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婚品必备清单? 橙心良品软文?英文双语对照


婚品必备清单? 橙心良品软文?英文双语对照





















- 鲜橙子6个

- 红茶2袋

- 冰糖适量

- 热水适量

- 碎冰块适量


1. 橙子洗净,用刀切成小块或用榨汁机榨汁。

2. 红茶用热水冲泡,加入适量的冰糖搅拌均匀。

3. 将橙汁倒入红茶中,再加入碎冰块搅拌均匀。

4. 将混合好的荷乐橙橙倒入杯中即可享用。










寿宴菜单一 。 合味寸骨 水煮牛肉 三鲜尤鱼卷 泡椒鳝片 荷叶粉蒸肉 箱箱豆腐 双菇扒油菜 富贵石榴花 汤: 西湖莼菜羹 主食: 鲜肉锅贴 葱花饼 西红柿打卤面 果拼 。

寿宴菜单二 凉菜:三荤三素 热菜:清蒸鲈鱼 红焖肘子 五谷丰登 西芹百合明虾球 驴肉泡饼 一品冬瓜盅 酸菜氽白肉(粉丝) 蒜仔牛蛙煲 师子头 鲜菇扒时疏 汤:米酒汤圆羹 主食:小白菜贴饼子 芝麻烧饼 黄金大饼 皮蛋廋肉粥  。

寿宴菜单三 凉菜:三荤三素 热菜: 清蒸皖鱼 三文鱼刺身 银锅双丸(鱼丸肉丸) 椒盐虾 蒜仔牛蛙煲 炒烤尤鱼 五谷丰登 荷兰豆花枝片 红扒肘子 白灼介兰 。












化妆套刷:常人有五件套就OK啦。如果想要高级点(粉底刷、定妆刷、余粉刷、眼影刷、眼影棒(其实就是棉签)、眼线刷、眉刷(眉笔会自带,五件套里也有)、螺旋刷、晒红刷、侧影刷、唇刷、修改刷、提亮刷、梳子、遮瑕刷) 。




Marriage taste necessary detailed list?

When preparation marries, marriage taste necessary detailed list to include the following content. 1. Be engaged the dress fittings such as ring, wedding ring, hair act the role ofing, glove, shoe, and the boot that honeymoon journey place needs and journey are necessary things. 2. Marriage gauze, formal attire, hat, amice, propose a toast take, field is decorated etc, these are the necessary goods that wedding holds place to need, because this should prepare ahead of schedule. 3. Marriage celebrate things and fittings, be fond of candy, a basket of flowers for example, respect watch of sign in of drinking vessel, guest, calling card to wait a moment, these are bridal necessary article. Accordingly, marriage all sorts of article that taste content of necessary detailed list to include to prepare honeymoon journey place to need from wedding, should prepare according to actual condition and need and buy.

Does orange heart fine taste flexible language?

1. forever genuine, XX hilum orange

2. " orange " heart sincerity, send you happy lot.

3. nature savours a day to become comfortable Kui umbilical orange

The umbilical orange of the world world of 4. hilum orange -- XX hilum orange

5. hilum orange tells you, XX " orange " meddlesome.

Good water of 6. good hill gives good orange -- XX hilum orange

7. zoology XX, do not forget true " orange "

8, sweet orange, true heart, orange sincerity do favors at no great cost to oneself!

9. zoology always happy, the countryside of umbilical orange!

10.XX hilum orange, natural day is become.

11. high grade XX " orange " , fruit good taste is purer.

Orange of 12. world hilum takes a fancy to a country, chinese hilum orange sees XX.

What is orange tastes actor to choose?

Orange tastes actor to choose is dedicated the electric business terrace that sells at importing food. 1. Orange tastes actor to choose is dedicated the electric business terrace that sells at importing food. 2. Orange tastes the sale product that actor selects to basically be given priority to in order to import food, and the producing area proof that the goods that its sell has fountainhead seat, the safety that assures supply of goods, wholesome. 3. Orange tasted the product line that actor chooses to cover the product such as vinegar of carrot cake, yoghurt, fruit, and the entrance of its place sale is fed taste sort various, include the product of country and the area such as Europe, North America, Australia, New Zealand, can satisfy the different requirement of consumer.

Does my drink fine taste practice of orange of happy orange of carry on one's shoulder?

The answer is as follows: It is the measure that the fine that make tastes orange of happy orange of carry on one's shoulder below:

What require data:

- bright orange 6

- black tea 2 bags

- rock candy is right amount

- hot water is right amount

- broken ice cube is right amount


1.Orange is abluent, cut small with the knife or extract juice with juicer.

2.Black tea develops bubble with hot water, join right amount rock candy agitate even.

3.Pour orange juice into black tea, mix of rejoin broken ice cube is even.

4.Orange of happy the carry on one's shoulder that has mixed orange falls into the cup to be able to be enjoyed.

Sweet clew: Orange of happy orange of carry on one's shoulder can adjust the dosage of rock candy according to individual taste, also can join right amount ice cube according to weather heat. In the meantime, to assure mouthfeel, the proposal chooses fresh orange.

Is cosmetic necessary detailed list?

