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一个有文化的团队才能叫团队,他们有目标、愿景、共同的思想、相同的沟通方式、接近的兴趣爱好等等,这才是有机的有生命力的团队,否则只能叫团伙。因此让企业有文化,让团队有生命已经成为管理者的共识。但是如何构造团队文化却是绝大部分管理者困惑的事情。那么如何去构造团队文化?1、 确立文化方向 构造和建设团队文化前先要确定团队文化方向,即我们需要什么样的团队文化?是大家称兄道弟的江湖文化,还是共同学习共同进步你追我赶的学习文化?是围着管理者转还是授权充分自动自发的文化?是重视品质注意细节还是马马虎虎的文化?是团队第一的文化还是个人英雄主义的文化等等。文化的方向确定了才可以向着这个方向努力,通过培训、指导、宣传等去强化它,最后使文化在团队中根深蒂固,团队就会有活力和生命。我们选择文化方向一定要着眼于长远和团队的可持续性发展,如果我们重视眼前利益,我们就会失去可持续性;其次我们要选择积极健康的文化,拒绝落后文化,比如江湖义气、管理者个人崇拜、没有品质理念、坑蒙拐骗客户等落后文化被很多管理者当作宝贝,这种文化下企业很难做强做大做持久,员工个个是刁民,因此我们一定要选择积极的文化,比如内部学习、内部授权、自动自发、团队第一、全员参与、客户至上等等。2、如何把文化注入团队把文化注入团队是个长期持久的工作,需要管理者坚持并有具体行动。比如要构造学习型团队,那么总经理自己就要爱好学习,带头去指导下属,同时派专门人员负责培训和知识共享,内部要建立收集知识、共享知识的机制,要明白知识技能不能成为团队少部分人的私人财产,而是要通过报告、案例、指导、手把手教等使知识和技能得到共享,让更多的人有知识和技能,知识就会在内部放大和累加:每个人都贡献知识和技能,但是,同时每个人都从别人身上学到新的知识和技能,形成所谓的学习型组织。如果知识和技能在个别人大脑中,或者在少部分人的资料夹中,就没有得到共享,团队就形成不了学习文化。如果选择重视品质作团队文化,那么管理者就要带头重视品质,对质量决不妥协和让步,而不是重视眼前利益,降低品质要求以节省成本。同时通过培训、案例教育、日常指导、宣传等把品质理念融入到团队成员中,团队上下一心重视品质,品质理念才能深入人心。文化的注入是长久的过程,不能一股风,管理者自己要成为员工的文化标杆。有效的培训、指导、流程等等会有助于文化的注入;标语和口号、宣传册等会便于文化的传播。要依靠可持续的流程去强化,比如优秀案例的收集、员工的培训、日常开会等都要流程化例行化而不是临时拍脑袋。3、军队的启示凡是部队都有些独特的共同点:内部服从、纪律严明、团队荣誉、内部关系亲密、吃苦精神等等。如果企业有军队的文化,管理会多有效?团队的效率会有多高?团队的凝聚力会有多大?团队会有多稳定?上下级关系会多简单?但是,我们明明知道军队文化的优秀,我们就是学不会。军队为什么会有这么好的文化?这是因为军队特殊环境造成的。第一,军队相对于地方隔绝,使地方上一些落后的东西不会侵入军营;第二,军队有严格的纪律,这些纪律一般企业做不到,比如每天6点准时起床,准时列队,操练;每天如此雷打不动;第三,军队有超强的训练:长跑,投弹,射击几乎每天都有,这些训练培养了军人的意志力;第四,军队有一套特别的教育制度,比如如何训练新兵,比如指导员的专业教育,各部队间的比赛,各种量化的达标考核等等。第五,军队内部有很高的团队荣誉感,连队、营、团等等都有自己的荣誉。好的传统一代一代军人传承下去,各部队的战士都为荣誉而战。关于军队的独特文化从古到今都存在。看过资治通鉴的人都知道汉文帝霸上犒劳军队的故事。皇帝到了部队军营慰问,将军周亚夫的警卫把皇帝挡在军营外,并且说军营中只听将军的命令,不听皇帝的诏书。后来将军周亚夫下令开门让皇帝进入,军营门才打开。文帝及其警卫人员骑马进入,部队警卫马上制止,说是军队有纪律,军营内部不准骑马。文帝只能下马步行。将军周亚夫面见文帝,只拱手,不下拜,并且说军人不能下拜,只能以军礼相见。文帝答礼慰问而去。文帝下属都吃惊,但是文帝说,这才是真正的将军,提升周亚夫为中尉,即卫戌部队司令。这个真实的故事反映出军队是区别于外部社会环境的。4、宗教的启示有人说世界上少有百年的企业,却到处都有千年的宗教。宗教为什么历千年而不衰?我们要让几百人的团队相信共同的理念都难,但是宗教却让成千上万的人相信它。因此宗教给我们很好的启示。第一,宗教理念正确,劝人为善。世界上没有一个宗教教人作恶;第二,宗教由终身职业人士管理。一个和尚不可能再去做基督徒,相当于一个人一生只做一个工作,意味着专业性强,工作很崇高。特别是和尚,没有后代,不会分散他们对信念的追求。第三,终生强化理念。宗教都有特别的仪式持续强化他们的思想,比如和尚打坐,神父忏悔等等,每天强化,使文化深入内心深处,固化在大脑中。5、家庭的启示家庭是人生第一所学校,所以自古有龙生龙凤生凤,老鼠生崽打地洞。家庭老辈成员的言行,良好的习惯等在日常中影响家庭成员,久而久之,家庭成员的思想就一脉相承,形成了特殊的家庭文化,父母并没有特别去教育,但是文化却受前辈的影响。在团队中,管理者有类似家长的作用,个人行为影响其他人,因此管理者的行为需要一定的约束。中国企业中有些不好的认识,认为规章制度是对普通员工的,而管理者常常违反公司纪律,比如迟到早退成为很多管理者的习惯。


Group culture is to show group member is in the process of mutual collaboration, to realize respective life value, it is the group that finish common cause and a kind of when form subconscious culture. Group culture is the child of the traditional culture idea that social culture and group form for a long time, contain the content such as fashion of system of viewpoint of value, top end, code of conduct, management, morality. It is working object with faculty, adopt conduct propaganda, education, groom and the means such as friendship of couplet of culture recreation, lay one's heart bare, unite employee volition with utmost ground, normative employee conduct, condense employee force, serve for group catalogue mark.

A literate group ability makes a group, they have a cause, wish scene, common thought, same communication way, adjacent interest interest is waited a moment, this ability is the organic group that has vitality, can call a gang only otherwise. Because this makes an enterprise literate, let a group life has become the consensus of controller. But how to construct the thing that group culture is majority controller bewilderment however. So how to go constructing group culture? 1, establish culture direction constructs and group culture direction should determine first before construction group culture, namely what kind of group culture do we need? It is everybody the culture of all corners of the country of call each other brothers, be still the study culture that studies collective progress try to overtake each other in friendly emulation jointly? Be is turning round controller still accredit the culture of sufficient willingness? Be the culture that takes character seriously to notice detail or careless? The culture that is group first culture or individual hero creed is waited a moment. The