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计经部职责? 论语属于经部吗?英文双语对照


计经部职责? 论语属于经部吗?英文双语对照



1. 制定经济计划:计经部负责制定国家经济发展的长期规划和年度计划,并根据国家发展需求和资源条件,确定各个行业、部门和地区的发展目标和任务。

2. 经济调控:计经部负责对国民经济进行宏观调控,通过调整投资、消费、出口等经济活动的比重和规模,实现经济增长、就业增加、物价稳定等宏观目标。

3. 资源配置:计经部负责统筹安排国家资源的配置,包括确定重点支持的产业和项目,协调各个部门和地区之间的资源分配,促进资源的合理配置和优化利用。

4. 经济政策研究和制定:计经部负责研究和制定与经济发展相关的政策,包括产业政策、财政政策、货币政策等,以推动经济发展和结构调整。

5. 监督和评估:计经部负责对经济计划的实施进行监督和评估,及时发现问题和不足,并提出改进措施,确保经济计划的顺利实施。



是的 属于四库全书——经部——四书类



子部——子部分为“儒家类”、“兵家类”、“法家类”、“农家类”、“医家类”、“天文算法类”、“术数类”、“艺术类”、“谱录类”、“杂家类”、“类书类”、“丛书类”、“汇编类”、“小说家类”、“释家类”、“道家类”、“耶教类”、“回教类”、“西学格致类”,重要书目如:《老子》、《墨子》、《庄子》、《荀子》、《韩非子》、《管子》、《尹文子》 、《慎子》 、《公孙龙子》、《淮南子》、《抱朴子》、《列子》、《孙子》、《山海经》、《艺文类聚》、《金刚经》、《四十二章经》等等。









































One, duty of plan classics department?

Plan classics department (planned economy branch) it is the branch that is in charge of make and carrying out national economy to plan. Its duty includes the following fields:

1.Make economic plan: Plan classics department is in charge of making the extended program that national economy develops and annual plan, develop demand and resource condition according to the country, define the development target of each industries, branch and area and mission.

2.Economic adjusting control: Plan classics department is in charge of having macroscopical adjusting control to national economy, wait for the proportion of economic activity and dimensions through adjusting investment, consumption, exit, implementation economy growth, obtain employment increases, the macroscopical target such as price stability.

3.Resource configuration: Plan classics department is in charge of arranging the configuration of national natural resources as a whole, include to determine the industry that supports mainly and project, coordinate the resource allocation between each branches and area, the reasonable configuration of stimulative resource and optimize use.

4.Economic policy studies and make: Plan classics department is in charge of consider and making the policy related to economic progress, include industrial policy, finance policy, monetary policy to wait, in order to promote economic progress and structural adjustment.

5.Supervise and evaluate: Plan classics department is in charge of what plan to economy carrying out undertake supervise and be assessmented, discover problem and inadequacy in time, put forward to improve measure, those who ensure economy plans is successful carry out.

As a whole, plan classics department is acting important role in national economy management, plan through making economy and implement economic policy, promote economic stability development, raise resource to configure efficiency, stimulative economy structure is optimized and transition upgrades.

2, does the analects of confucius belong to classics department?

Belong to 4 libraries whole book yes -- classics department -- the four Books (The Great Learning,The Doctrine of the Mean,The Analects of Confucius and Mencius) kind

Classics department -- classics part is " easy kind " , " book kind " , " poem kind " , " ceremony kind " , " age kind " , " filial piety classics kind " , " group classics total justice kind " , " the four Books (The Great Learning,The Doctrine of the Mean,The Analects of Confucius and Mencius) kind " , " happy kind, advocate the famous book that if the Confucian school is classical,studies with annotate the Confucian school is classical. Among them Confucianism learn 13 classics: " Zhouyi " , " a high official in ancient China " , " Zhou Li " , " The Book of Rites " , " gift gift " , " The Book of Songs " , " age Zun Chuan " , " age ram is passed " , " age cereal Liang Chuan " , " the analects of confucius " , " .

History ministry -- history the part is " official history kind " , " make up year kind " , " age issue ins and outs kind " , " not history kind " , " miscellaneous history kind " , " instruct your achieve is discussed kind " , " biography kind " , " extracts from history kind " , important booklist if: " history write down " , " Chinese book " , " book of the later Han dynasty " , " annals of the Three Kingdoms " , " endowment control a warning " , " plan of the Warring States " , " ins and outs of thing of Song Yuanming Shi Ji " etc.

Child ministry -- child the part is " the Confucianist kind " , " military strategist in ancient China kind " , " Legalists kind " , " farmhouse kind " , " cure home kind " , " astronomy is algorithmic kind " , " art is counted kind " , " art kind " , " chart is recorded kind, important booklist if: " father " , " Mo Zi " , " village " , " Xun Zi " , " Han Fei child " , " pipe " , " Yin Wen child " , " Shen Zi " , " a surname Long Zi " , " the Huaihe River.

Market department -- market share is " Chu Ci kind " , " fasten collect kind " , " total volume kind " , " a general term for ci and qu kind " , " boudoir cabinet kind " , important booklist if: " Chu Ci, " complete Tang poetry " , " complete Song Ci " , " peotry anthology of an official conservatory in the Han Dynasty for collecting and composing folk songs and ballads " , " Chu Ci " , " anthology " , " Li Taibai collect " , " collect of Du Gong ministry " , " Han Changli collect " , " Liu He east collect " , " in vain.

3, is the main booklist of classics department?

