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 在历史上,韩国的茶文化也曾兴盛一时,源远流长。在我国的宋元时期,全面学习中国茶文化的韩国茶文化,以韩国“茶礼”为中心,普遍流传中国宋元时期的“点茶”。约在我国元代中叶后,中华茶文化进一步为韩国理解并接受,而众多“茶房”、“茶店”、茶食、茶席也更为时兴、普及。   80年代,韩国的茶文化又再度复兴、发展,并为此还专门成立了“韩国茶道大学院”,教授茶文化。   






 (3)沏茶:主人打开壶盖,右手持茶匙,左手持分茶罐,用茶匙捞出茶叶置壶中。并根据不同的季节,采用不同的投茶法。一般春秋季用中投法,夏季用上投法,冬季则用下投法。投茶量为一杯茶投一匙茶叶。将茶壶中冲泡好的茶汤,按自右至左的顺序,分三次缓缓注入杯中,茶汤量以斟至杯中的六、七分满为宜。   (4)品茗:茶沏好后,主人以右手举杯托,左手把住手袖,恭敬地将茶捧至来宾前的茶桌上,再回到自己的茶桌前捧起自己的茶杯,对宾客行“注目礼”,口中说”请喝茶”,而来宾答“谢谢”后,宾主即可一起举杯品饮。在品茗的同时,可品尝各式糕饼、水果等清淡茶食用以佐茶。


Of Korea drink tea history the history that also has several chiliad. The Christian era when 7 centuries, the wind that drink tea already pervaded the whole nation, popular at broad folk, consequently the tea culture of Korea also makes the one part of Korea tradition culture.  

On the history, the tea culture of Korea also Ceng Xingcheng temporarily, of long standing and well established. In the Song Yuan period of our country, study the Korea tea culture of Chinese tea culture in the round, with Korea " tea ceremony " for the center, circulate generally of Chinese Song Yuan period " dot tea " . Be in our country about yuan after acting middle period, china tea culture understands for Korea further and accept, and numerous " v/arc waiter " , " tea inn " , banquet of cakes and sweetmeats, tea also more fashionable, gain ground. 80 time, the tea culture of Korea revives once more again, development, held water technically still for this " courtyard of university of Korea tea path " , teach tea culture.   

With Japan, result from Korea tea path of China, its tenet is " and, respect, frugal, true " . "And " , namely kind-hearted a person's mind; "Respect " , namely those respects here, courteous reception; "Frugal " , live namely economical, clean-fingered; "True " , namely intention, moral nature is true, be honest between person and person. The near neighbour of our country -- Korea, all through the ages is passed " tea ceremony " form, to culture of tea of people conduct propaganda, transmission, organic ground guides social masses to consume tea.  

The tea ceremony of Korea is phyletic each various, characteristic. If press well-known tea type to distinguish, have namely " end tea law " , " cake tea law " , " Qian Chafa " , " Xie Chafa " 4 kinds.

Standard of tea of leaf of Korea tea ceremony introduces below:   

(1) welcome guest: Guest presence, host comes first surely gate mouth respectful greet, and with " welcome aboard " , " enter please " , " thank " wait for a statement to greet guest to lead a way. And guest is followed with age discretion, order surely row. After entering teahouse, host stands surely at southeast to, after all along guest expresses to welcome again, sit the east on the west, and the guest sits west east.   

(2) lukewarm tea service: Before making tea, clear away first, tear open fold tea cloth, left of tea service of tea cloth buy, had poured the boiled water in teakettle kettle next, lukewarm crock warm-up, fasten the moisture in kettle average infuse teacup again, abandon namely after lukewarm cup at removing water implement in.  

(3) make tea: Host opens crock lid, the right hand holds teaspoon, left hand is held tea-separating coal tub, in using bottle of buy of tea of teaspoon fish out. And the season with different basis, use the different method that send tea. Average age Ji Yongzhong throws a law, the summer is used throw a law, winter uses next casting law. The quantity that send tea sends spoonful tea for a cup of tea. the good to bubble tea soup in kettle, press from right to left order, cent second slowly in infuse cup, tea soup capacity comes with pour chaliced 6, 7 minutes full advisable. (4) Pin Ming: After tea make tea is good, host is lifted with the right hand cup hold in the palm, sleeve of left handgrip stop, hold tea in both hands deferentially go up to the tea desk before guest, farewell holds the teacup that removes his in both hands to the front of his tea desk, go to guest " the ceremony that fix eyes on " , say in the mouth " drink tea please " , and guest answers " thank " hind, guest and host can be lifted together cup taste drink. In Pin Ming while, can sample the tea of assist of in order to of delicate cakes and sweetmeats such as various confectionery, fruit.

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