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车间信息管理系统? 信息管理系统的系统调查方法?英文双语对照


车间信息管理系统? 信息管理系统的系统调查方法?英文双语对照






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管理信息系统(Management Information System,简称MIS)是一个以人为主导,利用计算机硬件、软件、网络通信设备以及其他办公设备,进行信息的收集、传输、加工、储存、更新、拓展和维护的系统。

管理信息系统(Management Information Systems简称MIS)、是一个不断发展的新型学科,MIS的定义随着计算机技术和通讯技术的进步也在不断更新,在现阶段普遍认为管理信息系统MIS、是由人和计算机设备或其他信息处理手段、组成并用于管理信息的系统。






企业人事管理系统的优点:1. 企业人事管理系统对人事档案进行整理,使得管理员能方便、快捷地对人事档案进行查询、统计、更新。通过该系统,使企业的人事管理工作系统化、规范化、自动化,从而提高企业人事管理的效率。2. 人事管理专员可以通过企业人事管理系统维护员工资料、员工异动信息等。3. 系统提供的多种报表、统计图表,可以帮助人事主管通过不同的查询条件查看人员信息、生日汇总、合同异动等,实现系统智能化操作。4. 系统提供合同到期提醒、员工生日问候等职能提醒方式,并且支持邮件或者短信通知人事管理专员,以便提前进行相关准备工作。5. 使用企业人事管理系统可以让繁杂的工作电子化管理,提高人事部门员工的工作效率。6. 招聘专员可以通过系统录入应聘者简历,安排初审人员、面试人员,将企业的招聘工作在系统中管理起来。7. 高效的人事管理可以提高企业的市场竞争力,使企业具有更强的凝聚力和活力。企业人事管理系统介绍:  企业人事管理系统是一个面向企业人事部门工作人员,为其提供服务的综合信息管理系统人员通过本系统完成相关的日常工作,这些工作也是平常较为繁重的工作。员工的个人信息等等都记录在人事系统里进行管理。  企业下设人事部门,全权处理企业内部一切人事事务。  人事档案登记过程,员工在人事部门领取个人简历、家庭成员、社会关系、个人基本资料四式一份的表格,然后填写,填写完毕交回人事部门,由人事部门的档案管理组进行审核,审核不合格的发回重新填写,合格的以原始资料存档,并据以填写职工人事卡片。  人事档案统计过程,人事部门调查分析组按管理组提供的员工人事卡片统计各种所需的数据,然后填写所对应的统计报表,该统计报表一式两份,然后做出分析后,连同一份统计报表上交上一级主管部门,另一份统计报表存档备查。如发生企业内部人员调动、升职、降职、或添加职工和开除职工等情况时,只需修改、添加和删除相应的人事卡片,其余过程同上。  人事部门将收集到员工人事信息统一进行审核。审核过程中,人事信息需要所有审核人员通过,方可录入系统数据库。如信息有误,需要返回给员工进行重新填写或修改。



filemtime ( string filename )

返回文件上次被修改的时间,出错时返回 FALSE。时间以 Unix 时间戳的方式返回,可用于 date()。


echo "修改时间:".date("Y-m-d H:i:s",$a)."

filectime ( string filename )

返回文件上次 inode 被修改的时间,如果出错则返回 FALSE。时间以 Unix 时间戳的方式返回。


echo "创建时间:".date("Y-m-d H:i:s",$a)."

fileatime ( string filename )

返回文件上次被访问的时间,如果出错则返回 FALSE。时间以 Unix 时间戳的方式返回。


echo "修改时间:".date("Y-m-d H:i:s",$a)."














物流信息管理系统指的是企业的物流管理包括第三方物流的信息管理系统,系统涉及到仓储作业管理、 运输及配载管理、 财务管理、 人力资源管理等内容。



One, does workshop information run a system?

System of this information management basically is a workshop, the content that is aimed at a workshop sheds iformation flow and personnel to wait undertake administrative

2, does the system of information management system investigate a method?

Method of investigation of information management system is:

1. attends a meeting investigation

2.Collect data of forms for reporting statistics

3. written investigation

4. attends business to carry out

5. is visited individually

3, what is information management system?

Management information system (Management Information System, abbreviation MIS) be it is dominant with the person, use equipment of communication of computer hardware, software, network and other office device, the collection that has news, transmit, treatment, store, the newer, system that extend and maintains.

Management information system (MIS of abbreviation of Management Information Systems) , the new-style course that is a ceaseless development, the definition of MIS also is in as the progress of computer technology and communication technology update ceaselessly, in show level to think generally MIS of management information system, it is the system that is used at running message by person and computer equipment or method of other information processing, composition.

Administrative information by the collection of information, information deliver, of information store, the use of the maintenance of the treatment of information, information and information 6 respects composition. MIS of perfect management information system has the following 4 standards: Can collect of firm information demand, information with but treatment, OK it is information, OK to be offerred for administrator through the program undertake administrative to information. The database that has unified program is the important sign with mature MIS, MIS of it is indicative management information system is the child of software project. , MIS of management information system is an across sex omnibus course, component has: Computer course (network news report, database, computer language) . , maths (statistical, operational research, linear programming) , tubal a Confucian school of idealist philosophy of the Song and Ming Dynasties, emulate wait for much discipline. Information is a on management very important resource, the success or failure that supervises the work depends on whether make effective decision-making, and decision-making true extent depends on greatly the quality of information. So whether the active first issue that manages information to become a company, the management information system is emphasizing the management, modern society that emphasizes news in more and more get popular.

4, does student information manage systematic principle?

System of student information management is a kind of benefit undertake collection to student information with computer technology implementation, the system of memory, management and inquiry. Its principle is in inputting each information of the student the system, undertake classified to information, induce and arrange, with convenient management and inquiry, raise the efficiency that student government works and precision thereby.