Classics department basically collects the Confucianist classical reach its to pass, the composing that Shi Hewen word learns a respect.

Classics department collects the Confucianist " 13 classics " reach relevant composing, include easy kind, book kind, poem kind, ceremony kind, age kind, filial piety classics kind, the five classics always justice kind, the four Books (The Great Learning,The Doctrine of the Mean,The Analects of Confucius and Mencius) kind, happy kind, elementary school kind wait for 10 kinds big, among them ceremony kind distribute gift of Zhou Li, gift, The Book of Rites, 3 gifts again always justice, open book of ceremony, miscellaneous gift 6 belong to,

13 classics: It is to show 13 Confucian schools that form in the Southern Song Dynasty are classical. Parting is " The Book of Songs " , " a high official in ancient China " , " Zhou Li " , " gift gift " , " The Book of Rites " , " Zhouyi " , " Zun Chuan " , " ram is passed " , " Gu Liang is passed " , " the analects of confucius " , " Er.

13 classics notes and commentaries: Note and scanty say. Note, to the annotate of Confusion classics words and expressions, say to pass again, annotation, solution, chapters; Scanty, to the comment that note, say again justice scanty, justice, scanty justice etc. Note, scanty content concerns word of classics book Chinese meaning of false, phraseology, sound is read bluff, grammar is rhetorical, and the name and description of a thing, allusion is made, the historical fact.

History of study of Confusion classics and elementary school kind: History of study of Confusion classics namely history of study of Confusion classics, elementary school kind book of cent explanations of words in ancient books, wordbook, charm. Say when the Western Han Dynasty " the character learns " for " elementary school " , say again after Tang Song " elementary school " learn for the word. Read surely first literacy, master sound of glyph, word, word justice, learn to use.

4, does labour classics department have an outlook?

Have an outlook.

Limits of duty of labour classics department

Project manager leader gets on administration, company and guidance of relevant business section get on business, its are basic duty is:

1, the concerned code that implements executive country to invest about infrastructure seriously, regulation, reasonable work out each engineering budget;

2, basis construction contract, undertake check is versed in valuation works in time;

3, communicate actively with engineering department, the charge staff that makes good project in time measure project of etc of examine and verify to change visa works, cooperate inspect manage owner to had done work of its examine and verify;

4, the data that is in charge of making daily construction scene accumulates the job, handle close an account of every months of debit in time;

5, every quarter undertakes cost analyses business accounting, cooperate staff of other business section to do work of good liability cost;

6, every quarter weaves by the objective workload that finishs actually when season internally, external test project valuation works;

5, grade of tribe of hill sea classics?

The first a flight of stairs, I think the deities of this one a flight of stairs everybody as a child with respect to familiar to the ear can detailed, that is the god starting a life that is a delegate with female Wa, include to have Fu Xi, hao Tian.

The 2nd a flight of stairs is the famous a flight of stairs that make a mind. Appeared at that time rife god, head with be versed in in all, still have pluvial division, wind uncle, ying Long, the god such as drought Ba.

The last a flight of stairs is a flight of stairs that having name of absolutely exceeding lofty or great, that moment interferes human world too much to prevent ethereal deities, their behead broke the bridge of join heaven and earth, from now on the sky one day the Supreme Being, terrestrial somebody emperor.

6, does tribe of hill sea classics play a way?

Enter game, through gut development is finished, operate clavier to upgrade next, brush equipment to hit Boss clavier F to fly finally litre can

7, nickname of tribe of hill sea classics?

If wanting to say archaic tribe name " hill sea classics " above have a lot of. What is 9 goosefoot tribe, yellow tribe of the Supreme Being, be versed in in all congee of meat or fish is tribal, 3 seedlings tribe, tribal, these are large tribal alliance.

Still have the small tribe of a few such-and-such family names, family name of tine of family name of what little allusion, Bai Diao, little Hao, black tine family name, authentic, Qing Qiu, Wu Xian, ... actually I feel those culture of archaeology of The Neo-lithic Age can use a tribe renown, the tribe of what red hill, tribe that admire beautiful, dragon hill tribe, fine smalls piece of land surrounded by water Tao Si is tribe of mouth of tribal, big short of Wenshui River, tribal...

8, the development foreground of labour classics department?

Have an outlook.

Limits of duty of labour classics department

Project manager leader gets on administration, company and guidance of relevant business section get on business, its are basic duty is:

1, the concerned code that implements executive country to invest about infrastructure seriously, regulation, reasonable work out each engineering budget;

2, basis construction contract, undertake check is versed in valuation works in time;

3, communicate actively with engineering department, the charge staff that makes good project in time measure project of etc of examine and verify to change visa works, cooperate inspect manage owner to had done work of its examine and verify;

4, the data that is in charge of making daily construction scene accumulates the job, handle close an account of every months of debit in time;

This major task is so much, foreground is first-rate

9, what is what department of insurance guest classics points to?

Bank policyholder manager is silver protects client director, silver protects client director is the administrator that is in charge of be engaged in as direct as the client contact with in the bank in pointing to industry of negotiable securities banking, be in charge of development and the administrator that hold together client concerns. The member that apply professional knowledge to help bank person offers program of conduct financial transactions for the client. The concerned staff that needs to help a bank only offers a product for the client, silver protects client manager to basically be in charge of seeking advice, supervisory work.

10, is Uc honest ministry the rightest?

The not rightest the OPPO honest cloth inside is not the honestest also can saying is, but not be to have only the rightest.
