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市场价: 800-2000元;非纯种的金毛犬- - -般在



2.拉布拉多 寻回猎犬

市场价: 1000-3000 元;非纯种的价格通常在300-800元之间,比赛级10000元至无上限。



市场价: 1200-3000元;要是宠物级别的话,超过3000就要考虑是不是被坑了。



市场价: 800-2000元;非纯种200-600元



市场价: 800-2000元,不得不说贵宾犬的市场水很深,毕竟养的人太多了。



市场价: 800-3000元, 幼犬比成犬便宜不少,毛色差-些的500-800元可以买到了。



市场价: 2000-6000元, 相对而言,柯基犬的价格是比较贵的,而且母的比公的贵。



市场价: 1200-3000元; - -般2000元左右就可以买到品相很不错的了。



市场价: 1000-3000元,市场.上纯种难觅,串串居多。性格:小巧聪明,动作灵巧,待人友善。


市场价: 2000-6000元,柴犬的的价格是比较贵的,带血统证书甚至达万元。









2.中型犬:松狮,边牧,哈士奇,喜乐蒂,雪纳瑞,英国可卡,美国可卡,牛头梗, 柴犬,英国斗牛,比格,沙皮,英国史宾格,巴吉度,澳牧,比利时牧羊..比特,威尔士史宾,澳洲牧牛犬,波利,布列塔尼犬,惠比特,四国犬,葡萄牙水,犬迦南犬,波密犬,法老王猎犬,巴辛吉犬,格陵兰犬。


八、宠物狗图片 品种?










5、威尔士柯基犬威尔士柯基犬(welsh corgi pembroke)是一种小型犬,但性格非常稳健,完全没有一般小型犬的神经质,是非常适合小孩的守护犬。



One, is encyclopedia of pet dog breed small-sized is the dog good raise?

Common home raises small-sized dog to have a lot of variety, have honoured guest, Ji Wa for instance dog of child, more beautiful than summer of ursine, York, rich, Xi Shi, the upland is better etc on the west those who raise.

If the family member minds wool the word of this thing, can choose to resemble honoured guest, than bear this kind breed, because honoured guest is mixed,comparing bear drop wool scarcely.

Notice their food more at ordinary times, do not feed a thing in disorder, when seasonal change, temperature changes, notice not to fall ill more.

Drop the breed of wool like a few love, notice hair more at ordinary times nurse do not have too big question commonly. No matter be to raise which kind of breed, want on time vaccination, airframe ability produces enough antibody to protect the health of these small-sized dogs.

Also want at ordinary times on time drive bug, a few senile problems can appear accordingly after small-sized dog enters old age, should go to a hospital regularly so check-up.

2, the breed of the pet dog of jujube village and price?

Have auspicious baby, rich beauty, york summer straightens, australian silk wool straightens, norfolk straightens, nuoweiji straightens, australia straightens, tibetan gundog, tibet more, beijing cling to, japanese , short leg grows body stalk, butterfly dog, si Kai straightens, shi Duigeng, the upland straightens in vain western, scotland straightens, curly the dog that compare bear, malta dog, curly Bolongna dog, confuse you to taste a dog, british toy straightens, sausage dog, portuguese beagle, from the back more, belgian beagle, cambria Ke Ji, outstanding gram Luo Sugeng, handkerchief overcomes Luo Sugeng, element of Tai Di collect straightens, xilihan Mu straightens, czech straightens, case ascends vulpine dog on the west, xipaji dog, vulpine dog, , chinese aigret dog, charles king beagle, gundog of chivalric Charles Wang Xiao, myna dog, the law is fought, confuse your Xue Narui, collect official dog, maerjisi dog, ireland straightens according to Ma Er valley, bai Degeng, ba Ji spends a dog, gundog of French short leg, gundog of Swiss short leg, be fond of sheperd dog of happy the base of a fruit, lakefront straightens, wild stalk, cambria straightens, wister cut down Li Yageng, honoured guest dog, italian spirit oranges red, suddenly tugs gram sausage dog, the United States can get stuck, dog of Norwegian water bird, fox-hunt straightens, brazil straightens, mouse straightens

3, the breed encyclopedia of duck and price?

