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自贡的美食? 自贡美食推荐?英文双语对照


自贡的美食? 自贡美食推荐?英文双语对照
































红橘原产我国,主产四川、福建。其中以自贡红橘较为出名。树势强健,树冠高大,梢直立;果实扁圆形,中等大,单果重100~110克,果皮薄,色泽鲜红,有光泽,皮易剥; 肉质细嫩、多汁、化渣,甜酸可口。























One, the cate from tribute?

From tribute cate, cold have rabbit, bright boiler hare, by the side of fire child beef, the rich flower that arrange a beans, head bowl, deng exceeds a hand, head of beautiful frog fish, salt helps dish department, niu Fohong ancon, bovine Buddha steam box... too much!

2, recommend from tribute cate?

Have bright boiler rabbit from tribute cate, cold have rabbit, by the side of fire child beef, dao Daoshuang beef, niu Fohong ancon, foot of moxa leaf chicken, the rich flower that arrange a beans is waited a moment

3, from tribute cate strategy?


Invent oily stew prawn -- ? Average per capita: 50+

Oily stew prawn simply a special skill, oil is cruel cruel gigantic tasty! The build of shrimp is super big! Want to eat crayfish to be able to eat bright here

Eat surely into inn: ? Oily stew prawn? Garlic Chengdu prawn? Dip in water steam shrimp


Bareheaded barbecue -- ? Average per capita: 30+

Bareheaded barbecue is to be baked now everyday wear now, flavour was placed scarcely! Eat very satisfy a craving, dot not be bored with, eat sweeter more, deserve to go up bock? Absolutely! Often select his home outside sell

? ? Eat surely into inn: ? The shrimp that bake? The chop that bake? Bake fresh beef? The steaky pork that bake


River snail of Ai Xie poplar -- ? Average per capita: 40+

Be in before this inn tribute well when I had eaten, very delicious! Flavour is original still in that way, go every time Suo screw, suo satisfy a craving!


Is Yan baked wheaten cake baked -- ? Average per capita: 30+

The barbecue of his home follows unripe oyster very delicious! And their inn has a characteristic to be able to sing Ktv, have atmosphere feeling very much! Little elder brother of the chef inside inn is very handsome also Hahaha

? ? Eat surely into inn: ? The beef that bake? Bake unripe oyster? Bake small steamed bread (dip in condensed milk is delicious)

4, eat cate surely from tribute?

The cate that eats surely from tribute is fabaceous beautiful meal.

5, what cate to have from tribute?

Have from tribute cate: From tribute fire Bian Ziniu flesh, Gong Jinglong is early sweet shaddock, from tribute cold eat earthnut of head of mother-in-law of hare, chicken, 5 treasure, blossom brand of white cake, overhead traveling crane is popular thick chili sauce, from Gong Gong tangerine.

1, from tribute fire edge child beef

From tribute fire edge child beef, sichuan province brings division special local product greatly from tribute city, product of mark of Chinese country geography. On December 31, 2012, approval of total bureau of former state qualitative check is right " from tribute fire Bian Ziniu flesh " executive geography indicates the product is protected.

2, from tribute cold have rabbit

From tribute cold have rabbit, sichuan is saved from special local product of tribute city artesian well district, product of mark of Chinese country geography. From tribute cold have rabbit name thick flavour is cold have hare, sweet hot rabbit, be reach its from tribute rich county of suitable, flourish traditional cate of a kind of folk, heretofore already had more than 100 years of histories. From tribute cold eat hare to flavour of Chi of piquancy of sweet hemp of any of several hot spice plants, spicy hot beans, secret makes delicacy of flavour of dried tangerine or orange peel, grow a variety of different taste such as saline flavour.

3, 5 treasure earthnut

5 treasure earthnut, sichuan is saved from special local product of division of well of tribute city tribute, product of mark of Chinese country geography. 5 treasure earthnut is produced from tribute well area 5 treasure are pressed down, include mud earthnut and abluent earthnut, quality is better, seed is full, perfect bead is better, its product is wide welcome, earthnut " red garment " the important raw material that makes medicine.

4, from Gong Gong tangerine

Red tangerine produces our country formerly, advocate produce Sichuan, Fujian. Among them with from Gong Gong tangerine is relatively famous. Tree situation is able-bodied, crown of a tree is lofty, the tip is erect; Fructification flat circle, medium big, odd fruit weighs 110 grams of 100 ~ , peel is thin, colour and lustre is bright red, luster, pi Yi pares; The flesh is qualitative delicate, juicily, change broken bits, sweet acid is goluptious.

