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山东有什么特色美食? 丹东有广鹿岛吗?英文双语对照


山东有什么特色美食? 丹东有广鹿岛吗?英文双语对照









广东科学技术职业学院是公办 ,大部分专业学费为6410元/学年;

广州科技职业技术大学属于民办 ,专科18000元/学年,本科26800元/学年;

广东科技学院也属于民办 ,专科16000元/学年,本科23000元/学年。


答:两广地区特色美食:云吞、 油条、 烧味、 早茶、 菠萝包、 叉烧、白切鸡……其中白切鸡是两广人招待客人必不可少的一道美食。不管是广东还是广西,都有“无鸡不成宴”的说法,每逢过节或者举办各种重大宴请活动,餐桌上都有一盘白切鸡。由此可见,白切鸡是两广人非常喜欢吃的美食,也是招待客人必不可少的一道菜肴。













第二种:淮扬系 ,就说涟水鸡糕


第三种:齐鲁系 就说 九转大肠


第四种:粤闽系 就说蜜汁叉烧










广汉缠丝兔广汉缠丝兔,是四川省德阳广汉市的著名特产,制作时采用麻绳缠绕的特殊加工方法,因此故名“广汉缠丝兔”,色泽美观,肉嫩味鲜,有特殊的烟香味,旅行野餐,尤为适宜。缠丝兔是南方地区著名的兔肉加工产品,尤以四川广汉驰名,加工历史悠久,制作精细,造型美观,风味独特。广汉缠丝兔享誉海内外,是四川广汉古蜀文化三星堆之外的又一张名片。连山回锅肉连山回锅肉具有独到的特点:肥而不腻、瘦而不绵、略带辣味、咸中有甜、色泽油黄、鲜嫩醇香,是色、香、味俱全的可口佳肴。 回锅肉,是川菜中一道历史悠久的菜肴。过去商店、作坊,在初二、十六打牙祭或人们在喜庆节日,或平时人来客往的酒宴时,回锅肉都是必不可少的一道主菜。由于过去它以肥肉为主要材料,故人们又称为解馋菜。鳝鱼鸡蛋卷四川特产—鳝鱼鸡蛋卷,是以鳝鱼与鸡蛋为主原料油煎而成,滑润爽口,清鲜味美,老少皆宜,营养价值很高且有非常好的食疗作用。 薯类加工品薯类加工品薯类加工生产基地以石梯村9社为主,年加工能力1500吨,产值1500万元,带动种植和加工农户7500户,帮助该社农户人均增收1343.75元。广汉金丝面广汉金丝面是四川省德阳市广汉市的特产。广汉金丝面用上面、鸡蛋和微量苏打搅匀,手工擀薄切细而成。色泽金黄,下锅即熟,不留筋,不浑汤。以原汤冲调料,放臊子,盛芝麻油,其味甚鲜。金丝面发源广汉市一个小镇,在那镇上人人会做,后来才发展起来,满广汉城都有,到现在已经有50多年的历史。






One, what characteristic cate does Shandong have?

Shandong characteristic cate has edible vegetable oil dish wonton of silk of cake of blast of candy of 8 batches of spring roll of dumpling of filar cake, oily Xuan, fried dumpling, fill, sweet-and-sour thin pancake made of millet flour, boiled dumpling, spring pancake, 5 benevolence bag, shepherd's purse, fruit, rose, chicken, long Qing Dynasty is big simmer in water of element bag, people is wrapped.

Shandong rash dish is the main component of Chinese food culture, one of 8 big vegetable departments of Chinese, with its flavour Xian Xian is fragile tender, local color is distinctive, make be famous in subtly global. Provincial and geographical difference is big, formed coastal glue consequently east 3 cardinal principle are dish and inland Jinan dish and the course of aperture government office that tie from adult.

2, red east is there wide Lu Dao?

Red east without wide Lu Dao, red east have big Lu Dao.

Wide Lu Dao is located in archipelago of hill of minister of Yellow Sea north western, it is park of forest of national level island, the scenery that is Liaoning province scenic spot one of areas. Liaoning is belonged to to save island of wide deer of county of Dalian mayor sea to press down on administration, whole town is comprised by 23 size island, the sliding weight of a steelyard, reef, land the earth's surface accumulates 31.5 square kilometer, maritime space area 1000 square kilometer, coasting grows 74 kilometers. It is an islands with the largest area in long hill a chain of islands. Mutual dweller makes an appointment with 13 thousand person.

3, a few wide families does Guangdong have?

Continue to use " wide division " 3 schools of this abbreviation are institute of science and technology of university of technology of profession of science and technology of institute of profession of Guangdong science and technology, Guangzhou, Guangdong respectively.

Institute of profession of Guangdong science and technology is fair do, major professional tuition is 6410 yuan / school year;

University of technology of profession of Guangzhou science and technology belongs to run by the local people, specialized subject 18000 yuan / school year, undergraduate course 26800 yuan / school year;

Institute of Guangdong science and technology also belongs to run by the local people, specialized subject 16000 yuan / school year, undergraduate course 23000 yuan / school year.

