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烟台旅游资源丰富。这里依山傍海,自然资源独特,有多处国家级森林公园及国家级候鸟自然保护区等。这里历史悠久,人文历史资源丰富,新石器时代的白石村遗址,有近代开埠最早的烟台山领事馆基地遗址、人间仙境——蓬莱阁、海上仙山长岛、莱州云峰山魏碑刻石等名胜古迹。优美的自然风光和人文景观,每年吸引了大批中外游客前来观光旅游。1998年烟台成为首批54座"中国优秀旅游城市"之一。牟氏庄园 始建于清代雍正年间,是中国北方规模最大、保存最完好、最具典型特征的封建地主庄园。主要景观有东忠来、西忠来、南忠来、日新堂、牟墨林故居、酒房、库房、药铺、茶馆等。共分三组,括六院,占地20000平方米,厅堂楼厢480多间,各独力院分别由大门、客厅、群房、楼房等构成多进院落,吸收了中国北方民俗建筑的优秀成果,是最典型的民俗旅游点。 烟台山公园 位于市区北端,三面环海,亦名为"海洋岛",冈峦兀立,林木葱茏,清秀幽雅。最高海拔43米,总面积11.6公顷。明洪武(三十一年,1938年),为防倭寇侵扰,在此修建狼烟墩台,又称烽火台。烟台由此而得名。1862年烟台开埠后,英、法、日、美等16个国家曾相继在此建造领事馆、教堂和邮局。清末在墩台筑航海灯塔,沿用至今,解放后山上又增建革命烈士纪念塔.山阴半腰有巨石横卧,其型如船,下有石头垫搁,俗称"石船".上有清康熙三十六年(1697年)王积熙七言律诗题刻,石船背面刻"造化奇观"楷书大字.主要景点有狼烟墩台、灯塔、燕台石、石船、惹浪亭、观海楼和原各国领事馆旧址。 毓璜顶公园 又名小蓬莱,坐落在芝罘区中心南部的毓璜顶上,是保留较完整的元代古建筑群。因为山顶有坐玉皇庙,又称玉皇顶.最高海拔72米,总面积8、9公顷。主要建筑有小蓬莱坊、玉皇庙和玉皇阁三部分,松柏掩映,殿阁俨然,清秀淡雅,风姿绝俗,可俯瞰市区,可眺望大海,置身其间犹如入蓬莱仙境。 西炮台公园 位于市区西北部的通伸岗上,最高海拔106米,总面积10.7公顷,因山上建有与东炮台相对峙的海防炮台,故称西炮台。西炮台由围墙、大小炮台、演兵场、地下指挥所、弹药库等组成。 塔山游乐园 坐落于市区东南的塔山怀抱之中,林木葱茏,景色宜人。主要景观有竞技馆、国防教育馆、太平庵、太平晨钟、龙王殿、观音峰、三和塔、热带雨林馆、鳄鱼馆、园林景观等。 第一海水浴场 坐落于市中心东海岸,全长1070米,沙滩面积6公顷沙细滩平,设有冲水设施,可容纳30000人同时活动,陆地有海滨广场,海上有芝罘岛、崆峒岛作屏障,为天然优良海水浴场。 烟台市博物馆 原为福建会馆,又称天后行宫,由福建船商捐资1884年始建,1906年竣工。会馆结构典雅,雕饰精美,具有闽南建筑的独特风格。由山门、大殿、后殿、戏楼和东西廊庑五部分组成有。栋枋梁柱之间的以神话传说、民间故事、历史人物为题材的木石雕刻巧夺天工,匠心独具,具有极高的艺术性。现为国家级重点文物保护单位。 张裕酒文化博物馆 张裕葡萄酿酒公司是由南洋富商张弼士先生于1892年在烟台投资创办,清朝重臣李鸿章签发执照。1912年孙中山先生为张裕公司亲笔题赠"品重醴泉"。1915年张裕公司的白兰地、红葡萄、雷司令、琼瑶浆荣获"巴拿马太平洋万国博览会"金质奖章和最优等奖状。1987年国际葡萄、葡萄酒局命名为亚洲唯一的"国际葡萄、葡萄酒城"。百年地下大酒窖和酒文化展厅,展示了中国民族酿酒工业的百年辉煌历史。 芝罘岛 横亘于市区北部海面上,又称芝罘山,主峰高298米总面积10平方公里。三面环海,南面连陆,是我国最大、世界最典型的陆连岛。主要旅游资源有天然形成的月牙湾、婆婆石、石门春波;有经海风、海浪多年侵袭形成的海蚀礁、海蚀洞;有阳主庙、射鱼台。岛北崖壁陡峭,怪石嶙峋,岛南山坡平缓,林木葱茏。传说秦始皇东巡三次登临芝罘岛,留下千古遗迹。 养马岛 又称象岛,位于牟平区宁海镇以北海面上,总面积14.2平方公里。四面环海,丘陵起伏,山海秀丽,气候宜人,相传秦始皇东巡曾在此养马,因而得名。养马岛旅游资源丰富,海滩、岸礁、山林独具特色,岛上建有赛马场、西游记宫、海底洞天、锦绣城、海水浴场和旅游休闲度假服务设施。 蓬莱阁 坐落于蓬莱城北濒海的丹崖山巅,为中国古代四大名楼。与弥陀寺、龙王殿、子孙殿、天后宫、三清殿、吕祖殿等构成古建筑群。丹崖拔海而起,通体赭红,蓬莱阁与浩茫的碧海相映,时有云雾缭绕,传说八仙过海的故事就出自于此。主要景观有"仙阁凌空"、"海市蜃楼"、"狮洞烟云"、"渔梁歌钓"、"日出扶桑"、"晚潮新月"、"万里澄波"、"万斛珠玑"、"铜井金波"、"漏天滴润"等十大胜景。 蓬莱水城 位于蓬莱市区西北丹崖山东侧。宋朝在此建刀鱼寨,明朝在刀鱼寨的基础上修筑水城,总面积27万平方米,南宽北窄,呈不规则长方形,负山控海,形势险峻,设有水门、防浪堤、平浪台、码头、灯塔、城墙、敌台、炮台、护城河等海港建筑和防御性建筑,是国内现存最完整的古代水军基地。民族英雄戚继光曾在此训练水军,抗击倭寇,蓬莱水城由此而扬名海内外。 登州古市 水城旧为登州古港,历代商贾云集,市场繁盛。小海东岸的小街南端立古牌坊,坊额书"登州古市"。坊柱楹联为"供飨十洲三岛客,欢迎五湖四海人",东侧18504平方米仿古建筑辟为旅游购物一条街,分别设有旅游餐馆、购物商店、水城鱼行等。 屺坶岛 位于龙口市西北海面上,南西北三面环海,东面连陆,岛形纵短横阔,北高南低。岛上景观有徐福广场、胡大海广场、将军石、黄鱼台、青鱼台等。另有沙滩浴场、水上游乐园。 蓬莱极地海洋世界蓬莱海洋极地世界,是亚洲最大的海洋世界,总投资4.6亿元,展示面积5.28万平方米,这里汇集了北极熊、白鲸、海豚、海狮、海豹等世界各地近千种海洋生物,拥有世界最大的圆柱缸、亚洲最大的热带雨林、国内最大的海龟馆、鲨鱼馆,以及极地动物馆、海底世界、水下剧场、海豹馆、科普馆、海豚海狮表演馆等多个场馆。八仙渡海口八仙渡海口位于海水浴场东侧海中,西与蓬莱遥遥相望,是根据八仙过海神话传说填海造地新建的景区,造地面积3.3万平方米,空中俯视形似丫腰葫芦。南部外墙设计为游龙起伏脊,龙首位于正门两侧,墙体内侧嵌有甲子神、日游神、夜游神及生肖图案等汉白玉浮雕70余方


Yantai travel is resourceful. Draw near according to hill here the sea, rich is distinctive, many is in groove guard of nature of park of national level forest and national level migrant to wait. Here history is long, humanitarian history is resourceful, the relics of white stone village of the The Neo-lithic Age, have latter-day elfland of the relics of base of Yantai hill consulate with a the earliest port, world -- tablet inscriptions of the Northern Dynasties of hill of Yun Feng of city of long island of hill of cabinet of a fabled abode of immortals, maritime celestial being, Lai engraves the famous places and historical sites such as stone. Beautiful natural scene and humanitarian landscape, sightseeing travel comes before attracting tourists of large quantities of China and foreign countries every year. Yantai became one of " of first city of 54 " China first-class travel 1998. Seek a family name manorial only then build Yu Qing between acting Yong Zhengnian, it is Chinese northward dimensions the biggest, save the most in good condition, feudal landlord that has typical feature most manorial. Main landscape has room of former residence of new hall of Dong Zhonglai, Xi Zhonglai, Na