5, gallinaceous mother-in-law head

Gallinaceous mother-in-law head, it is Sichuan province from tribute city the notable characteristic of rich suitable county is fastfood, should taste pure by wheaten flour make it, it is popular Yu Fushun and plain south the food of a kind of face that one belt has distinctive place local color, because of its long cloth handkerchief of a head of woman resembling a package and get a name.

6, from cate of tribute urban district?

1. from hare of tribute bright boiler

It is Sichuan the characteristic cate from tribute city. The main making raw material of bright boiler hare has valve of beans of county of any of several hot spice plants of chili of ginger of rabbit meat, young, 2 twigs of the chaste tree, millet, cooking wine, peppery, Laojiang, garlic, Pi, salt, gourmet powder to wait. This dish has bright, sweet, tender, slippery, hot characteristic, the flesh is qualitative full, juice is rich, entrance bright slips, delicate change broken bits, flavour is very delicious.

2. boils beef from tribute water

It is Sichuan saves the characteristic cate from tribute city. The main making material of the water beef that boil has valve of beans of county of beef, refined salt, soy, wet starch, Pi, dry chili, asparagus lettuce piece, Chinese prickly ash, green paragraph, chili oil. The characteristic of this dish is cutlet fresh and tender smooth, hemp piquancy is thick, delicacy is sweet dainty, have chaffy dish local color, it is a the four seasons all the dish of appropriate is tasted.

3. from tribute cold have rabbit

It is Sichuan saves the characteristic cate from tribute city. Cold the making raw material that takes hare has essence of rabbit meat, cooking wine, soya-bean oil, Chinese prickly ash, dry chili, ginger, garlic, oily, vinegar, rock candy, chicken to wait. Flavour of piquancy of sweet hemp of any of several hot spice plants, spicy hot fermented soya beans, secret makes a variety of taste such as flavour of of bright salt of flavour of dried tangerine or orange peel, grow, can satisfy the taste requirement with different people.

4. fire edge child beef

It is Sichuan saves the characteristic cate from tribute city, result from Qing Qianlong year. The raw material that make basically has oil of beef, salt, chili, soy to wait. Its knife result is masterly, piece thin be like fastidious of paper, craft, gust distinctive, aftertaste is long, the beautiful that is relatives and friends of the journey that occupy the home, gift is tasted.

5. Niu Fohong ancon

It is the characteristic cate that Sichuan province installs area ox Buddha to press down greatly from tribute city. Niu Fohong ancon basically makes raw material have a pig ancon, cooking wine, rock candy, refined salt, soy, sweet sauce, flavor and have relieve inflammation or internal heat, change the Chinese traditional medicine that feeds a function material. Delicacy of red, flavour answers palm of finished product colour and lustre sweet, salty weak qualitative fertilizer of measurable, flesh tender, aroma is full-bodied, fat and not be bored with, it is old little all the food of appropriate.

7, where be from tribute cate street?

Many homocentric road is delicious and amused, fastfood still be in Oriental square, additional, the delicious hare that collects Dong Dangui and the dry boiler hare of one hospital backside must queue up everyday

8, the introductory speech from tribute cate?

Be located in the land of abundance from tribute, sichuan had better eat from tribute cate, fastfood have beef side, li Xinyuan Sichuan noodles with peppery sauce, the Qing Yuansen soaked noodles made from beans or sweet potatoes of Oriental square has tasted, the it may not be a bad idea of head of beautiful frog fish of Oriental square eats, still have the cate that starts a journey together a street, fish of green green crucian carp, old duck soup, army collect boiler, bean jelly, cool skin it may not be a bad idea eats, eat in Oriental square, the water cutlet that boil is promoting a road to eat together.

9, Sichuan from tribute cate?

The cate from tribute is very much: Fu Shundou is beautiful, cold have rabbit, salt helps dish, ~ of ~ of cool cake ~

10, from tribute cate advocate sow who to have?

From tribute cate advocate sow basically have cate writer Wang Gang, still have a Wang Bin additionally, he makes salt Wang Ge. What I understand quite is these two cate advocate sow, wang Gang is in now watermelon video is well known of total national capital, his video is done weller, vermicelli made from bean starch has 1000 much, the main distinguishing feature that his video draws vermicelli made from bean starch is a language concise, the movement is clean and agile, knife work is very good. And Wang Bin's characteristic is chili much, gallinaceous essence gourmet powder is much, tell the truth, I do not like.

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