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⑦电动机接线盒盖不得上反。 二:. 防爆面:在划定长度及螺孔边沿至防爆面边沿的最短有用长度范畴内的缺陷不克不及凌驾如下划定:





1, explosion proof is electric setting equipment deploy (include small-sized electric equipment) , of cable use voltage grade not to get prep above its are nominal voltage grade, regard as otherwise break explode.

2, flameproof enclosure must have fair explosion proof number, coal brings number. The person that have one of following environments explodes to break.

3, lie between explode setting equipment deploy is lain between explode antrum is comprehended directly, go breaking explosion proof the setting is lain between inside box of equipment deploy wiring explode insulation.

5, explosion proof face should connect bright and clean, complete, need to have antirust pace.

4, crust has flaw, open solder, austere metabolic (be out of shape length overrides 50mm, and 5mm of prep above of protruding sunken deepness person) .

6, the outside and the inside of explosion proof crust has rubiginous skin to fall off (rubiginous skin ply amounts to 0.2mm and above) .

7, lie between explode parameter of joint side position wants suit undermentioned delimit, regard as otherwise break explode:

1) dormant branch opens deploy of electric setting equipment explode the face of joint face, explosion proof joint that uses lever and axis and rod of tape spool forward and the biggest gap with corresponding case corresponding volume must suit expresses the delimit of one. Use door formula quickly lie between explode the smallest useful length of joint face is not less than 25mm.

2) lie between explode the even surface roughness of joint face does not get prep above 6.3 μ M.

3) explosion proof face is not had rustily (after be being brushed with bombazine, the person that still have rustily spot mark is rustily, and leave Yun Ying only, do not calculate rustily) .

4) lie between with what bolt originallies closely explode face:

Gasket of ① bolt, bedspring must all ready and close solid (close solid level passes a test,examination,etc. with be planish of washerbed down the livestock) .

The norms beard of ② bedspring gasket and bolt photograph are complied with, (now and then when appearing to individual bedspring gasket ruptures or lose flexibility, clearance of explosion proof of confiscate the place, if do not exceed,be restricted, gasket of bedspring of exchange pass mark does not explode to break) .

③ bolt or screw cannot slip not as good as buckle (but change except of the person that with diameter long bolt adds nut to originally closely) .

④ bolt and what do not appear screw is collective, length of odd whorl axial should be more than 1.5 times of bedspring gasket ply on the bolt after close solid and screw; Screw all around reach bottom ply to be more than 3mm.

⑤ unites norms of place bolt, nut to answer coequal, steel tightens solid bolt to twist the deepness cannot of nut to be less than bolt diameter not as good as.

⑥ Chen Konggang tightens solid bolt to extend screw length to should be more than the diameter of this bolt, cast-iron, copper, aluminous 1.5 times what not be less than bolt diameter; If snail hole depth is spent not apply, must go up full aperture.

The box builds ⑦ electromotor wiring to must not go up instead. 2: . Explosion proof face: In delimit length and screw edge the blemish cannot inside the category of the shortest useful length to edge of explosion proof face overrides as follows not as good as delimit:

1) the diameter that ministry of play a game of chess appears is not more than 1mm; Deepness is not more than the sand holes of 2mm, in 40, 25, of 15mm lie between explode on the face, every square centimeter do not override 2.

2) sporadical machine bruise, its width and deepness are not more than 0.5mm, the rest is lain between without the injury explode useful length is not less than the face delimit length 2/3.

3) besmear of the prohibit completely on explosion proof face paints (clearance of the place of the confiscate when the invention has painting does not override delimit, the joint face length that does not have paint is not less than delimit to grow those who spend 2/3 not to explode to break in joint face length) .

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