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最好的质量来自圆盘豆的根部木材,根部地板强度高,纹理密,油性重,抛光性好,含水率平均,握钉力强,根部比梢部重一半左右。 所谓生态圆盘豆不过是商家搞的噱头,并没有实质意义,只要是真的圆盘豆地板就没问题。



该木材具光泽;生材时有不愉快气味,平时无特殊气味和滋味;纹理交错,结构细而匀;是上等实木地板材料。木材重至甚重(气干密度 1.07g/cm3),干缩甚大;强度高(顺纹抗压强度76.1Mpa,抗弯强度128.9 Mpa)。心材呈金黄褐色至红褐色,具光泽。材性稳定,耐磨抗白蚁。


硬度值是:顺纹抗压强度76.1Mpa,抗弯强度128.9 Mpa。

圆盘豆,属含羞草科系,该木材具光泽,生材时有不愉快气味,平时无特殊气味和滋味,纹理交错,结构细而匀,是上等实木地板材料。圆盘豆木材重至甚重(气干密度 1.07g/cm3),强度高,心材呈金黄褐色至红褐色,具光泽,材性稳定,耐磨抗白蚁。





绿柄桑 圆盘豆,属含羞草科系。该木材具光泽;生材时有不愉快气味,平时无特殊气味和滋味;纹理交错,结构细而匀;是上等实木地板材料。木材重至甚重(气干密度 1.07g/cm3),干缩甚大;强度高(顺纹抗压强度76.1Mpa,抗弯强度128.9 Mpa)。心材呈金黄褐色至红褐色,具光泽。材性稳定,耐磨抗白蚁。主要分布于非洲地区,盛产于加纳和刚果,其中以加纳出产的尤为珍贵。阿散蒂高原的热带雨林气候变化无常,赤道平均气温大多在40℃ 以上,降水差异明显。复杂的气候环境使圆盘豆不仅具有广泛的适应性和稳定性,更使其积累起环境所赋予的独特魅力。圆盘豆是没有毒的。















One, is nature disc beans mixed a longan which good?

Disc beans is good.

Disc beans, common weighs green handle mulberry, zone environment and climate character more make disc beans itself has distinctive aesthetic feeling and qualitative feeling, streak of deep ribbon record, provide burnish, divisional and as apparent as alburnum. In the structure, disc beans very be able to bear or endure corrupt, wearability is very good also, have be able to bear or endure very well await a gender. Show after disc beans is dry cinnamon or puce, material is qualitative hard, summary belt is oily, stability is very good, natural be able to bear or endure corrupt sex is good. Disc beans applies to high-grade furniture, floor, adornment to wait

2, the distinction of zoology disc beans and disc beans?

Disc beans is the name of a kind of lumber, basically produce from Africa, disc beans belongs to the top grade in real wood floor, take streak of deep ribbon record, provide burnish, divisional and as apparent as alburnum. In the structure, lumber very be able to bear or endure corrupt, wearability it may not be a bad idea, have be able to bear or endure very well await a gender.

Best quality comes from the root ministry lumber of disc beans, intensity of root ministry floor is high, grain is close, oily heavy, polishing sex is good, moisture content is average, the force that grasp a hammer is powerful, root ministry weighs half left and right sides than taper. Beans of disc of so-called modes of life and relation to their environment is the stunt that the businessman does nevertheless, do not have substantial meaning, if true disc beans floor is no problem.

3, disc beans hardness?

Disc beans, belonging to sensitive plant division is.

This lumber provides burnish; Raw material from time to tome unpleasant odour, do not have special odour and flavor at ordinary times; Grain crisscross, the structure is fine and divide evenly; It is classy fact wood flooring. Lumber comes to be weighed very again (gas does density 1.07g/cm3) , drying shrinkage is very big; Intensity is high (76.1Mpa of the compressive strength that arrange grain, bending strength 128.9 Mpa) . Duramen is shown golden and Brown to rufous, provide burnish. Material sex is stable, wear-resisting fights termite.

4, value of disc beans hardness?

Hardness value is: 76.1Mpa of the compressive strength that arrange grain, bending strength 128.9 Mpa.

Disc beans, belonging to sensitive plant division is, this lumber provides burnish, raw material from time to tome unpleasant odour, do not have special odour and flavor at ordinary times, grain crisscross, the structure is fine and divide evenly, it is classy fact wood flooring. Disc beans lumber comes to be weighed very again (gas does density 1.07g/cm3) , intensity is high, duramen is shown golden and Brown to rufous, provide burnish, material sex is stable, wear-resisting fights termite.

