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读音:shē huá mí fèi。释义:奢侈浮华,铺张浪费。



















纸醉金迷 原意是让闪光的金纸把人弄迷糊了。形容叫人沉迷的奢侈繁华环境。

钟鸣鼎食 钟:古代乐器;鼎:古代炊器。击钟列鼎而食。形容贵族的豪华排场。

醉生梦死 象喝醉酒和做梦那样,昏昏沉沉,糊里糊涂地过日子。

一掷千金 指用钱满不在乎,一花就是一大笔。

玉食锦衣 锦衣:鲜艳华美的衣服;玉食:珍美的食品。精美的衣食。形容豪华奢侈的生活。

席丰履厚 席:席子;指坐具;丰:多;履:鞋子,指踩在脚下的东西;厚:丰厚。比喻祖上遗产丰富。也形容生活优裕。

寻花问柳 花、柳:原指春景,旧时亦指娼妓。原指赏玩春天的景色。后旧小说用来指宿娼。

寻欢作乐 寻求欢快,设法取乐。形容追求享乐。

声色狗马 声:歌舞;色:女色;狗:养狗;马:骑马。形容剥削阶级荒淫无耻的生活。



fù lì táng huáng










1. 温度:适合在温暖、湿润、阴凉和通风良好的气候环境下生长。适合花烛生长的温度在19~25度之间,过冬温度在10度以上。花烛不耐高温和低温,如果温度在35度以上或是10度以下,受到温度影响后,花烛会生长不良。

2. 光照:花烛较为耐阴,不过在生长期,需要有充足的光照供花叶生长。春秋季节光照较为温和,可以将花烛移到室外,放在光照充足的环境下养护。花烛不耐强光,在夏季期间,为了避免花烛被晒伤,需要给其做好遮阴工作。

3. 水分:花烛喜湿,不过不耐水涝,在生长期间需要适量的浇水。花烛在生长旺期,需要合理的浇水,要要保持土壤湿润。在夏季期间空气较干燥,需要给花烛喷水,进行降温增湿。冬季期间的温度较低,花烛进入休眠状态后要控水。

4. 土壤:喜酸性土壤,要求土壤排水性能良好。可使用疏松、透气和排水性能良好的砂质壤土进行种养,有利于根系的呼吸和生长。

5. 施肥:奢华花烛对水质的要求较高,北方自来水水质较硬,并含有氯,不能直接使用,家庭栽植可用凉白开浇灌。大量浇灌时要把自来水在水缸或水池中晾置3至5天后再使用。花烛为喜酸性土花卉,最适PH值约在5.5--6.5左右,要减少施用马掌水、人粪尿,多采用豆饼或麻渣水作为追肥,或施用0.25%的硫酸亚铁来提高盆土酸度。尿素和磷酸二氢钾能提高植物体氮、磷、钾的含量,喷施在叶面上可以很快被植物体吸收。其他微量元素如硼、镁等也最好作为根外施肥。叶面喷化肥要少量多次,生长旺盛季节每周可喷一次,用肥量在0.5%以下比较安全,幼苗可用0.2%的浓度。



With what should describe LV? Costly fashionable still?

Because two brands are well-known extravagant trademark, the style that should like according to oneself and the element that go when Ji Liu will decide, be told actually with degree ought to Gucci, because basic it is boar skin or change skin is mixed make those who make, a bit more durable, LV is basic leather is made, slant soft, and configuration is much with Laohua series is given priority to, drabber, but degree of its brand influence is more than Gucci slightly, the heat of LV is more than Gucci slightly, gucci is to open cloud group division to fall child brand, because the series of small white shoe of the last few years sells greatly, of fire. Say finally, you buy Gu Ji or LV, it is the concept of costly vogue, basically be to see you like which money to be bought which, do not want have to to choose because of the brand, it is the product of a class, do you say?

Costly definition?

Costly express namely " extravagant " , " luxuriant " . Describe the life of wealthy person more now, also describe the life that the person place that adores vanity yearns for. A lot of places interpret derogatory sense statement. But, by at present present consumptive outlook and social view look, "Costly " it is a neuter word actually, what it points to is manner of a kind of life. Of a kind of grade and style indicative.

