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1,火山公园,在马站乡,距县城23公里。腾冲被称为中国的火山地热博物馆。 ;

2,热海旅游度假区,距县城10公里,温泉很多。 ;

3,县城北的叠水河瀑布。 ;

4,县城东的北海湿地。 ;

5,坝派傣族村的巨泉。 ;

6,纪念二站的滇西战役的国殇墓园。 ;

7,和顺侨乡。 ;8, 滇西道教圣地云峰山。;9,樱花谷,位以腾冲打左乡高梨贡山的峡谷里面,风景很好。;芒市有:;1,勐巴娜西珍奇园 ;2,五云寺;3,菩提寺;4,树包塔


1 瑞丽到腾冲比较远。2 因为两地之间距离约为600公里,需要乘车或者飞机前往,花费时间和费用都比较高。3 如果要前往,可以选择乘坐高铁/火车或者飞机,但需要提前计划好行程和交通工具,以免浪费时间和金钱。























1) 从起点向东南方向出发,行驶20米,左转进入凤山路

2) 沿凤山路行驶130米,左转进入翡翠西路

3) 沿翡翠西路行驶910米,朝和顺路/梁河县/和顺古镇方向,直行进入翡翠西路

4) 沿翡翠西路行驶140米,在第2个出口,直行进入S317

5) 沿S317行驶2.0公里,稍向右转进入S317







1) 沿卫国北路行驶1.9公里,直行进入卫国南路

2) 沿卫国南路行驶1.4公里,直行进入S233

3) 沿S233行驶12.3公里,过嘎东,直行进入南京里隧道

4) 沿南京里隧道行驶190米,直行进入S233

5) 沿S233行驶11.1公里,过左侧的团结寨,右转进入瑞京路

6) 沿瑞京路行驶2.4公里,过贺南毛,右前方转弯进入建设路

7) 沿建设路行驶1.0公里,过右侧的瑞丽市委党校,右前方转弯进入勐卯路

8) 沿勐卯路行驶70米,过邮电大楼,左转进入人民路

9) 沿人民路行驶190米,过左侧的邮电大楼,右转进入南卯街

10) 沿南卯街行驶390米,左转进入麓川路

11) 沿麓川路行驶220米,右转进入边城街

12) 沿边城街行驶410米,到达终点(在道路右侧)




从腾冲到瑞丽自驾途经保腾高速、杭瑞高速 ,还可以选择长途汽车。

瑞丽,位于云南省西部,隶属于德宏傣族景颇族自治州。其东连芒市 ,北接陇川,西北、西南、东南三面与缅甸山水相连,村寨相望,毗邻缅甸国家级口岸城市木姐。是中国唯一按照“境内关外”模式实行特殊管理的边境贸易区



Teng Chongrui beautiful optimal travel time?

Optimal travel time is Teng Chong autumn when influenced time March to the coming year most what is appropriate to the occasion, this moment can see the most beautiful ginkgo village, and air temperature is firm also just, average air temperature spends the left and right sides in 18~20, again air temperature of in the future can drop somewhat, can be in Teng Chong to the top of one's bent bubble hot spring. And luck beautiful optimal travel time, this is will come November of the coming year Feburary. Because of luck beautiful belong to semi-tropical area, besides this time, hotter still.

Does Yunnan vacate city of Li Mang developing luck what to travel tourist attraction there is?

Teng Chong has: ;

1, volcanic park, in equestrian station village, be apart from 23 kilometers of county. Vacate the museum of volcanic terrestrial heat to the China that be called. ;

2, the travel that heat up the sea goes vacationing area, be apart from 10 kilometers of county, hot spring is very much. ;

3, the chute of the river that fold water of county north. ;

4, county the wet ground of the North sea east. ;

5, dam sends the gigantic spring of Dai village. ;

6, the another name for Yunnan Province that commemorates 2 stations the country of battle dies young on the west grave garden. ;

7, with countryside of suitable live abroad. ; 8, another name for Yunnan Province on the west hill of peak of Taoism bethel cloud. ; 9, oriental cherry cereal, inside the gorge that hits mountain of tribute of tall pear of wrong native place with Teng Chong, the scenery is very good. ; Awn city has: ; 1, meng Ba Na Xi Zhenji garden; 2, 5 cloud temple; 3, bodhi temple; 4, the tree surrounds a tower

Luck beautiful to Teng Chongyuan?

1 luck beautiful compare to Teng Chong far. The 2 span because of two ground leave it is 600 kilometers about, need takes a car perhaps go to before the plane, expenses time and cost are higher. 3 if want to head for, can choose to take Gao Tie / the train or plane, but need plans good journey and vehicle ahead of schedule, lest waste time and money.

How does Teng Chong go luck beautiful?

Can take long-distance travel bus.

Have from Teng Chong brigade tourist carry stands to luck beautiful long-distance travel bus, cost about two half hours, fare 95 yuan, have 67 times everyday, the earliest morning eight, the latest afternoon at 5 o'clock.

Luck beautiful with Teng Chong which suit this season to travel more?

Season has compared Ruilidong, vacate red-letter day of strong summer fall to had been compared.

