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怎样锻炼最好身体? 早上6点左右起来跑步, 起码20分钟左右。 下午健身,一个星期起码坚持3次。

1:腹肌:我个人觉得我自己的腹肌练的还是比较好.不过还得坚持.每周做3--4次,但是练腹肌和别的肌肉不一样,得不断的刺激它,所以就得每次做到筋疲力尽,才能达到效果,中间的间隔最好在一分钟左右.做到6组左右.练腹肌最好的办法还是仰卧起坐,每次做100-200个,20-30个为1组,最少要做5组,具体的要看个人情况。可以适当增加点重量,手拿个哑铃或铁饼什么的,放在脑后,效果更好。 俯卧撑也可以锻炼腹肌。记住健身的时候一定不要一次性做到累,要分组做,才有效果,一般也是每次做100个左右,至少分5组,具体看自己情况而定。 手抓在高处,使身体垂直悬空,腰腹用力往上抬,使双腿与上身呈90度,注意身体不要晃动,其他地方不要用力,也是分组做。

2:胸肌:平躺,举杠铃,重量以自己的情况为准。每组10个,每次3-5组。 俯卧撑,每组30个,做3-5组。 3: 哑铃,臂力器,拉力器,也是要分组做,根据自己的情况,3-5组,哑铃每组50个,臂力器,拉力器每组15个。 4:如果脂肪比较多,要坚持有氧运动,跑步很有效,可以减去多余脂肪,使肌肉更好的展现出来。 5:饮食方面得注重加强高蛋白和高脂肪.在每次运动完后半个小时到1个小时左右是蛋白质摄入的高峰.注意吃点高蛋白的食品.做到以上几点,并且坚持不懈,持之以恒,我相信你会达到自己的目的的.


















1. 步伐:首先站立于太极拳的起始姿势,两腿间距离与肩宽相等。然后进行迈步训练,通过左右腿交替向前迈步,身体自然下沉、大腿与地面保持呈直角, 进行迈大步,但不要使下肢过度紧绷。注意双腿的位置和身体的重心,保持平衡以方便后续动作的展开。

2. 手部动作:双手靠拢于胸前,手掌心向下,手肘使劲往下撑,以练习下肢和上肢的协调性。跨出一步之后,双臂自然向前伸展,两臂分别向左右两侧移动,随着身体的旋转,右臂随着身体向左侧移,左臂则向右侧移。

3. 逐步实践:将以上两个动作结合起来,通过逐渐提高迈步的速度和幅度,伴随着手部动作的改变使动作更加圆润。练习的时候,做到动作流畅和连贯,要以身、心、手合一,使人精力充沛、全身协调,从而达到养生、强身以及调理脾胃的目的。























Fitness drills surely, why is core strength very fundamental?

Core force is a kind of ability, be by adhere to the force that combines the muscle all round and ligament generation in ministry of lumbar, coxa and pelvis, it is having main effect in project of most sports athletics, can maintain body balance not only, make sure the stability of special technology movement is developed, and the main link that also is athlete hair force, it is fluctuation limb cooperates with emphatic hub, the effect of a connecting link between the preceding and the following has in the process that force transfers. Core flesh group by the abdomen muscle of heart of inclined flesh of straight flesh, abdomen horizontal flesh, back flesh, abdomen, flesh issueing a back, perpendicular backbone flesh, pelvis is mixed ogival basin, and flesh of the muscle gluteus all round hip joint, coxa coming back, hind flesh group the core flesh that also belongs to human body group. The effect that core area force has in motion:

1) stable rachis, pelvis;

2) the control power that enhances the body and counterbalance;

3) when raising sport by core to limb etc flesh group energy out-put;

4) improve the harmonious work efficiency between fluctuation limb and movement;

5) the injury in preventing exercise;

6) reduce energy to use up;

7) raise the body change to need not explain with force of displacement speed abdominal muscle.

How is fitness experienced face?

Fitness can not exercise facial ministry muscle directly, but exercise the food with health through whole, can improve facial ministry outline and skin position secondhand, let facial ministry be sent more closely it seems that thereby with health. Above all, the need when doing exercise notices breath. In gymnastical process, want to have breath through nose as far as possible, slow ground is expiratory and inspiratory. Means of this kind of breath can be helped exercise facial ministry muscle, improve haemal circulation. Next, can try a few exercise a movement in the light of facial ministry sarcous. For example, the movement such as smile, dehisce, heal up can exercise facial ministry muscle. But those who need an attention is, these movements cannot excessive forcibly, lest cause facial ministry muscle fatigue or get hurt. Finally, maintaining healthy way of life also is crucial. Want to hold enough sleep and good dietary convention, avoid to stay up late and eat and drink too much wait for undesirable habit. In the meantime, should maintain the state of mind cheerful, avoid excessive angst and pressure. Anyhow, fitness can not exercise facial ministry muscle directly, but exercise the food with health through whole, can improve facial ministry outline and skin position secondhand. In the meantime, maintaining healthy way of life also is crucial.