4, cate of characteristic of two vast areas?

Answer: Cate of characteristic of two vast areas: Yun Tun, deep-fried twisted dough sticks, burn bag of flavour, early tea, pineapple, fork, Bai Qie chicken... cutting chicken in vain among them is two wide people a entertainment guest's indispensable cate. No matter be Guangdong or Guangxi, have " do not become a banquet without chicken " view, whenever celebrate a festival to perhaps conduct all sorts of great fete activities, there is chicken of a dish of Bai Qie on table. This shows, bai Qie chicken is the cate that two wide people like to eat very much, also be a entertainment guest's indispensable dish.

5, does Guangdong have those who raise boa wide snake?

Of course some.

The breed aquatics of boa wide snake is very extensive also.

Wide snake, the alias of snake of Heimei bright and beautiful,

Large nonpoisonous snake, can amount to 2 meters or so endlong.

Alias still has: ﹑ of snake of cauliflower of ﹑ of snake of yellow snake of ﹑ of Ci Man of ﹑ of snake of yellow larynx of ﹑ of snake of skin of Gou of ﹑ of yellow jaw snake Home ﹑ snake of gradations marked on the beam of a steelyard of ﹑ of snake of 3 all alone.

Head and body are carried on the back olive or palm gray; Eye hind has an apparent Hei Wen, also be the main basis that this snake names; Body carries on the back before, the middle has black echelon or butterfly record streak, be like gradations marked on the beam of a steelyard slightly, reason snake of renown gradations marked on the beam of a steelyard; Carry fleck of middle in the future on the back by body gradually hasten concealed is broken, but even if the black that has 4 clarity brings nonstop tail end, scale of several central backs has weak edge.

6, what is characteristic cate?

To " what is characteristic cate? " this problem, be in next having the following acknowledge:

There is Fujian of raise of Ba Shu, the Huaihe River, Qi Lu, another name for Guangdong Province in China 4 big vegetable are, every dish department has different branch

The first kind: Ba Shu is, say lung of husband and wife piece

It is dish of a Sichuan Chengdu name, be contrived by husband and wife of Guo Chaohua, Zhang Tian politics and become. Give priority to with tongue of bovine scalp, Niu Xin, ox, tripe, beef normally makings, undertake bittern is made, after that section. Deserve to make red oil irrigate with the complementary makings such as face of chili oil, Chinese prickly ash again above. Its are made careful, colour and lustre is beautiful, qualitative tender taste is little, hemp hot aroma, very dainty.

The 2nd kind: Raise of the Huaihe River is, say ripples moorhen cake

Ripples moorhen cake is cake of tradition of ripples water district kind special local product. Gallinaceous cake is delicate, modelling is refined, nutrition is rich, love by the old person. Cake of the chicken that make is with pigeon breast chest the flesh is given priority to expect, match wait for complementary makings with juice of ginger of pink of right amount fresh shrimp meat, egg, yam, beans, green, add on more than 10 kinds to dressing is made and be become

The 3rd kind: Qi Lu department says 9 turn large intestine

The traditional name dish of Jinan. pig large intestine after rinse, spice uses boiled water to boil to hard crisp, take out cut paragraph, add soy, candy, flavor to wait flavor, enter the blast in oily boiler first, add again condiment and flavor are cooked and become. Food taste is accordingly distinctive, do not have taste, and assist chef makes this dish resemble Taoist school " red of 9 refine gold " spy of same energy industry, call its " 9 turn large intestine " .

The 4th kind: Department of Fujian of another name for Guangdong Province says sweet juice fork is burned

It is one of dish of name of Guangdong province tradition, belonging to food of food of another name for Guangdong Province is. "Fork is burned " be from " insert burn " develop and come. Main with pork (thin) , fork is burned sauce, oyster sauce, garlic, unripe smoke, cooking wine, honey, white sugar, peanut oil is made for raw material and become. Have filling kidney to raise blood, moisten the respiratory tract of method of treating yin deficiency by reinforcing body fluid and nourishing the blood and have add memory and the effect of be good at head

Above is the cate of one part characteristic in department of 4 big vegetable only, still have a lot of a lot of did not list one by one, hope to be helped somewhat to you, thank!

7, what does Guangdong have?

1, extensive pattern moon cake is one of dots of name of characteristic of Guangdong province place, be in Chinese southern region, especially the Mid-autumn Festival of folk of and other places of Guangdong, Guangxi, Hainan should be on a diet article, it is mid-autumn a form of moon cake, mouthfeel of extensive pattern moon cake accords with the taste of southern. Extensive pattern moon cake is famed at the world, the mainest still is choosing at it makings and the craft that make is extremely exquisite, its characteristic is leather Bao Song soft, modelling beautiful, design is not easy and clarity of delicate, decorative pattern, broken, pack exquisite, carry convenient, it is people is tasted in the beautiful of give sb a present of the Mid-autumn Festival, also be people in the night with round mid-autumn month indispensable beautiful is tasted.