Breed of our country duck is resourceful, 12 duck breed is included " annals of Chinese rasorial breed " , working people breeds the local variety with a lot of can admirable productivity in long-term manufacturing practice, if Beijing duck, carry on promotes duck, gold to mail the duck, duck that build prosperous duck, high surely, white duck waits even the city a moment, because of breed and the reason that the place consumes, often can be above the price differ somewhat

4, dog dog encyclopedia and breed and price?

Golden wool dog searchs a dog

Market price: 800-2000 yuan dog of wool of; unblooded gold - - - kind in

300-500 yuan between.

Disposition: ? Filter of  key arenaceous  Ji of Mu of square string of meal of  of  of brandish of  of sole of mansion of  of constant   ?

2. pulls Buladuo to search a gundog

Market price: 1000-3000 yuan; unblooded price is in normally 300-800 yuan between, contest form comes 10000 yuan without upper limit.

Disposition: ? Yttric coal   cling to does heat of  of Liang of Lv of neon of サ of horsefly of ┘ of suddenly of left-eyed flounder of common of evil spirit of  of Liu of strong and pervasive fragrance of beat of mill of rice of grave of  of irritated carve of Gui  pilfer fine silk haze   ?

◎ 3. Dog of Ha Shiji sledge

Market price: 1200-3000 yuan; if the word of pet level, exceeding 3000 to be about to consider is by hole.

Disposition: ? Yttric coal does  of  of dredge of enemy Yun of   Ping have a predestined relationship to stop  ξ to add Xi Rui  ?

◎ 4. Alaska sledge dog

Market price: 800-2000 yuan; is not blooded 200-600 yuan

Disposition: ? Wan child does raise of meat and fish dishes catch  of Ju of   mansion to denounce  standing tall and upright to admire Lei Yun handsome?

◎ 5. Honoured guest dog

Market price: 800-2000 yuan, the market water that must say honoured guest dog is very deep, the person that raises after all is too much.

Disposition: ?  of  of Jin of Cao of human skeleton of  of  of mansion dice yttric boundless and indistinct bay does Di of  of  of dredge of η ancienting name for a water catltrop denounce Yi of Wo of Ju of  of  of to joke of  of Pa of Xing billows Min opportunely whoop does line crack Ling  ?

◎ 6. Rich beautiful dog

Market price: 800-3000 yuan, young dog is not less than becoming canine petty gain, hair off color - some 500-800 yuan can buy.

Disposition: ? Does page of  of Jin of   Cao disrelish Shi evil spirit to make fun of  of  shallow carve to seek  of hot   to inspect δ η ancienting name for a water catltrop handsome?

◎ 7. Ke Ji dog

Market price: 2000-6000 yuan, relative to character, the price of Ke Ji dog is more expensive, and of the mother than fair expensive.

Disposition: ? Constant  Ran Xianchen makes fun of filter of Yun Mongolian oak Xiao of straightforward advice of  take along sth to sb is held in the palm.  blood clam?

Dog of 8. Sa Ma Ye

Market price: 1200-3000 yuan it is OK like; - - to be controlled 2000 yuan buy article the look is very good.

Disposition: ? Does    thank excuse me of orange of danger of Ran of He Γ  ?

9. butterfly dog

Market price: 1000-3000 yuan, the market. On blooded look for hard, string string be in the majority. Disposition: ? Pi of Yan of Sou of  of  of mulberry of Xie of condyle of  of  of sole of ∏ gauze mansion?

10. bavin dog

Market price: 2000-6000 yuan, of bavin dog the price is more expensive, take studbook to amount to 10 thousand yuan even.

Disposition: ? Does fur coat of ぢ of trade of exhausted  of Yan of Sou of  of  of one  Deng take Lu of ⒂ of mansion Ju lazy ⅰ ?

5, price of picture of grape breed encyclopedia?

Grape breed black pearl.

The price 20 multivariate a jin. Fruit bead circle, the move is strange close together, arrange orderly, odd bead weighs 11 grams of 8 ~ . Fruit spic close fact, peel is thick, color is modena, black or blue black, colour and lustre is very inviting. Fruit pink is thick. Pulp is hard fragile, fruit juice is damask, flavour is sweet and full-bodied, have strawberry sweet, individual spic has 1 ~ 2 fructification have a nucleus, a seed lays more inside, dry matter content 20% ~ 22% . Pulp and peel connection are close, hard flay, "Eat a grape not to say grape skin " one common saying is applying to this breed grape.

6, pet dog breed?

