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用微波炉做美食? 微波炉可以做哪些美食?英文双语对照


用微波炉做美食? 微波炉可以做哪些美食?英文双语对照



































用料 鸡翅若干、全麦面包屑或早餐玉米片 适量盐、酱油 、胡椒粉 、五香粉、淀粉

做法 鸡翅,撒酱油、五香粉、淀粉腌半小时。把鸡翅拎出来放进面包屑里,拌匀!让面包屑完全包裹鸡翅。摆入玻璃盘或者磁盘里,垫油纸,平铺摆开。盖上保鲜膜,戳几个小洞,放进微波炉高火三分钟,拿出来翻面,再高火25秒。就可以开动了!



用料 羊肉 300克、生抽 4小勺、老抽 1小勺、食用油 1小勺、盐 1小勺、辣椒粉 1小勺(不吃辣可省)孜然粉少许

做法 第一步:腌制羊肉,将羊肉清洗干净,撕去薄膜,用刀将切成0.3公分的薄片。将生抽、老抽和食用油倒入切成薄片的羊肉碗中,放入一小勺的辣椒粉。用筷子把调味料和羊肉片拌匀,腌制5分钟。第二步穿串:取一把竹签(不要用铁签),把腌制的羊肉片均匀的串在竹签上,每一串可放1-2小块肥羊肉。第三步:开烤:把串好的羊肉串均匀摆放在盘子上,放入微波炉,中高火2分钟。取出后将盘底的汁液倒出,继续放入微波炉中火30秒取出。食用前均匀的撒上孜然粉和辣椒粉就可以了。



用料 茄子 1个、酱油4勺、蒸鱼豉油 3勺、大蒜 一头、孜然 适量、花椒 适量

做法 第一步:烧茄子,茄子洗干净切成长方形小条,放微波炉高火5到7分钟左右。根据茄子大小调整时间。茄子放盘子里,小刀剖开,就像平时吃的烧烤那样。横着来几刀,别把皮划破了。第二步:炒酱,锅里放油,大火烧热,转中小火,先加花椒,等30秒,再加剁碎的蒜,炒香,加酱油和香料,炒均匀关火。第三步:入味,把酱铺在茄子上,微波炉高火40秒入味,拿出来撒点孜然粉。
























做是可以做的,但是不可能达到一样的效果,也不是每种蛋糕都可以做. 微波炉最高温度100℃,烧烤模式为120℃,而家用烤箱最高温度为250℃.很多西点面包pizza是用200度以上烤制的.所以自然两者不可能通用了.


One, do cate with microwave oven?

In daily life, microwave oven more be used by us heat food, do you know? Microwave oven also can use cuisine directly! Microwave oven is used to also can make delicate cooked food opportunely below!

1, do egg a thick soup

Get on 2 eggs add 1, the face after the water of 1.5 times mix of a direction is even, put a dish inside, the pepper that adds thimbleful and 1, 2 cooking wine can rise to go the action of raw meat or fish, rejoin is put after a few salt heat inside microwave oven, heat with Gao Huo first 2, 3 minutes, after small fire of reoccupy defrost function heats 3 minutes, take out put after temperature is proper can edible.

Steamed egg a thick soup

Steamed egg a thick soup

2, do steamed fish

1 jin the following fresh fish is abluent after been clear away, in the flesh large place dissections a few small mouth puts green silk, Jiang Pian to wait, scatter on a few salt, inside messtin of appropriative of wave of outfit in a subtle way, lid upper cover perhaps is built on heat-resisting lasts after film, heat inside microwave oven 6, 7 minutes can, the piscine nutrition that such doing come out is delicate. Remember be in last a few hole are tied on film, make vapour OK send out.

3, before frying aubergine, heat with microwave oven first

Well-known, aubergine is a kind of special oil absorption feed capable person. Think of to eat not fat fry aubergine, the proposal tries the method below, before frying aubergine abluent, take a skin to cut or put into microwave oven conflagration to heat 2 minutes after stripping and slicing, in putting bowl next, cheer break up fry. This law is applicable also when making part of beans of dry stir-fry before stewing.

4, the yam that bake, potato heats with microwave oven first

A lot of people like to bake the yam, potato that bake in the home, but if just use oven,2 hours need if baking, already take time expends report again. Can put in the conflagration in microwave oven to heat first before bake 5~6 minute, so OK the in-house heat yam, potato is ripe, put oven to bake 30 minutes or so again next all and squashy.

5, fry anteprandial heat with microwave oven first

Doing the cultured that fry a meal is departure of meter of bead wanting bead, if rice is too sticky, can put in the Gao Huo in microwave oven to heat first 1, 2 minutes, again medium small fire heats 1, 2 minutes. Those who need an attention is, top is not built when heating, otherwise adverse moisture volatilizes.

