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贵港美食街? 贵港美食推荐?英文双语对照


贵港美食街? 贵港美食推荐?英文双语对照


贵港的美食街主要分布在 凤凰街 和地下街 唐人街 这一带。白天几乎没什么人 因为都在上班比较冷清 但是到了晚上就是另外一个景象人流量很大 停在路边的电动车都占满了 贵港美食街就是一个吃货的天堂 品种丰富多样 有烧烤 各种粥和小吃。






































吃“酸嘢”可以祛湿开胃,增进食欲,同时“酸嘢”也是别有风味的美食。 选料在于“生”字,开始熟了或已经熟了的果蔬则不宜做酸料了,而味道突出一个“酸”字,酸咸适度、酸甜可口。一般作为零食食用,可以饭前开胃,也可饭后解腻,还可软化血管。最好不要空腹食用,一次也不能吃太多。








贵港的饮食以桂系风味为主,兼有壮族、瑶族等少数民族的特色小吃,具有鲜明的地域特点。贵港当地的菜肴选料讲究、制作精细,在烹调技法上深受粤菜的影响,口味以鲜、香、麻、辣为主,著名的桂平浔江鱼就是贵港最具代表性的佳肴。 贵港小吃也极具特色,热闹的夜市上,各种口味的美食琳琅满目,炒田螺、螺丝粉、烤鱼、绿豆沙、桂林米粉、海鲜粥香气四溢,无论是匆匆过客,还是精明的食客,都难以抵挡这美味的诱惑,除了大快朵颐一番再无其它选择。贵港一带的浔江水产非常丰富,几乎每个餐馆酒楼都会特别推荐浔江鱼这类菜肴,味道特别鲜美,很受喜爱,有“不吃浔江鱼,就没有到过贵港”的说法。贵港美食罗秀米粉罗秀米粉具有悠久的历史,清末民国初期就已成名。其手工制作工艺独特,以其山区特有的水质,配以当地所产的优质白米精制而成。整个生产流程包括选米、浸米、磨浆、蒸粉皮、摺粉皮、切粉丝、扎米粉等。 贵港藕粉用贵港本地所产大红莲藕制成的藕粉,略带赭红色,是一种营养价值高,滋味好的食用淀粉,为广西四大名之一。


One, street of expensive harbor cate?

The cate street of expensive harbor basically distributings in phoenix street and subterranean street Chinese quarter this is taken. By day hardly because what person is going to work compare cold and cheerless but arrived night is discharge of another picture person very big the electric car that parks in roadside is occupied full the heaven variety that market of expensive harbor cate takes money namely is abounded.

2, is expensive harbor cate recommended?

Luo Xiu ground rice

Luo Xiu ground rice is the characteristic cate of city of Guangxi expensive harbor, with fine well-balanced, quality of a material withy, bright is fragile be able to bear or endure boil, exquisite and lubricant and famed. It refines with a mountainous area and peculiar water quality and high grade rice and become, can boil can fry, can make broth according to different taste pink of pink, lad pink, spiral shell pink, cold and dressed with sause and fry pink to wait. Luo Xiu ground rice is dry scoop up and soup pink has a way two kinds, dry there is soup bottom in the bowl that scoop up, besides the ground rice that passes besides scald, inn-keeper can add dish of bittern, bittern and partial condiment to wait in the bowl. And the practice of soup pink is a Luo Xiu ground rice puts the scald in hot water boiler to pass, dish of reoccupy bittern, bittern and partial condiment boil.

3, before expensive harbor cate 10?

NO.1: ? Bask in  Fei?

NO.2: ? Does the pool dirty?

NO.3: ? Chaotic bits?

NO.4: ? Thorn Berkelium?

NO.5: ? Chase after?

NO.6: ? Fear pain or numbness caused by cold?

NO.7: ? Samarium?

NO.8: ? Another name for Taishan Mountain?

NO.9: ? Berkelium Dan?

NO.10: ?  of food Zan dirty?

4, red cate of expensive harbor net?

Bai Qie chicken is the characteristic dish that withheld former juice raw ingredient together, delicacy of colour and lustre is yellow, the flesh is qualitative full, very inviting. Leather bright flesh is tender, mouthfeel is exquisite, flavor is delicious, dip in on tailor-made sauce expects one case edible, bring huge to satisfy to taste bud simply with enjoy.

5, characteristic of cate of the river austral expensive harbor?

String string, flesh of ox of fried dough twist of bean jelly of flesh of braise in soy sauce, plain north, board bridge, cook again, connect San of cake of river tremella, hemp, tea-oil tree child, meal of coal tub canister. 1, dig soup: Traditional cate, smell is sweet thick, local color is distinctive.

2, string: Characteristic is fastfood, hemp hot delicacy sweet, special tastily.

3, flesh of braise in soy sauce: Characteristic cate, soft glutinous is pure thick, fat and not be bored with.

