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1. 绿色象征生命,珍惜生命。

2. 为了校园的绿色,请爱护花草树木。

3. 不留足迹,不留垃圾。

4. 小草也在上课,请勿打扰。

5. 小草含羞笑,请您勿打扰。

6. 我在和你一同成长。

7. 我也是生命,请脚下留情。

8. 我也有生命,我们一同长。

9. 不要让小草哭泣,不要让废纸飘飞。

10. 爱护脚下草,莫折枝头花。

11. 小草有生命,请你足留情。

12. 争做环保卫士,共建绿色校园。

13. 停止您的一小步,校园文明一大步。

14. 让我们把温馨带走,把真爱留下。

15. 让我们同蜜蜂、蝴蝶共享花香。

16. 绿色草坪,无须纸化点缀。天天环保,日日文明。 2. 绿化校园,文明人心。 3. 草木成荫多好看,乱扔垃圾是添乱。 4. 绿草茵茵,踏之可惜。 5. 有了热爱生活的心,才能召唤翠绿的情。 6. 学校是我家,清洁靠大家,墙壁穿新衣。请你要珍惜。 7. 微笑的你真美,了学的你真好,健康的你真棒。 8. 学校是个家,人人爱护它。 9. 扔一次垃圾心灵就蒙一层灰尘,捡一次垃圾心灵就添一块净土。 10. 礼貌使你变得高雅,助人能使你得到快乐,谦让能使你增添美德。 11.走廊上尽显你的文雅,操场上展示你的雄姿。 12.排队学大雁齐齐的,走路学小猫轻轻的。 13.不要跑,不要跳,不要打闹向右靠。 14.珍惜生命之水,关“住”点点滴滴。 15.上下楼梯靠右行,你谦我让脚步轻。 16.不学猴子乱蹦跳,要学大象好好走;不学小蛇左右游,要讲文明靠 右走。








24. 绿色象征生命,珍惜生命。
















7. 此时无声胜有声





12.课上,响亮一点; 课后,安静一些。











1. 不要忘记了今天是限号日,请及早预备好交通工具,避免因为限号而耽误您的行程哦。

2. 今天限号啦,做好您的出行计划,选择合适的出行方式,保障您的安全和便利。

3. 请您合理规划出行,减少私人车辆的使用,积极响应国家环保倡议,为我们美丽的家园添彩。

4. 限行不仅是交通管制,更是我们秉承的文明出行理念。请大家从我做起,从现在做起,共同倡导文明出行,营造良好的交通出行环境。

5. 今天限号的道路上,注意交通安全,文明出行,行车不酗酒,不超速,一起为交通事故零发生而努力。

6. 限号时间到,车辆需暂停行驶。提前规划行程,选择公共交通工具,享受绿色、环保、低碳的出行体验,共筑美好城市。























2. 如果你不把我吃掉我会记你一辈子 3.一粥一粒,当思来之不易;半丝半缕,恒念物力维难 4.,按自己的食量盛饭,能把碗里的饭吃光,做到不浪费一口饭 5.倒下的是剩饭,流走的是血汗 6.古诗《锄禾》你我读,盘中餐苦当记住


  1、装修垃圾在运出电梯时,顺地面拖拉,造成电梯门下口滑槽内,小石子、沙子等杂物堵塞了电梯门的正常关闭,造成电梯卡层,楼上下人员无法使用; 2、运输大件板材时,未进行切割,造成电梯顶棚有机灯板损坏较多;



One, the clew language that uses phone about safety?

For your life safety, do not want case of distribution of lay a finger on please

2, the clew sign that attends about heating up ark?

In heating up ark to be being used, careful high temperature warms a hand

Hot ark heats, high temperature irons a hand to be not stood by please

Had taken care of your child please, avoid to heat up ark scald

In heating up ark to use, prohibit standing by

In heating up ark to heat, if scald is not in charge of without exception

3, the advantage about sweet clew language?

Have normative people the action of daily behavior. Although present civilized rate is higher and higher, but still put in a lot of disharmonious pictures, uncivilized phenomenon everywhere is visible, the sweet clew language that marks on sweet clew card can is opposite the behavior of people undertakes restraining. For example: Establish in beauty spot " my whats are taken away besides the photograph, my whats do not stay besides footmark " still have daily garden by " careful, small careless conference aches " the speech that waits card of a few sweet clew a moment special press close to our life, and what we experienced love let deliver in the sentence that is full of poetic flavour.

