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锦江酒店为啥取锦江? 锦江饭店,锦江之星,是不是徐锦江开的?英文双语对照


锦江酒店为啥取锦江? 锦江饭店,锦江之星,是不是徐锦江开的?英文双语对照
















上面两位回答的不太对题啊。首先,锦江集团有几个品牌?锦江之星(经济型酒店),另外收购了百时快捷和金广快捷,均为快捷酒店(经济型酒店),锦江都城(中档酒店),锦江国际(高档型酒店4-5星级),大致这么几个品牌。如家集团呢?如家酒店(经济型酒店),如家精选(如家酒店的2.0升级版),和颐酒店(中档酒店),还有收购的莫泰,其中莫泰分为168(快捷),268(商务)。就居住体验和性价比的话,这是个矛盾的话题,居住体验好,相对来说房价就高。这么说吧: 锦江之星产品入住体验比如家好,房价高了20-50元/间。非绝对,因为大多是加盟店,但锦江的加盟商也比如家管理的好,认同感也强。百时快捷和金广快捷没了解过,莫泰168比如家体验好些,毕竟老外对标准还是比较注重的。如家精选就是升级版的如家,因为目前房租成本高了,所以现在新开店大多是如家精选,如家精选会跟锦江之星差距不多,说不上哪个好坏!锦江都城比和颐酒店的话,锦江都城完胜和颐,和颐就是一商务酒店,有的锦江都城都做到4星级标准了。如家目前还没有高星级酒店。最后一句,如家越来越跟不上时代发展了,汉庭值得关注。










亲亲您好,很高兴为您做解答个人认为锦江悦府比较好! 项目位于金融城东板块,可以说是距离金融城、大城南最近的板块,在金融城无地可供的情况下,可以承接发展外溢利好。 同时距离白鹭湾也仅3公里,真正的左手繁华右手宁静; 但是这个小区项目不足在于周边环境界面较差,多安置小区,另外就是距离祝国寺望山陵园大概3KM。



1. 定位和服务水平:锦江都城通常被定位为高档商务型酒店,提供更高水平的服务和设施,包括豪华客房、高级餐厅、会议设施等。锦江之星则通常被定位为经济型酒店,提供简约、实用的住宿服务。

2. 设施和装修风格:锦江都城的客房和公共区域往往更加奢华和精致,装修风格多样,设施设备更全面。锦江之星的客房和公共区域设计简洁实用,主打舒适和便利。

3. 价格:由于定位和服务水平的不同,锦江都城通常价格相对高一些,而锦江之星价格相对较为实惠。










One, does hotel of bright and beautiful river take bright and beautiful river for what?

Father Mr Chen Jiageng of hotel of bright and beautiful river, be born in county of river of Sichuan bright and beautiful (it is the Chengdu City now area of bright and beautiful river) , because this names the hotel,be " hotel of bright and beautiful river " , it is to convey pair of China to respect and be had deep love for of culture not only, also be to express the feeling that be sentimentally attached to deeply and has deep love for of home town to oneself. Up to now, "Bright and beautiful river " the well-known trademark in already making Chinese hotel trade, have taller famous spend and beautiful praise degree.

2, restaurant of bright and beautiful river, the star of bright and beautiful river, xu Jinjiang leaves?

Restaurant of bright and beautiful river is virgin at founding a state before, father Dong Zhujun, it is the lady of twist of a special beauty, destiny. Homecoming closes to have after founding a state.

3, hotel of bright and beautiful river and the astral distinction of bright and beautiful river?

Did not concern, dong Zhujun founds restaurant of bright and beautiful river, and the banner of group of international of bright and beautiful river issues the astral hotel Shanghai of bright and beautiful river company.

Restaurant of bright and beautiful river founds 1951, on the road in the sea of the Huaihe River that is located in Shanghai center, road austral luxuriant name, cover an area of 30 thousand more than square metre, greenbelt area is 10 thousand square metre, it is the famed garden type hotel that one furniture has long history. In March 1951, bright and beautiful river plain food shop and teahouse of bright and beautiful river two inn are amalgamative, incognito for " restaurant of bright and beautiful river " , take up the post of president of hotel of bright and beautiful river by Dong Zhujun. On June 9, 1951, restaurant of bright and beautiful river hangs out his shingle formally hold water, house of the first state guest of new China is born.