direction of culture decided ability can face this direction effort, through grooming, directive, conduct propaganda go aggrandizement it, make culture confirmed in the group finally, the group can have vigor and life. We choose culture way must with a view to is long-term with the group but durative development, if we take seriously at the moment interest, we can be lost but durative; Next the culture that we want to choose active health, reject backward culture, for instance individual of personal loyalty of all corners of the country, controller adores, the backward culture such as client of unconscious without character concept, hole abduct is regarded as by a lot of controller baby, next industries do this kind of culture very hard strong do greatly abiding, employee each is Diao Min, accordingly we must choose active culture, for instance interior study, in-house accredit, willingness, group the first, complete member participate in, the client is consummate etc. 2, how culture infuse group culture infuse group it is a long-term and abiding job, need to controller holds to and have particular operation. Want construction study group for instance, so him general manager is about to love study, be the first go coaching subordinate, send technical staff to be in charge of grooming at the same time share with knowledge, interior should be built collect the knowledge, mechanism that shares knowledge, want to understand intellectual skill cannot make the private property of person of group little part, should pass hand of report, case, directive, handgrip to teach however etc make knowledge and skill get sharing, let more people have knowledge and technical ability, knowledge magnifies with respect to meeting interiorly and cumulative: Everybody contributes knowledge and skill, but, at the same time everybody acquires new knowledge and skill from others body, form so called study organization. If knowledge and skill are in head of individual National People's Congress, perhaps be in the data clip of little part person, did not get sharing, the group cannot form study culture. If choose to take character seriously to make group culture, so controller is about to be the first take character seriously, confrontation to the quantity compromises anything but and yield, is not to take seriously at the moment interest, reduce character to ask in order to save cost. Pass at the same time groom, a character concept such as case education, daily guidance, conduct propaganda in blending in group member, next of one mind on the group take character seriously, popular feeling of development of character concept ability. The infuse of culture is long process, cannot a wind, him controller should become the culture surveyor's pole of employee. Groom effectively, the infuse that directive, flow can conduce to culture etc; The meeting such as catchphrase and catchword, conduct propaganda book facilitates the transmission of culture. The technological process that wants support to be able to last goes aggrandizement, for instance of the collection of excellent case, employee groom, attend a meeting daily flow changes routine and waiting should not be to tap a head temporarily. 3, legionary enlightenment always the common feature with a little individual unit: Honor of in-house obedience, highly disciplined, group, internal relationship is close, bear hardships spirit is waited a moment. If the enterprise has legionary culture, is management much more active? Can the efficiency of the group have many tall? Can the cohesive affinity of the group have how old? Can the group have much stability? Is fluctuation class relation much simpler? But, what we know legionary culture obviously is outstanding, we learn namely won't. Why can army have so good culture? Because legionary and special environment is caused,this is. The first, legionary photograph is completely cut off to the place, make on the place a few backward things won't invade barback; The 2nd, army has rigid discipline, average company does not become these discipline, for instance