2 sweet speech have the effect of warm popular feeling. Sweet clew shop sign is the biggest differ even if differ with traditional suggestive speech, traditional clew catchphrase more it is to apply " prohibit, forbidden, must not... " , after people looks, always feel oneself are in the move that be manacled, traitorous factor is very big in the heart, carry out the effect that rise very not ideal. And warmth hints card criterion slam the door traditional mandatory speech, apply the character of rhetorical gimmick antonym such as personification, analogy to have a description, make sweet clew card people is willing to look, the picture that people is willing to abide by.

4, the sweet clew language about the life?

Protect language of clew of campus environment lukewarm Qing

1.Green is indicative life, value life.

2.For the green of campus, cherish tree of flowers and plants please.

3.Do not keep track, do not leave rubbish.

4.Small grass also is attending class, do not disturb please.

5.Small careless bashfully laughs, ask you to be not disturbed.

6.I am in and you grow together.

7.I also am life, ask the show mercy or forgiveness below the foot.

8.I also have life, we grow together.

9.Do not let small grass cry, do not let waste paper wave fly.

10.Cherish the grass below the foot, not fold branch headdress flower.

11.Small grass has life, ask you sufficient show mercy.

12.Contend for do environmental protection bodyguard, build green campus in all.

13.Stop your one half step, campus is civilized one stride.

14.Let us take away warmth, leave true love.

15.Let us share a flower with bee, butterfly sweet.

16.Green lawn, beardless paper melts an ornament. Every day environmental protection, every day civilized. 2. Afforest campus, christian heart. 3. The wood is shady much more good-looking, throwing rubbish in disorder is to increase chaos. 4. Green grass is overlapping, those who step regrettablly. 5. Had the heart that has deep love for the life, the affection of ability call verdure. 6. The school is my home, cleanness relies on everybody, wall wears new clothes. Ask you to want to cherish. 7. Of the smile you are really beautiful, those who learn you are really good, healthy your dishy. 8. The school is a home, everybody cherishs it. 9. Throw rubbish heart to cheat a dirt, collect rubbish heart to add a Sukhavati. 10. Courtesy makes you become decorous, aid a person to be able to make you get pleasure, self-effacing can make you add goodness. 11. What you all show on corridor is cultured, your heroic posture is revealed on the playground. 12. Queue up to learn wild goose Qi Qi, learn a kitten on foot gently. 13. Do not run, do not jump, do not fight noisely to lean right. 14. Cherish the water of life, close " live " dribs and drabs. 15. Fluctuation stair relies on right travel, I let your modest the step is small. 16. Do not learn monkey chaos to skip, want to learn elephant to go well; Do not learn small snake left and right sides to swim, should tell civilization to lean right go.

17. small grass laughs slightly, ask you to circle.

18. noticed, everybody sees the every act that you are here. (corridor)

19. gently I went, I come to no less than gently. (the library)

20. asks shoot a basket of your close quarters. (dustbin)

21. faucet, do not cry, come to your tear erase.

22. smiles you are the most beautiful, can learn you are best, healthy you are the most marvellous!

23. your brandish one brandish sleeve, do not take away one cloudlet colour. I change a hand, do not leave any wastepaper

24.Green is indicative life, value life.

Small careless bashfully laughs at 25. , ask you to be not disturbed.

26. wants everybody to give a love only, how the world will be good

5, the sweet clew language about the playground?

The playground is to take a walk the place that read, not again Xi of Xi of playground both sides is clamorous, return a halcyon environment

Playground entrance asks you to measure temperature, belt good guaze mask is entered inside do not take pet inside

Maintain environmental sanitation not to throw paper towel in the playground please, napkin, the hope does not take sock ask everybody to cooperate each other

Stroll to be able to be experienced in the playground when you especially halcyon, ask aunts so, do not jump inside square dance

6, about language of quiet and sweet clew?

Clew language ⑴

1. small talk goes slow, leave a space halcyon.

2. is little a din, much portion is quiet.

3. builds halcyon, enjoy quiet.

4. lets us listen so that see bird sign, let us look get grace.

The heaven and earth that thought freedom gallops is here, here should become one party Sukhavati.

6. whats are taken away besides knowledge, also do not stay besides quiet what

7.Get the better of soundlessly right now phonic

8." ? ? word is hanged high, intellectual Eden

9. is silent here already sublimate has feeling for person of callosity of a kind of running water, persuade gentleman to let Lou Qingjing please

The communication of 10. heart and heart needs silently listen respectfully

11. water is absent deep, have Long Zeling; Sound is absent tall, have phonic criterion travel

On 12. class, a bit more resonant; After the class, a few quieter.