The star of bright and beautiful river is home's well-known quick hotel trademark, found 1996. Current, number of each brand hotel already exceeded many 1000 below the banner, distributing be in 31 province, municipalities directly under the Central Government of countrywide, 200 many cities. Guest room gross exceeds 100000. The bit that has bright and beautiful river is quick hotel, gold is wide quick hotel, 100 when the brand such as capital of quick hotel, Bai Yulan, bright and beautiful river.

4, ancient poetry of bright and beautiful river?

Be as follows about ancient poetry of bright and beautiful river:

1, spring scenery of bright and beautiful river chases a person to come, wu Xia Qing Qiumo big pool sad.

Of Du Fu of out Tang Dynasty " all will 5 "

2, spring scenery of bright and beautiful river comes heaven and earth, jade base cloud drift changes Gu Jin.

Of Du Fu of out Tang Dynasty " enter a building "

5, the distinction of the star of bright and beautiful river and international of bright and beautiful river?

Above of two answers not quite to the question. Above all, a few brands does group of bright and beautiful river have? The star of bright and beautiful river (economy hotel) , bought additionally 100 when quick with gold wide quick, all be quick hotel (economy hotel) , capital of bright and beautiful river (intermediate hotel) , international of bright and beautiful river (high-grade model class of hotel 4-5 star) , roughly so a few brands. Where is the group that be like the home? The hotel that be like the home (economy hotel) , if the home is handpick (of the hotel that be like the home 2 upgrade edition) , with cheek hotel (intermediate hotel) , still have bought Mo Tai, among them Mo Tai cent is 168 (quick) , 268 (business affairs) . If be being compared with respect to living experience and sexual price, this is a contradictory topic, living experience is good, opposite for house price is high. So say: The product enters the star of bright and beautiful river to experience the home is for instance good, house price became high 20-50 yuan / . Blame is absolutely, because be mostly,join in inn, of Dan Jinjiang join in business also what the home manages is for instance good, self-identity feels strong also. 100 when quick with gold wide quick had not understood, mo Tai 168 domestic experience is for instance better, after all the foreigner still pays attention to quite to the standard. If domestic concentration upgrades namely of edition be like the home, because chummage cost is at present high, if the home is handpick,so new now set up shop is mostly, if the home is handpick the astral difference that can follow bright and beautiful river is not much, cannot say which stand or fall! Capital of bright and beautiful river compares the word with cheek hotel, capital of bright and beautiful river is over to get the better of and cheek, he Yi is hotel of one business affairs, capital of river of some bright and beautiful achieves level of 4 stars grade. If the home still does not have hotel of fast star class at present. Last, like the home more and more do not follow to go up the times developed, chinese front courtyard is worth to pay close attention to.

6, does the star of bright and beautiful river taste Shang Hejin Jiang Zhixing to distinguish?

The star that the star of bright and beautiful river tastes Shang Hejin river is two different hotel brands, a few distinction exist between them:

Brand fixed position: The star of bright and beautiful river is tasted still is one therein high-grade hotel brand, and the star of bright and beautiful river is brand of an economy hotel. Accordingly, the fixed position of two brands and client group differ somewhat.

Hotel facilities: The star of bright and beautiful river tastes the hotel facilities of the star of Shang Hejin river to also differ somewhat. The star of bright and beautiful river is tasted still hotel facilities is more luxurious with high end, and the hotel facilities of the star of bright and beautiful river criterion more economy is substantial.

Service standard: The star of bright and beautiful river tastes the service standard of the star of Shang Hejin river to also differ somewhat. The star of bright and beautiful river is tasted still service level asks more high and strict, and the service mark criterion of the star of bright and beautiful river is more agile and comfortable.

