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有氧可以塑形吗? 塑形要做空腹有氧吗?英文双语对照


有氧可以塑形吗? 塑形要做空腹有氧吗?英文双语对照












1. 热身:5-10分钟的有氧运动,如快走或慢跑,帮助身体加热,准备进行训练。

2. 强化训练:选择几个主要的肌肉组合训练。例如:

   - 臀部和大腿肌肉:深蹲、腿推器、俯卧撑、倒立蹬车

   - 背部和肩部肌肉:卧推、引体向上、哑铃飞鸟、哑铃肩推、仰卧划船、坐姿划船

   - 腹部肌肉:仰卧起坐、平板支撑、俯卧撑、绕腰环、剪刀腿


3. 有氧训练:完成强化训练之后,进行约20-30分钟的有氧运动,如跑步、划船或踏步机。

4. 拉伸:最后进行5-10分钟的拉伸,让肌肉松弛,预防肌肉酸痛。

















维密塑形通常是指通过瑜伽运动来达到瘦身、塑形的效果,具体分析如下: 瑜伽运动可增加身体新陈代谢、燃烧身体的脂肪,增加自身耐力;同时可以保持身体的线条紧绷,长期坚持可有效改善身体形态,使身体更加苗条完美,同时提升自身气质。










It is OK to there is oxygen model form?

Those who be no good, motion having oxygen is to use those who reduce fat. But it is unalterable your bodily form, new moon effect is less than since. Want to change bodily form, you need to do the exercise that do not have oxygen, force trains.

Should be model form done hollow is there oxygen?

Whether does model form need to do hollow have oxygen, need to decide according to individual circumstance.

If weight cardinal number is large, body fat is tall, general proposal rises in the morning do hollow have oxygen; If weight cardinal number is small, body fat is low, need not do hollow have oxygen.

Want to control body fat, on the foundation that should train in force plus a few have oxygen training, and control food appropriately, because trained,do not eat too much (become otherwise add muscle, is not model form) . The sarcous in carbolic water and protein taking food to be able to reduce training appropriately before force trains is decomposed, water of carbon of the complement after force trains and protein can promote muscle fast rehabilitate, go to more nutrient allocation in muscle. Training having oxygen lights fat efficiency taller, after the attempt arranges training having oxygen in force to train, perhaps can try hollow have oxygen, let the body employ adipose function quickly so.

Are there oxygen and model look which do first?

Normally the circumstance falls, the proposal undertakes oxygen moves having first, undertake model form trains again next. Because oxygen motion can be helped,this is raise heart lungs function, combustion adipose and increase metabolization to lead, and model form training basically is to pass muscle to take exercise will model body line, strengthen muscle force and cause skin closely.

After undertaking oxygen moves having, the body already warm up and muscle has been activationed, undertake model form trains at this moment the meeting is more effective. Additional, motion having oxygen also can regard model form as the one part of training, for example the skip, dancing having oxygen campaign that can have having oxygen and model form effect at the same time. However, final choice depends on the individual's target and be fond of, can undertake adjustment according to oneself circumstance.

Does gym model form train a plan?

It is plan of training of form of a gym model below:

1.Warm up: 5-10 minute motion having oxygen, like go quickly or canter, help body heats, preparation undertakes training.

2.Aggrandizement trains: Choose a few main muscle to combine training. For example:

 - hip and ham muscle: Crouch greatly, the leg is pushed implement, push-up, handstand pedals

 - back and humeral ministry muscle: Lie push, shoulder of flyer of pull-up, dumbbell, dumbbell is pushed, lie on one's back row, sitting position rows

 - abdominal muscle: Sit-ups, flat is propped up, leg of the push-up, annulus that circle a waist, scissors

 In every exercise, every movement carries out 12-15 repeat a time, undertake 3-4 second training.

3.Have oxygen training: After the aggrandizement that finish trains, undertake agreement 20-30 minute motion having oxygen, be like ran, row or footfall machine.

4.Drawing: 5-10 of the juniorest travel minute drawing, make muscle flabby, prevent muscle ache.

The item that still needs an attention includes: Increase the weight that aggrandizement trains and difficulty regularly, give the body enough breathing space and nutrient support.

How long does gym model form want?

