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宠物进化得动画片? 和自己的宠物合体进化的动画片?英文双语对照


宠物进化得动画片? 和自己的宠物合体进化的动画片?英文双语对照






物进化条件:宠物到达40级可以进行第一次进化宠物到达60级可以进行第二次进化进化提升:天赋技能增强属性提升资质上限提升培养次数增加界面入口:  进化玩法开启后,便可通过点击右上角的宠物头像进入宠物面板中打开进化界面;使用进化道具可直接进入进化界面进化消耗道具(不包含蓝龙和小玉):进化到二阶:星芒水晶进化到三阶:银月水晶







创造与魔法奇遇进化果能使宠物进阶,暂时能进化的宠物有3只,分别是青青猪、绅士骆驼、潮流陆行鸟。 大家可以使用奇遇进化果对青青猪、绅士骆驼、潮流陆行鸟进行进化,让它们拥有更好的属性,外表也会有变化。


是的,进化就是那样,把“猴子”变成云的成长,在句一例;你有血成长95,攻96的粉。你想要用血110攻100的云做副宠的话,进化后粉就变成血110攻100;你要知道进化是让副宠的成长覆盖主宠成长。但是没个宠物都有系统固定的副宠。比如雷怪只能用骷髅战将,火光鼠,石牛妖和紫燕当副宠。那么你如果主宠是雷怪的话。建议不要进化,因为上面4个副宠的成长还不如雷怪呢。 不知道我这麽写你能否看明白




数码宝贝 被选中的7个孩子 其实是8个 太一 亚古兽、 阿和 加布兽、 素娜 比丘兽、美美 巴鲁兽、光子郎 甲虫兽、阿助 哥玛兽、阿武 巴达兽、第八个孩子太一的妹妹佳儿 迪路兽、8个徽章分别代表:勇气、友情、爱心、纯真、知识、诚实、希望、光明。









One, does pet evolution get cartoon?

Special a positive that just is magical Bao Kemeng. The pet elf that I believe to major person is to see first this cartoon, but, special a positive that just is game world.

2, the cartoon with the fit and developmental pet with oneself?

This cartoon should be " mystical good-for-nothing or queer character " , can mix inside oneself pet is fit and developmental. It is by Shangshan state is aed man of virtual and ability hold guide, bureau of collect of the animation that began to be broadcasted on TV 1996 and relevant film, short story, send out and special piece a general designation. Main gut is those who tell aspire to become master of mystical good-for-nothing or queer character is small wisdom, set foot on journey together with Pikaqiu. All the way, small wisdom met unexpectedly many companions, strong opponent, good friend, launched venture of again and again with them.

3, pet evolution method?

Content evolution condition: Pet arrives at 40 class to be able to undertake pet of first time evolution arrives at 60 class to be able to undertake developmental evolution promotes the 2nd times: Connate skill enhances attribute to promote aptitude upper limit to promote education frequency to add interfacial entry: After developmental open playing a way, developmental interface is opened in can entering pet face plate through clicking the pet head portrait of top right corner; Use evolution prop can enter developmental interface evolution to use up prop directly (do not include La Long and small jade) : Evolution arrives 2 rank: Evolution of astral awn crystal arrives 3 rank: Silver-colored month is crystal

4, the cartoon of dragon evolution?

"The soldier that fight dragon " " the Long Yinzhi battle of the soldier that fight dragon " " blue cat Long Qi is round "

5, the cartoon of dinosaurian evolution?

" the civilization of the lose of dinosaurian baby " be " dinosaurian baby " work of the 4th animation, sow at leaving 2014.

In order to highlight the clou of story adventure, humorous, solidarity, the modelling respect in main character also is optimized further and perfect, the careful that accords with contemporary audience is beautiful, will combine the form that three-dimensional photograph combines 2 peace keeping first at the same time, if dinosaur becomes body, big to will use three-dimensional form setting to make, make the level of whole that make rises to brand-new height, setting of mature dinosaurian garden embedded, house of dinosaur of project of each You Le, China will be in cartoon with brand-new means is deduced.

6, can the pet of adventure evolution?

Creation and blackart adventure evolution can make pet is entered if really rank, temporary can developmental pet has 3, it is bird of Liuhang of camel of green green pig, gent, tide respectively. Everybody can use adventure evolution to be opposite if really bird of Liuhang of camel of green green pig, gent, tide undertakes evolution, let them own better property, appearance also can have change.

7, the advantage that asks pet evolution?

Yes, evolution is in that way, " monkey " become the cloud grow, be in sentence; You have blood to grow 95, attack the pink of 96. You want to use blood 110 attack the cloud of 100 to become pair of word that bestow favor on, the pink after evolution becomes blood 110 attack 100; You should know evolution is to let deputy those who bestow favor on grow enclothe advocate bestow favor on grow. But those who do not have a pet to the system is secured is deputy bestow favor on. For instance thunder can use skeleton war only quite will, blaze rat, stone ox bewitching and violet swallow are become deputy bestow favor on. So you if advocate bestowing favor on is the word with strange thunder. The proposal is not developmental, because above 4 deputy those who bestow favor on grow to still be blamed as thunder. Do not know my this Mo writes you whether look clear

8, ask a hand You Chong how content is developmental, does guideline detailed see pet evolution?

Pet evolution needs a player to offer advocate bestow favor on (be about to obtain the pet that grow) with deputy bestow favor on (give priority to bestow favor on offer the pet that grow) , after the course is developmental, advocate the base that bestow favor on grows (do not include to aggrandizement, dot is changed and fly the share that rise) meeting by deputy growing place replaces the foundation that bestow favor on, advocate bestow favor on original aggrandizement effect to be able to be transferred directly new advocate bestow favor on grow on, advocate bestow favor on former some to the dot is changed and fly litre of effect meeting ground is new advocate bestow favor on growing recount.

9, what ministry cartoon uses armorial evolution pet cry before?

Digital baby by 7 children of pitch on it is actually 8 too inferior ancient animal, A and the animal that add cloth, element is the graceful animal that compare grave, beautiful animal of animal of beautiful Ba Lu, bug of photon Lang Jia, A aids animal of elder brother Ma, A Wu: Courage, friendship, love, pure, knowledge, honest, hope, bright.

10, ask a hand You Chong to content evolution plays law introduction how is pet developmental?

Regulation shows pet evolution:

1, pet evolution is OK will advocate bestow favor on evolution to be equal to to carry grade to be more than advocate those who bestow favor on is deputy bestow favor on.

2, only common pet ability undertakes pet evolution, mutation pet cannot undertake evolution.

3, after evolution, advocate the base that bestow favor on grows, carry grade to will be replaced pair of foundation that bestow favor on grow, carry social estate.

4, after evolution, advocate the aggrandizement grade that bestow favor on is changeless, aggrandizement effect is changeless, won't be affected developmentally.

5, after evolution, advocate the dot that bestow favor on changes plan changeless, the dot turns the result according to deputy the base that bestow favor on grows recount. A, if advocate bestow favor on had nodded change finish, so the dot maintains to turn the result that finish after evolution

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