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《飘邈之旅》《邪风曲》《佛本是道》《诛仙》《天心怒》 《中华仙魔录》《惟我独仙》《新九灭重生》《寸芒》《仙凡道》 《星峰传说》《修真之路》《星耀幻世》《紫金传说》 《逍遥修神行》《笑傲天下》《随欲飞凡》《新覆雨翻云》 《一小撮世界》《优游幻世》《逍遥江湖》《胆怯天尊》《血婴修神》 《天心诀》《星晨变》《梦幻王》《都市神人》《重现修真路》 《天赐风流》《 生肖守护神》 《仙界修仙》《极品战神》 《现代修真史》《轩辕战神���《从矿洞走出的强者》《修真之我是神偷》 《至尊盗修神记》《修神路之九天龙腾》《重生之绝色风流》 《人神欲·逆天劫》《金庸世界里的道士》《神之初始之大唐》 《低品少爷极品仙》《随波逐流之神龙传奇》《渡劫专家的后现代生活》 《重生成妖》《炼宝专家》《无法无天》《绿袍老祖》《仙道厚黑录》 《武道乾坤》《黑风老妖》《天道之旅》《仙界走私大鳄》




简评:主角林轩,意外获得可以提纯的蓝色星海,通过提纯废丹,服食大量药物辅助修炼,开始了真正的修仙。 主角因为身怀重宝,所以一直是偷偷摸摸的躲在一边,最后关头出来发挥主角光环完成最后一击,得到所有好处。很阴暗的感觉。配角田小剑其实不贱,真小人一枚,为这本书增色不少。幻雨写的风格严谨,关于修真各级别写得十分清晰,很符合古籍中描述,对于男女之间的情感描写不像其他修真小说一笔带过,基本上也是换地图那种。总的来说,量大管饱,爽点很多,书荒可读。




百炼成仙 小数字数 979.99万字《百炼成仙》是网络作家幻雨所著的武侠仙侠类小说,首发于起点中文网,小说讲述了一个没有灵根的少年,机缘巧合,救了飘云谷一位重伤长老,对方感激,将他引荐入门,成为飘云谷这修真小门派的一员。又在机遇巧合之下得到变废为宝的能力,从此踏上了修仙的道路。


从云端跌落成为一名卑微家奴的罗征,无意中把自己炼成了一件兵器。 一道抗争的序幕,就此轰然拉开。 依靠堪比神兵利器的肉身,依靠永不妥协的坚强信念,朝着巅峰步步迈进。

豪强争雄,各族争霸,风起云动。 以法宝之躯,克世间之敌,当罗征睁开眼的一瞬,传说就此开始……





宁雨蝶,身份是下界中域云殿殿主,上界玉清圣地弟子。首次出场是下界中域试炼者之路、伪神丹境 实虚劫境。师父是玉婆婆。灵兽是冰凤。
















One, , " celestial being Hu " , " predestined relationship of celestial being of violet government office " , " 100 refine become celestial being " , who still has similar?

Celestial being music of god of sword of wild, celestial being, counter a day, these a few already be over, it is the laic heat that the near future just lifts nevertheless, this kind of novel is replacing great majority in,

" road of law photograph celestial being "

" demon day is written down "

Predestined relationship of celestial being of violet government office

" 100 refine become celestial being "

Yuan divine true celestial being

" true spirit 9 change " " yuan divine true celestial being "

Celestial being is gone against

10 thousand bounds always celestial being

Path of celestial being of predestined relationship of celestial being of violet government office of 100 refine Chengxian searchs collection of Men Xiuxian information repairs celestial being of law of every road dark to pass cool breeze to repair celestial being to record really

" wave the brigade that far away " " music of wind of unhealthy environmental influences that cause disease " " is Buddha to originally " " kill celestial being " " day heart anger " " is demon of China celestial being recorded " " but I alone celestial being " " new 9 destroy renascence " " Cun Mang " " does celestial being altogether " ? ? ? " the overmatch that walks out of from mine hole " " I Xiuzhen's am the god is stolen " " to honour pilfer long god is written down " " Tian Longteng of the Lu Zhijiu that build a spirit " " of renascence peerlessly beautiful and tasteful " " person mind be about to · goes against day of disaster

2, do 100 refine look into celestial being little come to an agreement or understanding or 100 refine become a spirit?

100 refine become celestial being.

" 100 refine become celestial being " -- author: Unreal rain

Brief judge: Leading role forest highs, it is OK to be obtained accidentally the blue star sea of extract, abandon red through extract, take feed a large number of medicaments to assist Xiu Lian, began true Xiu Xian. Because leading role conceives heavy treasure personally, it is furtive all the time so hide aside, at the last gasp comes out to develop leading role aureola to finish final biff, get all benefit. Very dark feeling. Costar field small sword actually not cheap, true Lilliputian, grace for this book many. The style that unreal rain writes is rigorous, about repairing really various do not write very clearly, very the description in according with ancient books, other to the affection depict unlike between the men and women repair true novel brushstroke to had been taken, also basically be to change a map the sort of. As a whole, quantity bassoon is full, bright dot is very much, book famine is readable.

3, do 100 refine become celestial being protagonist?