Make up the thing that needs preparation basically has:

1, bottom makeup: Cake of powdery bottom fluid, pink, medicinal powder clip of pen of line of shadow of pink, eye, look, eyelash, eyelash creams 2, labial ministry: Defect of hide from view of department of embellish lipstick, lip creams, lipstick or labial colour, cheek the red, Gao Guang, pink that repair a look 3, eyebrow ministry: Discharge of lip of breast of oil of pink of the eyebrow pencil, knife that write the top margin of a page, eyebrow, discharge makeup, discharge makeup, eye makeup fluid is patulous data:

1, perfume of unfavorable and facial put on the skin: Put on the skin the place of perfume, illuminate of classics sun light can cause chemical change, generation is red smartly, return meeting development badly to become dermatitis.

2, unfavorable make up unplug brow: Make up unplug brow can give a person a kind of bald modelling sense, look from medical viewpoint, unplug eyebrow can damage physiology function not only, and because the meeting destroyed wool bursa and make up the stimulation of coating causes local infection.

3, unfavorable and multi-purpose lipstick: The grease in lipstick can skin of infiltration human body, and all sorts of the dust that in having adsorptive air, flies upwards, metal elements and cause of disease are microbial wait for side-effect.

Does birthday banquet dish taste detailed list encyclopedia?

Act on managing principle, it is respectively:

Birthday banquet course is single. Combine taste water of very little bone boils beef 3 delicacy blame fish coil eel of bubble any of several hot spice plants piece double stay of proceedings of bean curd of case of case of pulp of evaporate of lotus leaf pink gathers up pomegranate of rape riches and honour spends soup: Staple food of a thick soup of west lake water shield:

Birthday banquet menu: of 2 cold dish? Does? of  elaborate  heat up dish: ? Does cake of bubble of flesh of ass of ball of prawn of lily of Xi Qin of golden harvests of upper part of a leg of pork of stew in soy sauce of Huan blushing miscellaneous? taste plain boiled pork of float of pickled Chinese cabbage of wax gourd handleless cup (vermicelli made from bean starch) division of Bao of garlic young bullfrog child when head bright stay of proceedings gathers up scanty soup: ? Is clumsy shop waterlogged feed: of? staple food?  .

Birthday banquet menu: of 3 cold dish? ? of  elaborate  heats up dish:

Detailed list of new car requisite?

Necessary article detailed list has new car: The car carries fire extinguisher, infant safety seat, recorder of drive a vehicle, trailer rope, the embryo controls a list, floodlight or flashlight, bond starts a line, combine kit, standing medicine, the car carries DVD navigation, back a car video, car headrest, the car carries blue tooth earphone, air is fresh agent, car foot is filled up, jockey temporarily card, film of adiabatic explosion proof.

81 condolatory taste detailed list?

Tianjin city in recent years of veteran express sympathy and solicitude for tasting basically is annual 81 before extend 200 yuan of Qian Wei ask gold, send a survivor of a murder attempt of free captive animals to work sometimes article

Is the schoolgirl necessary does tide taste detailed list?

Have a lot of to protecting skin to taste what preparation needs for the respect, resemble lipstick, block defect creams, decide makeup pink, still eyelash creams, eye shadow, return additionally some make up commonly usedly tool.

The time that using uses bottom makeup first, undertake daub with powdery bottom fluid first, go with segregation frost next the flaw above ministry of cover in face, undertake repairing a look namely next, its tool needs to be used alone, can make the stereo feeling above facial ministry stronger.

Draw eyebrow next namely, can choose according to oneself camber appropriate, look can appear very natural.

Use lipstick namely finally, the makeup look that the lipstick color that has chosen can give oneself adds a lot of marks, finish use after this measure medicinal powder powdery brush away undertakes deciding makeup, hit cheek red can.

Cosmetic foundation detailed list?

Powdery bottom (the skin that distinguishs oneself is qualitative, buy bear the most expensive inside limits) , cheek is red (farinaceous, cream cheek of shape, liquid is red in more recommend a novice to use what pink fastens to cream shape cheek is red) , the lipstick of color nature, lipstick, an eyebrow pencil must be bought if brow is weak, must buy prevent bask in frost to besmear everyday, no matter whether make up.

Make up set brush: The ordinary person has 5 to cover with respect to OK. If want high point (powdery bottom is brushed, calm makeup brush, shadow of more than stucco, eye is brushed, eye shadow club (it is cotton autograph actually) , look line is brushed, eyebrow is brushed (eyebrow pencil can be taken oneself, 5 are covered in also have) , helix is brushed, bask in red brush, profile is brushed, the lip is brushed, revise brush, carry shine brush, defect of comb, block is brushed) .

Total bureau of national qualitative check announced the basis on August 27, 2007 " cosmetic label administers a regulation " , cosmetic is to point to with daub, spray or other and similar method, dispersed any place at human body surface.

Like the skin, hair, point to tine of toenail, lip to wait, in order to achieve cleanness, maintain, hairdressing, decorate and change the outward appearance, perhaps amend human body odour, maintain kilter to be the chemical industrial product of the purpose or product of careful chemical industry.
