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如何发育儿书单? 鲤鱼发育过程?英文双语对照


如何发育儿书单? 鲤鱼发育过程?英文双语对照


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6个月的宝宝:已能模仿单音节的声音;7个月的宝宝:单音节继续发肓,并出现双音节;8个月宝宝:发音中前后辅音发展快,无规则的“说话”达高潮;9个月的宝宝:能继续模仿声音,并出现模仿语言,有时说出令人难懂的话;10个月的宝宝:能模仿说出“爸爸”、“妈妈”;11个月的宝宝:能自己说出个别有意义的字或词;12个月的宝宝:双元音继续发展,能说出简单的词和重复的字;16 — 24个月的宝宝:发音进一步准确,开始运用字的组合,约25%的语言能使人听懂;24 — 30个月的宝宝:已掌握90%的元音和双元音,约60%语言能使人听懂;30 — 36个月的宝宝:能掌握所有的元音和双元音,约75%的语言可使人听懂。


































How development book list?

Search undertakes choosing to buy to relevant book list can because of network times, rife development book list can be found on the net, undertake choosing to buy from which, for instance pony garden on the website of this treasure Mom, have rife vogue mom and infant child the excellent growth that development expert offers it is OK that book list can choose for everybody from each big gregarious platform, if small letter is public date, small rich, know etc find relevant growth book list is recommended, in the meantime, undertake communicating with other treasure Mom, get more recommendation to cease, the development that chooses to suit oneself and child better thereby book list

Carp development process?

1, embryo period: Point to the period of time before beginning hatch adult fish from oosperm.

2, prelarva: Point to the small fry that just went out from the hatch in oosperm, till yolk bursa is absorbed to disappear.

3, postlarva (Miao Yu) : Prelarva passes 3 ~ 5 weeks elaborate government, the small fish that grows to 3 centimeters weighs postlarva (Miao Yu) .

4, juvenile: Miao Yusheng grows 2 months above, body length is in the goldfish of 3 centimeters of above. Right now, piscine body development is fundamental figuration, each fim character is relatively apparent, style quality gradually bright, have sexual gland only have not development is mature.

5, adult fish: Juvenile passes education, sexual gland is full-fledged mature, progenitive and seasonal occurrence secondary sex characteristic.

Does small carp grow growth target?

1. Water is warm. Water is warm too exorbitant, low grow what all can affect fish normally, if the fish such as fish of black carp, grass carp, silver carp, variegated carp, carp, crucian carp is optimum,grow in water Wen Wei in the water system environment of 28 ℃ of 23 ℃ ~ , collect blame fish is in 25 ℃ ~ grow in the water annulus condition of 35 ℃ the fastest. The summer, if Shui Wenchao crosses the appropriate temperature that fish grows, should adopt drop in temperature necessarily measure. Winter water is warm too low when should take corresponding heat preservation step.

Level of growth of weight of small carp height?

Type of build or figure is good, mobile force is powerful and without the injury, body length and body Gao Zhi compare for 3: 1, have typical breed feature.

Female fish at least 2 winters age, weight 1.5kg, male fish 2 winters age 1kg above had better, the first time the gender matures and the carp of consenescence period, the character of quantity of its bosom egg and egg all poorer, reason shoulds not be parent fish

Does deciduous teeth development contrast watch?

Below most circumstance, children has 20 teeth in the overgrow when 5 years old. 5 years old grow is deciduous teeth, general 20 the left and right sides, from be born begin bud to go out, general 3 years old or so grow together. Do not pass the constitution according to everybody, the tooth will be some more, also meet a few less, but most child can grow 20 teeth.

Want to notice oral cavity is wholesome more at ordinary times, have legume, fish, shrimp more kind, vegetable fruit, make sure enough nutrition and vitamin are supplied, make a tooth normal development.

Does language growth level contrast watch?

The darling of 6 months: Already can imitate monosyllabic sound; The darling of 7 months: Odd syllable continues to send bing4 ru4 gao1huang1, appear double syllable; 8 months darling: Development of consonant of the around in pronunciation is rapid, ruleless " conversation " amount to a climax; The darling of 9 months: Can continue to imitate sound, appear imitate a language, speak the word that makes a person difficult sometimes; The darling of 10 months: Can imitate speak " father " , " mom " ; The darling of 11 months: Can oneself are spoken individual significant word or word; The darling of 12 months: Diphthong continues to develop, can speak simple word and reduplicative word; 16, the darling of 24 months: Pronunciation is farther accurate, begin to use the combination of the word, the language of about 25 % can make the person is understood; 24, the darling of 30 months: Already mastered the vowel of 90 % and diphthong, language of about 60 % can make the person is understood; 30, the darling of 36 months: Can master all vowel and diphthong, the language of about 75 % can make the person is understood.

