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1. 西湖景区:可以游览西湖,品尝龙井茶,欣赏湖光山色。

2. 半山腰下:沿着灵隐寺徽章楼线路前行,可见半山腰的张公山,可享受良好的景观。

3. 宋城千古情:体验宋代文化与建筑,观看宋代表演和品尝特色美食。

4. 雷峰塔:登一登雷峰塔,观赏整个杭州城市的风景。

5. 大明山国家森林公园:在这里你可以亲近大自然,散步森林,享受清新的空气。

6. 临安市:可以探索历史悠久的灵隐寺,品尝当地美食,还可以观赏乡土戏剧。




1. 成都:这是一个充满各种美食和文化的城市,著名的景点包括文化保护区宽窄巷子、熊猫基地等。

2. 杭州:这是一个与江南美景和古建筑群体相得益彰的城市。著名的景点包括灵隐寺、大运河等。

3. 厦门:这个城市以它迷人的海滩和丰富的文化遗产而著称。著名的景点包括鼓浪屿、厦大等。

4. 北京:这是一个充满历史和文化的城市。著名的景点包括长城、故宫、颐和园等。

5. 三亚:这是一个海边度假胜地,著名的景点包括天涯海角、蜈支洲岛等。

6. 港澳:香港和澳门是融合了不同文化的地方,提供了很好的购物机会和观光体验。



1. 男生旅游可以去很多地方玩。2. 具体选择旅游地点要考虑男生的兴趣爱好、预算、时间等因素。比如,如果喜欢户外运动,可以选择去云南、四川等地的自然风景区;如果喜欢历史文化,可以选择去北京、西安等地的古迹景点;如果预算有限,可以选择国内的一些省内旅游目的地等。3. 另外,男生旅游还可以考虑一些特色旅游项目,比如深度游、美食之旅、摄影之旅等,这些都可以增加旅游的趣味性和体验感。













Does Beijing drive new year's day oneself where to swim to play?

To sweet hill, 8 large part, Tan Ta temple city periphery turns. Holiday of beginning of the 10 or 20 days following Lunar New Year's Day can drive new year's day to turn to the scene area of city periphery oneself between unfavorable far date of departure, experience condition of aborigines of countryside of earth nature scene.

Beijing 11 drive oneself where to swim to play?

Drive You Qufei emerald green lake oneself.

Emerald lake is located in Beijing room a mountainous area tall Zhuang Cun, it is one of producing area of countrywide famous white marble. There still are a lot of tourist attractions to be worth to swim all round, be like jade emperor tower, yun Jusi, 10 cross scene area to wait. These tourist attractions are special raise a key point, can add viatic pleasure.

Where does 51 Beijing periphery swim to play the most appropriate?

The place with 51 Beijing amused periphery but much. If make the same score lake of cereal gold sea, beijing east big gorge, lake of conciliatory wild goose dwell, the cereal of peach garden celestial being of close cloud.

Sit so the bus goes can arriving east station of straight door hub sits toward Ping Gu, close cloud, conciliatory fast and public transportation.

If be to be driven oneself, that is more convenient, if crossed dish of mountain of smooth valley bound, the not old village of close cloud, gu Beishui town is waited a moment.

Where does Hangzhou carry midday to swim to play?

During Hangzhou dragon boat festival, a lot of suit the tourist attraction of amuse oneself, it is below a few recommend:

1.Area of west lake scene: Can visit a west lake, sample tea of Dragon Well tea, appreciation the natural beauty of lakes and mountains.

2.Below half half way up the mountain: Along the travel before circuitry of building of badge of clever concealed temple, see the Zhang Gongshan of half half way up the mountain, can enjoy good landscape.

3.Affection of through the ages of city of the Song Dynasty: Learn acting culture of the Song Dynasty and structure, watch the Song Dynasty to the delegate acts and sample characteristic cate.

4.Thunder peak tower: Ascend thunder peak tower, view and admire the scenery of whole Hangzhou city.