13. the esteem that your light tone delicate language is pair of everybody

14. today, make us static the heart reads -- moral character

15. is little one roaring, much portion is quiet.

16. is little one roaring, much portion Morpheus.

The state with 17. best life is those who abound is quiet

18. prohibits roaring: You always are sung gently, I also can be mixed gently

19. kitten is sleeping, mice is bit quieter

Below 20. curtain of night, quiet meeting hears the smile of sea wind, the recognition of the firebug that quiet meeting sees!

7, does about be restricted the warmth of date hint language?

It is a few are restricted below the sweet clew language of date, offer reference:

1.Did not forget today is to be restricted name day, ask good vehicle of provision of as soon as possible, avoid to delay your journey because of date of in the limit of.

2.Be restricted today date, had made your travel plan, select a right travel kind, ensure your safety and advantage.

3.Ask you reasonable regulation lay off goes, reduce the use of private traffic, answer proposal of national environmental protection actively, for us beautiful home buys variety.

4.Be restricted to go is traffic control not only, it is the culture that we take gives a concept more. Ask everybody to be made from me, make from now, advocate civilization to go out jointly row, build good liaison man to give an environment.

5.Be restricted today on the road of date, notice transportation is safe, civilization goes out row, drive a vehicle not excessive drinking, not overspeed, it is traffic accident together 0 happen and try hard.

6.Be restricted size time arrives, car needs to suspend travel. Plan ahead of schedule the journey, choose public traffic tool, enjoy green, environmental protection, mild to give an experience, build good city in all.

8, what to have about the clew language of corridor?

What you all show on corridor is cultured, your heroic posture is revealed on the playground. Queue up to learn wild goose Qi Qi, learn a kitten on foot gently. Do not run, do not jump, do not fight noisely to lean right.

1. every day environmental protection, every day civilized.

2. afforest campus, christian heart.

3. wood is shady much more good-looking, throwing rubbish in disorder is to increase chaos.

4. green grass is overlapping, step regrettablly.

5. had the heart that has deep love for the life, the affection of ability call verdure.

6. school is my home, cleanness relies on everybody, wall wears new clothes. Ask you to want to cherish.

7. smiles you are really beautiful, learn you are really good, healthy your dishy.

8. school is a home, everybody cherishs it.

9. throws rubbish heart to cheat a dirt, collect rubbish heart to add a Sukhavati.

10. courtesy makes you become decorous, aid a person to be able to make you get pleasure, self-effacing can make you add goodness.

What you all show on 11. corridor is cultured, your heroic posture is revealed on the playground.

12. queues up to learn wild goose Qi Qi, learn a kitten on foot gently.

13. does not run, do not jump, do not fight noisely to lean right.

14. cherishs the water of life, close " live " dribs and drabs.

Next stair on 15. rely on right travel, I let your modest the step is small.

16. does not learn monkey chaos to skip, want to learn elephant to go well; Do not learn small snake left and right sides to swim, should tell civilization to lean right go.

17. small grass laughs slightly, ask you to circle.

18. noticed, everybody sees the every act that you are here. (corridor) 19. Gently I went, I come to no less than gently. (the library) 20. Ask shoot a basket of your close quarters. (dustbin)

9, the humorous clew language about wasting commissariat?

1. I am rice, be willing to be digested in your abdomen, do not be willing to decay on the ground.

2.If you do not eat off me,I can write down you all one's life 3. One congee, should think of hard-earned; Half half, thinking of Heng Nian material resources is hard 4. , the appetite that presses oneself fills a meal, can the meal dispose of in the bowl, accomplish do not waste a meal 5. Flat is leftover, those who flow is sweat and toil 6. Ancient poetry " v hoe standing grain " we are read, dish Chinese meal suffering should remember

10, the sweet clew language about equipment malfunction?

1, when decorating rubbish to give lift in carry, suitable ground is dilatory, cause chute of the mouth below elevator door inside, scree, sand sundry jammed of elevator door shut normally, cause elevator to block a layer, building fluctuation personnel cannot use; 2, when carrying big plate, did not have cut, cause elevator ceiling organic lamp board damage is more;

3, when carriage sand, cement, brick, circumstance of door of elevator of overweighted, card happens from time to tome, the loss in creating elevator use line of business occurs; from time to tome

上一篇:中央财经是985吗? 中央财经学院和中央财经大学的区别?英文双语对照