Zhonglai, day, Moumo forest, wine, storeroom, herbal medicine shop, cafes to wait. Divide in all group, draw together 6 courtyards, cover an area of 20000 square metre, compartment of hall hall floor many 480, each are singlehanded the courtyard parts by gate, sitting room, group room, building form enter yard more, absorbed architectural of Chinese northward folk-custom outstanding achievement, it is the most typical folk-custom travel dot. Yantai hill park is located in urban north end, 3 annulus sea, also the name is " of " marine island, ridge hill stand upright, forest luxuriantly green, comely and quiet and tastefully laid out. Top height above sea level 43 meters, gross area 11.6 hectare. Ming Hongwu (31 years, 1938) , to prevent Japanese pirates harrass, build station of mound of the smoke of wolves' dung burnt at border posts in ancient China to signal alarm here, weigh beacon tower again. Yantai from this and get a name. After Yantai opened pier 1862, flower, 16 countries such as law, day, beauty ever created consulate, cathedral and post office here in succession. Clear minor details builds nautical beacon in mound stage, continue to use up to now, add again on the hill after liberating build revolutionary martyr monument. Half waist has hill back megalithic horizontal stroke lies, its model be like a boat, there is stone mat to put aside below, common calls " Shi Chuan " . There is Qing Kangxi 36 years on (1697) problem of 7 character a poem of eight lines engraves Wang Jixi, stone ship the reverse side engraves big character of regular script of " of marvellous spectacle of " good luck. Main tourist attraction has site of floor of sea of the socle of stage of mound of the smoke of wolves' dung burnt at border posts in ancient China to signal alarm, beacon, swallow, Shi Chuan, booth that cause wave, view and consulate of raw each country. Semi-annular jade pendant of to bring up carries a park on the head name small a fabled abode of immortals, the to bring up that is located in southern part of center of Zhi Fu area on semi-annular jade pendant top, it is yuan of acting ancient structure with wholer reservation group. Because the summit has,sit jade emperor temple, call Yu Huang the top again. Top height above sea level 72 meters, gross area 8, 9 hectare. Main building has He Yuhuang of temple of emperor of lane of small a fabled abode of immortals, jade cabinet 3 parts, song Bai sets off one another, dian Ge is peremptory, comely quietly elegant, charm absolutely common, can look down at the urban district, can look at the sea, place oneself meantime is just as elfland of a fabled abode of immortals. Fort park is located in urban northwest ministry on the west extend hillock to go up, top height above sea level 106 meters, gross area 10.7 hectare, have because of be being built on hill with east fort prevents fort relative to the sea of stand erect, friend says on the west fort. On the west fort by fort of enclosure, size, perform the composition such as command post of arms field, underground, ammunition depot. In the tower hill bosom that tower hill amusement park is located at urban southeast, forest luxuriantly green, attractive scenery. Main landscape has sports shop, national defence to teach house, peace and tranquility peak of hall of bell of morning of hut, peace and tranquility, the Dragon King, avalokitesvara, 3 wait with landscape of house of tower, selva, crocodilian house, gardens. Bathhouse of the first seawater is located at bank of downtown the East China Sea, full-length 1070 meters, fine beach of 6 hectare sand makes the same score beach area, set strong water facilities, can hold 30000 people at the same time activity, land has littoral square, maritime island of Fu having Zhi, Kong cave island makes protective