2, a kind of traditional desert that horse's hoof cake is and other places of the Fuzhou City of city of Guangdong province Guangzhou, Fujian Province and city of Nanning of Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region is fastfood, according to legend results from Tang Dynasty, its mix with syrup add up to pink of water chest nut to pachyrhizus pink evaporate is made and perhaps be become. Water chest nut, language of another name for Guangdong Province and horse's hoof of Fujian language another namer, friend name. Its color tea is yellow, show translucence, can be folded and do not crack, stick up and ceaseless, soft, slippery, bright, pliable but strong has both, smell is extremely sweet. 3, candy is not swung renown flexibly if really, one of dots of local tradition name that are Guangdong province, belong to desert of dish of another name for Guangdong Province. Mouthfeel is crisp absolutely slippery sweet, wake stomach and not be bored with, smell is sweet 4 excessive, old little all appropriate. Candy does not throw a way simple and easy, thoroughly cook pink of polished glutinous rice directly, knead becomes powdery bolus, thoroughly cook with the syrup that rolls heat in iron bowl, scatter next on the fry earthnut or cuts silk decoct egg companion of pulverize is fed.

4, old good people skips arenaceous have a paragraph of background, bridge of person of old good people becomes Zhang Yuqing Qianlong 53 years to become inn of the deepfry that write down " to contrive in the " that its set. What later generations reachs via arranging De Lixi after is successive carry on and improve, formed " Li Xi to write down " gradually this old name. Local color is distinctive and humanness praise highly, then is celebrated and other places of HongKong and Macow, Singapore, Malaysia, it is a tourist what need to Guangdong snap up is bought is small feed.

5, the dot of name of tradition of a kind of characteristic that blind fair cake is city of Guangdong province Fosan, belonging to dish of another name for Guangdong Province is; Because it is,contrive by one blind Yu Qing takes the place of between Jiaqingnian (1796 one 1820) , get a blind fair cake consequently.

Be apart from what already had 160 years today is long. Blind fair cake deserves to be made opportunely and be become with the excellent raw material such as sugar, earthnut, sesame seed, pork, unboiled oil with polished glutinous rice completely. The pork that places inside cake, its make a way more wonderful choiceness, with young fine white sugar bloats Tibetan a few months (least number day) just take out make up, taste honey crisp, delicate and goluptious, be famous in China and foreign countries.

8, wide Chinese what characteristic cate is recommended?

Wide Chinese hare pestering silk is wide Chinese hare pestering silk, it is Sichuan province heart the famous special local product of Yang Anhan city, the special treatment method that rope made of hemp twines is used when making, because of this friend name " wide Chinese hare pestering silk " , colour and lustre is beautiful, fleshy tender taste is little, have special smoke sweet smell, viatic picnic, particularly appropriate. Hare pestering silk is southern region famous rabbit meat processes a product, blame with Sichuan An Hanchi name, treatment history is long, make careful, modelling is beautiful, local color is distinctive. Wide Chinese hare pestering silk is famous in global, it is another piece of calling card besides caboodle of SamSung of culture of Sichuan wide Han Gushu. Flesh of the cook again that connect hill has even flesh of hill cook again original characteristic: Fat and not be bored with, thin and not continous, summary belt is piquancy, salty in have oil of sweet, colour and lustre yellow, fresh and tender alcohol is sweet, it is the goluptious cate of completely of color, sweet, flavour. Cook again flesh, it is the dish with a long history in plain dish. Past shop, mill, in first 2, 16 have sth special to eat or people is in festival festival, or at ordinary times when what person guest goes to is convivial, cook again flesh is a indispensable entree. Because it was main material with fat in the past, people calls friend again satisfy a craving for delicious food dish. Special local product of Sichuan of eel chicken egg roll, eel egg coils, be give priority to feedstock oil decoct with eel and egg and become, smooth tastily, clear delicacy is delicious, old little all appropriate, nutrient value is very high and have first-rate dietotherapy effect. Potato kind treatment tastes potato kind treatment tastes potato kind treatment produces base with Shi Ti 9 companies give priority to the village, year process capability 1500 tons, production value 15 million yuan, drive cultivate and machine farmer 7500, help average per capita of this company farmer add receive 1343.75 yuan. Face of An Hanjin silk face of An Hanjin silk is Sichuan province De Yang city is wide the special local product of Chinese city. Filar face uses An Hanjin above, egg and divide evenly of minim soda agitate, manual roll thin dissect and into. Colour and lustre is golden, next boiler namely ripe, do not save veins that stand out under the skin, not muddy soup. Develop condiment with former soup, put foul smell child, contain sesame-seed oil, its taste is very little. Gold-rimmed face originates wide a small town of Chinese city, on that town everybody can be done, ability development rises later, full wide Seoul has, had had 50 old histories to now.

9, what characteristic cate does Changzhou have?

The characteristic cate of Changzhou has head of arenaceous boiler fish, silver-colored silk face, plunge into liver, add crab small basket, hemp cake.

10, what characteristic cate does abide by justice have?

The characteristic cate of abide by justice is acerbity hot pink, the pink over there very Q is played, especially other and appetizing.
