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广安论坛是城市中国倾力打造并由旗下广安之窗服务中心管理维护的重点频道, 是广安地区最大的社情民意集散和本地网民互动交流平台。广安论坛宗旨是挖掘广安精彩,铸造广安辉煌,基本目标是立足广安本地,汇聚民生热点,关注社情动态,助力广安发展。

广安论坛目前设置的栏目主要有广安纪事、广安图话、广安视频、街谈巷议、休闲娱乐、潮流时尚、原创文艺、 侃吧灌水、情感生活、摄影天地、生活百科、兴趣圈等,全方位服务广安上网人群。









论坛首页forum.php 源码位置:template\default\forum文件夹内门户首页portal.php源码位置:template\default\portal文件夹内群组首页group.php源码位置:template\default\group文件夹内家园首页 home.php源码位置:template\default\home文件夹内其他类似就不需要我多说了吧~






“愿历尽千帆,归来仍少年”出自现代诗人冯唐的《冯唐诗百首》。 千帆阅尽的意思是:看过了成千上万来来往往的船只,形容经历了很多事情。


1、“阅尽千帆终执手,此心安处是吾乡”的意思为:看过了成千上万来来往往的船只最终还是和你牵手了,这地方让我的心可以安定就是我的故乡了。——宋·苏轼 《定风波·南海归赠王定国侍人寓娘》

2、阅尽千帆出自诗句:千帆尽过皆不是, 斜晖脉脉水悠悠。——温庭筠的《望江南》









1、千帆竞渡 百舸争流",指许多条船在水中竞争着渡过。形容人们争先恐后地做某事。   


3、全文   沁园春 长沙 1925   独立寒秋,湘江北去,橘子洲头。   看万山红遍,层林尽染;漫江碧透,百舸争流。   鹰击长空,鱼翔浅底,万类霜天竞自由。   怅寥廓,问苍茫大地,谁主沉浮。   携来百侣曾游,   忆往昔峥嵘岁月稠。   恰同学少年,风华正茂;书生意气,挥斥方遒。   指点江山,激扬文字,粪土当年万户侯。   曾记否,到中流击水,浪遏飞舟。





1. 可以在4399游戏官网上找到。2. 因为4399造梦西游4是4399游戏平台的一款游戏,其官方论坛首页也会在4399游戏官网上展示,方便玩家进行交流和获取游戏资讯。3. 如果您想了解更多关于4399造梦西游4的内容,可以在4399游戏官网上查看游戏介绍、攻略和玩家评价等信息。同时,也可以在4399造梦西游4官方论坛上与其他玩家进行交流和分享游戏心得。


1000 sail Yo how does the net upgrade user group?

Date of small letter public finds 1000 sail fish net, click attention, nod next into individual center page, click upgrade can

Wide bring home page of forum official net?

Wide installing forum is force of urban China bend make and leave An Anzhi window by the banner the key channel that service center management maintains, it is wide install the company condition with the largest area popular wishes is distributing center interact with this locality netizen communication platform. Wide installing forum tenet is mining wide install wonderful, cast wide An Huihuang, main goal is base oneself upon wide install this locality, gather together heat of the people's livelihood, attention company condition is dynamic, aid Li Anan to develop.

Wide the column that installs forum to be installed at present basically has wide An Ji thing, An Antu is word, wide install video, street gossip, recreational recreation, tide fashionable, former achieve literary, Kan heaven and earth of life of fill water, affection, photography, life, all-around the service is wide bring online crowd.

Wide bring home page of forum official net: Https://bbs.mala.cn/forum-91-1.html

1000 sail Yo after why is the net registered be after why is the net registered, to await test and verify to meet all the time? 1000?


Calm mailbox must be bound after registering account and pass test and verify, after account activations, community user group will set sail newlier for the dream, without test and verify or be hind of test and verify is to cannot deliver post and return inside 30 minutes, 30 minutes of other area that can discussing a region except the product afterwards deliver post and return. Intermediate member or taller member just can discuss area hair post in the product.

How does DZ forum install website home page?

The page that wants the server government in you faces analytic acquiescent home page to undertake installing, the acquiescent home page that makes with your forum tiring-room is different OK.