screen, for bathhouse of natural and admirable seawater. Yantai city museum is Fujian guild hall formerly, call a Queen of heaven make imperial palace for short stays away from the capital again, contribute money by Fujian ship business 1884 only then build, 1906 complete. Guild hall structure is elegant, vulture act the role ofing is elegant, have the architectural austral Fujian distinctive color. By hill door, audience hall, hind building of hall, play and thing 5 parts composition has corridor Wu. The is subject matter with character of mythological fokelore, folktale, history Mu Shi between Fang Liang Zhu carves wonderful artical excelling nature, craftsmanship is provided alone, have extremely high artistic quality. Protect an unit for cultural relic of national level key now. Company of brew of grape of Zhang Yu of museum of culture of Zhang Yu wine is by southern Asia wealthy businessman gentleman of Zhang Bi person establishs at investing in Yantai 1892, qingchao weighs official Li Hongzhang to sign and issue charter. Mr Sun Zhongshan was problem of piece of abundant company holograph to give " to taste 1912 sweet wine again fontal " . 1915 commander of the brandy of Zhang Yu company, red grape, thunder, fine jade precious jade the oar has the honor to win gold of " of world exposition of " Panama Pacific Ocean qualitative medal and the classiest certificate of merit. International grape, bishop bureau named 1987 for " of the Asia's exclusive " international grape, bishop city. Big wine cellar of hundred years underground and wine culture exhibition hall, showed the hundred years brilliant history of industry of Chinese nation brew. Lie across of Zhi Fu island go up at urban north offing, call Zhi Fu hill again, the highest peak in a mountain range is 298 meters tall gross area 10 square kilometer. 3 annulus sea, land is connected south, it is our country the biggest, world's most typical land-tied island. Stone of the crescent moon bay that main travel resource forms like that one day, mother-in-law, Shi Menchun wave; Classics sea wind, ocean wave hits hole of corrode of formation sea corrode reef, sea for years; Have this world advocate temple, stage ejaculation a fish. Insular north precipice is abrupt, strange stone is bony, the hillside austral the island is gently, forest luxuriantly green. Emperor of fabulous Qin Shi east make one's rounds island of Fu of Zhi of 3 climb a hill, leave for all time vestigial. The island that raise a horse calls an elephant the island again, be located in Ou Ninghai presses down Mou Ping to go up with face of the North sea, gross area 14.2 square kilometer. Seagirt, rise and fall upland, hill sea is beautiful, climate is delightful, emperor of Qin Shi of according to legend east make one's rounds ever raised a horse here, get a name consequently. Travel of the island that raise a horse is resourceful, reef of beach, bank, mountain forest has distinguishing feature alone, build on the island have racecourse, on the west bathhouse of city of day of travel notes palace, marine hole, samite, seawater and travel are recreational go vacationing service facilities. Cabinet of a fabled abode of immortals is located at north of city of a fabled abode of immortals to be close to the peak of red cliff hill of the sea, for Chinese ancient time 4 names building. Wait with hall of palace of hall of cover Tuo temple, the Dragon King, descendants hall, Queen of heaven, 3 Qing Dynasty, Lv Zudian make ancient structure group. Red cliff elevation and case, the reddish brown that open system is red, the green jade sea facies of cabinet of a fabled abode of immortals and grand boundless and indistinct is mirrorred, mist having the cloud winds around when, the story that fokelore eights saints go across the sea with respect to