Does cheeper language development contrast watch?

The language is the bridge between communication person and person, to darling, study language can let he and outside establish more relationships, pass through the expression of the language, let others understand his requirement, also let parents grow in the child in the center get a lot of glad with touch.

The development of the language of darling, wear from be mingled with of original cry, laugh of vi babble learn speech sound, arrive to be able to be given out gradually all the time " Baba, Mama " level, such small one pace, often be about to cost the child the about 6 time to 8 months, and the means of darling study language, it is to collect accumulate a law, namely from listen begin, make progress to imitate level slowly, arrive stage by stage monomial, should arrive 34 years old all the time finally even 56 years old, ability speaks fluent sentence, complete expression meaning.

Speak of language progress, a lot of parents can have the following experience certainly: Adjoining small duckweed just can have said very much expressions one year old, the Xiaoming of our home a year old two months still call even father, mom to not be clear about however. Actually, each child goes up in the development of the language, rate is endless and same, some fast some are slow, but the language that wants stimulative child develops, enough language must be provided in the environment interactive opportunity and study experience.

Darling language expands a list

A, 1 ~ 3 months: Give out the cluck cluck sound of no point, because the oral cavity activity of darling is sent,basically be, do not have special language meaning.

B, 4 ~ 6 months: If somebody and he talks, meeting Yi Yi ah ah ground response, give out laugh; to because,be met glad and shriek; cries when be troubled by, the conciliatory sound of adult, can let him stop to cry be troubled by or prescind force.

C, 6 ~ 9 months: Meet those who give out a string learn to speak the sound that the name; that if; of TV, radio knows him,acoustical; can change sound to the source can try to imitate adult.

D, 1 year old: Give the vocabulary of existing meaning, like; of father, mom meeting brandish watch shows good-bye; to be able to imitate simple sound, if bark.

E, 1 year old half: The vocabulary increase that can say, can use simple vocabulary and person the simple instruction that; of meaning of interactive, expression can understand others to give, if hold in the arms, close close; can follow adult copy to say individual character, be like dog, flower, car.

F, 2 years old: Can use vocabulary or not complete sentence, what does requirement others do, if drink the; of water, 2 last words that to me; can repeat a sentence the common content; on meeting know TV if the child with language rapid development, can speak clear commonly used sentence even.

Does pig growth level contrast watch?

Fatten pig collects appetite to contrast watch

1, 20 jins pig takes weight everyday commonly 1.2 jins of right-and-left feed.

2, 30 jins pig takes weight everyday commonly 1.5 jins of right-and-left feed.

3, 40 jins pig takes weight everyday commonly 2.1 jins of right-and-left feed.

4, 50 jins pig takes weight everyday commonly 2.7 jins of right-and-left feed.

5, 60 jins pig takes weight everyday commonly 3.3 jins of right-and-left feed.

6, 70 jins pig takes weight everyday commonly 3.45 jins of right-and-left feed.

7, 80 jins pig takes weight everyday commonly 3.6 jins of right-and-left feed.

After the carp lays eggs how development?

Of bright and beautiful carp lay eggs the amount is very large, the female fish of 2-2.5 kilogram, can produce 200 thousand - 300 thousand.

5 ~ hatch of the fry after 7 days.

When grow seedlings grows 2-3cm, be about to be raised apart, facilitate choose next.

The seedling is planted begin slowly grew color.

Raised 20 ~ 30 days, when piscine body length is controlled to 3 centimeters, to go bad leaves actor, protect transmissibility shape, want to undertake choosing to them.

Name of carp growth phase?

1, embryo period: Point to the period of time before beginning hatch adult fish from oosperm.

2, prelarva: Point to the small fry that just went out from the hatch in oosperm, till yolk bursa is absorbed to disappear.

3, postlarva (Miao Yu) : Prelarva passes 3 ~ 5 weeks elaborate government, the small fish that grows to 3 centimeters weighs postlarva (Miao Yu) .

4, juvenile: Miao Yusheng grows 2 months above, body length is in the goldfish of 3 centimeters of above. Right now, piscine body development is fundamental figuration, each fim character is relatively apparent, style quality gradually bright, have sexual gland only have not development is mature.

5, adult fish: Juvenile passes education, sexual gland is full-fledged mature, progenitive and seasonal occurrence secondary sex characteristic.

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