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番茄豆腐 灵魂酱汁

用料 豆腐(切块) 1块 西红柿(切小小丁) 1个 鸡蛋(打散) 2个 番茄酱 2勺 生抽 1勺 老抽 半勺 盐 1勺 白糖 1勺 淀粉 1勺 水 半碗 大蒜(切末) 5瓣

番茄豆腐 灵魂酱汁的做法









用料 土豆 1个(小) 西红柿 1个 生抽 1勺 蚝油 1小勺 盐 小半匙(可不加) 糖 少量 蒜 1瓣 葱 1根









用料 肥牛卷 适量 西红柿 1个 盐 3克 蒜 1瓣 姜 2片 葱 1根 白胡椒粉 1小勺 生抽 2勺 蚝油 1勺





用料 龙利鱼 一片 番茄 2个 番茄酱 2勺 小葱 适量 橄榄油 适量 盐 一小勺 玉米淀粉 2勺 现磨黑胡椒 2勺 糖 一小撮 姜丝 适量










Sauce of soul of tomato bean curd

With makings bean curd (stripping and slicing) a tomato (cut young man) an egg (break up) 2 spoon of 2 ketchup are unripe smoke 1 spoon to often smoke half spoon salt 1 spoon of 1 spoon white sugar is amylaceous 1 spoon water half bowls of garlic (cut end) 5 valve

The practice of sauce of soul of tomato bean curd

Stripping and slicing of 1-- bean curd, enter the egg fluid of break up, 8 dip in divide evenly

Does 2-- move sauce: ? Does Chi of male of miscellaneous instrument of  of castrate of spay read hunt of  of  of bead of enthalpy of Jie of buttock of Piao of Pan of annulus of ú of play soak  standing tall and upright?

Oil is put in 3-- boiler, bean curd of small fire simmer in water 8 golden, fill piece reserve

Right amount oil is put in 4-- boiler, put garlic end, fry sweet, enter the tomato last stage that has cut again, break up fry, by press tomato to give juice

5-- enters the sauce of mix up again, break up fry a few times

6-- enters the bean curd with good decoct

7-- stews dichotomy bell, sa Cong is beautiful, give boiler

Tomato potato chips [of appetizing go with rice Lenten]

With makings potato 1 (small) tomato is born 1 times smoke 1 spoon oyster sauce spoon of smaller part of salt of 1 small spoon (can not add) candy a few garlic 1 valve green 1

Tomato potato chips [of appetizing go with rice Lenten] practice

Tomato delimits flay is ripped after crossed boiled water is hot, cut small;

Potato flay, cut small chip perhaps, potato chips is put after water leaves, boil 78 maturity.

Garlic cuts end, green cuts chopped green onion, hot oil explodes in boiler sweet;

Fry into tomato soft (can give juice) , the potato that puts 7 maturity again breaks up fry even.

Join 1 spoon to be born smoke, salt of spoon of oyster sauce of 1 small spoon, smaller part (can not add) , right amount candy, break up fry even;

Boil potato soft sodden, can give boiler to scatter on chopped green onion. (if feel potato is not quite soft, can add the cap on a few water lids to stew boil receive juice) .

Soup of tomato fat cattle

With makings fertilizer the ox coils right amount tomato a salt 3 grams garlic 1 valve ginger 2 green 1 small spoon gives birth to a white pepper smoke 2 spoon oyster sauce 1 spoon

The practice of soup of tomato fat cattle

Fat Niu Juan is ironed with boiled water scoop reserve, tomato flay cuts Ding Bei to use, green garlic has cut ginger to reserve

Right amount oil puts ginger garlic to explode in boiler sweet, fry juice giving soup into tomato man, join one spoon oyster sauce two spoon are unripe smoke break up fry even, join boil of a bowl of big clear water, coil into fat cattle again boil, join right amount salt, one spoon white pepper flavors, scatter on chopped green onion can leave eat.

Fish of tomato dragon benefit

With fish of makings Long Li a tomato 2 spoon of 2 ketchup shallot right amount olive oil is right amount salt 2 spoon grind starch of corn of one small spoon now black peppery Jiang Si of a handful of 2 spoon candy is right amount

The practice of fish of tomato dragon benefit

Long Li wipes moisture with kitchen paper after piscine defrost, cut 1.5 centimeters of square piece, add right amount olive oil, a few black souse of peppery, Jiang Si 15 minutes.

Delimit with the knife on tomato top crossed, put in rolling water to be ironed, such very easy flay!

The tomato of flay cuts small to reserve

The fish and meat with good souse is put in rolling water to iron ripe next fish out reserves

Right amount oil is entered after boiler burns heat, put the tomato that has cut, medium baking temperature breaks up ceaselessly fry

Two spoon ketchup is joined to continue to break up after tomato fries a juice fry

Add water of smaller part bowl, the Long Li that thoroughly cook is put after water leaves piscine piece,

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