out hereat. Main landscape has song of bridge of fishing of " of cloud of smoke of hole of lion of " of be high up in the air of cabinet of " celestial being, " mirage " , " , " to angle sunrise of " , " helps " of wet crescent of evening of mulberry " , " , " up 10 thousand a dry measure used in former times of 10 thousand Li Chengbo " , " . City of water of a fabled abode of immortals is located in side of Shandong of cliff of red of northwest of urban district of a fabled abode of immortals. Song Chao builds saury stockaded village here, ming Dynasty is on the foundation of saury stockaded village build water city, gross area 270 thousand square metre, south wide north is narrow, show irregular rectangle, negative hill controls the of great capacity, the situation is arduous, set the harbour such as stage of the floodgate, bank that prevent wave, smooth billow, dock, beacon, city wall, enemy broadcasting station, fort, moat building and defence sex building, it is home existent the wholest ancient time water army base. Ethical hero Qi Jiguang ever trained water army here, beat back Japanese pirates, city of water of a fabled abode of immortals from this and famous global. Enter a state city of ancient city water is old to ascend city ancient harbor, past dynasties merchant gathers, the market is thriving. The end austral the small market of small Hai Dongan establishs ancient memorial archway, " of lane forehead book ascends " of state ancient city. Lane column couplet hung on the columns of a hall is offerred for " provide dinner for 10 continent 3 islands guest, welcome " of person of all corners of the land, archaize of 18504 square metre builds side east monarch shops for travel a street, set fish of city of travel cafeteria, shopping shop, water to wait all right respectively. Qi Mu island is located in on offing of northwest of dragon mouth city, south northwest 3 annulus sea, the east connects land, even if insular form is short horizontal broadness, boreal Gao Na is low. The landscape on the island has stage of stage of stone of square of Xu blessing square, introduced from the northern and western nationalities or from abroad sea, general, yellow croaker, black carp to wait. Have Eden of upper reaches of beach bathhouse, water additionally. A fabled abode of immortals is polar and marine ocean of world a fabled abode of immortals is polar the world, it is the Asia's greatest marine world, always invest 460 million yuan, show an area fifty-two thousand eight hundred square metre, here assemble the world each district such as polar bear, white whale, cowfish, sea lion, seal is close 1000 kinds of marine biology, have the world's greatest columnar crock, Asia's biggest selva, country's biggest chelonian house, shark house, and the many place such as house of performance of sea lion of house of polar animal house, theater of marine world, underwater, seal, popular science house, cowfish. The Eight Immortals in the legend crosses big talk the Eight Immortals in the legend to cross big talk to be located in briny bathhouse east in side sea, with a fabled abode of immortals photograph of a long time looks on the west, it is the scene area that according to eight saints go across the sea mythological fokelore fills the sea to build the ground to build, the area that make the land 3. 30 thousand square metre, calabash of waist of bifurcation of be similar in shape of the look down at in sky. Design of the wall outside the south rises and fall for You Long backbone, dragon head is located in front door two side, wall body inside is embedded god of a cycle of sixty years, day swims god, the legendary god on patrol at night-a person who is up and about at night and any of the twelve animals the white marble anaglyph such as design more than 70