For instance the home page of forum is Index.php, the home page that you mean is Index.html, so the level setting that is Index.html with respect to setting of will acquiescent home page is highest.

Where is the home page file of Discuz forum?

Position of source of Forum.php of forum home page: Position of source of Portal.php of home page of the portal inside Template\default\forum folder: Inside Template\default\portal folder group position of source of Group.php of group home page: Position of source of Home.php of home page of the home inside Template\default\group folder: Inside Template\default\home folder other and similar did not need me to say more ~

Read 1000 sail or have gone through 1000 sail?

It is to read 1000 sail, means:

Thousands of boat from passed at the moment

Read 1000 sail, returning still is the teenager's meaning

Read 1000 sail, return still year: Although experience is eventful, but the pure heart that still retains

"Wish to have gone through 1000 sail, return still teenager " out is contemporary of poetic Feng Tang " Feng Tang poetry 100 " . The means that 1000 sail read: Had looked by tens of thousands the ship of come and go, appearance experienced a lot of things.

The line that reads to contain 1000 sail below explains:

1, " read 1000 sail eventually hold hand, how this heart is in is my countryside " the meaning is: Had looked by tens of thousands the ship of come and go still pulls a hand finally with you, this place makes my heart OK and quiet is my birthplace. -- Su Shi of · of the Song Dynasty " Nanhai of calm disturbance · returns give Wang Dingguo woman of Shi Ren contain "

2, read line of 1000 sail out: 1000 sail all all are not too, inclined sunshine affectionately water leisurely. -- of Wen Tingjun " coffee senna "

1000 sail ancient poetry?

1, 1000 sail always make an appointment with autumn wind to come, should aid Guan Zheng extra money. -- out Zhu Changwen " on Qing Longjiang occasionally book two show the inspect that do not have ease to press down absolutely "

2, 10 thousand sail come to 1000 sail, before using up move into one's husband's household upon marriage, go. -- · of out the Tang Dynasty child orchid " assist Yang Qu "

3, Gu tower is vast outside, in brume of 1000 sail distant and out of sight. -- the ability of out the Song Dynasty " Long Shan courtyard "

4, in August the Yangtse River 10 thousand lis of fines, 1000 sail take wind together light. -- Cui Jiqing of · of out the Tang Dynasty " fine Jiang Qiuwang "

5, scenery muddy is like yesterday, in 1000 sail the glow of the setting sun. -- Liu You of · of out the Song Dynasty " outside content miscellaneous problem "

1000 sail boatrace?


1, 100 barge contend for 1000 sail boatrace shed " , point to a lot of the boat is competing to overshoot in water. Describe ground of people strive to be the first to do something.   

2, 100 barge contend for those who shed out wool chairman " ooze garden spring Changsha " .   

3, garden of ooze of full text   spring independence of   of Changsha 1925 is cold autumn, hunan river north goes, orange continent head. See 10 thousand hill red, layer forest all is caught; Overflow Jiang Bi to appear, 100 barge are contended for stream. The eagle attacks vast sky, yu Xiang low end, contest of day of 10 thousand kinds of frost is free. Disappointed boundless, ask vast earth, who advocate ups and downs. Carry come 100 associate ever swam, recall erst extraordinary years stiff. Just classmate teenager, elegance and talent luxuriant; Book business is angry, brandish denounce just powerfuls. Show state power, stimulate raise character, muck in those days 10 thousand Hou. Ceng Ji is denied, hit water to midstream, billow check flying boat.

Do 10 thousand sail cross 1000 sail line?

To recall south tourist, move domestic levee lives.

10 thousand sail come to 1000 sail, before using up move into one's husband's household upon marriage, go.

4399 create a dream does home page of 4 governments forum swim on the west?

1.Can find on net of 4399 game officer. 2. Because 4399 create a dream a 4 game that are 4399 game platform swim on the west, forum home page also meets its government be revealed on net of 4399 game officer, convenient player undertakes communicate and getting game information. 3. If you want to understand more about 4399 create a dream the content of 4 swims on the west, the information such as game introduction, strategy and player evaluation can be examined on net of 4399 game officer. In the meantime, also can be in 4399 create a dream 4 governments forum swims to go up to undertake communicate and sharing game result with other player on the west.