Price difference: Because the star of bright and beautiful river tastes the fixed position of the star of Shang Hejin river and client group to differ, accordingly their price also differs somewhat. The star of bright and beautiful river is tasted still the price normally taller, and the value of the star of bright and beautiful river is relatively inferior.

As a whole, the star that the star of bright and beautiful river tastes Shang Hejin river is well-known hotel trademark, they wait for a respect to be put in a few distinction in standard of brand fixed position, establishment and service. The user can choose to suit his hotel brand according to his demand and budget.

7, ode of bright and beautiful river and government office of Yue of bright and beautiful river which better?

Government office of Yue of bright and beautiful river

Kiss in person hello, very glad to be done for you it is good to solve an individual to think government office of Yue of bright and beautiful river is compared! The project is located in financial city east board piece, can saying is the closest south distance finance city, big city board piece, below the condition that financial city can offer without the ground, can carry on profit of the excessive outside development is good. Be apart from egret bay at the same time also only 3 kilometers, right left hand is flourishing the right hand is halcyon; But inadequacy of this village project depends on circumjacent environment interface poorer, find a place for more village, be apart from Zhu Guosi to visit hill tombs surrounded by a park namely additionally probably 3KM.

8, the distinction of capital of bright and beautiful river and the star of bright and beautiful river?

Capital of bright and beautiful river and the star of bright and beautiful river are two different hotel brands, a few distinction exist between them. It is a few common distinction below:

1.Locate and serve a level: Capital of bright and beautiful river is located be high-grade business affairs hotel normally, offer the service of higher level and establishment, include establishment of luxurious guest room, advanced dining-room, conference to wait. The star of bright and beautiful river is located be economy hotel normally, provide contracted, economic room service.

2.Establishment and decorate a style: The guest room of capital of bright and beautiful river and public section often more costly and delicate, decorate style diversity, facilities facilities is more comprehensive. The guest room of the star of bright and beautiful river and public section design are concise and practical, advocate hit comfortable with advantage.

3.The price: Differ as a result of what locate and serve a level, capital of bright and beautiful river the price is relatively normally a few higher, and the astral value of bright and beautiful river is relative relatively substantial.

As a whole, capital of bright and beautiful river suits those pursuit more high quality the business affairs that serves establishment with more is away on official business personage or traveler, and the personage that the star of bright and beautiful river suits those to seek contracted and economic material benefit, comfortable accommodation. Specific choice hotel still needs to be made according to individual demand and budget decision-making.

9, is garden of uncut jade of bright and beautiful river endowed with with bright and beautiful river which good?

Garden of uncut jade of bright and beautiful river and ode of bright and beautiful river are the high-end hotel brand with subordinate group of bright and beautiful river, they have distinctive characteristic and service severally. Accordingly, cannot reply simply which better, depend on the individual's demand and preference.

Garden of uncut jade of bright and beautiful river is a hotel that gives priority to a problem with culture art, hotel interior design is unique, it is adornment with work of art and culture element, provide high quality service, it is the first selection of a lot of artists and culture lover.

Ode of bright and beautiful river is the hotel that gives priority to a problem with traditional culture and union of photograph of modern science and technology, hotel interior design is full of contemporary feeling, blend in traditional culture element at the same time, provide the service of diversity, it is the right choice of business affairs personage and youth.

Accordingly, if you prefer literate the atmosphere of atmosphere and artwork, can choose garden of uncut jade of bright and beautiful river; If you value contemporary feeling and feeling of science and technology more, can choose ode of bright and beautiful river. Of course, you also can be mixed according to specific requirement budget, the place that ties two hotels, room, the respect such as establishment and service make a choice.

10, is hotel of bright and beautiful river Xu Jinjiang those who leave?

Hotel of bright and beautiful river and Xu Jinjiang are irrespective, not be Xu Jinjiang those who leave, hotel of bright and beautiful river is brand of store of go with wine of division of group of international of bright and beautiful river, basically be engaged in interstellar hotel operation and management, the business such as economy hotel operation and concessionary operation and restaurant operation

上一篇:消防柜怎么装饰? 餐厅装饰柜尺寸,餐厅装饰柜标准尺寸是多少?英文双语对照
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