Tai Di, than bear, ke Ji dog, beijing cling to dog, cling to elder brother dog, fight bulldog, golden wool, labuladuo, york summer, Hashijialasijia, sa Ma Ye,

7, the breed of pet dog?

Small-sized dog: Than bear, rich beauty, auspicious baby, enchant Xue Narui, ke Ji, japanese pointed mouth, york summer, cling to elder brother, beijing cling to, xigaodebai straightens butterfly, enchant article, maerji this, xi Shi, bristle fox-hunt straightens, filar wool straightens, beilingdu straightens, check manage king, scotland straightens, japanese , smooth wool fox-hunt straightens, lionet dog, body of short length of foot straightens, czech straightens, kadigenkeji, tibet straightens, xi Lihan Mu straightens, monkey face straightens, luo Fugeng, triumphant favour stalk.

2. medium-sized dog: Loose lion, bian Mu, ha Shiji, xi Ledi, xue Narui, england can get stuck, the United States can get stuck, bovine head straightens, bavin dog, british bullfight, than case, sanded skin, british history accusative, ba Ji is spent, bay herd, belgian shepherd. . Bit, cambria Shi Bin, australia herd bulldog, wave benefit, buliedani dog, benefit bit, shikoku dog, portuguese water, canine Canaan dog, wave close dog, pharaoh gundog, ba Xinji dog, greenland dog.

3. large dog: Golden wool, alaska, labuladuo, su Mu, de Mu, gu Mu, become known is ursine, luo Wei accept, hide mastiff, stain dog, du Bin, qiu Tian, bern hill, caucasian shepherd, shengbaina, afghan spirit oranges red, niu Fenlan dog, big red, in inferior sheperd dog, boxer, du Gao, can cheat a dog, all-purpose stalk, brazilian mastiff, giant Xue Narui, mastiff dog, landseer dog, lan Baige dog.

8, breed of pet pooch picture?

Pet dog dog of triumphant benefit blue stalk.

The head is longer but not beyond the mark. V word sex is auditive, and scale moderate, medium ply, result skull fracture is folded and fall, hang down at the cheek. Eye small black, the stalk that contains acumen kind characteristic. Nose black, nostril is big and wide. Dental whiteness is hard, show cut account occlusive. Cervical and well-balanced and length moderate. Bosom is thick and width moderate. Back is smallish, solid and straightforward. The tail becomes warped high, length moderate, perpendicular at the ground vertical stroke rises, the tail is erect had jumped over continuously more. Around leg is straightforward and strong, crural ministry union is close together, size moderate. Contain large fleshy cushion, when ambulating, won't sound, toe shows arc, not to in break up to also be not exhibited outwards.

9, encyclopedia of Guizhou Maotai breed and price?

The quote January 5, 2013: Maotai of 53 degrees of flying Apsaras 1419 yuan (wine Guizhou net) 53 degrees of Maotai welcome guest 79 yuan 53 degrees of Maotai welcome guest (honored guest) prince of 149 yuan of 53 degrees of Maotai 118 yuan

10, what variety does pet dog have?

Pet dog has beauty of honoured guest dog, Hashiji, rich dog of Ke Ji of baby of dog, auspicious, Cambria. 1, dog of honoured guest of honoured guest dog (Poodle) , also say " lady dog " , say again " curly dog " , in German, pudel is " spray splatters " meaning, it is a kind of animal of canine subfamily Canis. The origin of honoured guest dog resembles it to pull the water of ford of place of go hunting birds euqally cloudy not clear.

2, Hashijihashiji also is called " 2 ha " . Ha Shiji's disposition is very recreant, but have some of Hashiji or have violent tendency, overall for, ha Shiji's disposition is very docile, be domesticated easily by people.

3, beautiful dog of rich of rich beautiful dog looks some resemble a fox, its head is smaller, type of build or figure is small also, it seems that lovely, clever, suit the home to raise very much.

4, baby of auspicious baby auspicious originates in America formerly, the bodily form of auspicious baby is very petite, accordingly, also get of everybody love, suit the home to raise very much.

5, dog of Ke Ji of Cambria of dog of Cambria Ke Ji (Welsh Corgi Pembroke) it is a kind of small-sized dog, but disposition is very dovish, what do not have general and small-sized dog completely is jumpy, dispute often suits guardianship dog of the child.

Their courage is very great, quite alert also, can guard home with one's eyes open highly, it is one of the most welcome small-sized bodyguard dogs.