everyday punctual at 6 o'clock get up, punctual rank, drill; Everyday so final; The 3rd, army has exceed strong training: Long-distance running, drop a bomb, fire has everyday almost, these training fostered military psychokinesis; The 4th, army has a special system of education, how to train recruit for instance, for instance the major of political instructor is taught, the match between departmental team, the assessment amounting to mark that all sorts of quantifying is waited a moment. The 5th, legionary interior has very high group honor to feel, company, battalion, group has his honor etc. Inheritance of good soldier of traditional generation generation goes down, the soldier of departmental team is honor and battle. Exist thoughout the history about legionary distinctive culture. Had looked endowment the person that treats an ancient bronze mirror knows Hanwen the story of army of the reward with food and drink on bully of the Supreme Being. The emperor arrived army barback is condolatory, the guard of general Zhou Yafu blocks the emperor outside barback, and say barback is medium listen to the general's command only, do not listen to imperial imperial edict. General Zhou Yafu gives orders to open the door later let an emperor enter, barback door just is opened. Article emperor and its guard personnel are equestrian enter, army guard checks immediately, saying is army has discipline, barback interior forbids equestrian. Article emperor can discontinue walks. The face sees general Zhou Yafu article emperor, submissively, no less than doing obeisance to, and say the soldier cannot fall do obeisance to, can meet with military salute only. Article emperor answers to the ceremony expresses sympathy and solicitude for and go. Article emperor subordinate is amazed, but article emperor says, this ability is real challenge, promote Zhou Yafu to be first lieutenant, defend Qu army commanding officer namely. This real narrative report gives army is distinction at exterior society environment. 4, revelatory someone of religion says the world to go up rare the enterprise of hundred years, have the religion of chiliad everywhere however. Religion why all previous chiliad and do not decline? The group that we want to let hundreds of people believes joint concept is difficult, but religion lets however by tens of thousands the person believes it. Because this religion gives us very good inspiration. The first, religious concept is correct, encourage factitious kind. Religion of the neither one on the world teachs a person do evil; The 2nd, religion is managed by lifelong profession personage. A bonze does Christian impossibly again, be equivalent to one individual lifetime doing a work only, mean professional strong, the work is very great. Especially bonze, without offspring, won't dispersive their pursuit to belief. The 3rd, all one's life aggrandizement concept. Religion has special ceremony to last aggrandizement their thought, for instance bonze sit in meditation, abba confess is waited a moment, everyday aggrandizement, make culture thorough in the heart, solidify is in cerebrum. 5, revelatory family of the family is life the first school, have Long Shenglong Feng Shengfeng since ancient times so, mice gives birth to son to hit a hole in the ground. The words and deeds of member of domestic one's elders, good convention be in daily in influence family member, as time passes, the thought of domestic member with respect to come down in one continuous line, formed special domestic culture, parents is done not have special go teaching, but the effect that culture suffers elder however. In the group, controller has the effect of similar parent, individual behavior affects someone else, because the behavior of this controller needs certain tie. Chinese look forward to has some of bad knowledge in course of study, think regulations system is pair of average employee, and controller often disobeys company discipline, be late for instance the custom that leave early becomes a lot of governor.

上一篇:什么是时尚服装? 时尚服装是fashionclothes还是?英文双语对照