5.Big park of forest of bright hill country: Here you can be close to nature, forest taking a walk, enjoy fresh air.

6.Face bring city: Can explore the clever concealed temple with long history, sample local cate, still can view and admire agrestic and Thespian.

Hope above information is helpful to you.

Where does graduation travel go playing?

Different area and crowd have different hobby and love, the choice that graduation travels also because of the person different. It is a few places that suit most graduate possibly below:

1.Chengdu: This is a town that fills all sorts of cate and culture, famous tourist attraction includes alley of size of culture groove guard child, panda base.

2.Hangzhou: This is a city with Changjiang Delta beautiful scenery and each shining more brilliantly in the other's company of ancient construction group. Famous tourist attraction includes clever concealed temple, the Grant Canal to wait.

3.Xiamen: This city is celebrated with its attractive beach and rich culture legacy. Famous tourist attraction includes to rouse billow island, Xiamen University to wait.

4.Beijing: This is a town that fills the history and culture. Famous tourist attraction includes the Great Wall, the Imperial Palace, Summer Palace to wait.

5.3 inferior: This is holiday resort of a seaside, famous tourist attraction includes the remotest corners of the earth, Wu to raise continent island to wait.

6.HongKong and Macow: Hong Kong and Macao are shirt-sleeve the place of different culture, provided very good shopping opportunity and sightseeing experience.

No matter you choose which destination, ensure you understand local culture and regulation somewhat, abide by local regulation and law.

Where does schoolboy travel go playing?

1.Schoolboy travel can go to a lot of places playing. 2. Place of specific choice travel should consider the factor such as interest interest of the schoolboy, budget, time. For instance, if like outdoors sport, can choose to go the natural beauty spot of and other places of Yunnan, Sichuan; If like historical culture, can choose to go the historic site tourist attraction of and other places of Beijing, Xi'an; If the budget is limited, can choose home a few provincial travel destination. 3. Additional, schoolboy travel still can consider project of travel of a few characteristic, for instance deepness swims, the brigade of cate, brigade of photography, these can add the interest sex of travel and experience touch.

Where does Guizhou spring outing go playing?

Vernal Guizhou lets a hundred flowers blossom, colour profusion, wintersweet pink of colourful, oriental cherry, peach blossom grey of red, pear, cauliflower yellow, cuckoo is violet, go for a walk in the country in spring admires the beauty of flowers become Guizhou spring to travel popular theme.

You can go cuckoo of a hunderd li admires farm of azalea sea, smooth dam to admire oriental cherry, An Shunlong palace to admire clean hill of oily cauliflower, Buddhist to see tea of pool of dove tree flower, Mei area of scene of river of Hai Caichun tea, 100 cars admires peach blossom, Li, still the terraced field that add a list of names posted up, 10 thousand peak forest, black cheats llano to wait

Where does Beijing travel go to?

The tourist attraction that Beijing is worth to travel has a lot of. Come to Beijing the Imperial Palace and Tian An Men are to must want to go, it is the Great Wall again, the Ming Tombs, the Temple of Heaven, round bright garden, these are the famous places and historical sites of Beijing famed far and near. These tourist attractions rambled to be able to turn a few alley of old Beijing, still have a few parks, for instance scene hill park, the Summer Palace, park of the North sea is waited a moment, the place that can play still is rife.

It where Beijing spring outing goes to is good that where Beijing spring outing goes to?

Scene hill park, hang particularly much, 5 paces one scene, and the picture that still can take the Imperial Palace, be play card.

Still having is park of jade deep pool, oriental cherry is very much, it is a person a bit much

Where does child spring outing go playing?

The square of hollowness.

Go up in square together with the child fly a kite, experience close child between great pleasure, in square the picnic on central shop is filled up, tired lay down will rest. A small sound box is put on the side, hear music, hear Wen Huaxiang, also be a kind of high company

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