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西南科技大学全称? 西南科技大学大专?英文双语对照


西南科技大学全称? 西南科技大学大专?英文双语对照


西南科技大学坐落于中国科技城-四川省绵阳市,学校由四川省人民政府与教育部、国家国防科技工业局共建,被教育部确定为国家西部重点建设十四所高校之一,学校中文名是西南科技大学,英文名:Southwest University of Science and Technology,别名是西南科大,swust。


西南科技大学(Southwest University of Science and Technology, 简称SWUST)是一所位于中国四川全日制普通本专科高校。它成立于1950年,原名西南石油学院,后来经过多次改制和发展,成为了一所以工学为主体,工、理、管、文、法、经、教育、艺术等多学科协调发展的全日制普通本专科高校。




西南科技大学(Southwest University of Science and Technology)简称“西南科大”,英文域名SUST,别称“喜男可基大学”。













swust是西南科技大学的简称, 西南科技大学是一所全日制多科性普通本科高校。学校具有 50余年办学历史。学校实行中央、四川省和绵阳市共建,由四川省管理为主的管理体制。学校是教育部确定的国家重点建设的西部地区的14所高校之一,是全国67所现代远程教育试点高校之一,具有推荐优秀应届本科毕业生免试攻读硕士学位研究生资格和开展同等学力人员申请硕士学位资格,具有开展留学生教育及接受外国留学生资格。西南科技大学国家大学科技园是科技部和教育部正式批准建设的全国36个国家大学科技园之一。






学校位于中国科技城 --四川省绵阳市,占地4086亩。校址原为清华大学绵阳分校。学校校舍建筑面积90多万平方米。校园绿树成荫,碧水环绕,景色宜人,是读书治学的好地方。




         是本科大学,毕业证也有专科,省内外都一二批次录取分数线。 教育部并没划分一二本大学,西南科技大学在四川既有第一批次招生也有第二批次招生,暂不好界定西南科技大学到底是一本还是二本大学。








One, full name of university of southwest science and technology?

University of southwest science and technology is located at city of Chinese science and technology - in relief city of Sichuan province continous, the school saves bureau of industry of science and technology of national defense of people government and Ministry of Education, nation to be built in all by Sichuan, be decided to be a country by Ministry of Education western the key builds one of 14 colleges, school Chinese name is university of southwest science and technology, english name: SOuthwest University Of Science And Technology, alias is southwest division big, swust.

2, three-year institution of higher learning of university of southwest science and technology?

University of southwest science and technology (Southwest University Of Science And Technology, abbreviation SWUST) be what be located in Chinese Sichuan full-time common this specialized subject college. It held water 1950, original name is southwest oil institute, be made through changing for many times later and develop, into learn to give priority to body to be versed in so, the full-time that the much discipline such as labour, manage, canal, article, law, classics, education, art coordinates development is common this specialized subject college.

University of southwest science and technology offerred three-year institution of higher learning (specialized subject) the education of record of formal schooling, offerred a variety of professional alternatives for the student, wait like project, science, management, humanitarian, law, economy. Record of formal schooling of three-year institution of higher learning is normally make 3 years, graduate will gain specialized subject diploma.

If you are opposite,the course of three-year institution of higher learning of university of southwest science and technology is interested, the official website that can adopt the school or recruit students office know more news.

3, another namer of university of southwest science and technology?

University of southwest science and technology (Southwest University Of Science And Technology) abbreviation " southwest family is big " , SUST of English domain name, another namer " happy event male but base university " .

Above all, because university of southwest science and technology is manage engineering course school, the major that the boy likes is much, say to be fond of so male, follow again " southwest " homophonic, speak to be fond of male. But base because follow homophonic of science and technology,be, it is science and technology kind medium core, cornerstone, such rise adding up to that be fond of namely male but base university.

Speak return speak, abbreviation wants to notice, cannot abbreviation on the west the family is big, weigh a name with university of Xi'an science and technology so.

4, area of university of southwest science and technology?

University of southwest science and technology. School campus covers an area of 5463 mus now, the environment is beautiful, establishment is perfect, it is to read the good place of pursue one's studies. The school has floor area 1.19 million square metre, fixed assets total value 2.7 billion yuan, worth of equipment of instrument of education scientific research already amounted to 887 million yuan. School library floor area thirty-seven thousand eight hundred square metre, tibet has paper books more than 2.53 million, electronic books more than 7.56 million.

5, university of southwest science and technology how?

University of southwest science and technology is quite good. University of southwest science and technology is located at city of Chinese science and technology -- in relief city of Sichuan province continous. The school is Sichuan saves people government and Ministry of Education to build a college in all, government of Sichuan province people and bureau of industry of science and technology of national national defense build a college in all, be built for national emphasis certainly by Ministry of Education western one of 14 colleges. The school is existing be in school graduate student, common this specialized subject student, international student 39 thousand more than person. Set 16 institutes such as institute of national defence science and technology, learn in labour, agronomy, a Confucian school of idealist philosophy of the Song and Ming Dynasties, economics, law, literature, management learns, pedagogic, art learns to wait for class of 9 colleges division, set undergraduate course major 83; Accredit of doctor's degree of one degree course nods 5, doctor's degree accredit orders 2 step 18; Master's degree accredit orders one step 24, accredit of master's degree of 2 degree course nods 88; Category of Master major degree 15.