The information in the system includes a student record of circumstance of achievement of basic message, school work, check on work attendance, rewards and punishment, these information can undertake automatic statistic and analysis through the system, provide data support and decision-making reference for school controller.

5, does staff information run systematic good point?

Business ways of the world runs systematic good point: 1. Business ways of the world manages a system to undertake arranging to human affairs archives, make the administrator undertakes can expediently, quickly to human affairs archives inquiry, statistic, newer. Adopt this system, make the human affairs of the enterprise manages working systematization, standardization, automation, improve the efficiency that business ways of the world manages thereby. 2. Assistant director of human affairs management can pass business ways of the world to manage a system to safeguard information of transaction of employee data, employee to wait. 3. A variety of forms for reporting statistics that the system provides, statistical graph, can help human affairs director pass different inquiry condition to examine transaction of collect of staff information, birthday, contract to wait, implementation system intelligence turns an operation. 4. The system offers a contract to expire remind, the function such as employee birthday greeting reminds means, and support mail or the short message informs human affairs management of commissioner, so that carry ongoing travel,relevant preparation works. 5. Use business ways of the world manages a system to be able to let multifarious working electron turn management, improve the work efficiency of employee of human affairs department. 6. Commissioner of invite applications for a job can type applicant resume through the system, arrange first trial personnel, interview personnel, work the invite applications for a job of the enterprise to rise in the management in the system. 7. Efficient human affairs management can enhance the market competition ability of the enterprise, make the enterprise has stronger cohesive affinity and energy. Business ways of the world manages systematic introduction: System of management of business ways of the world is one faces clerk of department of business ways of the world, the comprehensive information that provides a service for its manages systematic personnel to finish relevant routine through this system, these jobs also are common relatively heavy work. Information records the individual of employee to undertake administrative in human affairs system etc. The enterprise sets human affairs branch, full-fledged member handles enterprise interior all human affairs general affairs. Human affairs archives registers a process, employee gets member of resume, family, human relations in society, individual in human affairs branch basic material 4 type form, fill in next, fill in end join a human affairs department, undertake examine and verify by the archives management group of human affairs branch, unqualified hair answers examine and verify to fill in afresh, eligible file with source, occupy in order to fill in card of worker human affairs. Process of statistic of human affairs archives, the data that all sorts of place require the statistic of card of personnel personnel matters that group of analysis of investigation of human affairs department offers by administrative group, fill in next a corresponding statistical forms for reporting statistics, this statistic forms for reporting statistics in duplicate, after making an analysis next, along with gives in one class to be in charge of a branch on forms for reporting statistics of a statistic, another statistic forms for reporting statistics files for future reference. If produce enterprise interior personnel to bring into play, rise duty, demote, or when adding the condition such as worker and discharge worker, need to revise only, add and delete corresponding human affairs card, the others process is Alexandrine. Information of job of worker of the member that human affairs branch will be collected is unified undertake examine and verify. In process of examine and verify, human affairs information needs personnel of all examine and verify to pass, fang Kelu enters systematic database. Have like information by accident, need returns employee to undertake fill in afresh or be modificationed.

6, does system of Php information management found time?

Php gets a file to found time, modification time:

Filemtime (String Filename)

Return the time that the file is altered last, FALSE is returned when making mistake. Time is returned with the means of Unix time jab, can use at Date() .

For example: $a=filemtime("log.txt");

Echo " alters time: ".date("Y-m-d H:i: S" , $a) . "

Filectime (String Filename)

Return a file last the time that Inode is altered, if make mistake,return FALSE. Time is returned with the means of Unix time jab.

For example: $a=filectime("log.txt");

Echo " founds time: ".date("Y-m-d H:i: S" , $a) . "

Fileatime (String Filename)

Return the time that the file is visited last, if make mistake,return FALSE. Time is returned with the means of Unix time jab.

For example: $a=fileatime("log.txt");

Echo " alters time: ".date("Y-m-d H:i: S" , $a) . "

7, the meaning of system of bookshop information management?

Be helpful for the management of bookshop information, improve work efficiency.

8, in take an examination of information management system to forget a password?

Take identity document to go recruit students does application to install a password afresh

9, what company does information management system have?

Information management system is like next companies

1, Dai Er:

Place of the management information system that wear Er has with the technology that arrive: Electronic data exchanges a technology (EDI) , system of effective client feedback (ECR) , quick response system (QR) , system of data of the dot when the sale (POS) , the electron orders goods automatically system (EOS)

2, Woerma:

Of the system that management place of Wo Erma uses and Dai Er company differ very few. Also be quick response system (QR) , system of data of the dot when the sale (POS) , the electron orders goods data of system, electron exchanges a technology automatically (EDI) , system of effective client feedback (ECR) and database management system (fill automatically money system) (DBMS) . Its function also differs with that system of Dai Er very few

3, apple

The apple uses cricoid communication pattern, run all departments, each sectional chief are in charge of to CEO directly, run subordinate department. Pass this kind of mode, malic company is moving in order, and innovate ceaselessly, bring up brilliant.

10, what is system of management of content shedding information?

The information that the content that content sheds what information management system points to is an enterprise spreads management to include tripartite content to flow runs a system, the system involves storage operation management, carry reach deserve to carry the content such as management of resource of management, financial management, manpower.

Wait for a method through using computer technology, communication technology, network technology, build content to shed informatization management, the processing that spreads information in order to raise matter and deliver rate, the efficiency that makes content sheds an activity and quick response ability get rising, promotion more the service that human nature changes, content of perfect real time flows dog, with reduce content to spread cost.

