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体育运对对心理健康有以下几方面影响:                                                1、促进智力的发展












1. 促进身体健康:体育运动是一种有效的锻炼方式,可以提高大学生的身体素质,增强身体的免疫力和抗病能力。

2. 缓解心理压力:大学生面临着学业、生活等各种压力,适当的体育运动可以帮助他们缓解心理压力,减轻焦虑、紧张等负面情绪。

3. 增强自信心:通过体育运动,大学生可以提高自己的技能水平,增强自己的自信心和自尊心,有助于提高自我认知和自我价值感。

4. 促进社交交往:体育运动可以帮助大学生扩展社交圈,增加与他人的交往机会,提高社交技能和人际交往能力。

5. 培养健康生活方式:体育运动可以帮助大学生养成良好的生活习惯,如规律作息、饮食健康、戒烟戒酒等,有助于促进身体健康和心理健康。











1. 促进肌肉发展:睾酮可以刺激蛋白质合成和肌肉细胞增殖,从而促进肌肉发展。因此,在进行力量训练时,适当提高睾酮水平可以帮助提高力量和爆发力。

2. 提高耐力表现:研究表明,适度增加血液中的睾酮水平可以改善身体代谢能力,并且在长时间运动时延缓疲劳。这意味着,在某些情况下(如长跑、越野等),较高的睾酮水平可能会为体育生提供更好的耐力表现。

3. 影响心理状态:除了直接影响身体机能外,睾酮还与人类行为和心理状态密切相关。例如,在比赛前或训练期间保持良好的精神状态对于取得优异成绩至关重要。一些研究显示,较高水平的血清睾酮浓度与自信、竞争意识以及积极态度等方面存在正相关关系。







One, discuss the physical training effect to mental health?

Physical training can arouse vitality, let a person be in an active and active position, won't make the person's mood becomes very depressive, because this has profit very much to mental health, won't make the person is in low condition

2, what effect does athletic sports have to mental health?

Sports carry has the following respects to affect to mental health: &Nbsp;                       1, the development of stimulative intelligence

2, education and the affection experience that keep good

3, the self-awareness with help good establish, improve body idea of the person and self-respect

4, promote form good volitional quality

5, remove psychological pressure, loosen the mood

6, raise psychology to bear ability

3, what effect does physical training have to mental health?

Physical training has very big effect to mental health, present person life rhythm is faster, no matter Your Excellency or child, bear the pressure with each different respect, physical training can arise much cling to amine, happy element, can alleviate pressure and angst.

4, is traditional sports affected to contemporary gymnastic?

The influence tradition sports with connect sports team to have now very important has to advance to contemporary sports, urge the action of development, also be now a pattern plate that sports consults, will promote the ceaseless development of contemporary gymnastic through traditional gymnastic means, perfect hum ceaselessly, yes, modern system rises from the development in traditional sports, more perfect, more progress, more outstanding.

5, the sports influence to health?

Having main effect to health of body and mind, specific as follows:

1.Promote healthy: Athletic sports is a kind exercise means effectively, can raise the undergraduate's fitness, enhance the immune force of the body and disease-resistant ability.

2.Alleviate psychological pressure: The undergraduate is facing all sorts of pressure such as school work, life, proper athletic sports can help them alleviate psychological pressure, reduce the negative sentiment such as angst, insecurity.

3.Enhance self-confident heart: Pass athletic sports, the undergraduate can raise his skill level, enhance oneself self-confident heart and proper pride, conduce to enhance ego acknowledge and self-worth sense.

4.Stimulative socialization interacts: Athletic sports can help an undergraduate patulous circle, increase the association chance with other, increase gregarious skill and human truck capacity.

5.Develop healthy life style: Athletic sports can help the habits and customs with undergraduate good nurturance, wait like abstinence of smoke of health of regular work and rest, food, give up, conduce to promote healthy with mental health.

6, is China affected to contemporary gymnastic?

Polity Yo science is changed in is influence contemporary gymnastic important sign. Contemporary sports must use theory of modern science and technology and method extensively in all domains. Include gymnastic among them decision-making, management, education, training and scientific research.

The turns main body scientificly to lead decision-making method now science of sports management is changed and apply contemporary and scientific theory and method to make decision-making, the government that undertakes sports works each.

Apply science to forecast a method to undertake sports develops strategic research for example, for the leader decision-making offer scientific basis and feasibility analysis.

7, the sports travel influence to the individual?

Sports activity can be improved and increase the working capacity of central nervous system, make the excitement of pallium is mixed control a process more balanced, the analysis that raises pallium is comprehensive ability, enhance airframe to get used to ability to what outside ambient changes, be improved at the same time and raise central nervous system to be opposite the adjustment of splanchnic organ action. It is an organ and each system more agile and harmonious, increase the working capacity of airframe.

8, the example that sports affects to aesthetic education?

Sports is many sided to the influence of aesthetic education, for instance body building member, the body that the gymnast shows is beautiful, the athletic technology that athlete of basketball, football develops is beautiful (3 minutes of the movement that buckle basket, long shot, hang Jin Gou shoot to wait a moment) , the women's volleyball spirit that motion of our country women's volleyball shows, be sports aesthetic education very good paradigmatic.

9, the influence with Gao unripe to sports ketone?

Gao ketone is one of sex hormone with main male, say natively to sports, it has the effect of the following respects:

1.Stimulative muscle develops: Gao ketone can stimulate protein synthesis and muscle cell hyperplasia, promote muscle development thereby. Accordingly, when undertaking force trains, it is OK to raise Gao ketone level appropriately the help rises force and erupt force.

2.Improve endurance performance: Consider to make clear, the Gao ketone level in increasing blood moderately can improve body metabolization ability, and exhaustion is deferred when moving for long. This is meant, fall in certain circumstance (be like long-distance running, cross-country etc) , higher Gao ketone level may give birth to the endurance performance with be offerred better for sports.

3.Influence mentation: Besides affecting body function directly, gao ketone still is mixed with human behavior closely related mentation. For example, the psychosis that be before the match or keeps good during training is exceedingly good to obtaining achievement is crucial. A few research show, the chroma of serum Gao ketone of higher level and the respect existence positive such as self-confident, competition consciousness and positive attitude involve a concern.

Those who need an attention is, androgen of sex of the source outside be being used too much (if abuse is hormonal) not only deregulation causes healthy problem possibly, and also cannot replace science exercise method and nutrition to absorb reasonably will achieve optimal result.

10, the influence of sports viewpoint of value to sports culture?

What sports brings to people is the enjoyment on spirit not only, also bring the enlightenment that creates noble life value, in making the person experiences life to always develop in motion.

Sports is developing the artistic result that includes a few artistic forms to cannot arise quite and glamour, its since mankind activity of a kind of high culture, also be a mankind necessarily ground of advanced affection express.

In athletic sports not only the individual's affection gets discharge washing with watercolors and development, also make the society is able to stabilize with concordant. The rhythm exciting with sports match intense insecurity, people all the time is not having the affection communication of feeling, the alarmingly dangerous sex of athletic craft, the antagonism of the match, the accuracy that tactics cooperates, the chance of fleeting, the rhythm sex of time speed, the artistic quality of acoustics picture, make people admires a kind of essence to adopt technique of preeminent going from place to place, satisfied the need on spirit greatly.