4, plain north bean jelly: Traditional cate, mouthfeel hemp delicacy of hot, flavour is sweet.

5, board bridge fried dough twist: Characteristic is fastfood, mouthfeel is loose, oily sweet full-bodied.

6, commentary of cate of expensive harbor city?

With cate of explanation of expensive harbor word, for instance:

Appearance is fat -- fertilizer must shed oil

Appearance has tasted -- wild

Appearance eats spicily -- hey get Zhen Shuang

7, does where of Guangxi expensive harbor have cate market?

1: Address of street of cate of beer of life harbor snowflake: Harbor of life of international of area of north of harbor of expensive harbor city sweet cate of 0901 another name for Guangdong Province 2: Address of street of cate of beer of new harbor snowflake:

8, the cate that what expensive harbor has to be worth to recommend?

The food of expensive harbor fastens gust to give priority to with laurel, hold the characteristic of the minority such as Chuang, the Yao nationality concurrently.

Characteristic of expensive harbor cate represents:

1, expensive harbor lotus root starch

Produce the lotus root starch that lotus root of bright red lotus makes with place of expensive harbor this locality, take reddish brown red slightly, it is value of a kind of nutrition tall, the edible with good taste is amylaceous, for Guangxi one of 4 names.

2, acerbity pink of expensive harbor Dong Long

Dragon acerbity pink is belonged to east " bloat pink " kind, uses ground rice is flat and wide, the exterior if " river pink " . As " bloat pink " , dong Long acerbity pink and bloat elsewhere pink differs somewhat, above all ground rice charge for the making of sth. comes from pure handiwork, its bloat makings already sweet acerbity.

3, acerbity

Eat " acerbity " can dispel is wet appetizing, stomachic, at the same time " acerbity " the cate that also is have a distinctive flavour. Anthology makings depend on " unripe " word, begin ripe or already ripe fruit vegetables is unfavorable make acerbity material, and flavour highlights " acerbity " word, acid is salty measurable, acid is sweet goluptious. Regard snacks as edible commonly, OK and anteprandial appetizing, be bored with also can be solved after the meal, still but bate is hemal. Had better not hollow edible, also cannot eat too much.

9, is net of expensive harbor cate red the ground that play card?

Be located in the old street near road of east wind of area of north of harbor of expensive harbor city and ancient banyan road is cate net absolutely the red ground that play card.

Yun Tun of inn of cake of flesh of the bolus of Zhou Ji flesh over there, old brand, old icehouse, big east dock gram sand, big east bean curd spends pink of spiral shell of flavour of horn of dock bean curd, willow, Liu Ji, big embankment fertilizer bean jelly of mother-in-law pink, fragrant elder sister. . . . Oneself go experiencing

In old street one be stationed is most all one's life

Show the old market nowadays

Must go up symmetrically absolutely a market that expensive harbor had better have

10, what does expensive harbor have delicious - expensive harbor has the cate with delicious what, specific in?

The food of expensive harbor fastens gust to give priority to with laurel, the characteristic that holds the minority such as Chuang, the Yao nationality concurrently is fastfood, have bright district characteristic. The dish of expensive harbor place is chosen makings is exquisite, make careful, get on cook ability law the influence of dish of another name for Guangdong Province, taste with bright, sweet, hemp, hot give priority to, famous Gui Ping watersides Jiang Yu is expensive harbor provides representative cate most. Expensive harbor is fastfood also have distinguishing feature extremely, on lively night fair, the cate full of beautiful things in eyes of all sorts of taste, fry aroma of congee of ground rice of sand of pink of river snail, screw, grilled fish, gram, Guilin, seafood 4 excessive, no matter be hasty passing traveller, still be astute deadbeat, keep out this delicate temptation hard, besides big fast cheek one time not to have other choice again. Expensive harbor takes waterside river aquatic product is very rich, almost every cafeteria wine shop the metropolis is special recommend waterside Jiang Yu this kind of dish, flavour is particularly delicious, very suffer love, have " do not eat waterside Jiang Yu, had done not have expensive harbor " view. Ground rice of Luo Xiu of ground rice of Luo Xiu of expensive harbor cate has long history, initial stage of the Republic of China of clear minor details already became famous. The its handiwork technology that make is distinctive, with its a mountainous area and peculiar water quality, the high grade rise that deserves to be produced with local place refines and become. Whole production technological process includes to choose rice, dip rice, grind sheet jelly made from bean or sweet potato starch of oar, evaporate, to fold sheet jelly made from bean or sweet potato starch, cut vermicelli made from bean starch, plunge into ground rice to wait. Expensive harbor lotus root starch produces the lotus root starch that lotus root of bright red lotus makes with place of expensive harbor this locality, take reddish brown red slightly, it is value of a kind of nutrition tall, the edible with good taste is amylaceous, for Guangxi one of 4 names.
