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1、 全中:当每一个格的第一次投球击倒全部竖立的十个瓶子时,称为全中。用(X)符号记录在记分表上该格上方右边的小方格中。全中的记分是10分加该运动员下两次投球击倒的瓶数。一局的最高分300分,运动员必须投出十二个全中。

2、补中:当第二次投球击倒该格第一个球余下的 全部瓶子,称为补中,用(/)表示。记录在该格右上角的小方格内。补中的记分是10分加运动员下一个球击倒的瓶数。


4、 分瓶:分瓶是指在第一球投出后,把1号瓶及其他几个瓶子击倒,剩下的瓶子呈下列状态:





6、 合法击倒球瓶


(1) 被球和其他瓶直接击倒或击出放瓶台之瓶。

(2) 被从两侧边墙隔板或球道后部缓冲板反弹回来的瓶所击倒或击出放瓶台之瓶,均作为击倒之瓶计算。

(3) 在清扫球瓶之前被扫瓶器横杆反弹回来的瓶所击倒或击出放瓶台之瓶。

(4) 斜靠在边墙隔板上之瓶。


7、 不合法击倒球瓶


(1) 当球在到达球瓶前先脱离球道,然后才击倒的球瓶。

(2) 投出之球从后部缓冲板反弹回来击倒球瓶。

(3) 当瓶接触摆瓶员身体的任何部位反弹回来击倒的球瓶。

(4) 被自动摆瓶器碰倒的瓶。

(5) 在清除倒瓶时被碰倒的瓶。

(6) 被摆瓶员碰倒的瓶。

(7) 运动员犯规后击倒的瓶。

(8) 投球后在球道和边沟里出现倒瓶,球在离开球道表面前碰倒这些倒瓶。



1.保龄球是以局为单位,以击倒球瓶数的多少来计分并决定胜负的。一局分为10轮,每轮有两次投球的机会。如果在一轮中,第一次投球就把10个球瓶全部击倒,即全中,就不能再投第二次。唯有第10轮不同,第一次投球如果投得全中,仍要继续投完最后两个球;如果是补中,就要继续投完最后一球,结束全局。值得强调的是,如果两次投 球没有将10个瓶全部击倒,那么第三次机会就会被自动取消。




(2)双人赛:每人6局,以二人合计12局累计总分高 低决定名次。


(4)五人赛:每人6局,以五人合计30局累计总分高 低决定名次。


(6)精英赛:通过上述前四项比赛,取24局总分的前 16名参加准决赛,进行单循环后共打完15局,取15局总分的前4名参加挑战赛。第四名对第三名,是第一次挑战;胜者对第二名是第二次挑战,胜者对第一名的比赛称为决赛,连胜两局者为冠军,连负二局者为亚军。一胜一负两局总分高的为冠军,一胜一负两局分低的为亚军。如果两局总分相同,就要看双方第九轮与第十轮的成绩了,分数高的夺得冠军。


Bowls plan component is not bad, each bureau always shares 10 square, there are two balls inside each case. Share 10 balls bottle, should be as far as possible in two balls ball bottle all and knockdown, if the first ball all ball bottle knockdown, namely " STRIKE " , the picture appears " X " , even if finish one check, earning divides what count even if add below two balls 10 minutes again to pour bottle of number, but when if the first ball is done not have,falling completely, be about to hit one ball again, if remain ball bottle all is knockdown, namely " SPARE " , the picture appears " / " , also calculate finish one check, earning mark imposes below one standard again for 10 minutes the number pouring bottle of the first ball, but if the 2nd ball also does not have the word with a ball all and knockdown bottle, that mark is the bottle number that the first ball increases the 2nd ball to fall, make below one case then again. The rest may be deduced by analogy till the 10th case. But the 10th case has 3 balls, when the 10th case if the first ball or the 2nd ball the ball when bottle is all and knockdown, can add dozen of the 3rd ball again.

1, completely medium: Drop a ball when the first time of each case knockdown and all when 10 erect bottle, call completely medium. With (X) symbol record is in on billiard-marker watch in the small pane of right of this division upper part. Completely medium billiard-marker is add this athlete 10 minutes below two times to join the bottle number with knockdown ball. The highest cent of one bureau 300 minutes, athlete must pitching 12 completely medium.

2, in filling: Drop a ball when the 2nd knockdown this case the first ball the rest of all bottle, call in filling, with (/ ) express. The record is inside the small pane of this case top right corner. The billiard-marker in filling is add athlete the next 10 minutes the bottle number with knockdown ball.

3, error: Outside bottle of part of the body after dropping a ball except first time, ball hind is cast twice in some case when the athlete, fail 10 bottle all and knockdown, it is error namely.

