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德 法瑞意是欧洲游已经做的非常成熟的一条线路了,大多数国人第一次去欧洲都会选择走这条线路哈,途径的国家城市也都比较多,一年四季都很适合去,一般行程在 12-13天左右,意大利五渔村、罗马斗兽场、威尼斯水城、巴黎、瑞士少女峰、天鹅堡、金色山口、蒙马特高地景点都可以游览到,总体而言非常适合第一次去 欧洲游玩哦~整体行程都会很饱满的。另外也有西欧1-2国深度游的,时间会相对短一些,10-11天左右,例如意大利+瑞士这种。


























如果觉得德法瑞意行程有点匆忙,那也可以考虑北欧一线哦,下半年去北欧非常棒,甚至有机会可以看到幸运女神-极光哦,带着家人一起去追极光,应该是一辈子很 难忘的回忆啦~奥斯陆、赫尔辛基、哥本哈根、瑞典小镇、斯德哥尔摩、图尔库都是非常不落俗套的景色哦~一般行程是在10-12天左右。



想 要去感受不一样的欧洲之旅,东欧也是非常推荐的路线哈(我本人非常喜欢东欧的小镇风光),不管是多瑙河游船、布达佩斯、维也纳、布拉格广场、奥地利哈尔施 塔特,都有浓浓的欧式风情,在这里更能体会到欧洲文化与中式文化的不同,更能体会到欧洲小镇的绝美,如果你们两都喜欢这种小清新的自然风光,很推荐考虑东欧哦~




























Wither invite ha! Recommend a few

Circuitry of classical European go on a journey

, these circuitry and more mature:

1, meaning of luck of classical heart law / 1-2 country deepness

Meaning of heart law luck is a very mature circuitry that Europe swims to had been done, most compatriots first time goes to Europe can choosing this circuitry breath out, the national city of the way is more also, suit to go very much all the year round, general journey is controlled in 12-13 day, 5 fishing village of Italian, Rome fights fort of peak of girl of city of animal field, Venice water, Paris, Switzerland, swan, aureate mountain pass, Mengmate upland tourist attraction can be visited, overall and Yan Fei often suits to go to Europe for the first time amuse oneself oh ~ whole journey the metropolis is very full. Also have state of Western Europe 1-2 additionally deepness swims, time will be relatively a few shorter, 10-11 day is controlled, for example Italy + this plants Switzerland.

Italian Switzerland 2 countries circuitry of deepness amuse oneself is referenced:

The 1st day

: Home sets out

The 2nd day

: Arrive at Rome

The 3rd day

: The city of Rome, sky, Xiyena

The 4th day

: Xiyena, Foluolunsa, pizza

The 5th day

: Pizza, 5 fishing village, pizza

The 6th day

: Pizza, Venice

The 7th day

: Venice, Jiaerda lake, Milan

The 8th day

: Milan, Lu adds Nuo, Yintelaken

The 9th day

: Because of Telaken, Shipici

The 10th day

: World of Shipici, Baierni, Lusaien, Su Li

The 11st day

: Su Li world, home

2, characteristic north Europe (

Norwegian - Sweden - Finnish - Denmark


If feel journey of meaning of heart law luck is a bit hurried, that also can consider boreal Europe a gleam of, second half of the year goes to boreal Europe be not constant club, organic even meeting can see lucky goddess - aurora oh, taking family to chase after aurora together, should be all one's life very unforgettable memory small town of ~ Oslo, Helsinki, Copenhagen, Sweden, Stockholm, Tuerku is special do not fall the scenery of convention oh ~ is general the journey is control in 10-12 day.

3, amorous feelings hamster (

Austria + Czech + Hungarian


Want to feel the stay away from home of different Europe, hamster also is special recommended course is breathed out (the small town view that I myself like hamster very much) , no matter be square of Danube yacht, Budapest, Vienna, Prague, Austria,Hal applies tower spy, have thick Europe type amorous feelings, what can experience European culture and Chinese style culture more here is different, what can experience European small town more is absolutely beautiful, if you two like this to plant small pure and fresh natural scene, very recommend consideration hamster oh ~

The ~ that these are a processional Cheng line that had had maturity still has additionally smaller numerous but of more thorough amuse oneself for example

"England + Ireland " , " Portuguese + Spain " , " Russia + Muscovite + Sanket " ,

It is right choice.

Additional before had collected a good strategy literary works, reprint a problem advocate consult, can nod those who will choose destination completely according to yourself's interest:

Like to shop

France, England, Italy

If you want to go to Europe,big city is purchased, milan of business street of London of French Paris old Buddha, England, Italy is the main line that cannot miss. Belgian Antwerp is additionally fashionable Sweden of street, Denmark, overall for Europe is the wettest be in Europe of Western Europe, north, and Italy.

Like natural view

Switzerland, Norwegian, Icelandic, Finnish

Not only can see firth, mountains and rivers-land, glacier still can see all sorts of uplands, river, garden, laky, hot spring. Especially the Norway of boreal Europe, Icelandic, Sweden, Finnish. In the winter when can see aurora, summer can enjoy 24 hours of solar bath extremely day.

Like the history to build church

England, France, Italy, Greek, Spain, Vatican, Germany

Historical architecture: Cannot miss Prague, upland of courtyard of goddess of French triumphant arch, Meng Ma spy, rome fights the island in cc of animal field, Italy Ageli holds fane in the palm really group, greek Athens farming fane, gao Di series builds Spanish Barcelona. Museum: London is British museum, museum of palace of Parisian Lu float, abstruse contest, house of neat art of humble of black of Sa of Luo Lun of Vatican museum, Buddha, norwegian Oslo museum of dimension Beijing pirate. Cathedral: Vatican emperor those gets the cathedral, turkey Istanbul Shengsuofeiya the cathedral; Cathedral of Venetian emperor Ma Ke; Boreal Europe most the cathedral is in Norwegian Telonghaimu, hall of home of Spanish Barcelona emperor, berlin emperor those gets the cathedral, division grand cathedral.

Like the castle

France, Austria, Italy, England, Portuguese, Spain, Germany

Castle of Romanian heart Gula, scotland Edinburgh, castle of castle of castle of Portuguese admire accept, Ge Weiya of Spanish a place of strategic importance, Swiss Xi Yong, Austria emperor of castle of shampoo of river of Er of Lu Wa of fort of Saercibao, Germany new swan, France, France.

Like small town

France, Belgian, Spain, Czech

France Puluowangsi, Buddhist nun this, Monaco; Root of Norwegian low Er; Fort of heart of Swedish elder brother, german hamburger; Belgian cloth Lu Ri; Wei Liya of Spanish a place of strategic importance; Portuguese Lisbon, finnish Helsinki; Majiduaohelide; Czech CK small town.

Like beach

Greek, Spain, Italy

The famous emperor in Aegean asks li of priestess, mikenuosi, spanish Yi compares Sha Dao, malta, the island in Italian cc. The islands near Swedish Stockholm, norwegian and upper isle, spanish Barcelona beach, Keluodeya is taken littoral, italy's coastal 5 fishing village.

Like music and opera

Austria, Italy

Aureate hall listens to Vienna the concert is one kind is enjoyed absolutely. Of course the birthplace Bonn that resembles Beethoven, be like the birthplace Warsaw of state to wait is the place that is worth to visit. Went Italy listens a true Italian opera is worthy trip absolutely then.

Europe is very big, to the experience that where a few can differ, need which country introduces in detail or of the strategy, problem advocate can illicit letter I communicate ah ~ hope is helpful to you!

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