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昆山盛旺汽配月薪5000元普工公司行业:汽车·摩托车(制造·维护·配件·销售·服务) 公司性质:外商独资.外企办事处 公司规模:1000人以上 成立日期:2004年1月 所在地区:江苏昆山 昆山仁宝电子科技有限公司(由人力资源机构昆山市新思路劳务派遣有限公司提供)

公司介绍: 美商独资企业盛旺汽车零部件(昆山)有限公司投资2.7亿美金,位于昆山市经济技术开发区的汽车用铝制品轮毂专业生产基地。现年产超700万个。 盛旺汽车零部件有限公司,所生产的产品直接供应给美国三大汽车公司及国内知名汽车公司,自创立以来,深受客户的认同与肯定。






公司除了在招募选才中严格控制外,更在悉心育才、认真用才、真心留才等方面加强管理,使公司的人才格局不断趋于合理与兴旺。 汽车轮毂行业综合排名全国第二,单厂产量全国第一! 祈使有志人员一同加入sheng wang大家庭,让我们共同创造更美好的明天。


您好,1、确定工序 确定生产工序,明确划分

2.人工成本 按工序核算工时,计算分工序人工成本并结转

3.材料成本 确定材料初始用量,计算材料成本,每工序成品率、废品率、材料损耗,并结转

4.机械成本 分工序计算机械工时,计算分工序机械成本并结转











本公司批发力帆汽车配件,以低的价格,的服务,竭诚为广大商家服务.本公司地处重庆市老顶坡汽配城A420号.欢迎来人来函洽谈.主要市场:全国 产品服务:力帆汽车配件;前杠;后杠;大灯;前杠灯;后杠灯;电子扇;冷凝器;前桥;水箱;尾灯;全车配件;力帆汽车配件;前杠;后杠;大灯;前杠灯;后杠灯;电子扇;冷凝器;前桥;水箱;尾灯;全车配件




















Does excuse me elder brother hill fill wages of factory of flourishing car a replacement?

Steam of Kun Shancheng flourishing matchs monthly pay industry of company of industry of 5000 yuan of general: Car · autocycle (production · safeguards · fittings · to sell · to serve) company property: The foreign trader is solely invested. Dimensions of company of foreign enterprise agency: 1000 people above establishs date: Was in an area in January 2004: Limited company of science and technology of electron of Shan Renbao of elder brother of hill of Jiangsu elder brother (by city of hill of elder brother of manpower resource orgnaization new thinking service sends limited company to offer)

Company introduction: Solely invested enterprise contains beautiful business flourishing car component (elder brother hill) limited company invests 270 million U.S. dollor, the car that is located in development of technology of economy of city of elder brother hill uses major of aluminous goods hub to produce base. Produce per year now exceed 7 million. Contain limited company of flourishing car component, produces product supplies famous Motor Corporation of 3 big Motor Corporation of American and home directly, since found, get the client's self-identity and affirmation.

Be based on the development of Chinese car market, and industry whole world purchases the car to be carried out politicly, produce base at choosing elder brother hill to build in June 2004.

The company covers an area of 400 mus, overall planning produces workshop workshop 4 times, two assist manufacturing workshop workshop, an administration building, building of a dormitory, set the facilities of other welfare living such as infirmary, reading room, playroom additionally.

What at present the company uses is the world's most advanced machine equipment, in the be far ahead in congener industry.

Investment of company first phase already was finished and throw production, 2 period formal in June 2010 put into production, the company is in at present employee worker counts 2000 people.

The company holds holding " sincere letter, discipline, character, respect property " spirit builds jointly " esteem human nature, breed talent, promotion technology, pursuit is outstanding " working atmosphere.

Company besides gift is chosen in recruit in outside be being controlled strictly, more in wholeheartedly Yo is ability, serious leave the respect such as ability to strengthen management with ability, sincerity, make the talent pattern of the company tends ceaselessly reasonable with flourishing. Car hub industry ranks the whole nation integratedly the 2nd, whole nation of only plant output the first! Pray makes personnel having keep in mind joins Sheng Wang community together, make us collective create better tomorrow.

Does factory of car a replacement make Zhang circuit?

Hello, 1, affirmatory working procedure produces working procedure certainly, differentiate clearly

Labour cost presses 2. man-hour of working procedure business accounting, computation divides working procedure labour cost and carry forward

Cost of material decides 3. material is initiative dosage, computational cost of material, loss of n of every working procedure, percent defective, material, and carry forward

Man-hour of machinery of computation of foreword of division of labor of 4. mechanical cost, computation divides cost of working procedure machinery and carry forward

Invite applications for a job of factory of a replacement of Wei lane car?