6, university of southwest science and technology how?

University of southwest science and technology, the school is actually very good, but because be in continous is in relief, seismic belt, to provincial person, this is one compares test cardiac school. Begin from 8 years, basically continous this world is big shock is done not have this one, small shake one pile.

Just arrive when southwest family is big, as a provincial person, the person that is in a dormitory is calm circumstance falls, oneself say the earthquake runs outside, run out discovery does not have a few people, others is very calm, feel special to do not have face. Stayed in this left and right sides of large half an year, was used to slowly at long last. After all this earthquake is honest too frequent. Arrive from the back, little at of 5 do not get on even news.

Education building is enough solid, of shock-proof level, dormitory building also Ok. Newly-built foundation is very firm, if 7 class are allegedly the following, the glass in the building can well. The school is in shock-proof textural is particularly arrogant, groom very reach the designated position, also have practice constantly, even if happened to also won't be afraid of. This is a good university, because be afraid of an earthquake,do not want and dare not come.

Although be 2, but those who belong to engineering course, basically can graduate successfully to do not have illness, the job is very good those who search.

7, abbreviate of university of southwest science and technology?

Swust is the abbreviation of university of southwest science and technology, university of southwest science and technology is sex of a full-time much division college of ordinary undergraduate course. The school has managerial history of 50 one's remaining years. The school is executed in the center of, Sichuan province and continous in relief city are built in all, run the administrative system that give priority to by Sichuan province. The school is the national emphasis construction with affirmatory Ministry of Education western one of 14 colleges of the area, it is 67 contemporary and long-range education of countrywide one of pilot colleges, have recommend graduate of outstanding and this year's undergraduate course to avoid try assiduously study master's degree graduate student qualification and begin personnel of coequal educational level to apply for master's degree qualification, have begin education of student studying abroad to reach accept international student qualification. Garden of science and technology of university of state of university of southwest science and technology is the whole nation that ministry of science and technology and Ministry of Education approve construction formally one of garden of science and technology of 36 states university.

Chinese name: University of southwest science and technology


Abbreviation: Swust

Director branch: Sichuan province


The school is located in city of Chinese science and technology- - in relief city of Sichuan province continous, cover an area of 4086 mus. The location of a school is school of cent of this world of Tsinghua university continous formerly. Floor area of school school building 90 much square metre. Campus greenery is shady, green jade water surrounds, attractive scenery, it is to read the good place of pursue one's studies.

8, is university of southwest science and technology professional?

Application is chemical (contain can material) , nuclear project and information antagonism technology, nucleus technology, radiation protection and environmental project, economy of physics of chemistry of computer science and technology, application, material, maths and applied maths, international and commerce, industrial and commercial managing, the major such as environment of project of communication project, mapping project, geographical information system, mining, safe project, building and equipment project.

9, university of southwest science and technology a few?

       It is undergraduate course university, graduation card also has a specialized subject, province inside and outside batch of just a little admits fractional line. Ministry of Education did not differentiate just a little this university, university of southwest science and technology has recruit students of the first batch to also have already in Sichuan 2 batch recruit students, of short duration is bad to limit university of southwest science and technology it is after all one still is 2 universities.

       If you are not Sichuan examinee, the province that university of southwest science and technology is in in you is undergraduate course the word of a batch of recruit students, you also can think university of southwest science and technology is an university.

       Big ' of southwest division of ' of abbreviation of university of southwest science and technology, be located at city of Chinese science and technology - in relief city of Sichuan province continous, save people government to be built in all by bureau of industry of science and technology of national defense of Ministry of Education, nation and Sichuan, it is a country western the key builds one of 14 colleges, it is Sichuan province experiment of comprehensive innovation reform chooses one of connection colleges surely, double top-ranking ' builds ' of project of construction of capability of base of college of ministry of Chinese and Western of selected country ' , Sichuan province ' outstanding engineer education fosters plan, Ministry of Education plan, ' pair level of plan of poineering training of innovation of undergraduate of level of ' of 10 thousand plans, state, state is versed in newly.

     On August 23, 2000, deepening higher education system reform, western big development and China (continous is in relief) below the big backdrop that city building of science and technology sets, ministry of Education approves amalgamative on foundation of former southwest engineering college group to build Lixinake ability university

10, does university of southwest science and technology contain Troy?

Contain Troy very tall, approbate in this province especially degree tall.

Abbreviation of university of southwest science and technology " southwest family is big " , be located at city of Chinese science and technology - in relief city of Sichuan province continous, save people government to be built in all by bureau of industry of science and technology of national defense of Ministry of Education, nation and Sichuan, be western the key builds one of 14 colleges, it is Sichuan province experiment of comprehensive innovation reform chooses one of connection colleges surely, selected country " capability of base of college of ministry of Chinese and Western builds a project " , Sichuan is saved " double top-ranking " outstanding engineer teachs construction plan, Ministry of Education education plan, " double 10 thousand plans " .

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