In western society, be considered as a kind of lifestyle generally, and be worth to encourage.

They think, this is a kind of positive social attitude, pass oneself indefatigable effort, gain brilliant success while, also press action to arriving since the society, its go after what the individual gives birth to vivid character to rise also is manage place should.

And this kind of way is other to the society also the crowd causes an effect, those who make more person knows the individual struggles is important. Thereby, facilitated to circulate benignly from flank.

From economics (especially sale learns) in light of, this attributes the result of market fractionize, the consumptive demand place that is one part person is derived, the adjective of manner of alleged brownstone life

Costly waste pronunciation?

Pronunciation: I of è of F of í of M of á of Sh ē Hu. Paraphrase: Extravagant and buckish, grandiose and wasteful.

Table of costly style article?

No matter where you walk along, what you can experience us is costly, because we are made, is the toppest product on the world.

Our design is elegant, material high end, craft is outstanding. We use best data only, spent idea makes each product spotless make faultlessly.

Our stylist people excelsior, begin from each detail, the design gives the series with colourful Jing making a person.

Our brand is being represented nobility and exalted, representing the highest grade of quality and craft.

Our costly design is to be those to have pursuit and to the crowd of the self-identity of self-worth design to character, our product will make the gem in your life.

Costly meaning?

Paraphrase: Express " extravagant and buckish " , describe the life of wealthy person more, also describe the life that the person place that adores vanity yearns for.

From the point of consumptive outlook and social view, it is a neuter word actually, those who point to is manner of a kind of life, of a kind of grade and style indicative. Han of out the Tang Dynasty heals " Li Hua " of the poem: "When spring the ground is contended for costly, of confused of Luoyang garden Yuan You. of confused of Luoyang garden Yuan You..

Top class and expensive betrothal gifts?

The betrothal gift of different dynasty popularity is vicissitudinous actually, have in The Book of Songs for instance " appoint birds establish wild goose, match with deerskin " " robber comes trade silk, come namely I am sought " the sentence of and so on, wild deer, wild goose and cloth are very common at that time betrothal gift gift.

And arrived Song Chao, tea ceremony begins to rise in the popularity on betrothal gift detailed list, next travel tea ceremony, tea, calm tea, add up to tea to wait consuetudinary from this and come, all the time follow arrives period of bright Qing Dynasty.

Look on whole, ancient time compares luxurious betrothal gift detailed list, it is little commonly not of these things, it is respectively: Hire gold, hire ceremony of 4 kinds of fruit of cake, choice seafood, 3 animal sacrifice, 4 Beijing, candy, tea, bottle 2 meters are waited a moment.

Is costly and princely pottery and porcelain good?

Very right brand, quality is very good

The brand of limited company of group of pottery and porcelain of Er of Jiangxi collect accept, the company held water on August 29, 2006, register a position to bring city of industry of city new century high at Jiangxi province, the legal representative is Luo Qun. Scope of operations includes production of pottery and porcelain, sale. (the item that needs classics approval lawfully, sectional approval is rear related classics can develop management activity) limited company of group of pottery and porcelain of Er of Jiangxi Luo Na invests 2 companies external.

Express costly idiom?

See the New Year in send reason of reason, an alien land to know, Chao Zhangguo reason, gain new insights through reviewing old material, bring friend heavy change, abandon reason to take form of reason of new, mad slave, not advocate reason constant, pace of complacent and conservative, reason is drawn oneself, Ban Jing reason, piece, sound reasonable, be content with reason common, be addicted to at old hear, the father-in-law does not let soil, reason can become his tall

Original intention of live a luxury and dissipation life is to let flashy golden paper get the person confused. Appearance calls a person indulging extravagant and flourishing environment.

Zhong Ming vessel feeds a bell: Archaic musical instrument; Vessel: Archaic cook a meal implement. Attack Zhong Lieding and feed. Describe luxurious ostentation and extravagance of the noble.

Lead a befuddled life is mixed like malty wine daydream in that way, befuddled, get along muddle-headedly.