How is own fitness experienced?

How to exercise best body? The left and right sides rose at 6 o'clock in the morning ran, at least is controlled 20 minutes. Afternoon fitness, at least of a week holds to 3 times.

1: Abdominal muscle: My individual feels the abdominal muscle of myself still has been compared experiencedly. Return so that hold to nevertheless. Do every week 3- - 4, but experienced abdominal muscle and other muscle are different, must stimulate it ceaselessly, have to accomplish every time so dog-tired, ability achieves the result, the interval among had better be controlled in a minute. Accomplish 6 groups or so. The method with experienced best abdominal muscle still is sit-ups, do 100-200 every time, 20-30 it is 1 group, want to do 5 groups the least, want specificly to treat individual condition. Can add bit of weight appropriately, the hand takes a dumbbell or discus of what, put after the head, the effect is better. Push-up also can exercise abdominal muscle. When remembering fitness, scarcely wants one-time accomplish tired, want to be done in group, just have the effect, also be to do 100 or so every time commonly, divide 5 groups at least, specific treat him condition and decide. The hand is caught pinnacled, make the body perpendicular and impending, lumbar abdomen exerts oneself to do sth. upgrade carries, make double leg and the upper part of the body show 90 degrees, notice the body does not want rock, other place does not want to exert oneself to do sth. , also be to be done in group.

2: Chest muscle: Lie low, lift barbell, weight is with his circumstance accurate. Every groups 10, every time 3-5 group. Push-up, every groups 30, make 3-5 group. 3: Dumbbell, muscle implement, tensile implement, also be to want to be done in group, according to oneself circumstance, 3-5 group, dumbbell every groups 50, muscle implement, tensile implement every groups 15. 4: If adipose more, want to hold to motion having oxygen, ran is very effective, can subtract redundant and adipose, those who make muscle better show come out. 5: Dietary respect must be paid attention to strengthen high protein and tall adipose. Moving every time second half the hour is controlled to a hour is the height that protein absorbs. The attention eats the food of bit of high protein. When to accomplish above, and unremitting, perserve, I believe you can achieve your goal.

How is fitness experienced chest muscle?

Slow fast push-up: To wanting to exercise the patient of chest muscle, in daily life, can pass slow fast push-up will undertake taking exercise, basically be the same as two tactics and humeral ministry wide prop up in the ground, double leg unbend, lumbar back becomes straight linear, stick pectoral face completely at the ground next, after halt 2~3 second, in rise time, so OK and sufficient feeling is contracted upcountry by chest muscle, achieve the result that exercises chest muscle thereby.

I am a novice, body of my Lian Jian, need found?

Fitness does not have a doorsill! Anybody is OK fitness. As to found, not quite clear. Have effort weight anyway a bit bigger, do not have effort weight a bit smaller.

Do not be eager to going after great weight namely to the novice's proposal, lest get hurt, as far as possible as a child weight begins, make the motion standard. Train big muscle above all namely additionally piece, make compound motion more, lie for instance push, push-up, qu Shen of parallel bars arm, next pulling, pull-up, crouch greatly, pull forcedly etc, do not be eager to hope for success!

How does gymnastical novice begin to drill?

Measure / means 1

To gymnastical novice, should wear slow running shoes socks of large perhaps base, do not wear sole to contrast thin shoe, because such muscle are in flabby condition.

Measure / means 2

To gymnastical novice, it is at the beginning from ran machine introduction, before and be in using ran machine, want to had done more sufficient warm up to prepare first, avoid to be pulled.

Measure / means 3

To gymnastical novice, if choose force to train, the dumbbell that suggests the introduction chooses 3-5 pound will undertake taking exercise, and every groups of movements are counted the quantity does not want too much.

Measure / means 4

To gymnastical novice, 40 minutes are one best exercises time, 20 minutes canter.

Measure / means 5

10 minutes of force, 10 minutes of flexibility train can.

How is Yang fitness art experienced?