" 100 refine become celestial being " it is unreal rain place writes a person adept in martial arts and given to chivalrous conduct of knight-errant celestial being kind novel, head hair at start Chinese net. Tell about a teenager that does not have clever root, good luck coincidence, saved wave Yun Gu is hurt again presbyterial, the other side is appreciated, his recommend introduction, become wave this repairs Yun Gu a of really small school. It is under good luck coincidence the ability that gets changing abandoning is treasure, set foot on viatic story of Xiu Xian from now on.

4, are 100 refine counted into celestial being word?

100 refine count nine million seven hundred and ninety-nine thousand nine hundred word into celestial being small number " 100 refine become celestial being " it is a person adept in martial arts and given to chivalrous conduct of knight-errant celestial being that place of rain of network writer unreal writes kind novel, head hair at start Chinese net, the novel told about a teenager that does not have clever root, good luck coincidence, saved wave Yun Gu is hurt again presbyterial, the other side is appreciated, his recommend introduction, become wave this repairs Yun Gu a of really small school. It is under good luck coincidence the ability that gets changing abandoning is treasure, set foot on Xiu Xian's road from now on.

5, do 100 refine introduce into the god?

Decline from high in the clouds the Luo Zheng that becomes slave of a low-down home, became him refine inadvertently an enginery. Of a make a stand against prelusive, pull open with a loud crash at this point. Support can compares the fleshy body of divine arms edge tool, rely on the strong belief that never compromises, forward summit summit strides step by step.

Despot contends for hegemony, every nationality contend for hegemony, the cloud since wind is moved. The human body with a magic weapon, the gram is worldly enemy, open the twinkling of an eye that open one's eyes when Luo Zheng, fokelore begins at this point...

6, do 100 refine become goddess advocate?

100 refine have Su Lingyun into magical heroine, fume, Ning Yudie, brook young musical instrument.

Su Lingyun is long princess of dynasty of Dong Yufan day, adviser of peak of spit of an administrative unit in Xizang of high official position. Coming on the stage first is nether east region, come according to the god extremely.

Fume, bewitching night a group of things with common features. The identity is the king of Luo Zhengjian spirit, kill. Coming on the stage first is kill sword hill.

Ning Yudie, the identity is nether in region Yun Diandian advocate, child of quiet sacred place of upper bound jade. Coming on the stage first is nether in condition of disaster of solid empty of condition of red of god of the road of the person that region tries refine, bogus. The master is jade mother-in-law. Clever animal is glacial phoenix.

Brook young musical instrument, the identity is extremely violet shade body. Coming on the stage first is nether in the region Xu Tiancheng, condition that take a look.

7, do 100 refine introduce into celestial being?

" 100 refine become celestial being " it is a Xiu Xian that place of author unreal rain writes kind novel, longer, content abounds length of this book content, involve build true extent, clever bound, celestial being group, included many faces to reach individually phyletic, make pills of immortality, blast law, refine implement, the Xiu Xian such as result method 100 art rich and colorful, xiu Xian, long demon, long bewitching is daedal, be in harmony of all sorts of the element that repair celestial being collect one furnace, aftertaste letting a person is boundless.

The leading role in the book is called Lin Xuan, it is a teenager that does not have clever root originally, because was saved,wave a of Yun Gu presbyterial and be entered by recommend cereal, become a brother, obtain under good luck coincidence " blue star sea " this can of extract " golden finger " , go further more on the road of cultivate oneself according to a religious doctrine from now on. His be in harmony repairs celestial being, long demon, long bewitching to be an organic whole, li Yuanchao of a suit result is the same as rank, art of a suit secret emerges in endlessly, in a steady stream of a suit a magic weapon is constant, lifetime good luck is consecutive, let him be on the summit summit of 3 bounds!

8, do 100 refine become celestial being final result?

Final final result, can write originally defeat Tian Xiang, lin Xuan makes celestial being group advocate, go up too with beloved person from now on the life of happy joy, but hesitant repeatedly, I kept a suspense intentionally still, do not say celestial being, fly rise celestial being, to present Lin Xuan, it is a thing far from.

Say celestial being path is merciless, however person how the likelihood is merciless really, so, face the choice of this be in a dilemma, lin Xuan just can hesitate.

Unreal rain also does not know how to should be chosen, each path friend, in your memory, have a Lin Xuan, the Lin Xuan that him draw the outline of comes out, can choose for him.

9, do 100 refine become divine protagonist?

Little home of Luo Jia advocate Luo Zheng, because of familial civil strife, father is killed bring about him be reduced to poverty to be a slave, be in however however confused during, obtain a piece of gold foil inadvertently and get way of refine body spirit from which " too on refine implement law " oneself refine became weapon.

Dim in the road that he was on to become a spirit slowly, as a child small east the unique talent that slave of a of region familial home recruits to be fixed eyes upon to a millions of people in upper bound all the time

10, do 100 refine become divine final result?

Ending: Everything is reductive. Luo Zheng get married, 10 thousand a group of things with common features come congratulate, give off fiend, follow ' from ' the footstep heads for perfect ground outside.

Generalize simply: When muddleheaded world by " evil " have lower one's standard, also did not continue between Luo Zheng fiend tussle, come to deep space all the way, only fiend Luo Zheng still has finally " from " " evil " 4 people lived to come down, this moment has been origin (a world) . Luo Zheng gobbles up fiend, "From " gobble up " evil " finished finally recover from an illness.

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