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在品牌知名度方面:大自然地板,始创于 1995 年,迄今已有26年的发展历史。26年里,大自然地板通过不断前进与沉淀,现已位列十大地板品牌之列,是地板行业里的一线品牌。



1 德尔地板和德尔地板是同一种产品,没有区别。2 因为“德尔地板”为中文名称,“德尔”为品牌名称,这两个名称描述的是同一种地板产品,区别不大。3 不同品牌的地板可能有质量、工艺等方面的区别,消费者在购买时应该多做比较和考虑,选择适合自己的产品。




















One, nature floor and heart Er floor which good?

Nature floor and heart Er floor are more well-known trademark, and there is particular market on floor market have rate. Both has stated dominant position and characteristic. But, the quality of board of on the spot and performance side, nature floor is better than heart Er floor choice. Nature floor uses advanced manufacturing technology and environmental protection data, have very tall wearability and durable sex, also have very good sound insulation and moistureproof and mouldproof function at the same time. Compare with this photograph, the performance of heart Er floor is not as outstanding as nature floor. In the meantime, in price respect, nature floor also compares heart Er floor slightly privilege. Accordingly, if you need to choose high quality floor board, I suggest you choose nature floor board.

2, nature floor and heart Er floor which good?

Of heart Er be close friends some

Produce the home to look from production above all, heart Er turns over build up with compound wood ground, nature is with real wood build up, compound to doing floor, heart Er is some more professional than nature, capital investment and actual strength of group of research and development are some more abundant. If be real wood nature some more ambitious, have this kind of view so, do not buy the compound floor board that real wood plant produces, the real wood floor board that also does not buy production of compound floor factory.

3, nature floor and heart Er floor which better?

Each have an advantage

This both has respective advantage, incommensurable it who give is good to who give who is bad, their actual strength also differs not quite, each respect is very outstanding, understand their concrete advantage analysis now.

Heart Er floor becomes the advocate of well-known environmental protection floor inside course of study, it is the brand that has actual strength dimensions and brand force quite currently, it is Shenzhen stock exchange appears on the market brand; It is the wooden floor with dimensions of current country actual strength and brand banner force one of production sale leader enterprises.

In the brand famous spend a respect: Nature floor, only then achieve 1995, heretofore already had development history of 26 years. In 26 years, nature floor passes ceaseless advancement and precipitation, now already a brand of 10 big floor boards, it is the brand of a gleam of in floor industry.


4, the distinction of heart Er floor and heart Er floor?

Floor of 1 heart Er and heart Er floor are same kind of product, without distinction. 2 because " heart Er floor " for Chinese name, "Heart Er " for brand name, what these two names describe is same product of cultivate land board, distinction is not big. The floor of 3 different brands may have the distinction of the respect such as quality, craft, consumer should be done more when buy compare and consider, the choice fits his product.

5, is heart Er floor still nature floor very good?

Nature floor is good

These two brands reckon known person is very much, because be floor of 10 old brands, in home famous spend and sales volume is very tall. And also be to differ on their quality very few, design also is varied, even the sexual price of heart Er floor is compared even a few taller.

But overall for I still recommend nature floor quite, because the environmental protection sex of nature floor is exceeding good, especially their floor that do not have aldehyde, environmental protection function reachs E0 level, we need not worry about healthy problem completely.

6, is nature floor still heart Er floor very good?

The individual thinks nature floor is betterer. Because be used before me, is nature floor, in use process, its wear well, do not skid wear away not easily, more beautiful, more the aesthetic viewpoint that accords with compatriots, of course this also protects nutrient meticulously not to leave with me. As heart Er floor, it is do not understand very, 2 it is to had not been used, 3 it is to had not heard of this brand.

7, floor love Er and nature floor which good?

Floor love Er and nature floor are well-known floor trademark, have certain market force. Floor love Er is famed with its high quality material and masterly craft, offer a variety of design and color alternative, apply to decorate a style differently.

Nature floor is paid attention to environmental protection and can develop continuously, use natural lumber to make, have natural grain and qualitative feeling. Choose which brand to depend on the individual's demand and preference. If pursuit is high quality with diversity, can choose to love Er floor; If pay attention to environmental protection and natural feeling, can choose nature floor board. Final choice should according to the individual decorate demand and budget to decide.

8, heart Er floor and amber floor which good?

Heart Er floor is betterer

Quality of heart Er floor is good, no matter be,be being returned from the exterior, colour and lustre is integral effect pretty good, the product quality of his home good, weight light, installation is can handy, waterproof, moth-proofing sort of design and color of bug, surface, design is very much also, and still be able to bear or endure pollution, good clean, sound insulation, adiabatic effect is very good, use rise very convenient, of my family expenses is the floor of this brand, the original poster can consult below, this brand is cheap and fine. Brand of floor of ### heart Er is right,

9, heart Er floor and ground king floor which good

The individual feels heart Er floor has been compared.

The name of floor of Er of heart of heart Er floor is very big also, brands of 10 big floor board, although achievement of these a few years glides somewhat, but what still do not affect it is famous degree, heart Er is the forerunner of environmental protection floor, also be the assistance brand of the Olympic Games. What obtaining honor also is much count deeply.

Heart Er appears on the market earlier, the division of heart Er group with domestic old great undertaking issues a brand, group industry covers the field such as floor, research and development, landed, chain, transmission, content shedding, education, investment.

10, heart Er floor and holy elephant floor who is better?

No matter heart Er is the quality from the floor, environmental protection, service, installation, the sexual price such as carry out hind is compared some taller. Suggest you choose heart Er. Emperor resembles Tong Deer is to comparative class, the product is similar, craft of the installation that avoid glue and all around waterproof processing, make a floor stronger and some more durable, and the group that heart Er joins a website now buys an activity, really favourable also a lot of, value group of design and color to buy next ordering to the storefront of heart Er ahead of schedule, the most appropriate did not pass, those who listen to me is surefooted

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