1.Pace: Stand above all the initiative pose at shadowboxing, the distance between two legs and shoulder breadth are equal. Undertake taking a step training next, take a step ahead alternately through controlling a leg, body nature sinks, ham and ground maintain show right angle, undertake striding a stride, but do not make lower limbs excessive stretch tight closely. Notice the centre of gravity of bicrural position and body, poise with convenient and follow-up movement spread out.

2.Hand department action: Both hands draws close at the bosom before, palmar heart is down, elbow exerts all his strength to be maintained downward, in order to practice the harmonious sex of lower limbs and upper limbs. After stepping an one pace, double arm nature is exhibited to extension forward, two arms move to or so two side respectively, as the whirl of the body, sword arm moves as side of body towards the left, rightward of left arm criterion moves.

3.Progressively practice: above two movements union rises, through increasing the speed that take a step and scope gradually, the change that accompanying hand department action makes a movement more fruity. When practicing, accomplish a movement fluent and coherent, want with syncretic of body, heart, hand, make energetic, whole body coordinates the person, achieve preserve one's health, powerful body and the goal that recuperate taste thereby.

Fitness, how does chest muscle drill on?

Experienced law:

On 1. inclined lie push, this movement is pushed to lying at flat for, angle produced change, bring about side key to depend on going up bosom, lie on inclined stool above all, double foot steps on on-the-spot face, barbell of both hands enclasp, a bit wider than the shoulder, the back that hold out a bosom returns an old unit of length for measuring land appropriately, raise barbell, the arm is complete unbend, next with barbell of slower rate transfer to a lower level, nature of both hands ancon is opened with two side backward, push barbell next, till arm unbend, in this process, bladebone is not mobile, want to feel bladebone is touched on cushion from beginning to end, the movement undertakes 8-12 second, make 3-5 group can.

2. rope places a bosom, what this movement basically strengthens chest muscle upside is medium seam, to going up the peak of bosom contracts paragraph of stimulative effect is first-rate, stand in dragon mast above all among, choose appropriate weight, height compares a shoulder a bit can, next one foot is advanced one foot is in hind, such making that the body is stable, handle of both hands enclasp, elbow small music, body pitch, make bosom sends force, the arm to bosom ahead clamp, want to resemble clamp of forward upper part, hold out a bosom at the same time, be together till both hands lay a finger on, open next return initiative position, and stand according to be being mixed highly differ to still can stimulate different position, this movement also is to do 8-15 second, have 3-5 group.

On 3. inclined dumbbell flyer, to going up the bosom is approach of a kind of clip training before one, flyer of place above inclined dumbbell is fibrous of flesh of a drawing to train with respect to arrangement, lie on inclined stool above all, double foot steps on on-the-spot face, back and inclined stool are stuck on close, maintain hold out a bosom, dumbbell of both hands enclasp, to the body two side open an arm, elbow small music feels the drawing sense of bosom, the centre of the palm up, next bosom sends force, draw close both hands to upper part, the attention does not let both hands close together, next transfer to a lower level feels to sensory drawing, a little halt repeats again undertake, do 8-12 second, have 3-5 group can.

How does practice carry dumbbell fitness on the back?

Movement one: Dumbbell of body of station appearance Fu rows

Station appearance, double foot and shoulder are the same as wide, coxal in the future sits, vertebral remain neutral truncal nature is down Fu body, both hands holds dumbbell nature prolapse

Carry back straight, trunk is stable, after flesh systole drives shoulder blade, the back closes, carry ancon to be pulled up at the same time, pull move dumbbell to arrive lumbar border

Dumbbell drops slowly after acme stops a bit, till sufficient extend carries flesh on the back

Movement 2: Thin arm dumbbell rows

An arm props up the body, another holds dumbbell, a foot steps on the ground, genuflect of another leg bend one's knees is on bench

Pitch of the upper part of the body, coxal backward, bow and ensure back is erect, make the upper part of the body is mixed almost the ground is parallel.

Shoulder blade is contractive, elbow sticks tight system, get on dumbbell quickly carry to body a side, acme stops a bit

Next dumbbell slowly replace position of rest, at the same time inspiratory

How should gymnastical initial stage drill?

 Gymnastical initial stage had better press next face measure:

   The first pace is to undertake warm up trains, not allow to get hurt 

  The 2nd pace is to undertake weight trains, by arrive gently heavy, according to physical ability step up

  The 3rd pace is to undertake oxygen moves having, if go quickly, canter, step on bicycle, oxygen is held etc

  The 4th pace is drawing is loosened, can alleviate muscle congests, stimulative muscle rehabilitate, reduce acid to be fond of the occurrence of feeling, still can increase muscle flexibility.

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