When the schoolgirl has gymnastical model look, general 1-3 the month can get effective, specific time needs the element such as control of the athletic intensity according to schoolgirl body condition and choice, food to undertake be judginged integratedly

1, body condition:

If schoolgirl weight is heavier, 3 months control form of model of general need fitness to just can see the effect. If the schoolgirl is not fat, a month after passing gymnastical model body influences time, can see more apparent effect namely;

2, athletic intensity:

If the schoolgirl chooses the movement of gymnastical model body with athletic smaller intensity, be like gem gal, the energy that waste is opposite less, because this often needs 3 months,or so ability sees the effect quite. If the schoolgirl chooses the movement of gymnastical model body with athletic greater strength, like ran, swim, combine dumbbell, barbell to wait at the same time load motion, often can make in left and right sides of a month weight gets controlling, can see the effect of gymnastical model form;

3, dietary control:

If the schoolgirl is moving while can control food strictly, avoid to absorb food of overmuch high quantity of heat, wait like beverage of cooked wheaten food, rice, carbonic acid, gymnastical model form can be passed to see the effect in left and right sides of a month. If food is controlled not beautiful, often need the time ability with 3 longer perhaps months to see the effect quite.

Is model form not to have oxygen to still oxygen moves?

Model form has the characteristic that moves without oxygen already, also have the characteristic of motion having oxygen. Can say model body movement follows have oxygen matters with the training that do not have oxygen. Hit weight lifting for instance dumbbell Ning is weighed and choose, also be training of a kind of force, this attributes the movement that do not have oxygen. And resemble gem gal, Puladi such motion is motion having oxygen. Notable is, if be to want to burn more adipose, in suggesting model form moves, increase a few have oxygen campaign, for instance setting-up exercise, canter etc, these motion can help you deplete put oneself in another's position better inside adipose. Additional, the lacteal acid content that as a result of model form motion releases is higher, the proposal after moving so rests more a few time, may bring about muscle ache otherwise.

Did star have direct seeding of movement of oxygen model body to do not have?

         Star has movement of oxygen model body to do not have direct seeding.

         The concept of model form is: Reduce fat + local sculpture. Fight block to train namely (without oxygen) union has oxygen. Should decrease fat body to want to use up glycogen to just begin to use up first adipose. Will simply tell, the training that refuse block uses up glycogen efficiency tall, oxygen lights fat efficiency tall. Training of advanced travel force can spend store of the glycogen inside body quickly, do combustion having oxygen next adipose, this complied with the body to decrease fat mechanism; If first the word of oxygen uses up the time that glycogen needs to grow, wait for this to use up adipose when, the training that refuse block is not the most be expert at. Besides, do force to train you to be able to make sure play is main first, after having oxygen often physical ability drops.

Is form of dimension close model force still has oxygen?

Have oxygen

Form of dimension close model is the effect that shows through gem gal campaign reachs form of thin body, model normally, concrete analysis is as follows: What gem gal motion can increase body of body metabolism, combustion is adipose, increase oneself staying power; The line that can hold the body at the same time stretchs tight closely, insist for a long time to be able to improve body configuration effectively, make the body more slender and perfect, promote oneself temperament at the same time.

Because this Weimiduo uses gem gal motion to have model look, what can make dimension close model holds figure line so is well-balanced, also can let oneself configuration get be amelioratived effectively at the same time.

Does form of A Xin model have oxygen motion science?

Form of A Xin model has oxygen to move is a kind of motion having oxygen, can help people reduce weight with model form. It is the motion having oxygen of a kind of high strenth, can let people use up many calorie inside short time, achieve the result that reduce weight thereby. In addition, it still can help people model body line, make the body more healthy with beauty.

Follow to for the home oxygen model form has the effect?

With practice for the home course of oxygen model shape can have certain model form effect, but concrete result how because of the person different.

Be a course of shape of model having oxygen is course of a kind of motion having oxygen, basically be led through raising a heart and ventilatory frequency, increase heart lungs function and haemal circulation, obtain combustion put oneself in another's position inside adipose, reduce the weight, goal that portrays bodily form. With the metabolization rate that drills this course raises the body on OK and certain level and endurance, promote healthy with model form effect.

But, base of the body state of everybody, movement and model form goal are different, because this follows practice,the effect of this course also can differ somewhat. In addition, model form effect still gets food, rest the influence that waits for an element, because this need considers a variety of factors integratedly.

Anyhow, with practice for the home course of oxygen model shape can have certain model form effect, but need is on reasonable food and the foundation that rest amply, combinative oneself circumstance chooses proper course to follow practice, increase athletic intensity and time gradually, in order to achieve optimal result. In the meantime, the proposal seeks advice from the opinion of professional doctor or coach first before following practice, ensure oneself body state suits to have this kind of campaign.

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