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湘菜,又叫湖南菜,是中国历史悠久的八大菜系之一,早在汉朝就已经形成菜系。以湘江流域、洞庭湖区和湘西山区三种地方风味为主。 湘菜制作精细,用料上比较广泛,口味多变,品种繁多;色泽上油重色浓,讲求实惠;品味上注重香辣、香鲜、软嫩;制法上以煨、炖、腊、蒸、炒诸法见称。湘菜的主题是下饭,其实很多湖南人也是怕辣的,而又要吃那种很辣的,由辣而产生多吃米饭的结果,所以湘菜主要产生的作用是下饭,像外婆菜就是非常下饭的菜。




湘菜,又叫湖南菜,早在汉朝就已经形成菜系,以湘江流域、洞庭湖区和湘西山区三种地方风味为主,是中国历史悠久的八大菜系之一。 湘菜制作精细,用料上比较广泛,口味多变,品种繁多;色泽上油重色浓,讲求实惠;品味上注重香辣、香鲜、软嫩;制法上以煨、炖、腊、蒸、炒诸法见称。官府湘菜以组庵湘菜为代表,如组庵豆腐、组庵鱼翅等。民间湘菜代表菜品有剁椒鱼头、辣椒炒肉、湘西外婆菜等。











牛肉 300g

鸡蛋 10g

青辣椒 5g

小米椒 5g

香菜 10g

姜 5g

大蒜 5瓣

老抽 3g

生抽 3g

蚝油 3g

白糖 2g

盐 少2g


















1. 一只脏兮兮的老鼠跑进了湖南餐馆,掉进了一个酱料锅里。当厨师发现时,他从锅里拿出老鼠,并把它放在一边,然后他说:“哦,这是恶热的胃口,当它出锅时它仍然够溪流一样的。”

2. 一位客人向服务员投诉鸡肉太辣。服务员回答说:“对不起,那是我们的湖南风味鸡肉。” 客人问:“怎么让它更不辣?” 服务员回答:“您需要更多的鸡肉来让您的舌头适应。”

3. 在一家湘菜馆里,有个客人点了一份外卖。服务员问客人:“请问你需要勺子和叉子吗?” 客人回答:“不用,我会用筷子。” 服务员回答说:“不用担心,你不需要筷子,这是一个菜可以用手抓的菜肴。”

4. 一位湖南厨师在炒菜的时候不小心把火炉点燃了,起火了。厨师没想太多,继续烹饪,一旁的看客很不安的问:“为什么不扑灭火势?” 厨师回答:“没事,对湘菜来说,火是天然的佐料。”

5. 一位顾客向服务员抱怨道:“这个菜干了,无法吞下!” 服务员回答:“抱歉,这道菜是湘西风味,很干,但带有浓郁的风味。” 顾客回答:“我看不出来!” 服务员耐心地解释:“有时候,当你品尝湖南菜的时候,你需要更多的时间来适应它们的风味。”





























One, what is the marrow of culture of Chinese Hunan dish?

The characteristic of Hunan dish, come from the favor of God above all. Hunan is located in in south area, climate is friendly, rainfall is abundant, sunny, it is our country's distinguished an abundant place. Advantaged natural condition provided rich products, elegant raw material for Hunan dish, the rare special local product such as Luo Yinyu of goose of hillock of the chicken of source of fish of in relief turtle of soft-shelled turtle of hill of tortoise of hole front courtyard, fierce, a surname, peach, duck that face fierce, fierce, Gu all fastens the fine that treat food to taste, to cherish for epicure.

Each Hunan dish is including the wisdom of Hunan person and feature, history of Hunan dish culture is long. It is accompanying Hunan tradition to culture develops and evolve, the dish of Hunan dish is phyletic and various, complementary makings is extensive, taste is changeful.

2, the terrain distinguishing feature of Hunan dish culture and cause of formation?