Finally, needing those who remind everybody is, microwave oven increases thermal efficiency tall, duration is very bad to master. Because each microwave oven power, function has very big difference, still need to fumble in cooking process so heat condition, appropriate firepower and time combination are found to be able to make delicate cooked food after passing a test a few times.

2, what cate can microwave oven do?

Microwave oven can use the wing of the chicken that bake, yam that bake, aubergine that bake, the particular way of the aubergine that bake is below: Prepare data: Aubergine 1, taste is extremely little 5 spoon, evaporate fish Chi is oily 2 spoon, garlic one, zi like that right amount, chinese prickly ash is right amount, chili face is right amount 1, wash aubergine head of the base of a fruit of clean cut away, put 5-7 of microwave oven high internal heat or so minutes.

2, put a dish in, with penknife sliver lotus seed, but should notice to fasten a leather lacerate.

3, pat garlic flat, chop, put in pannikin to reserve.

4, oil is put in boiler, heat of big baked wheaten cake turns in small fire, the garlic that adds Chinese prickly ash to add chop again first and flavor are fried sweet.

5, get on sauce shop in aubergine, dig aubergine flesh with spoon, put microwave oven to bite 3 minutes or so, love eats Zi like that can scatter bit of Zi again at this time like that pink, the so delicate aubergine that bake is good.

3, what is the cate that can microwave oven do?

The function of microwave oven is very much, besides can heat up meal, hot food, hot Shang Zhi, still can make a lot of cate. So what cate can microwave oven do? Look together below!

One, microwave oven can do what cate

The cate that microwave oven does is more, like toast, carbonado, barbecue, do the Zhi person shrimp, yam that bake, do sweet and sour spareribs to wait.

1, toast. Need uses microwave oven and oven, it is commonly in be being put into microwave oven first roast 3 minutes, wait for the surface brown, in can be being put into oven roast 10 minutes or so, OK.

2, carbonado. Had defeated the fish, take out is splanchnic, spray in piscine surface on right amount cooking oil, peppery wait for dressing, in be being put into microwave oven roast 6 minutes or so, flavour will be very delicious.

3, barbecue. Microwave oven is roast the flesh such as flesh of chicken, duck kind when food, do not spray in the surface of material first condiment, when after been bake, add spice again, in order to prevent the flesh kind exterior imbibe brings about food skin to change pliable but strong, the influence pledges to the flesh.

4, Zhi person shrimp. After handling prawn, after period of time is being developed in putting a bowl along with all the others with condiment, asperse on right amount Zhi person, can put the Gao Huohong in microwave oven to bake 8 minutes or so, when after microwave oven is cooling, desirable an edible of Zhi person shrimp.

5, the yam that bake. After cleaning yam clean with water, left and right sides of a hour immerses in putting salt solution, can use paper towel to rise yam to wrap up. In putting its microwave oven again roast 10 minutes, turn over a face to bake 3 minutes again, OK.

6, sweet and sour spareribs. Clean chop clean, water of take out blood loads a tub in, oil of the ketchup that adds a need, ginger, bad news, place the spice such as booth, sweet vinegar. In putting chop into microwave oven then roast 10 minutes or so, take out mix even, again roast 3 minutes can.

4, how does microwave oven do simple cate?

Microwave oven does cate: Wing of saline crisp chicken

Compared with the cooking means of fried chicken wing, the wing of saline crisp chicken that microwave oven makes is done not have so fat, and flavor still very plump, a bit does not have the meaning that is weakened. Cortical sweet crisp, flavour is full-bodied, inside in simple sense of the flesh also is fully tender, simply the family is delicate.

With makings chicken wing a certain number of, whole wheat crumble or breakfast cornmeal are pink of right amount salt, soy, pepper, the five spices, amylaceous

Practice chicken wing, scatter pink of soy, the five spices, starch to bloat half hours. Carry gallinaceous wing come out to be put into crumble, mix divide evenly! Make crumble complete wing of wrap up chicken. Place glass dish or in disk, fill up oilpaper, tile lay out. Last on the lid film, stamp a few small holes, put into microwave oven high internal heat 3 minutes, take search an area, again high internal heat 25 seconds. OK actuate!

Hotpot is strung together

Although be crash hotpot,string together, flavour however especially delicacy is sweet, bovril all bit by bit ooze arrives in the mouth, can rival street hotpot completely to string together

With makings hotpot 300 grams, unripe smoke 4 small spoon, old pump oil of 1 small spoon, edible 1 small spoon, salt pink of 1 small spoon, chili 1 small spoon (do not eat hot can save) Zi like that powdery a few

Practice the first pace: Souse hotpot, clean hotpot clean, rip go filmy, cut the chip of 0.3 centimeter with knife general. Will unripe smoke, often be smoked and in the hotpot bowl that edible oil enters slice, put the chili powder of one small spoon. Mix flavoring and ovine cutlet with the chopstick divide evenly, souse 5 minutes. The 2nd pace wears string: Take a bamboo to sign (do not sign with iron) , string together the ovine cutlet of souse equably on bamboo autograph, each strings can put 1-2 is small fat hotpot. The 3rd pace: Bake: String together the hotpot that has strung together put equably go up in dish, put microwave oven, in Gao Huo 2 minutes. After be being taken out will dish the juice teem of the bottom, continue to put microwave oven medium baking temperature 30 seconds are taken out. Scatter equably before edible on Zi like that pink and chili pink are OK.