Spend money like water point to spend money not worry at all, be spent even if a large sum of.

Jade feeds bright and beautiful garment bright and beautiful garment: Bright-coloured and colorful dress; Jade feeds: The food of precious beauty. Elegant back and belly. Describe the life of luxurious luxury.

Xi Feng walks on large place: Matting; Point to a thing to sit on; Abundant: Much; Walk on: Shoe, point to the thing that tramples below the foot; Thick: Rich and generous. Figurative ancestors legacy is rich. Also describe the life abundant.

Go round singsong houses flower, willow: Point to Chun Jing formerly, old times also points to meretricious. Point to the scenery of delight in spring formerly. Old novel uses prostitute pointing to constellation after.

Be on the tiles is sought lively, try make merry. Appearance goes after enjoyment.

Sound of manner dog horse: Singing and dancing; Lubricious: Woman's charms; Dog: Raise a dog; : Equestrian. Appearance exploits the class lives dissipated and shamelessly.

Describe costly term?


Ng of á of Ng Hu of á of T of ì of F ù L

Also make: Grandiose richly

Commend colour

Commendatory (contain gasp in admiration meaning)




Richly: Grandiose beauty; Grandiose: Imposing manner is grand. Polymorphous look superstructure is massive luxuriant or occasion is luxurious air. Also describe affix luxuriant.

How is costly Hua Zhu raised?

The conserve method of costly Hua Zhu is as follows:

1.Temperature: Suit to be in warm, wet, shady and cool fall with drafty climate environment grow. The temperature that suits Hua Zhusheng to grow is in 19 ~ 25 degrees between, hibernate temperature is in 10 degrees of above. Hua Zhu is not high temperature resistant with microtherm, if temperature is in 35 degrees of above or be 10 degrees the following, after be affected by temperature, hua Zhu can grow undesirable.

2.Illumination: Hua Zhu relatively be able to bear or endure shade, be in nevertheless growth period, need has enough illumination to grow for Hua Xiesheng. Year season illumination is relatively gentle, can move Hua Zhu outdoor, put in the conserve below the environment with enough illumination. Hua Zhu is not able to bear or endure strong light, during the summer, be basked in to avoid Hua Zhu, need has done shady work to its.

3.Moisture: Hua Zhuxi is wet, do not be able to bear or endure nevertheless waterlogging, during grow need waters right amountly. Hua Zhu is growing flourishing period, need waters reasonably, should want to maintain soil wet. During the summer air is drier, need gives Hua Zhu gush water, undertake dropping in temperature adding wet. The temperature during winter is inferior, water should accuse after Hua Zhu enters dormancy state.

4.Soil: Be fond of acidity soil, performance of requirement soil drain off water is good. Can use loose, breathe freely and discharge the arenaceous qualitative loam with water good performance to undertake growing, breathe and grow what be helpful for root system.

5.Fertilization: Costly Hua Zhu is taller to the requirement of water quality, water quality of northward tap water is better, contain chloric, cannot use directly, the family is cultivated and usable cool leave in vain irrigate. When a large number of irrigating, should be tap water in water jar or cistern air buy the 3 reuse after coming 5 days. Hua Zhu is flowers of happy acidity earth, value of the most comfortable PH is in about 5.5- - 6.5 the left and right sides, want to reduce employ horseshoe water, night soil, use soya-bean cake or water of hemp broken bits to serve as top application more, or the vitriolic ferrous of 0.25% comes to employ raise basin earth acidity. 2 hydrogen Potassium can raise urea and phosphoric acid the content of frond nitrogen, phosphor, Potassium, it is OK on face of blade that gush is applied be absorbed very quickly by frond. Outside waiting to also had better serve as a root like boracic, magnesium, other microelement fertilizes. Chemical fertilizer of gush of face of blade wants a few for many times, grow exuberant season is weekly but gush, the quantity that use fertilizer is in 0.5% compare safety below, seedling can use the chroma of 0.2% .

Above is the conserve method about costly Hua Zhu, offer reference only, the proposal seeks advice from the professional personage that raise a flower to get more information.

下一篇:光库科技上市时间? 光库科技什么概念?英文双语对照