Hunan dish, call Hunan dish again, it is one of departments of 8 big vegetable with Chinese long history, be in early Han Chao has formed dish is. Shed lake of front courtyard of region, hole with Hunan river square gust of 3 cultivate land gives priority to area and area of Hunan west hill. Hunan dish is made careful, with compare on makings extensive, taste is changeful, breed is various; Oily heavy quality is great on colour and lustre, be particular about is substantial; Savour on pay attention to sweet hot, sweet delicacy, soft tender; Make a law go up with cook over a slow fire, stew, dried meat, evaporate, fry all laws to see say. The theme of Hunan dish is go with rice, actually person of a lot of Hunan also is to be afraid of hot, and should eat the sort of peppery, by hot and the result that produces to have rice more, the effect that so Hunan dish basically produces is go with rice, resembling grandmother food is the dish of special go with rice.

3, below culture of cate of inheritance Hunan dish one?

Cate of inheritance Hunan dish, promote China culture -- honour division loves!

4, is Hunan dish genetic?

Hunan dish, call Hunan dish again, be in early Han Chao has formed dish is, shed lake of front courtyard of region, hole with Hunan river square gust of 3 cultivate land gives priority to area and area of Hunan west hill, it is one of departments of 8 big vegetable with Chinese long history. Hunan dish is made careful, with compare on makings extensive, taste is changeful, breed is various; Oily heavy quality is great on colour and lustre, be particular about is substantial; Savour on pay attention to sweet hot, sweet delicacy, soft tender; Make a law go up with cook over a slow fire, stew, dried meat, evaporate, fry all laws to see say. Dish of feudal official Hunan is a delegate with dish of group hut Hunan, wait like fim of hut of group hut bean curd, group. Civilian Hunan dish tastes head of fish of any of several hot spice plants having cut, chili to fry food of grandmother of the flesh, West Hunan to wait on behalf of dish.

5, characteristic Hunan dish?

1, cook ability law is much

Hunan dish is made careful, with compare on makings extensive, taste is changeful, the oil on various; colour and lustre weighs breed quality is great, ; of material benefit of be particular about is savoured on pay attention to sweet hot, sweet delicacy, soft tender; to make a law go up with cook over a slow fire, stew, dried meat, evaporate, fry all laws to see say.

2, Hunan dish flavors especially heavy acid is hot

Because of the relation of situation, hunan climate is gentle and wet, people is fond of reason more feed chili, in order to is life-giving go wet. The pickle that use acid makes condiment, assist cooks the cooked food that come out with chili, appetizing tastily, favor, make the local food that provides distinguishing feature alone consuetudinary. In the meantime, explode frying also is the expert good fun that Hunan person makes food.

3, go with rice

The theme of Hunan dish is go with rice, actually person of a lot of Hunan also is to be afraid of hot, and should eat the sort of peppery, by hot and the result that produces to have rice more, the effect that so Hunan dish basically produces is go with rice, resembling grandmother food is the dish of special go with rice.

6, Hunan dish practice?


With makings

Beef 300g

Egg 10g

Green chili 5g

5g of millet any of several hot spice plants

Caraway 10g

Ginger 5g

Garlic 5 valve

Often smoke 3g

Unripe smoke 3g

Oyster sauce 3g

White sugar 2g

Saline little 2g

1g of Chinese prickly ash

Cut good ox cutlet to join egg and souse of a few salt


Often smoke into a few mix divide evenly reserves


Prepare burden


Oil falls to burn heat to pour bovine cutlet stir-fry before stewing to fry dichotomy Zhong Cheng to go out in boiler reserve


Pour a few oil to burn to fume again enter millet any of several hot spice plants, ginger, garlic, Chinese prickly ash to explode fry fragrance to come out


Join cutlet to break up first fry twice, fry plus green pepper caraway.


In the process ordinal join salt, unripe smoke, oyster sauce, white saccharic stir-fry before stewing fries 35 minutes to be able to give boiler.


Super sweet hot slippery tender Hunan taste is little it is good to fry beef

7, Hunan dish Duan Zi?

