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健身新手开始怎么练? 偏瘦健身新手开始怎么练?英文双语对照


健身新手开始怎么练? 偏瘦健身新手开始怎么练?英文双语对照

























1 健身0基础的人需要从基础动作开始练习,不能贪图一时的进展,否则容易受伤。2 建议先从无氧运动开始,如哑铃、杠铃、俯卧撑等基础训练,然后逐渐增加运动量和难度。3 除了锻炼身体,还需要注意饮食和休息,保证充足的睡眠和营养摄入。4 可以寻找健身教练或者其他具有经验的人指导,避免错误的动作和训练方法。同时要注意自己的身体状况,避免过度训练或者不适应的运动。

























How does gymnastical novice begin to drill?

Measure / means 1

To gymnastical novice, should wear slow running shoes socks of large perhaps base, do not wear sole to contrast thin shoe, because such muscle are in flabby condition.

Measure / means 2

To gymnastical novice, it is at the beginning from ran machine introduction, before and be in using ran machine, want to had done more sufficient warm up to prepare first, avoid to be pulled.

Measure / means 3

To gymnastical novice, if choose force to train, the dumbbell that suggests the introduction chooses 3-5 pound will undertake taking exercise, and every groups of movements are counted the quantity does not want too much.

Measure / means 4

To gymnastical novice, 40 minutes are one best exercises time, 20 minutes canter.

Measure / means 5

10 minutes of force, 10 minutes of flexibility train can.

Slant how does thin fitness novice begin to drill?

To an a thin person, beginning the key that take exercise is to make a sound plan. Above all, he can begin from motion having oxygen, if canter, swim or ride a bicycle, undertake 3-4 every week second, every time 30-45 minute.

In addition, he can join force training, use dumbbell or gymnastical appliance undertake practicing all over, weekly 2-3 second, every time 20-30 minute. In the meantime, he still should notice food, increase protein to absorb, control carbohydrate and adipose intake. Insist to take exercise to will help him increase muscle quality gradually with the combination of healthy diet, improve type of build or figure.

How experienced dumbbell does gymnastical novice begin?

1, appropriate weight should have been chosen before practicing dumbbell.

2, exercise purpose is to add muscle, had better choose the dumbbell of 65%-85% bear. Cite a case, if can be raised every time bear is 10 kilograms, should choose weight to be 6.5 kilograms - 8.5 kilograms dumbbell undertakes taking exercise. When the exercise everyday 5-8 group, 6-12 of every groups of movements second, behavioral speed shoulds not be too fast, every groups of removed 2-3 minute. Too big or negative charge is too small, too long or intermittent time is too short, the effect is met bad.

3, exercise purpose is to reduce fat, every groups of 15-25 should be accomplished when the proposal practices second more even, every groups of removed control are in 1-2 minute. If feel this kind of exercise is very as dry as a chip, the music that can cooperate oneself to like practices, or follow music does dumbbell setting-up exercise.

How experienced bosom does gymnastical novice begin?

Gymnastical novice can choose dumbbell to lie push, push-up, barbell lies push wait for a foundation to practice exercise chest muscle. Those who need an attention is, want to master correct behavioral skill and pose, control weight and number, notice breath.

In addition, can have 2-3 second practice every week, give muscle in order to get used to training intensity sufficient breathing space.

How did gymnastical novice just begin to drill best?

I feel to should be mixed from ran jump simple strong and handsome hold begin, the skill that these two kinds of motion ask is not high, also suit endurance take exercise.

How should 0 foundations begin fitness?

The person of 0 foundations needs 1 fitness to begin a practice from fundamental movement, cannot covet temporarily progress, get hurt easily otherwise. 2 proposals begin from the motion that do not have oxygen first, if the foundation such as dumbbell, barbell, push-up trains, increase carry momentum and difficulty gradually next. 3 besides exercise, still need to notice food is mixed rest, make sure enough sleep and nutrition are absorbed. 4 can search gymnastical coach other perhaps the person that has experience is directive, avoid wrong action and training method. Want to notice oneself body condition at the same time, prevent the exercise with excessive incommensurate perhaps training.

The how experienced weightening finish that add muscle does gymnastical novice begin?

The novice exercises the scarcely that add muscle to want anxious, can begin from intensity is small time weak point, increase gradually, let the body suit slowly. Just began to use small dumbbell for instance, time is OK from lie between a day 15 minutes to begin, increase 5 minutes every week

Does gymnastical novice begin how to drill reduce fat and food and drink?

 It is OK that gymnastical novice reduces fat from proper control food and integrated training proceed with.

Above all, control food is very important, fitness reduces fat and not be equal to do not have a thing, want to control the quantity of heat that absorbs everyday however.

Daily absorbed quantity of heat must the hectic quantity under the body, so that implementation reduces fat goal.

Next, integrated training includes motion having oxygen and force training, can help a novice use up more quantity of heat, increase muscle volume, make basal metabolis rate rises, help thereby reduce fat.

It is with food exemple, the novice answers quantity of drop off high fever, tall adipose food, the food that makes full abdomen sense quickly (for example fruit, vegetable) , and constituent 5-6 second small food food and drink, the quantity of heat in wanting to make sure every meal is fed at the same time is balanced correctly, train ready-made for the organization.

In addition, train earlier proposal and gymnastical coach or senior fitness enthusiast to undertake initial guidance, in order to avoid the preliminary mistake of training method and frequency.

Novice fitness looks surely, how to just drill in the begining?

Above all, I very the mood that understands you. Also once had had this worry as the novice.

Next, the target that analyses oneself calmly is to add muscle, reduce fat, model form perhaps has.

After the cause that understands oneself, be about to make a plan. Experienced what key muscle or what movement. For example, novice proposal, be being lifted forcedly is a right choice, practice goes out become warped buttock, with beautiful back.

Begin to enter detail below, not be to work to compare Ma Yun have money with respect to can regular meeting, not be fitness can become Shiwaxinge, hopeful overdoing is proud and proud. The novice wants an attitude decorous.

Take exercise have a cycle:

1, warm up, can ran, dynamic perhaps drawing, activation target muscle group. For example, experienced back, can do a face to pull, open bladebone first, activation carries broad flesh on the back.

2, take exercise, the novice suggests to Buddha fastens little weight of fitness. Type of bosom of the attention when taking exercise breathes or abdominal type breathes. When taking exercise, should experience centrifugal with afferent systole. Accomplish exercise target muscle group the effect.

3, static drawing, drawing of novice proposal much dot. Press a leg for example. The advantage of drawing has loosen muscle, make muscle better rest, exceed a quantity to restore to wait.

4, food, carbolic water, for example rice eats to go more.

The thank is read, greeting discussion!

I am a novice, body of my Lian Jian, need found?

Fitness does not have a doorsill! Anybody is OK fitness. As to found, not quite clear. Have effort weight anyway a bit bigger, do not have effort weight a bit smaller.

Do not be eager to going after great weight namely to the novice's proposal, lest get hurt, as far as possible as a child weight begins, make the motion standard. Train big muscle above all namely additionally piece, make compound motion more, lie for instance push, push-up, qu Shen of parallel bars arm, next pulling, pull-up, crouch greatly, pull forcedly etc, do not be eager to hope for success!

