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Land of the home in regarding as is famous rich 2 generation, wang Saicong not only with a person of extraordinary powers of car of its a person of extraordinary powers curtilage conspicuous, return the dimensions with its recreation empire and actual strength equipment to suffer fix eyes upon. So, what is recreational company of Wang Saicong after all? The article will reveal this truth for you.

The banner leaves recreational company: Now recreation

Wang Saicong's subordinate recreational company name is " now recreation " , held water 2015. This company in order to invest, make and manage recreational project to give priority to, involve program of drama of movie and TV, put together art, music to make, the many domains such as star manager.

Explode work of paragraph movie and TV: Treasure teenager is round

As " now recreation " a main business, movie and TV makes one of window that are this company all the time. Among them one of the famousest work are " treasure teenager is round " , this drama causes heat quickly after broadcasting 2019 to discuss, viewing rate is climbed successively litre, became in those days explode money theatrical work.

" treasure youth group " it is the adventurous drama that gives priority to a problem with finding treasure, story free and easy of compact, gut rises and fall, ascended heat to sow the sheet of a list of names posted up of drama. This drama gained wide attention in home not only, still gained better public praise on the international market. What it promoted Wang Saicong company of the entertainment below the banner not only is famous degree, still brought sizable profit for the company.

Broil hand put together art program: Every day up

Make besides movie and TV, wang Saicong's subordinate entertainment company invests actively still and design program of put together art. Among them most the person is hep is " every day up " , this is first gear recreation put together art program, actual strength of because its content is relaxed interesting, honored guest is powerful, love by the audience.

" every day up " once broadcast,harvested higher viewing rate and social consequence, became first gear to suffer the put together that fix eyes upon fully art program. Recreational company of Wang Saicong is passed make such popular put together art program, what promoted a company not only is famous degree, still brought considerable commercial value.

Group of complete star manager: Make ace actor

Regard recreation as one of main business of the company, recreational company of Wang Saicong has the group of complete star manager of a major, devote oneself to to foster and make ace actor. This group passes mining, education and broker instantly most potential star, realized the situation of actor and win-win of company mutual benefit.

Make an appointment with through be being signed with star, the broker activity that offers elaborate plan for them and propagandist opportunity, the actor that recreational company of Wang Saicong sparkles a batch successfully is pushed to the summit summit of the career. This promoted the consequence of the company not only, still brought persistent economic benefits for the company.

The place on put together is narrated, recreational company of Wang Saicong " now recreation " with its outstanding movie and TV is made, broil hand put together art a when program and group of complete star manager became recreation to encircle fundamental strength. Explode through invest and be being made work of paragraph movie and TV, make popular put together art program and education ace actor, this company gained remarkable commercial success.

Thank you to read the article, the hope had more comprehensive knowledge to Wang Saicong's company through the article. If the recreational empire to Wang Saicong and recreational group are interested, might as well pay close attention to continuously recreational is newest and dynamic now.

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