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上海书展logo? 上海医药logo含义?英文双语对照


上海书展logo? 上海医药logo含义?英文双语对照








生命之星(stae of life)是紧急医疗救护服务系统(EMS)的国际志,不论在救护车、救护直升机、救护器材与救护技术员制服上都会发现生命之星的符号,但大家共同的一个疑问是,生命之星为什麼是以跟权杖与一条蛇来代表?尤其是从事紧急医疗救护相关人员会更好奇它的由来。

蓝色生命之星(star of life)是美国任职於全国高速公路交通安全署,紧急疗救护部门主管,LEO R?Schwartz 先生,於 1973 年所设计的(美国之紧急医疗就护法 EMS ACT 亦於同年颁订)。在此之前美国紧急医疗救护的标志大多数以白底橘色十字为代表,由於该图与红十字会之标志类似,造成民众的混淆,红十字会因此频频向医疗救护部门反应,希望该单位能改用不同标志藉以区分,生命之星概念因而生命之星共有六个角,每一个角各代表紧急医疗救护服务系统的一个功能,包括:伤病患检视、报告、救护车出勤、现场处置、运送途中照顾、运送至特定医疗单位等六个。








上海财经大学(Shanghai University of Finance and Economics),简称“上海财大”,是中华人民共和国教育部直属的一所以经济管理学科为主,经、管、法、文、理协调发展的多科性研究型重点大学。









上财大英文全称是Shanghai University of Finance & Economics,缩写当然是 SHUFE。学校源于1917年南京高等师范学校开设的商科,是中国人自主创办的第一所研究商学的高等学府。1921年商科扩充改组并迁址上海,成立国立东南大学分设上海商科大学。此后历经国立中央大学商学院等阶段,1932年独立建校,定名为国立上海商学院。1950年更名为上海财政经济学院。1960年更名为上海财经学院。1985年更名为上海财经大学。2000年,学校由财政部划归教育部领导。


One, does Shanghai book exhibit Logo?

The dot of upper part, it is comma already, express endless, book sea does not have limit; Express gather again, it is the arena that shows books.

Blue has reason, deep-sea idea meaning, be being used here should be to learn the sea not to have limit, encyclopedical and profound meaning, logo is book word be out of shape the meaning that combined the sea resembles ship sail, should be the meaning that learns the sea to make a boat without limit book

2, meaning of Shanghai medicine Logo?

The Logo of Shanghai medicine is comprise by the circle of a blue and a gules cross, its meaning is " the source of inheritance harmony, cure is healthy and future of far, medicine wisdom, consummate " , the implied meaning is worn the company holds the tradition that supporting medical industry, go after the development of medical science and technology and innovation, it is first responsibility and mission with the health of people from beginning to end, advance the development of Chinese medicine industry ceaselessly. In the meantime, this also represented Shanghai medicine company to want to become to bear the blame, have the company that take on, offer for the society more the medical product of high quality, efficient, high reliability and service.

3, meaning of Logo of Shanghai emergency treatment?

The mark on 120 emergency treatment cars of Shanghai cries " the star of life "

The star of life (Stae Of Life) is system of service of relieve a sick or injured person of urgent medical treatment (the international annals of EMS) , it is no matter on equipment of helicopter of ambulance, rescue, rescue and uniform of technician of relieve a sick or injured person the symbol of the particle that can discover life, but everybody's collective doubt is, is the star of life is assorted Zuo with following crosier and a snake are represented? Be engaged in relieve a sick or injured person of urgent medical treatment especially relevant personnel will be more curious its origin.

The star of blue life (Star Of Life) is the United States holds a post office of safety of traffic of Wu Quanguo highway, branch of urgent cure relieve a sick or injured person is in charge of, LEO R? Mr Schwartz, at what what designed 1973 (urgent medical treatment of the United States also promulgates at of the same age with respect to the EMS ACT that protect a law order) . Before this the mark of relieve a sick or injured person of American urgent medical treatment is most with white bottom orange cross is a delegate, by the mark at this graph and Red Cross similar, those who cause the people is promiscuous, the Red Cross reacts to branch of medical treatment relieve a sick or injured person again and again accordingly, hope this unit can convert different mark Jie in order to distinguish, consequently the star of life shares the astral notion of life 6 horn, each horn serves a function of the system on behalf of relieve a sick or injured person of urgent medical treatment each, include: Injury suffers from be out on duty of postmortem, report, ambulance, spot to deal with, in carrying road, take care of, carry wait for 6 to unit of specific medical treatment.

4, is Shanghai special meaning of abstruse meeting Logo?

Shanghai had not held the Olympic Games, also had not held Teaohui so, more without Teaohui Logo.

5, is university of Shanghai finance and economics attributive?

University of Shanghai finance and economics belongs to school of directly under of Ministry of Education

6, dormitory of university of Shanghai finance and economics?

Accurate say, it is the logistics department arranges each institutes, stay in which room as to you, who is the roommate it is you;2 of academic teacher arrangement, only new building has, charge 1200, be being tagged under this accommodation is done not have, it is couchant;3, OK get online, have campus net, 20 yuan include a month, still have telegraphic excuse, if the price buys a way by implement 4 people smooth booth is about the same.

7, abbreviation of university of Shanghai finance and economics?

University of Shanghai finance and economics (Shanghai University Of Finance And Economics) , abbreviation " Shanghai money is big " , be directly under of Ministry of Education of People's Republic of China one so economic management course is given priority to, university of the research of much division sex that classics, canal, law, article, manage coordinates development key.

It is a country " 211 projects " , " platform of innovation of course of 985 projects advantage " the key builds a college, selected " the country is abroad poineering base of innovation of talent of high administrative levels " , " humanitarian society science studies Ministry of Education mainly base " , " education of outstanding law talented person develops a plan " , " the country builds Gao Shuiping project of graduate student of college public school " , it is first countrywide doctor, master's degree awards one of units; Build in all by Ministry of Education, Ministry of finance and tripartite of Shanghai people government.

The school results from the business branch that Nanjing advanced training school opened 1917, it is the first studies business advanced institution of higher learning that the Chinese establishs independently. School calendar classics " cent of national southeast university establishs university of Shanghai business division " , " national business school of the college central " , " state-maintaineding Shanghai business school " , " Shanghai finance economics courtyard " , " institute of Shanghai finance and economics " , in September 1985 more the name is university of Shanghai finance and economics.

8, is university of Shanghai finance and economics professional?

This problem is such, the major of university of Shanghai finance and economics has, accounting major, financial major, computer science and technology, maths, physics, IT management, the major such as international economy and commerce.

9, Qs of university of Shanghai finance and economics?

World of university of Shanghai finance and economics is ranked 1201+ (there was a list of names posted up on 1000 schools last year, university of Shanghai finance and economics did not go up a list of names posted up) .

10, abbreviate of university of Shanghai finance and economics?


Full name of money big English is Shanghai University Of Finance on&Economics, abbreviate is SHUFE of course. The school results from the business branch that Nanjing advanced training school opened 1917, it is the first studies business advanced institution of higher learning that the Chinese establishs independently. Business division augment reorganizationed 1921 and change location Shanghai, establish cent of national southeast university to establish university of Shanghai business division. Classics of after this all previous is national the phase such as central college business school, built independently 1932 school, denominate is national Shanghai business school. 1950 more the name is institute of Shanghai finance economy. 1960 more the name is institute of Shanghai finance and economics. 1985 more the name is university of Shanghai finance and economics. 2000, the school is led by Ministry of Education of put under of Ministry of finance.

上一篇:软木地板如何清洁? 大自然地板和进口大自然地板区别?英文双语对照