4, cent bottle: Dividing bottle is to point to after pitching of the first ball, etc of a bottle a few bottle are knockdown, the bottle that leave assumes following position:

(1)2 or the bottle of 2 above, there is a bottle at least between them by knockdown when, be like: 3 7 bottle and 9 bottle, bottle and 10 bottle.

(2)2 or the bottle of 2 above, endure the bottle in front of them closely to have 1 at least by knockdown when. Be like: 5 bottle and 6 bottle.

Note: Cent bottle is used on billiard-marker watch (O) expresses.

5, foul: When dropping a ball or after dropping a ball, partial body of the athlete touchs or surmounted foul line, and when any parts that contacted lane and its equipment are built, it is namely foul. Till the effectiveness for a given period of time that fouls this drops a ball till this athlete or an athlete. Foul use on billiard-marker watch (F) expresses.

6, bottle of lawful and knockdown ball

The athlete sends the following case of bottle of the ball after the ball legally, will be considered as bottle of lawful and knockdown ball:

(1) is mixed by the ball other bottle is direct knockdown or the bottle that attacks a platform that put bottle.

(2) by from clapboard of two side wall or lane hind dead block rebounds the bottle place that come back knockdown or the bottle that attacks a platform that put bottle, all regard knockdown bottle as computation.

(3) is swept before sweeping ball bottle bottle implement rail rebounds the bottle place that come back knockdown or the bottle that attacks a platform that put bottle.

(4) is inclined the bottle that leans on side wall clapboard.

Before dropping a ball the next time, these bottle should keep clear of.

7, bottle of illegimate knockdown ball

Every belongs to the person that leave a case, the ball that drops a ball is effective, but be not granted by knockdown bottle billiard-marker:

(1) breaks away from lane first before arriving at ball bottle when the ball, next the ball bottle with knockdown ability.

(The ball of 2) pitching rebounds from hind dead block come back knockdown ball bottle.

(Any place of body of the member that 3) places bottle when bottle contact rebound come back knockdown ball bottle.

(4) is placed automatically bottle implement the bottle that touchs.

(5) is keeping clear of the bottle that is touched when bottle.

(6) is placed bottle a bottle that touchs.

(The knockdown bottle after 7) athlete fouls.

(After 8) drops a ball, mix in lane bottle appears in edge channel, the ball touchs bottle before leaving lane outside.

Once bottle of illegimate knockdown ball appears, should restore former. The athlete has authority to drop another ball in this case.

Patulous data

1. Bowling is with bureau for the unit, more or less to come to what plan cent decides victory or defeat with what knockdown ball bottle counts. One bureau cent is 10 rounds, every rounds have the opportunity that drops a ball twice. If be in one round in, drop a ball for the first time 10 balls bottle all and knockdown, namely completely medium, cannot cast the 2nd times again. Only the 10th round different, in if be cast completely,dropping a ball for the first time, still should continue to be cast finally two balls; In if be,filling, be about to continue to drop last ball, end overall situation. Those who be worth to emphasize is, if cast a ball twice to do not have 10 bottle all and knockdown, so the 3rd times the opportunity can be cancelled automatically.

2. match decides with the means of ballot second. Every bureau has the competition on a pair of lane of photograph adjacent, lane of every rounds of crossing-over, till overall situation ends. The 2nd bureau needs crossing-over lane, the player towards the left of odd number is mobile, the player of even numbers moves right. Also can unite sometimes move right second, the purpose is for every player can encounter and principle of equal opportunity for all. Order of the gets in order to smoke early or late A that drops a ball, B, C is accurate.

3. When bowling match, always all divide accumulative total to decide the position with 6 bureaus.

(1) single: the achievement addition of each bureau, always divide with 6 bureaus highest person for champion, second person for runner-up, it is the 3rd again.

(2) two-men contest: Each 6 bureaus, with 2 people aggregate 12 bureaus accumulative total always divides on any account to decide the position.

(3) 3 people contest: Each 6 bureaus, with 3 people aggregate 18 bureaus accumulative total always divides on any account to decide the position.

(4) 5 people contest: Each 6 bureaus, with 5 people aggregate 30 bureaus accumulative total always divides on any account to decide the position.

(5) all-pervasive contest: With everybody 24 bureaus always divide on any account to decide all-pervasive position.

(6) elite contest: Carry before 4 afore-mentioned games, before taking what 24 bureaus always divide 16 attend accurate final, make 15 innings are made in all after odd loop, before taking what 15 bureaus always divide 4 play a challenge. The 4th is opposite the 3rd, it is first time challenge; The winner is a challenge the 2nd the 2nd to, the winner calls finals to the first match, the person that get the better of two bureaus repeatedly is champion, the person that lose 2 bureaus repeatedly is runner-up. Get the better of lose two bureaus total cent to be champion high, get the better of lose two bureaus cent to be runner-up lowly. If two bureaus total split phase is the same as, be about to see both sides the 9th round the achievement with the 10th round, the mark carries off high champion.

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