Climate of season of lucky Li Dong compares warmth to hibernate aptly, but the summer is a little burning hot and rainy, so best winter heads for luck beautiful; And Teng Chong because height above sea level is higher, summertime climate is cool and so appropriate be away for the summer holidays, winter time difference in temperature is bigger, some day is colder.

When is city of Li Mang of Yunnan travel Teng Chongrui amused?

Optimal travel time is Teng Chong autumn when influenced time March to the coming year most what is appropriate to the occasion, this moment can see the most beautiful ginkgo village, and air temperature is firm also just, average air temperature spends the left and right sides in 18~20, and time of optimal travel of city of lucky Li Mang, be will come November of the coming year Feburary. Because of luck beautiful belong to semi-tropical area, besides this time, hotter still.

Luck beautiful be still Teng Chong greatly big?

Teng Chong is big, be more than luck from geographical area and person Piao quantity beautiful

Luck beautiful with Teng Chong which develop?

Luck beautiful more develop,

I summed up the following:

The first, from situation, luck beautiful area the advantage is clearer, luck beautiful on it is the city of port wood sister with Burmese the biggest north, from wood elder sister can arrive directly at Mandele, communication is easy, the article of Burmese very much exit is from Mandele classics wood elder sister exports China.

The 2nd, on landforms of Cong Ruili landform, relief evenness, campagna more, relief is more open, to all sorts of foundation construction, still have a travel side more convenience, watch Teng Chong landform to go up to do not have these advantages instead.

The 3rd will look from economic commerce, luck beautiful port advantage more the incisively and vividly of play, the one area that the country raises recently all the way, affirmatory luck beautiful development train of thought, still have butt joint South Asia, the development strategy of way the indian ocean.

The 4th see luck from area policy management beautiful the advantage is more clear also. Luck beautiful here those who execute is " churchyard outside Shanghaiguan " manage mode, it is Burmese it is OK to handle card of a people living on the frontiers in De Hong here pass in and out is free,

Does Teng Chong arrive is Ruiliduo little kilometer?

Make an appointment with 194.2 kilometers

Drive course: Whole journey makes an appointment with 194.2 kilometers

Start: Teng Chong

1. protects hill plan drives inside city

1) sets out to southeast direction from start, travel 20 meters, left-hand rotation enters phoenix hill grade

Travel of road of hill of 2) edge phoenix 130 meters, left-hand rotation enters halcyon on the west road

3) edge halcyon on the west road travel 910 meters, chao Heshun road / bridge river county / with suitable Guzhen direction, straight travel enters halcyon on the west road

4) edge halcyon on the west road travel 140 meters, in the 2nd exit, straight travel enters S317

Travel of 5) edge S317 2 kilometers, enter S317 sunwise a bit

Travel of 2. edge S317 8.2 kilometers, enter S233 to left-hand rotation a bit

Travel of 3. edge S233 121 kilometers, cross the village of happy level ground on the right side of, straight travel is entered door drop channel

4. edge door scatter channel travel 1.9 kilometers, straight travel enters S233

Travel of 5. edge S233 27.9 kilometers, spend the boss camp on the right side of, a bit towards the left turns

6. travel 90 meters, left ahead turns enter Wei Guobei grade

7. luck drives inside beautiful city plan

1) edge defends a country boreal road travel 1.9 kilometers, straight travel enters Wei Guona grade

2) edge defends travel of the road austral the country 1.4 kilometers, straight travel enters S233

Travel of 3) edge S233 12.3 kilometers, over- east, straight travel enters the tunnel in Nanjing

Travel of the channel in 4) edge Nanjing 190 meters, straight travel enters S233

Travel of 5) edge S233 11.1 kilometers, spend left unitive camp, right-hand rotation enters lucky Beijing grade

Travel of road of Beijing of 6) edge luck 2.4 kilometers, cross the wool austral congratulate, west the front turns enter construction grade

7) edge builds road travel 1 kilometers, cross the luck on the right side of Party school of beautiful municipal Party committee, west the front turns enter Meng Mao Lu

Travel of road of the fourth of the twelve Earthly Branches of 8) edge Meng 70 meters, cross building of post and telecommunications, left-hand rotation enters people grade

Travel of road of 9) edge people 190 meters, cross building of left post and telecommunications, right-hand rotation enters Na Maojie

Travel of street of the fourth of the twelve Earthly Branches austral 10) edge 390 meters, left-hand rotation enters grade of plain of the foot of mountain

11) edge thes foot of a hill or mountain plain road travel 220 meters, right-hand rotation enters border city market

Travel of market of city of 12) edge border 410 meters, arrive at terminus (it is on the right side of road)

Terminal: Luck beautiful

Does Teng Chong come is Ruiliduo little kilometer?

Have 197.7 kilometers to Ruiliyao from Teng Chong.

Arrive from Teng Chong luck beautiful drive by way of to protect oneself vacate high speed, Hangrui high speed, still can choose long-distance car.

Luck beautiful, be located in Yunnan to save western, be subordinate to belongs to autonomous prefecture of the Jingpo nationality of De Hong Dai nationality. Its Dong Lianmang city, north receives Gansu plain, northwest, southwest, southeast is linked together 3 times with Burmese landscape, village photograph looks, border elder sister of wood of city of port of Burmese state level. It is China exclusive according to " churchyard outside Shanghaiguan " the division of border land trade that mode executes special managing


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