Microwave oven burns aubergine

This burns aubergine, the perception that the entrance changes namely, it is wonderful really.

With makings aubergine 1, soy Chi of fish of 4 spoon, evaporate is oily 3 spoon, garlic one head, Zi like that Chinese prickly ash is right amount, right amount

Practice the first pace: Burn aubergine, aubergine is washed clean cut growing square is small, put microwave oven Gao Huo 5 control to 7 minutes. According to aubergine size settling time. Aubergine puts dish in, penknife sliver, the barbecue that resembles eating at ordinary times in that way. Sidewards comes a few knives, fasten a leather lacerate. The 2nd pace: Fry sauce, oil is put in boiler, big baked wheaten cake is hot, in turning small fire, add Chinese prickly ash first, wait for 30 seconds, add the garlic of chop again, fry sweet, add soy and spice, fry involve fire equably. The 3rd pace: Tasty, spread sauce on aubergine, microwave oven high internal heat 40 seconds tasty, take the Zi that drop a point like that pink.

5, what does the cate that can you do with pagoda tree flower have?

Sweet-and-sour saute pagoda tree spends cake, the pagoda tree spends cake, yu Xianghuai is beautiful

6, microwave oven does mushroom of tinfoil acupuncture needle, the cate that cannot miss?

This I often am done. The child loves to eat very much.

Do very simple also.

Wash acupuncture needle mushroom clean, the shop is on tinfoil, take a bowl next, put unripe smoke, vinegar, oyster sauce, candy, salt, garlic powder, small chili end, it is OK to after mixing, fall on acupuncture needle stay of proceedings.

Put microwave oven high internal heat 5 minutes to be able to eat next. Taste is particularly good.

7, what does the cate that can you do with peony flower have?

Does peony spend the cate: that do? Yo of faithful ┲ of  of acyl of beautiful of faithful ┟ of  of faithful ┟ beautifuling  ?

8, can be starch of holy fine jade used what cate to do?

Soft flesh, bean jelly, sheet jelly made from bean or sweet potato starch can use starch of holy fine jade to do! Starch of holy fine jade is compared at with other yam starch, specific nutrition, healthy advantage, this are in the manufacturing process of starch of holy fine jade is OK body comes out now.

Company of biology of holy fine jade returns advancedly product line of starch of sweet potato drifting a standard is used whole sealing, complete conduit, full automatic turn production purificatory starch, reduced specific power consumption and water cost greatly, raised amylaceous quantity and qualitative assurance.

9, can be double skin grandma done with microwave oven?

Microwave oven becomes the means that double skin suckles:

Feed capable person:

An albumen distributes the milk of 130ML, it is two albumen add a milk normally, but the added 15ML so water that milk is 245ML, just 260ML, add albumen just good the quantity of two small bowls.

Methodological measure:

1, according to oneself taste puts sugar into milk, arrive two spoon, double skin grandma is too sweet meeting be bored with. Put milk into second of 30~35 of microwave oven high internal heat to heat, take out agitate divide evenly to make candy melts.

2, albumen and yoke are detached, take albumen, in joining egg white hot milk, eggbeater hits divide evenly.

3, filter of milk sift out drops bubble, film of the insurance on the lid, toothpick ties a few small holes. Two bowls quantity is microwave oven medium baking temperature 2 minutes 50 seconds or 3 minutes. (can from the microwave oven in the home 2 minutes of 40 seconds begin to try, heat again not quite) the effervescent pickle that sees the liquid in the bowl is acuteness is already good with respect to the proof. Had heated the head can have a honeycomb-like thing.

4, can lie between Shui Liang cool natural perhaps refrigeration, cold later with respect to knot skin, can add tendril to jump over berry to do adornment, do not add a thing to eat directly pretty good also.

5, milk of the first pace heats scarcely can be little, cannot give that skin otherwise.

10, can you become cure with microwave oven?

Doing can be done, but the effect like be being achieved impossibly, also not be every kinds of cake can be done. Microwave oven is highest temperature 100 ℃ , barbecue mode is 120 ℃ , and highest temperature is family expenses oven 250 ℃ . Pizza of biscuit of a lot of confect is to use 200 degrees of above to bake make. Nature is so both cannot general.