1.A dirty mice ran into Hunan cafeteria, fell into a sauce in makings boiler. When chef discovers, he takes out mice from boiler, put it aside, next he says: "Oh, this is the appetite of fierce heat, go out when it it is enough still when boiler like brook. Go out when it it is enough still when boiler like brook..

2.A guest complains chicken to the clerk too hot. Clerk answer says: "I am sorry, that is our Hunan gust chicken. " the guest asks: "How to let it more not hot? " the clerk replies: "You need more chicken to let your tongue suit. "You need more chicken to let your tongue suit..

3.In shop of food of a Hunan, outside a guest nodded, sell. The clerk asks a guest: "Do excuse me you need ladle and broach? " the guest replies: "Need not, I can use a chopstick. " clerk answer says: "Need not worry, you do not need a chopstick, this is the cooked food that a dish can catch with the hand. This is the cooked food that a dish can catch with the hand..

4.Chef of a Hunan fired stove not carefully when stir-fry, on fire. Chef did not think too much, continue cooking, aside treat a customer very disturbed ask: "Why to put out igneous situation? " chef replies: "Do not have a thing, to Hunan dish, fire is natural spice. Fire is natural spice..

5.A client complains to the clerk: "This dish worked, cannot get down! " the clerk replies: "Feel sorry, this dish is West Hunan gust, very dry, but contain rich local color. " the client replies: "I look not to come out! " the clerk explains patiently: "Occasionally, sample when you Hunan dish when, you need more time to get used to their gust. You need more time to get used to their gust..

8, table of Hunan dish article?

1, shop of food of Hunan of Sichuan Hunan affection, flavour resides 3 armour, hunan praise the world.

2, enjoy life of city peasant family to the top of one's bent.

3, lead feed still, creat flavour comes.

4, still board is like water, hunan flavour assemble.

5, Hunan dish elite, piscine armour the world.

6, soft-shelled turtle image, recall Hunan river.

7, Hunan flavour 3 armour, pure like that farmhouse.

8, piscine image, armour the world; Farmhouse wind, hunan dish is built!

9, soft-shelled turtle carries forward Hunan dish one by one.

10, of dish of Hunan of highest grade farmhouse costly enjoy.

11, infinite Hunan flavour, soft-shelled turtle flavor.

9, Hunan dish ana?

1, those who enjoy armour is exalted, the glamour that tastes a fish -- armour? Piscine impression.

2, soft-shelled turtle set each other off shows costly, hunan food true taste counts farmhouse.

3, delicate Hunan dish, soft-shelled turtle the world.

4, door of fish dive dragon, more.

5, regression tastes naturally, deduce fashionable amorous feelings.

6, eat Hunan to drink hot, the fish is reductive flavour!

7, the world of armour of soft-shelled turtle flavour, hunan dish comes from farmhouse.

8, pure raw ingredient, costly flavour!

9, primitive game, get great person lofty sentiments, in soft-shelled turtle image.

10, fill hear full-bodied sweet (Hunan) flavour, recall home (armour) countryside (sweet) old taste.

10, Hunan food taste?

The taste of Hunan dish has: Acerbity, hot, besides, cured meat also is one of characteristic of Hunan dish.

Hunan dish belongs to one of 8 big vegetable departments of our country, characteristic dish has: Head of fish of chop any of several hot spice plants, small fry the flesh, cured meat to combine acid of evaporate, auspicious head the flesh, always fish meal of city blood duck, Heng Yang, chili fries the flesh to wait. Hunan food taste is changeful, but with hot celebrated, hunan person weighs acid especially hot, make the hemp that Hunan dish distinguishs Yu Chuan dish hot, develop a school of one's own.

The acidity of Hunan dish and piquancy photograph are united in wedlock, make piquancy so not exciting, drive belly greatly at the same time, those who feed is special tastily. Hunan dish is additionally medium dried meat products is very notable also, be like: Dried meat fish, dried meat duck, dried meat goose, dried meat beef is waited a moment, local color is distinctive.

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