Action of factory of a replacement of Wei lane car is 48 years old the following.

Like Biyadi factory product is compared is manual work mostly, punch ministry opens punch is big project commonly, the youth is to take electronic plant commonly light industrial vivid, hard work youth won't take plant of car a replacement, factory of car a replacement is two fall, it is machine operator, station class, tired action youth is so bad to enrol, enrolled big project general to be versed in so.

Manufacturer of a replacement of force sail car?

1, company name: Company of a replacement of car of Chongqing Xuan Yi

2, advocate battalion product: ; of lamp of the bar before; of headlight of; of the bar after; of the bar before; of a replacement of force sail car

 3, canton region: Chongqing

4, scope of operations: ; of lamp of the bar before; of headlight of; of the bar after; of the bar before; of a replacement of force sail car

5, enterprise type: Finite liability company

6, management deadline: Long-term

Our company are wholesale a replacement of force sail car, with low price, service, serve for broad businessman wholeheartedly. Our company are located in Chongqing city to often carry slope steam on the head to match city A420 order. Greeting bearer will case negotiate. Staple market: Countrywide product serves: Lamp of the bar before; of; headlight of the bar after; of the bar before; of a replacement of car of sail of force of; of a replacement of whole vehicle of; of taillight of; of cistern of; of front axle of; of condenser of; of fan of electron of; of lamp of the bar after; of lamp of the bar before; of headlight of; of the bar after; of the bar before; of a replacement of force sail car

Does factory of car a replacement return a responsibility how?

Saying is factory of car a replacement, that makes fittings namely, for instance of wiring harness factory is to arrange wiring harness, of cut and so on, plastic what all sorts of appearance make namely inside the factory is plastic, the working flow that has every plant decides to do what business.

Is business of plant of car a replacement good?

About the business stand or fall of factory of car a replacement, I can offer a few cultural background to consult for you. Market of car a replacement is a market with giant and intense competition, its development gets the influence of a variety of elements. It is a few factors that affect business of plant of car a replacement possibly below:

Car sales volume: The growth of car sales volume can drive the demand of market of car a replacement to increase normally, produce positive effect to the business of factory of car a replacement thereby.

The car retains quantity: Retain as the car the addition of the quantity, the maintenance of car a replacement and change demand also can increase accordingly, this is a potential business chance to factory of car a replacement.

The market competes: Competition of market of car a replacement is intense, existence wears a lot of differring the manufacturer of car a replacement of dimensions and type. Below such competitive environment, product quality, price and the competition ability that take the side such as Wu will affect the business of factory of car a replacement directly.

The technology innovates: The ceaseless progress as car technology and change, the demand of new-style car a replacement also is in ceaseless emerge in large numbers. To can for seasonable research and development and the manufacturer that produce the new-style fittings that accords with market demand, the business may better.

Those who need an attention is, above is a few factors that affect business of plant of car a replacement possibly only, particular case still needs to consider the quality of market demand, product, factor that supplies the many sides such as chain management. Accordingly, to factory of a certain specific car a replacement, its business stand or fall still needs to be evaluated according to the actual condition of its oneself.

Is factory of car a replacement tired?

Factory of 1. car a replacement is not tired.

The type of work in factory of present car a replacement mixes 2. work is not tired. It is 8 hours of duty. Uses device is product line, mechanization. It is top-ranking full automatic equipment. Want you to be operated according to regulations system only, won't feel kind.

Invite applications for a job of factory of a replacement of car of elder brother hill?

: of information of invite applications for a job? Dispute of cracking sky of Dong of black of razor clam of obstruct of  of  of  of Zhao of ┐ of blood clam of б of  of Mei of pedal of ド crafty  does   to prolong one full year of life of?8-55 of ぃ  Gui, the men and women is not restricted, provide above of culture of junior high school,

Does Yantai have plant of car a replacement?

Yantai city blessing is a mountainous area limited company of a replacement of arrowy Qi car, sino-Japanese and joint-stock, in north of blessing sea route paragraph

What does woman worker of factory of car a replacement do?

Basically do the work of following a few respects; Product inspection man, civil member, product statistician, production manages the plan member of the ministry, the keeper of storehouse, the jockey of stamping workpiece, the jockey of next material process.

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