:

Claw of 1. bone dragon attacks: In hit the target taller harm is caused when enemy crucial point.

2. bone dragon spits breath: Bone dragon was sucked deeply at a heat, the breath that use dragon sweeps the enemy of ahead.

Saliva of dragon of ice of = of feed of dragon of boreal condition bone is careless + arctic cod + glacial essence (95 packets firm)

9, creation and aptitude of highest grade of pet of blackart goddess in the moon?

Life of aptitude of goddess in the moon is highest 4.5 attack aptitude 1.8 defence aptitude 1.1

1, Zhan Chongqiong E: Belong to assist kind of battle to bestow favor on, she has two technical ability, it is call mechanism hare and call round respectively full moon is beamed and master

2, mechanism hare can assist host to atttack the enemy, and inside the limits that is shined by full moon, you can have assault force, defense force to follow additional the addition that sucks blood. Use not dead medicine to be able to let fine jade E reincarnate battle is bestowed favor on

10, how do creation and blackart pet promote aptitude?

Here divides property of aptitude of kinds of big introduction: Grade kind, aptitude kind, attribute kind, special attribute kind

One, grade kind

Current order and degree: Pet present grade, very good understanding, obtain at first begin from 1 class

Experience value: Experience value is the experience value that points to pet to need to below one class, pet experience value can dig mine in the player, cut a tree, make, collect the call when waiting for an activity to give pet to be able to gain experience, also can carry pet grain additionally (1000 experience) , advanced pet food (5000 experience) , cruel cruel dog still can carry grain of pet of cruel cruel dog (2000 experience) will gain experience quickly

The largest order and degree: It is the largest order and degree that pet can upgrade, but if player under this the largest order and degree, pet is unavailable also experience. But developmental pet promotes the largest order and degree likely through evolution

2, aptitude kind

Aptitude kind have these 4 kinds: Life, attack, defence, blackart harm

Aptitude is to show every upgrade a grade, as corresponding as aptitude property value of the player can have promotion by aptitude, partial pet evolution can promote aptitude, initiative aptitude value also is random for the most part

3, attribute kind

Property value has life value, attack value, defence value, blackart atttacks a value, shield; among them shield estimation calculates a method is pet *10 of the largest order and degree

The attribute of 1 class moment is worth the pet that catchs is random, so very much young associate goes after highest grade, especially OK and developmental pet, developmental cost is particularly expensive, certain player goes after highest grade attribute to achieve better call experience

4, special attribute kind

Special attribute has devil to harm addition, devil is counteractive, the skeleton harms addition, the skeleton is counteractive, ancient biology harms addition, ancient biology is counteractive, present game had cancelled this set, these are worth the pet that catchs now so is 0

Place as a way of pledges computational method is:

The average = of current order and degree

The average of initiative attack + current order and degree of attack aptitude *(- 1)


The average of current order and degree of initiative attack = - current order and degree of attack aptitude *(- 1)

Pet is to have the biggest charge and the smallest charge, final:

= of initiative and average charge

(Attack is worth upper limit + attack is worth floor level) current order and degree of *(of *0.5- attack aptitude - 1)

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