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三角洲部队(Delta Force)是一款由Novalogic开发的第一人称射击游戏,现在已经迎来了多个版本。如果你想下载其中一个版本的游戏,可以按照以下步骤进行:

1. 前往游戏发行商Novalogic官网(www.novalogic.com)或Steam(https://store.steampowered.com/app/32680/Delta_Force)下载页面。

2. 在官网或者Steam下载页面上,选择你想要的版本,并点击“购买/下载”按钮。

3. 如果你选择的是Steam版本,则需要拥有Steam账户并安装Steam客户端。根据提示,在Steam上完成购买并安装游戏。

4. 如果你选择的是官网版本,将通过一个下载程序来安装游戏。下载程序会自动下载和安装游戏文件,并根据提示完成安装过程。













有两个 一个是要沿着白色的木杆走别靠近红的木杆 过了雷区小心河里的鳄鱼 ;还一个是要靠着石头走先往左 再往右 不过记得在船上时先把拿RPG的的人干掉红衣服,其他敌人尽量杀威胁不大,还有有一个敌人可以留着他会给你带路过雷区但是我过的时候没用他被我打死了,这关过去后存个档后面敌人多。






1. 管理员权限:以管理员身份运行程序。你可以右键点击程序的快捷方式或可执行文件,选择“以管理员身份运行”。

2. 账户权限:确保你的用户账户具有管理员权限。如果没有,你可能需要联系系统管理员来获取权限。

3. 兼容性模式:尝试以兼容模式运行程序。右键点击程序图标,选择“属性”,然后在“兼容性”标签页中设置兼容模式。

4. 检查防火墙和杀毒软件:有时候,防火墙或杀毒软件可能会阻止程序运行。检查你的安全软件设置,确保没有阻止程序运行。

5. 系统文件检查:运行系统文件检查器(SFC)扫描,修复可能损坏的系统文件。在命令提示符(管理员)中输入`sfc /scannow`命令进行扫描。

6. 重新安装:如果以上方法都不行,尝试卸载程序后重新安装,确保所有文件都被正确安装。







One, how does delta army game download?

Delta army (Delta Force) it is a game of fire of the first person that develops by Novalogic, had received many version now. If you think download among them the game of a version, can undertake according to the following measure:

1.Net of business Novalogic official is issued toward game before (Www.novalogic.com) or Steam (Https://store.steampowered.com/app/32680/Delta_Force) download page.

2.In government-owned net or on Steam download page, choose the version that you want, click " buy / download " pushbutton.

3.If of your choice is Steam version, need to have Steam account and install Steam client end. According to clew, finish on Steam buy and install game.

4.If of your choice is government-owned net version, will download a program to install game through. Download process can download automatically and install game file, complete installation process according to clew.

Ask an attention, before download and installation game, the minimum that you need to ensure your computer accords with game configures a requirement, otherwise game cannot move possibly normally. In addition, still need to ensure you download game from normal channel, lest download arrives pilfer edition or insecure version.

2, how does delta army save game plan?

F5 is to be saved quickly, when playing the next time (or when the task fails) the plan that can load to be saved before. Different nevertheless task preservable number is different, have a plenty of 3 times, have a plenty of 8 times, the advisability when using a bit

3, when is delta game issued?

The emission of delta game time has not decide. In developing a process, game can involve many link, like design, process designing, test, optimize etc. These link need to expend time and energy to assure the quality of game and stability. Accordingly, the specific time that game issues may be adjusted because of developing demand of plan, market and other and relevant element somewhat.

To ensure the player can have first-rate game experience, developer can complete game development as soon as possible hard, be in proper when announce issue date. Pay close attention to relevant official announcement and information continuously please, in order to get newest emission time information.

4, the game ~~ that a few similar delta recommends?

The game of similar delta is recommended " black falls " . This making is game of riddle of adventure of a horizontal edition, the player will act a purpose to escape the old machinist of oppressive system, with cast off small robot forms associate, accuse the mankind and machine to escape to be full of oppressive environment jointly through holding.

This making play a way similar " LIMBO " , the player needs to use all sorts of methods and environment to interact to just can find escaping way, have fair trial to politic brains of the player, the player that likes adventurous riddle sport can try.

5, how does delta army game carry a weapon with the car?

After entering game, we on board when click IP to be able to use a car to carry a weapon.

6, how does mine field pass in army of game delta special type?

Have two one is to want to go to did not stand by red wood pole to cross the crocodile in river of mine field caution along white wood pole; Returning is to want recumbent stone to go to be gone to first left go to again right when remembering aboard nevertheless first the person dry red dress what take RPG, other foe kills menace as far as possible not quite, still have an enemy can leave him to be able to lead transient mine field to you but when I pass trashy he was beaten dead by me, a file is kept after this closes the past from the back the enemy is much.

7, how is clavier of army of special type of stand-alone game delta operated?

Wasd controls direction, z stands, x crouchs, c bends over below, b binoculars, n night vision device, qe rolls (bend over when falling) , r changes bullet, digital key exchanges a weapon, mouse pulley changes emissive pattern (if change to shrapnel) , shift takes machine gun (or get on a car) , blank space jumps anyhow follows sport of Cs about the same open, select group, choose a weapon, dot Ok enters game

8, does game of delta action this locality have no right to be restricted what meaning?

Game of this locality of " delta action hints this without attributive " when appearing in the attempt to run the program of attributive of administrator of a certain need or game normally. This means current user account to carry out this program or game without enough limits of authority.

Want to solve this problem, you can try the following kinds of methods:

1.Administrator attributive: Run a program with manager identity. You are OK the quick way that right key clicks a program or executable file, choice " move with manager identity " .

2.Account attributive: Ensure your user account has administrator limits of authority. If do not have, you may need to contact systematic manager to get limits of authority.

3.Compatibility mode: The attempt runs a program with compatible mode. Right key clicks programme diagram mark, choose " attribute " , be in next " compatibility " compatible pattern is set in label page.

4.Examination firewall and the software that reduce toxin: Occasionally, firewall or the software that reduce toxin may prevent a program to move. Check your safe software setting, ensure did not prevent a program to move.

5.Systematic file checks: Moving system file is checked implement (SFC) scanning, the systematic file that repair may damage. In command clew accord with (administrator) in command of input `sfc /scannow` undertakes scanning.

6.Reinstall: If above method is no good, after the attempt uninstalls a program, reinstall, ensure all files are installed correctly.

If the problem is as before, the likelihood needs further technical support to diagnose a problem.

9, what is there the stand-alone game of similar delta series?

From delta army 1 play newest now limit edition all the time, tell the truth, I feel the following game and delta unit are very similar, and configure not tall also: 1, combine action: ? ǚ Hui acute hearing? this game is Novalogic development, with delta the operation of 5 is same, but picture and weapon more, AI is more powerful also, the most amused is to increase a lot of carry) 2, slip into 2(Interloop secretly to manufacture, play rise pretty good) 3, these a few 3 game mix special type sharp-shooter DF is exceedingly similar

10, who has a the Three Kingdoms kind the fire game of stand-alone game and delta and so on?

I from delta army 1 play newest now limit edition all the time, tell the truth, I feel the following game and delta unit are very similar, and configure not tall also: 1, combine action: ? ǚ Hui acute hearing? this game is Novalogic development, with delta the operation of 5 is same, but picture and weapon more, AI is more powerful also, the most amused is to increase a lot of carry) 2, slip into 2(Interloop secretly to manufacture, play rise pretty good) 3, these a few 3 game mix special type sharp-shooter DF is exceedingly similar
