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下载无他相机收费吗? 无他相机下载是怎样收费的?英文双语对照


下载无他相机收费吗? 无他相机下载是怎样收费的?英文双语对照








可以在软件管家里面进行下载。2014年9月10日凌晨1点,苹果秋季新品发布会在美国库伯提诺市弗林特剧院举行,苹果发布了iPhone 6、iPhone 6 Plus两款手机,尺寸分别为4.7英寸和5.5英寸。iPhone 6使用了全新的A8处理器,比5S上使用的A7提高25%的处理速度。iPhone 6于2014年9月19日正式发售。
















1. 打开无他相机,选择你想要分享的照片,点击右上角的分享按钮。

2. 选择“分享到”选项,然后选择“无他伴侣”。

3. 你会被要求登录你的无他伴侣账户(如果没有账户,需要先注册一个)。

4. 在登录后,你可以选择将照片分享到你的个人空间或者某一相册中。

5. 点击“分享”按钮,照片就会被上传到无他伴侣。

6. 然后你可以在无他伴侣App中查看和管理照片。


无法下载!MacBook内置的App Store应用商城里没有收录无他相机这款应用,并且MacBook的摄像头也不支持相机功能的。








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the download of his camera is there are rife paster and filter lens inside free also is free, but a few specific content need a member to seem.

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The labour of the watermark that there is a purify not to have his camera inside the setting can

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Download can undertake inside software chamberlain. On September 10, 2014 before dawn at 1 o'clock, malic autumn tastes a news briefing newly to carry Nuo city in American library uncle the theater holds Flint, the apple released IPhone 6, IPhone 6 Plus two mobile phones, dimension mixes 5.5 inches for 4.7 inches respectively. IPhone 6 used brand-new A8 processor, raise the processing rate of 25% than the A7 that uses on 5S. IPhone 6 at official on September 19, 2014 put on sale.

5, without him camera and cannot join without his spouse?

This kind of breakdown has the following 4 kinds of possibility:


Digital camera power source is shut.


Mode dials still be join without set.


Digital camera and other unit produce conflict.


The power source of computer runs a program, may shut port, in order to save battery life.

6, why does camera make do not have his camera without him?

Without him means is done not have other, this one goes. Without him the company of camera names without him camera hopes you had this APP to need not download to be the same as type APP otherly namely

Without him, chinese term, also make " without it " . Not other.

7, how does the apple arrive without his camera without his spouse?

From without him camera turns to need to have the following move without his spouse:

1.Open without his camera, choose you to want the picture that share, click top right corner share pushbutton.

2.Choice " share " option, choose next " without his spouse " .

3.You meet what be asked to log onto you do not have his spouse account (if do not have account, need registers first) .

4.After login, the individual space that you can choose to share the photograph you or Zhe Mou in one album.

5.Click " share " pushbutton, the photograph can be uploaded not to have his spouse.

6.Next you are OK be examined in having his spouse App and run a picture.

8, how does malic notebook computer download without his camera?

Cannot download! The App Store application of the buy inside MacBook was not collected in the store without him camera applies this, and of MacBook photograph what also do not support camera function like the head.

9, don't without him camera and computer have his spouse cannot synchronous?

Without him camera and computer do not have his spouse likely cannot synchronous, rank of direct seeding spouse is too low, rank of your direct seeding spouse is too low can not show, the mobile phone version that also is you likely is too low.

Direct seeding spouse, just as its name implies, be in namely direct seeding when use, of the tool and so on that has auxiliary effect to direct seeding. Now nowadays, each are big platform, various direct seeding types have a lot of, direct seeding spouse this thing, not dispute is used cannot, but it can be your direct seeding embellish on very old rate! What direct seeding spouse points to is the tool of auxiliary direct seeding of software of direct seeding platform, direct seeding.

The type as software of direct seeding platform, direct seeding is increasing, be like: Direct seeding of Tv of banner of the tiger tooth direct seeding, dragon bead direct seeding, Yy direct seeding, direct seeding that fight a fish, panda Tv direct seeding, battle, all sorts of direct seeding spouses also are accompanying spouse of occurrence direct seeding's OK and very good auxiliary living broadcast, can offer desktop sound effect, screen to catch, the picture is adjusted character, the picture in the picture, high-definition the function such as transcribe of video of specially good effect of library of big screen, huge song, intelligence, sound, let direct seeding change more more relaxed and smooth.

10, of download how does camera have more than is needed return a responsibility without him?

The following problem can cause sheet cannot be opposite automatically instead anxious, check in turn please 1. Be opposite focal length recently to what anxious distance exceeded camera lens from 2. Camera setting became MF hand to use pair of anxious pattern 3. Camera lens setting became MF hand to use pair of anxious pattern 4. Telephoto lens is improper to focal choice bring about pull bellows 5. Cannot close to be being brought about without dividing line of clear light and shade near the focus anxious 6. The light is too weak bring about cannot be opposite anxious finished above when, if still cannot be opposite worried word, may be so 1. To Jiao Bing shift is brought about cannot be opposite anxious 2. To there is dirt keep out on Jiao Bing 3. Camera runs badly anxious 4. Damage to anxious unit so you have to send customer service
