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  1. 明确双方权益:在艺人和娱乐公司之间,需要签订一份授权协议,明确双方的权益和义务。协议内容通常包括授权范围、使用期限、授权费用等。
  2. 寻求法律援助:为了确保授权协议的合法性和有效性,娱乐公司可以咨询律师或法律顾问,以获得法律援助和意见。
  3. 与艺人进行谈判:娱乐公司需要与艺人进行谈判,商议授权事宜。这包括协商授权费用、授权范围和使用期限等。
  4. 签订授权协议:一旦双方达成一致,娱乐公司和艺人需要正式签署授权协议,并按照协议的内容进行授权使用。
  5. 保护艺人权益:娱乐公司在使用艺人肖像时,需要遵守授权协议的约定,保护艺人的权益,避免未经授权的使用行为。







What is actor effigies authority

Actor effigies authority is to point to actor to counterpoise to the protection of its effigies, namely the emersion that goes up in effigies to oneself figure mixes actor use decision having right, can use behavior to mention to the effigies without the license legal lawsuit.

Why recreational company needs to acquire actor effigies right

In recreational industry, the accredit that actor effigies counterpoises is very main item. Recreational company needs to obtain the authorization that actor effigies counterpoises normally, ability is on the media such as material of advertisement, conduct propaganda, film, TV program the figure of use actor. This can bring profit for the company not only, what still can increase actor is famous spend and figure promotion.

How to counterpoise to effigies of actor of recreational company authorization

  1. Make clear bilateral rights and interests: Between actor and recreational company, need signs an accredit agreement, make clear bilateral rights and interests and obligation. Consultative content includes charge of accredit limits, term of service, accredit to wait normally.
  2. Seek legal help: To ensure the lawful sex of accredit agreement is mixed effectiveness, recreational company can seek advice from lawyer or counsel, in order to obtain legal aid and opinion.
  3. Undertake negotiating with actor: Recreational company need and actor undertake negotiating, consultative accredit matters concerned. This includes to negotiate limits of accredit charge, accredit and term of service to wait.
  4. Sign accredit agreement: Once both sides is reached,agree, recreational company and actor need sign accredit agreement formally, undertake according to consultative content accredit is used.
  5. Protect actor rights and interests: When recreational company is using actor image, need abides by the agreement of accredit agreement, protect the rights and interests of actor, avoid the use action without accredit.

The importance of accredit agreement

The authorization that accredit agreement obtains actor effigies to counterpoise to recreational company is very important. It ensured the balance of bilateral rights and interests and protection, specific provision had to bilateral rights and interests in legal level. In the meantime, accredit agreement also provided legal safeguard for actor, avoid to use act without permissive effigies.


Pass the introduction of the article, believe everybody had clearer understanding to how counterpoising to effigies of actor of recreational company authorization. The accredit that actor effigies counterpoises is a main item to recreational company and actor not only, also be the necessary medium that protects actor figure rights and interests. If you still have other issue to the accredit that actor effigies counterpoises, the welcome leaves a message discuss.

Thank you to read the article, hope to be helped somewhat to you!

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