5, does disc beans actor or actress bad discerns?

See the color of the floor. Normally for ecru disc beans floor, do not have quality blemish commonly, also be called A board. The color of ecru disc beans floor presents yellow normally. the technology writing scene with the certain existence of disc beans floor of pair of color board. Pair the disc beans floor of color board often is met by make it deeper black nut-brown and wine. Because this everybody is when floor of beans of disc of choose and buy, as far as possible the brand that has chosen, be like national forest floor, quality of a material is even, can discern through observing the color of disc beans floor comes the quality stand or fall of disc beans floor.

2, discern Mudebanyi wants disc beans fact surely weigh in hand the weight of floor. The density of qualitative itself of disc beans material is big, quality of a material is solid, the weight of disc beans floor is accordingly heavier. Floor of two disc beans is bungled slightly, floor surface does not have what small hole basically. Because this everybody is when beans of disc of choose and buy, must have the weight of the disc beans floor of many brands contrast. Rise to weigh in hand of a few heft too light disc beans floor should be bought carefully.

6, is disc beans poisonous?

Beans of disc of green handle mulberry, belonging to sensitive plant division is. This lumber provides burnish; Raw material from time to tome unpleasant odour, do not have special odour and flavor at ordinary times; Grain crisscross, the structure is fine and divide evenly; It is classy fact wood flooring. Lumber comes to be weighed very again (gas does density 1.07g/cm3) , drying shrinkage is very big; Intensity is high (76.1Mpa of the compressive strength that arrange grain, bending strength 128.9 Mpa) . Duramen is shown golden and Brown to rufous, provide burnish. Material sex is stable, wear-resisting fights termite. Basically distributing at African area, teem with at Ghana and Congo, produce with Ghana among them particularly precious. A Sandi's downy selva climate fantasticality, equatorial and average air temperature is in mostly 40 ℃ above, precipitation difference is apparent. Complex climate environment makes disc beans has extensive adaptability and stability not only, more the distinctive glamour that makes its accumulate an environmental place to gift. Disc beans does not have poison.

7, the actor defect of floor of beans of detailed solution disc, disc beans floor how?

1, advantage. The material of disc beans floor is qualitative very precious, those who use is disc beans tree is planted, the color that itself presents is very beautiful, have golden and Brown, still have rufous. This kind of lumber basically is produced from at Africa, because exiguous, compare so precious, it belongs to good real wood stuff.

The performance of lumber is steadier still, this kind of wood is exceedingly solid, appear not easily be out of shape. Even if above use a clog to be bungled, also won't have what mark easily. With other a few fact wooden data phase is compared, hardness is tall, it is the advantage that it has competition ability most.

Later period installs the ground to warm again insusceptible also, brings adornment result is exceedingly outstanding also. Color is very deep, have glossiness very much, the sense that gives a person is very lofty, those who accord with compatriots is aesthetic.

2, defect is raw material photograph is compared, the color difference of periphery and core material is bigger, laid rises moment whole may be skimble-scamble. Because its density is bigger, harder, smooth foot walks above, the feeling walks on stone.

8, distinction of depth of disc beans color

Depend on their growth level and geography distributing. Normally the circumstance falls, growth period of delegate of brunet disc beans is longer, fructification volume is larger, the effect that suffers sunshine and moisture is less, maturity is taller, flavour is more full-bodied. Contrary, beans of light color disc states growth period is briefer, fructification volume is minor, get the impact of environmental element is bigger, maturity is low, flavour is opposite weaker. According to research, the disc beans color that different geography distributings also can have difference. In the disc beans that Chinese south and Yunnan area grow, color is deeper, mouthfeel is sweeter, and the disc beans that grows in relatively dry northern region, compare light color, mouthfeel slants suffering. Accordingly, when we are buying disc beans, can choose the bean of different color according to his taste and be fond of.

9, what lumber is disc beans?

Disc beans tree is planted, belong to classy fact wood flooring, duramen is shown golden and Brown to rufous, basically distributing at African area, produce with Ghana among them particularly precious. Basically use the floor board that make.

Stability of floor of disc beans real wood is good, be out of shape not easily, if the user that used heating of the heat of the earth's interior must use real wood floor board, can use floor board of disc beans real wood so.

Color of floor of disc beans real wood is deep, make it is brunet the floor is very high-grade, but the user that does not suit to love light color floor.

10, is disc beans what tree is planted?

Disc beans tree is planted belong to classy fact wood flooring, duramen is shown golden and Brown to rufous basically distributing at African area, basically use the floor board that make.
